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[MOD] "BG1 NPCs for SoA & ToB"

Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 343
edited February 7 in BGII:EE Mods
"BG1 NPCs for SoA & ToB" mod
(Author: Smiling Imp, additions - Austin & Arcanecoast Team)


This mod adds the majority of NPCs from BG1 into BG2 SoA&ToB. They have new banters and interjections and a few of them have encounters and quests as well. The mod is broken down into different components, allowing for easy mixing and matching with other mods that may also add NPCs from BG1.
Additionally, you will be able to visit a new city area, the luxurious Water Gardens, where all the rich and famous of Athkatla go to unwind.
As a bonus, you get to meet the famous cobold bard, Deekin Scalesinger in the Water Gardens and can even let him join your party if you wish!
Note! All the inhabitants of the Water Gardens have hundreds and thousands of lines of dialogue, and these lines will change with each new conversation. What's more - during the day and at night, the dialogues can also differ, so you can talk to every resident in the area many times at different times and enjoy many different lines! And in the mansion of Lady Goldsword, parties are held in the evening and at night, and guests come there!

The mod is compatible with BG2, BG2: EE, BGT and EET.
This mod must be installed AFTER other NPC mods containing the same NPCs - in which case they will simply be skipped, but all the rest of the content of this mod will be available! In that way, you can still install Kulyok's Xan or Lava's Quayle and still enjoy the rest of the mod. For example, if a player were to have other version of Quayle installed and he tried to install the component 'Gnomes is the City: Tiax and Quayle', installer would skip over Smiling Imp's Quayle. Thus, Tiax from this mod and Lava's Quayle would appear in the game.
Also compatible with the "The Darkest Day" mod - but on "classic" (non-EE) version of game "BG1 NPCs for SoA & ToB" must be installed AFTER "TDD" mod, in this case two identical NPCs will not appear in the game.

Component "Water Gardens. New Athkatla's district & new quests" (area and quests available by default, regardless of the presence of the NPCs in the group):
1) Elminster Quest - A crafty imp has stolen Elminster's ring. Too busy to retrieve it himself, he asks you to lend a hand. Quest begins at Lady Goldsword's villa in the Water Gardens.
2) Volo Quest - Volo will ask you for a favor. Quest begins at Lady Goldsword's villa in the Water Gardens.
3) Help Lady Jwennilyn - Lady Jwennilyn is having problems with a wizard that is keeping her from closing a business deal. Take the Wizard out of the picture.
4) Lady Heloise and Uncle Fulbert Saga - Will Uncle Fulbert let Lady Heloise be with her true love? Perhaps you could help.
5) Dran Draggore - The Lord of the Undead, the top boss from Eye of the Beholder 2 has his eye fixed on Athkatla. Can you save the city?
6) Slythe and Krystin Encounter - Some villains from the past return to cause you more trouble.
7) Book Delivery - Deliver a book for the owner of the Blue Unicorn, a new inn/tavern found in the Water Gardens
8) Black Lotus - involve yourself in Athkatla's shady underworld. Quest starts after meeting Banon at the gates.
9) An auction held at Lady Goldsword's mansion in Water Gardens, where player would have a one time chance to land precious artifacts for himself and his companions (idea by Smiling Imp, texts by Jericho2, proofread by Sarevok57, coding by Austin). In total, 11 sketches were written, mostly humorous - a total of almost 1000 new lines!
The auction will become available after Lady Goldsword's main quest is completed and after that, 500 seconds of real time will elapse. Every day there will be new scenes, if the player has the required amount of money, and for some scenes, you also need to have certain NPCs in the group - Minsc, Korgan, HaerDalis, etc. If you have Minsc in the group, you will be able to get the legendary platinum pantaloons, and many nobles throughout the city will comment on this (in the Water Gardens area, the Government area and the Bridge area). And if these pantaloons remain with you until the end of the game, then in the chapter 6 in Athkatla you will find an additional small scene.
10) New NPC - Deekin, cobold bard from NWN!

