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[MOD] "BG1 NPCs for SoA & ToB"



  • scheelescheele Member Posts: 59
    edited May 2023

    Post edited by scheele on
  • scheelescheele Member Posts: 59
    Romance with Shar-Teel for BG1 NPC in SoA&ToB

    This romance is a new addition to NPC BG1 in SOA&TOB.

    For Shar-Teel, the player can choose a new portraits drawn by the neural network. One of three options will be available (L>R<M| with the mirror effect or you can leave the original one).

    Although the player needs to gain a certain number of relationship points, the Affinity System is much more loyal to the player than, for example, in Sandra's Mod. Part of the content will be available only with the Detective Guild installed (two+ bunters), also there you can gain some RP/AP.

    Regarding the compatibility of the mods with Shar-Teel's character. IMHO my version of Shar-Teel is the softest and most open to relationships ➝ the gradation on the evil scale (also viciousness, rudeness, ferocity) is as follows: Domi (S-T is the fiercest), Imp (very fierce), then nativ, and finally, my romance. In the English version of the romance, Shar-Teel will be much harsher in expression, speech will become dirtier.
  • MothorMothor Member Posts: 285
    Oh my, she sure got one hot portrait! Great choice. :)

    Nice to see a bit friendlier Shar Teel, I enjoy evil female NPCs since they are so rare but I'd rather not be bullied...too much lol.

    The detective guild mod is in Russian only for now, right? I checked on the linked page and it seems to be described as a demo for now.

    Damn...I like Shar Teel quite a bit but I'm not sure if my English proofreading would be good enough. On the other hand, perhaps I could help by informing about bugs and offer some suggestions....

  • scheelescheele Member Posts: 59
    edited June 2023
    Mothor wrote: »
    Oh my, she sure got one hot portrait! Great choice. :)

    The detective guild mod is in Russian only for now, right? I checked on the linked page and it seems to be described as a demo for now.

    Damn...I like Shar Teel quite a bit but I'm not sure if my English proofreading would be good enough. On the other hand, perhaps I could help by informing about bugs and offer some suggestions....
    Yep, detective guild mod is in Russian only for now. But we plan to translate it.

    Any help with Shar-Teel would be welcome. Thanks for your kind words.
    Post edited by scheele on
  • MothorMothor Member Posts: 285
    edited April 2023
    scheele wrote: »
    Mothor wrote: »
    Oh my, she sure got one hot portrait! Great choice. :)

    The detective guild mod is in Russian only for now, right? I checked on the linked page and it seems to be described as a demo for now.

    Damn...I like Shar Teel quite a bit but I'm not sure if my English proofreading would be good enough. On the other hand, perhaps I could help by informing about bugs and offer some suggestions....
    Yep, detective guild mod is in Russian only for now. But we plan to translate it.

    Any help with Shar-Til would be welcome. Thanks for your kind words.

    Interesting...any idea when it is planned to start the testing phase for this mod?

    Ah, by the way will the mod include content for SoA only or for ToB as well?
  • scheelescheele Member Posts: 59
    edited April 2023
    Now about 1/10 of the mod is done - this is a guild demo version. Unfortunately I can't say anything about the release date. 99% of the content from the romance and the detective guild was created for the SoA-part.

    The romance will be completed first. There will be two epilogues in the romance, completely dependent on the player's decisions. If the player fails the romance, he either gets the Imp's epilogue or loses Shar-Teel forever.

    The romance retains the influence of Domi and Imp's writings.

  • scheelescheele Member Posts: 59
    edited May 2023
    Shar-Teel by Lythari
    Post edited by scheele on
  • scheelescheele Member Posts: 59
    edited April 2023
    No, corrupting good guys is not on Shar's list. She is written as a person who'd take an advantage of a man on a whim, and PC has to work hard to build a relationship with her if she either excites or amuses him or what not. She will not invest her time into a particular man to build a relationship herself. She is also a woman of much simpler desires than to stage an elaborate seduction/corruption game of a good naive boy. She takes things at the face value. Good guys disgust her. Safana is imo a better candidate for such an amusement.

    To start an affair with S-T, all conditions must be met! the male protagonist needs the same stats as in BG1NPCProject:

    Romance Requirements:
    Charisma: 11 or above
    Strength: 11 or above
    Alignments: All evil, Chaotic Neutral and True Neutral
    Races: All but Halflings and Gnomes* (new!)
    Reputation: Has to be below 10 for romance to initiate and continue

    All characters are of legal age
    The story, all names, characters, and events are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    edited April 2023
    Was any more Hillsfar content planned for this mod, especially regarding Shar-Teel?

    Also to clarify, for the unfinished components (Xan & Kivan mostly), are they still recruitable in-game at their listed locations? If not, where?