Shar-Teel component:
1) Dispatching a Rival Promoter - A gladiator promoter will want to hire you to dispatch a rival. Can be found in the Battle Pits of the Copper Coronet.
2) Reclaiming a Sacred Item - Recover a sacred object for a vistor from another world. Quest begins at the Battle Pits of the Copper Coronet
3) Battle Pit - Fight through a series a tough fights until you have the privilege to challenge the best gladiators in Hillsfar!
4) A romance with Shar-Teel (by Scheele, 18+) is also available for male PC (except gnomes and halflings) with charisma and strength above 10. The romance will begin when Shar-Teel is wounded in any battle and her health drops below 50, after which the first dialogue will follow.
If Safana is also in the party, the romance will be further expanded with friendly dialogues between Shar-Teel and Safana.

Detailed description of the technical structure of the Shar-Teel romance:
Dialogues with Shar-Teel usually start in the same way as standard banters during a calm situation or rest (like dialogues with Jaheira). The beginning of the dialogues is determined by the game engine that launches banters. However, if there are other NPCs in the party, then dialogues between other members of the group may be triggered first, they are chosen randomly, this is normal.

Shar-Teel dialogues go in the following order:

1) First, there are normal ("friendly") dialogues.
Dialogue 1 begins with the phrase:
~Have I ever told you of the time that I challenged and defeated Angelo Dosan?~
Dialogue 2 begins with the phrase:
~Tell me god child, what do you know of the Nightbringers?~
Dialogue 3 begins with the phrase:
~So Bhaalspawn, how do you feel knowing that once I am the only avatar of Shar, not even you will be able to defeat me.~

After completing these three dialogues, the variable Global("SharTeelPCBanter","GLOBAL") will receive the value 3, which is necessary for the start of the romance.

2) In parallel with these dialogues, but independently of them, the first "pre-romance" dialogue can begin, it will begin if Shar-Teel is injured. It begins with the phrase
~Oh, damn! I'm hit!~
This dialogue is required to start the romance, after it the variable Global("SharteelBeforeRomanceTalk","GLOBAL") will receive the value 2, also necessary for the romance to start.

3) After this, the romance will move to a more active stage, when the time comes for the next banter between the party members in a calm situation (like in the romance with Aerie, for example).

The next dialogue will begin with the phrase
~How BORING. When was the last time we fought?~

The new variable Global("SharteelRomanceTalk","GLOBAL") will start increasing, starting from 0.

Here is the full list of conditions for the romance to develop at this stage:
Shar-Teel is in the party and healthy,
Gender of the main character - male
Charisma over 10
Strength over 10.
The main character - not a gnome or a halfling

At the same time, if there are other NPCs in the group, then dialogues between other members of the group may work first, they are chosen randomly. This is normal, you just need to wait for Shar-Teel's turn :)

If all these dialogues have already happened, but the romance for some reason does not progress further, check the values ​​of the variables specified above using the console command CLUAConsole:GetGlobal("VARIABLE NAME","GLOBAL").

As the romance progresses, "sympathy points" from Shar-Teel will be collected depending on the chosen answer options (and not only). At some point, the player will be able to change Shar-Teel's alignment to Chaotic Neutral if he collects enough "sympathy points" during the romance and actively persuades Shar-Teel about the idea of ​​marriage and future life together.

The romance has several endings, which depend on the number of sympathy points collected (if the number is higher than 11, higher than 14 or higher than 19 points, the endings will differ accordingly)

"Xzar and Monty: Murder Mysteries" component:
1) Help Xzar solve the mystery of who drowned the missing girl. This quest begins in the Bridge District, near the water.
2) Zoran Encounter - Montaron has run afoul of a group of thieves. This encounter happens in the sewers when Montaron is in your party.
3) Montaron romance (with female protagonist any race)

"Gnomes in the City: Tiax & Quayle" component:
1) Selling the Airship - Help Oswald Fiddlebender get his airship after it was impounded.
2) Tiax in this component has a lot of text and interjections throughout the game, funny texts, an epilogue, special big dialogue when meeting with Cyric in ToB, banters with all the NPCs in the game (including a small line of friendly banters with Neera), and many of his lines are voiced! Very recommended!
3) (OPTIONAL subcomponent) Expanded Circus Quest - If you add this component, the circus quest in Waukeen's Promenade will have an added area with an ultimate challenge!

"Coran & Safana Chronicles" component:
1) Lanfear's plead for help - After meeting her doom. This villain learned the error of her ways and now needs Coran's help to save the forest from two ancient dragons.
2) Yago ecounter - If you have both Coran and Safana in your party, you might run into this villain from Baldur's Gate 1 in Waukeen's Promenade.
3) Revenge of the Water Demons - If you have Safana along with you in the docks near the water, chances are you will have an encounter with these devils of the deep.
4) Coran-Safana romance - if both are in the party

Garrick component:
1) Garrick is missing! Who could have kidnapped him and why? (quest by Alisia, coding by Austin)
2) Silke Encounter - If you have Garrick in the party and visit the upper floor of the Five Flagons, you will meet Silke, who is out for revenge.
3) Garrick-Nalia romance (by Alisia, coding by Austin)

Yeslick component:
Bolbek Orothiar Encounter - Meet one of Yeslick's long lost clan members at the City Gates and he will give you a special mission.

Branwen component:
Tranzig Encounter - A certain wizard from your past has not had enough. This encounter happens in the sewers

"Faldorn: New Leaf" component:
This component allows you to side with Faldorn in the fight against Trademeet, and in two different ways - either attack the city with the Shadow Druids, or (which is more fun) arrange a blockade of the city. As a result, the druids will send many stray dogs to the city,, and the residents will have dozens of funny comments :)
In any case, the player will also have the opportunity to join Faldorn to the party after that and see how she will cope with the consequences of her actions.

Skie & Eldoth component:
Eldoth is back! - If you have Skie Silvershield in your party, Eldoth will appear in the graveyard. Is he there to help you or lead you into a trap?

"Kagain's Corner" component
Kagain has opened his shop on the Waukeen Promenade! He can also join your party if you convince him!
This component includes two subcomponent options, from which you must choose one.
When installing the first version of the component, various crazy and strange things will be sold in the Kagain store (WARNING! Many of these things can upset the balance in the game!)
When installing the second version of the component, ordinary items will be sold in the Kagain store, which in no way affect the balance and atmosphere of the game (RECOMMENDED!)

Shar-Teel, Yeslick, Garrick, Branwen, Skie & Eldoth (ToB):
1) New quest in Amkethran that involves an imp. Helping imps always comes at a price.
2) Battle with the Seven Sisters of Shar in ToB! Not the kind of girls you take home to mom.

Kagain can be found near the Dragon Restaurant in Waukeen's Promenade. He can join the party, but at this point is mostly a store mod.
Xzar and Montaron will be found at Xzar's home after the whole episode with Lucette is over. Montaron has an encounter in the sewers. Xzar has a quest that begins near the water in the Bridge District.
Tiax will be found outside the circus in Waukeen's Promenade. Quayle will sneakily join your party when all his dialog options are up. This component expands the circus quest, making it more fun and difficult and adding a new area. This also adds Oswald and Maralie Fiddlebender from Icewind Dale. Both are located in/near the Jansen home.
Shar-Teel can be found by the Battle Pits in the Copper Coronet. if you talk to Caratacus at the Blue Unicorn (The new tavern in Water Gardens) with her in the party, you will be able to enter the battle put league and have a chance to fight the legendary gladiators of Hillsfar.
Coran and Safana can be found in the temple in the slums after the Lanfear encounter. Safana must have been killed, but you must keep Coran alive for them to be there. They have an encounter in Waukeen's Promenade if you have them together. Safana also has a a encounter if you bring her with you in the docks.
Skie and Yeslick can be found in the Bridge District. It seems that daddy has finally cut her off and she is trying to recruit Yeslick into her new merchant guild. If you have Skie in your party in the graveyard at night, you will have an encounter with Eldoth.
Garrick will be found at the Sea's Bounty after the Cyrando episode. He will have quite the story to tell you. He has an encount with Silke in the Five Flagoons.
Branwen can be found in the Temple District, fresh from teaching another tutorial. If you bring her with you to the sewers, you will have an encounter with an old foe from Baldur's Gate 1.
Alora can be found in the Weaponsmith Shop at Waukeen's Promenade.
Faldorn will meet the player in two different locations depending on how the fight with Trademeet ended. If the player sided with her, then Faldorn will wait for him at the Druid Grove after completing her quest. If the player chose the standard option and defeated Faldorn, then the player will meet the player later in the forest near the abandoned temple.
Kivan will be found at the City Gates.
Xan is a prisoner of the slavers in the Slums .


Not all NPCs have the same amount of text. Shar-Teel has the most text (over 1500 lines), Garrick (about 1200 lines), Tiax - about 1000 lines.
Coran and Safana, Xzar and Montaron have about 800 lines for each. With Montaron, the female protagonist also has the opportunity to have a romance (although, according to the author, this is more of a parody of a bad relationship than a romance in the usual sense of the word).
The other NPCs have a little less text (500-600 lines each).
In addition, the mod contains a lot (about 2000 lines) of lines of dialogue of different characters in the new area of Athkatla - Water Gardens.
There are also three components that have not been completed (Kivan, Xan and Dynaheir), they are separated from the main installation into a separate group.


In recent years the mod has become fully EE and EET-compatible and has been updated and expanded (with the consent of the author) - a lot of texts have been added for Safana, Tiax, Garrick, Deekin etc. Added epilogues, new quests, the opportunity to participate in the auction in the Water Gardens area and buy rare items, and much more! The authors of the new texts are Austin, Alisia, Jericho2, Oracle, Ulpian, Scheele..
sarevok57 provided invaluable help in proofreading the English text!

If you find any bugs or you can write texts for this NPCs - let me know here, please, or in private messages! I can code dialogues, but help in writing texts will be very useful to me.
For example, we need texts and ideas for the following:
- dialogues of any NPCs from BG1 with EE-NPCs (Neera, Dorn, Hexxat, Rasaad and Wilson)
- any BG1 NPCs banters or interjections 
Post edited by Austin87 on


  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586

    Great to see this mod get some updates and polish. It's a shame how people here were content to just ridicule the creator's work and leave it at that.

  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 343
    New version - 12.7!
    Visit mod's forum
    Download here

    ADDED NEW CONTENT (English proofreading - sarevok57):
    - New Kagain’s banters with Aerie, Nalia, HaerDalis, Neera, Dorn. Texts written by Austin, based on ideas from Daxs on the SHS forum
    - Added Jaheira's reaction to the "resurrection" of Xzar and Montaron before they join the group. Texts written by Ulpian from the Arcanecoast Team forum

    - Fixed a bug due to which the original banter Kagain-Viconia did not previously appear in the game (the variable was incorrectly set)
    - Fixed a bug due to which Garrick did not speak his line when visiting the Amkethran area.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    edited August 2021
    so do i got this right. if i have the stand alone bg 1 npcs into bg2 this will just skip those?

    like i have kivan, coran, xan, ajantis, lava's skie, tiax, yeslick, and branwen.
    Post edited by megamike15 on
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 343
    edited December 2021
    megamike15 wrote: »
    so do i got this right. if i have the stand alone bg 1 npcs into bg2 this will just skip those?

    like i have kivan, coran, xan, ajantis, lava's skie, tiax, kagain, and branwen.

    Yes, you got it right! This mod must be installed AFTER other NPC mods containing the same characters - in which case they will simply be skipped, but all the rest of the content of this mod will be available! In that way, you can still install Kulyok's Xan or Lava's Quayle and still enjoy the rest of the mod. For example, if a player were to have other version of Quayle installed and he tried to install the component 'Gnomes is the City: Tiax and Quayle', installer would skip over Smiling Imp's Quayle, but the player would still be able to find Tiax even though they are paired up in the component.

    I also advise you in the next playthrough to try to install Tiax from this mod and compare it with Tiax from a "Tiax in BG2" mod. I respect the work of Kulyok, but the Smiling Imp's version of Tiax is available at the very beginning of the game (and not in the middle of the game, as there) and therefore comments on all the events of the plot. It has the same amount of text, but a slightly different character and epilogue, this Tiax is more funny (in my opinion). And, most importantly, it is almost completely voiced (as opposed to a separate mod)! And regarding Tiax, his voice is very important for the effect of comicism :)
    Post edited by Austin87 on
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    Have you considered uploading this to GitHub (or any similar service)? A reason I prefer working with mods hosted on git is because the changes are trackable and reviewable and it is a lot easier tro just submit patches directly through PRs and whatnot.
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 343
    Have you considered uploading this to GitHub (or any similar service)? A reason I prefer working with mods hosted on git is because the changes are trackable and reviewable and it is a lot easier tro just submit patches directly through PRs and whatnot.

    I thought about it, but it would take a long time, since there are a lot of folders and files in mod and creating a repository for them is a very long process. So I haven't done it yet.
  • mledmled Member Posts: 50
    edited July 2021
    When using github, are you creating the content and directories in the web interface? (shudders)
    If that's the case, I advise you only create the empty project on github without creating any content (or maybe just the LICENSE file if you want), cloning it on your computer, adding the content _on your computer_, commiting then pushing.
    The push can be a bit long (depending of the quantity of data), but is _just one operation_ which can run unattented.

    One caveat: what I wrote above can seem like gibberish to people not used to git (and I'm talking about git, not github)
  • BaptorBaptor Member Posts: 343
    Some of these wouldn't make sense without serious changes to the game. Coran is already and NPC late in the game (but not joinable) and Dyna is deceased. Did the author of the mod take this into account or are these shoved in without explanation?
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 343
    edited July 2021
    Baptor wrote: »
    Some of these wouldn't make sense without serious changes to the game. Coran is already and NPC late in the game (but not joinable) and Dyna is deceased. Did the author of the mod take this into account or are these shoved in without explanation?

    Hello! Of course, all this is taken into account! The mod's texts do not deny the events of the game, but supplement them and continue NPC's history (in the case of the Coran or Garrick, for example), or explain them later from a slightly different point of view in order to explain exactly how they managed to survive (as in the case of Xzar, Montaron or Safana).

    But I draw your attention once again that the components of Dynaheir, Ajantis, Xan and Kivan in this mod are not complete and contain little text, unlike other NPCs. It is not recommended to use them in a full walkthrough. But at the same time, if you install mods for standalone versions of Kulyok's Xan and Jastey's Ajantis, then they will have 1-2 cross-mod dialogues with other Smiling Imp's NPCs.
  • BaptorBaptor Member Posts: 343
    edited July 2021
    Austin87 wrote: »
    But I draw your attention once again that the components of Dynaheir, Ajantis, Xan and Kivan in this mod are not complete and contain little text, unlike other NPCs. It is not recommended to use them in a full walkthrough. But at the same time, if you install mods for standalone versions of Kulyok's Xan and Jastey's Ajantis, then they will have 1-2 cross-mod dialogues with other Smiling Imp's NPCs.

    Thank you for your response!

    Ah I forgot about poor Ajantis. I knew him Horatio...

    Xan and Kivan don't die though, so I guess you could play with those without any break in continuity even if you don't have a story finished for them.

    This is really cool mod btw. Thanks!
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    I recommend talking with others more familiar with GitHub like @argent77 so you use the command line to easily upload stuff to GitHub and update it.
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 343
    edited July 2021
    New version - 12.8!
    Visit mod's forum
    Download here

    Added new additional banters to Deekin Scalesinger (a unique NPC, the famous kobold bard, which is available in the new area of Athkatla - Water Gardens)!
    (Texts by Oracle, proofreading - sarevok57)

    Deekin - Haerdalis (SoA)
    Deekin - Aerie (SoA)
    Deekin - Rasaad (SoA)
    Deekin - Wilson (SoA)
    Deekin - Aerie (ToB)
    Deekin - Edwin (ToB)
    Deekin - Imoen (ToB)
    Deekin - Jan (ToB)
    Deekin - Hexxat (ToB)
    Deekin - Nalia (ToB)
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 343
    The new version 12.8 has been uploaded to the official server of the TeamBG community! Thanks Solaufein!
    Download link
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Does this mod include Baeloth in BG2? If not, may we pweath get him?

  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 343
    Endarire wrote: »
    Does this mod include Baeloth in BG2? If not, may we pweath get him?


    Hello! No, Baeloth is not here. If someone writes texts of dialogues and interjections for him, I can add him! But, unfortunately, I myself cannot write his texts, since I do not know this character well enough and I do not have the opportunity to write a lot of texts.
  • mledmled Member Posts: 50
    Hi @Austin87
    When I try to install this mod (some EET install, GOG version of BG1/2, 2.6.6, on linux) I get an error.
    This sums up as
    ERROR: tile2ee not found: ""
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    ERROR Installing [Water Gardens. New Athkatla's district & new quests], rolling back to previous state

    I attached the weidu.log and the debug file for this mod
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 343
    mled wrote: »
    Hi @Austin87
    When I try to install this mod (some EET install, GOG version of BG1/2, 2.6.6, on linux) I get an error.
    Hello! It looks like the tile2ee program does not work on version 2.6.6 or on Linux, but the conversion of mos-files is no longer required, they are created automatically on EE, and they are simply copied on the "classic" version. I will remove this program in the next version. Until then, just update the TP2 file to this one (in attachment)!

    UPD: here the mod has already been updated.
    I will update the mirror on the official website later.

  • mledmled Member Posts: 50
    That seems to fix the problem thanks.
    I have some warnings during the installation though, should I be wary of something done incorrectly?
    WARNING EET_NPC_TRANSITION: "7XCRE2.cre" doesn't exist in game
    WARNING EET_NPC_TRANSITION: "7XCRE6.cre" doesn't exist in game
    WARNING EET_NPC_TRANSITION: "7XCRE5.cre" doesn't exist in game
    WARNING EET_NPC_TRANSITION: "7XCRE4.cre" doesn't exist in game
    INSTALLED WITH WARNINGS     Shar-Teel, Yeslick, Garrick, Branwen, Skie & Eldoth (ToB)
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 343
    edited August 2021
    mled wrote: »
    That seems to fix the problem thanks.
    I have some warnings during the installation though, should I be wary of something done incorrectly?
    No, everything is okay! These warnings simply inform you that you do not have Yeslick, Branwen, Skie and Eldoth components installed and therefore will not have content for them in the ToB component.

    The reason for these warnings is that there is still a common ToB component for the five NPCs. And if one of these five is not installed, then such a message appears about them, but the content for the rest (installed) NPCs is added. Sometime in the future, I plan to split this last common component into parts, but so far the option is simpler and also works well.

  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 343
    Mod Updated!!!

    Version 13 includes the following changes:

    ADDED NEW CONTENT (English proofreading - sarevok57 )
    - Added epilogue for Deekin (text by Oracle)
    - Added dialogue between Faldorn and the protagonist when visiting Athkatla (text by Austin)
    - New banter between Faldorn and Skie (text by Austin)
    - New banter between Coran and Jan (text by Austin)
    - New banter between Safana and Jan (text by Austin)
    - New Deekin's interjections in the SoA dialogues (text by Ulpian)
    - New banter between Deekin and Xzar (text by Ulpian)
    - New banter between Deekin and Montaron (text by Ulpian)
    - New Deekin's interjection in the final ToB dialogue (text by Oracle)
    - New Faldorn’s interjection in dialogue with peasants in Trademeet (text by Austin)

    FIXED BUGS (edits by Ulpian )
    - Improved properties of many items (added previously missing icons, fixed effects, etc.)
    - Fixed a crash when using the BGSX05.ITM item
    - Fixed the buy/sell price ratio for many items so that they cannot be sold and immediately redeemed at a lower price
    - Fixed effects and missing icons for several spells (MBLANK.spl, etc.)

    - Updated WeiDU-installer to v.249
    - Improved Russian translation of item descriptions (edits by Ulpian)
    - Improved and fixed checks in b7xcoran.d file

    Visit the forum
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 343
    Mod Updated!!

    Version 13.1 includes the following changes:
    • Added a special melody for the Montaron romance
    • Fixed and improved the code of the Montaron romance
    Visit the forum

  • nysinysi Member Posts: 60
    Wow this seems really cool.
    Deekin is a very nice idea. Will try it for next play :)
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 343
    edited December 2021
    nysi wrote: »
    Wow this seems really cool.
    Deekin is a very nice idea. Will try it for next play :)

    Thank you! To join Deekin, you will need to install the first component of the mod - "Water Gardens. New Athkatla's district & new quests" and then find him in the tavern in the Water Gardens :) He also sells some rare items.

    Also, people, If you can write texts for this NPCs - let me know here, please, or in private messages! I can code dialogues, but help in writing texts will be very useful to me. We need texts and ideas for banters or interjections!
  • MothorMothor Member Posts: 288
    Hoping someone will write some content for Dynaheir, as she got quite little there. Romance, friendship, quests, banters...anything. :(
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 343
    Mothor wrote: »
    Hoping someone will write some content for Dynaheir, as she got quite little there. Romance, friendship, quests, banters...anything. :(

    If someone wrote texts for Dynaheir, I could code it, but the problem is that it will take a lot of work to create these texts, since now there is only the very first dialogue and 1-2 banters in "Dynaheir" component this mod.

    The author of the mod (Smiling Imp ) planned to add this:
    I have decided to give Dynaheir a Dream Vision Quest. Ideally, the way it will go down is that after every dream sequence with Irenicus, Dynaheir will banter with the <CHARNAME>, teaching him/her the way of the Dream Warrior. After all the dream sequences are over, Dynaheir will ask the PC if they are ready to challenge the Dream Master.

    I was thinking of using the dream version of Candlekeep as the basis for a level filled with tough psychic creatures and phantom projections from BG1 that might present some type of moral challenge that cannot be defeated by either sword or sorcery.

    He even wrote the necessary texts, but then, unfortunately, his hard drive broke and all the data was lost. After that, he gave up on the idea of completing this component and stopped working. Therefore, now this component is in the unfinished subgroup.
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 343
    edited December 2021
    Updated the description of the mod in the first post. Added a list of the main quests of the mod and clarification of where you can find all the NPCs mod.
  • xiaoleiwenxiaoleiwen Member Posts: 200
    I’m just wondering whether I should ask the author on the quests available, as I mainly use this mod as a quest mod this time, and it’s great to see the updated list of quests now :)
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 343
    edited December 2021
    marcnivar wrote: »
    I’m just wondering whether I should ask the author on the quests available, as I mainly use this mod as a quest mod this time, and it’s great to see the updated list of quests now :)

    I am glad to help! I have now clarified the description of the mod and the list of quests and encounters even more) :)
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 343
    edited January 2022
    Mod Updated!!

    New version - 13.2.
    ADDED NEW CONTENT (Texts by Austin, English proofreading and edits - sarevok57):
    • New banter between Tiax and Montaron
    • New banter between Xzar and Montaron
    • Improved and expanded PID dialogue with Montaron when romance is active (more than 50 lines added)
    • Added romantic conflicts between the Montaron romance and the romances with Anomen, Rasaad and Dorn (19 new lines)
    • Added Eldoth's interjection to the dialog between protagonist and Montaron when romance is active
    Visit the forum
    Post edited by Austin87 on
  • xiaoleiwenxiaoleiwen Member Posts: 200
    edited January 2022
    Just to report, I noticed that when Xzar, Montaron, Coran and Safana joins at 250000 exp, they do not have any weapon proficiency. Possibly not only them.


    Revenge of the Water Demons
    The sahuagins did not attack the party when they appeared, instead, they run into Maevar's hous and disappeared...
    Post edited by xiaoleiwen on
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