    Post edited by Endarire on
  • scheelescheele Member Posts: 59
    Endarire wrote: »
    Was any more Hillsfar content planned for this mod, especially regarding Shar-Teel?
    Was any more Hillsfar content planned for this mod, especially regarding Shar-Teel?

    Also to clarify, for the unfinished components (Xan & Kivan mostly), are they still recruitable in-game at their listed locations? If not, where?


    About Kivan and Xan, yeah, I think so. Kivan will be found at the City Gates. Xan is a prisoner of the slavers in the Slums (as usual)).

    There is no new content for Hillsfar in the romance.
  • MothorMothor Member Posts: 285
    scheele wrote: »
    Now about 1/10 of the mod is done - this is a guild demo version. Unfortunately I can't say anything about the release date. 99% of the content from the romance and the detective guild was created for the SoA-part.

    The romance will be completed first. There will be two epilogues in the romance, completely dependent on the player's decisions. If the player fails the romance, he either gets the Imp's epilogue or loses Shar-Teel forever.

    The romance retains the influence of Domi and Imp's writings.

    The guild demo is in Russian only for now, right?

    No estimates when a demo in English for testing Shar Teel's romance could be available?

    The romance looks really promising, probably the most anticipated part of the mod for me! ^^
  • scheelescheele Member Posts: 59
    Yep, detective guild mod is in Russian only for now. But we plan to translate it. Unfortunately, I can't say anything for sure about the release date yet.
  • scheelescheele Member Posts: 59
    edited May 2023
    Первые пять бантеров романа

    (расхождения с русской версией составят 5-10 % в пользу английской, как более развернутой и информативной)
    Роман с Шар-Тил
    Для начала романа с ней все условия должны быть выполнены! протагонисту-мужчине нужны те же статы, что в BG1NPCProject:

    Romance Requirements:
    Charisma: 11 or above
    Strength: 11 or above
    Alignments: All evil, Chaotic Neutral and True Neutral
    Races: All but Halflings and Gnomes* (new!)
    Reputation: Has to be below 10 for romance to initiate and continue

    БАНТЕР 1
    Трек: SHRAR

    Шар-Тил-ГГ: Чего ты на меня так уставился, самец?
    ГГ: Неужели ты не помнишь, что между нами было!
    Ш-Т: Забудь - мало ли с кем я там спала...
    ГГ: *ухмыльнуться* Ничего. Просто вспомнил старые деньки с тобой.
    Ш-Т: *ухмыляется вам в ответ* Просто удивительно, что ты сумел дожить до новой встречи со мной.
    ГГ: Ничего. Держи строй.
    Ш-Т: *амазонка пренебрежительно ухмыляется вам в ответ*

    Бантер 2A протагониста, Нордика и Шар-Тил
    Доступен только в детективной гильдии, в любое время:

    Трек: SHRAR (аналогично для 2B)
    Нордик-ГГ: А-рр! *багбир с горестным видом рассматривают книгу из библиотеки гильдии – любовный роман, судя по обложке*
    ГГ: Ты чего, Нордик?
    Норд: Две стрраницы быть замазаны жирроом, хозяин! Это Шарр-Тил сделать, мой видел! Она грызть барранью кость и читать всю ночь.
    Ш-Т: Вранье! Ничего я не читала!
    ГГ: Читала? Шар-Тил? А про что роман?
    Нордик: Там быть властный и жестокий рырцаррь, которрый сначала победить в бою корролеву амазонок, потом пленить и дерржать ее в своем замке, на цепи. Он ее наказывай, амазонка сначала сопрротивляйся, потом влюбляйся, потом они заводить детей и жить счастливо. Хоррошая книжка, моему очень нрравиться.
    Ш-Т: Т-так, я пошла. У меня дела в городе! *с гордо поднятой головой, красная, как вареный рак, Шар-Тил с честью покидает гильдию* -- либо ждет на улице (без ухода из отряда) либо присоединяется обратно на выходе с локации Трущоб, либо иной вар. – на усмотрение

    Бантер 2B Шар-Тил и Дранголоны
    Доступен только в детективной гильдии, в любое время после 2A:
    Ш-Т-ДР: Чем мы тут вообще занимаемся? Шпионской возней? Вместо того, чтобы обагрять мечи кровью!
    ДР: *орчиха тщательно натирает свой серебряный значок - нагрудную эмблему сыскной гильдии* Не говори. Но здесь теперь мой дом, я присягала на верность и служу. *Вздыхает* Эх, еще бы этот жирный морж в очках, по имени Нума, загнулся – лучше бы и не придумать.
    Ш-Т: Ты ж не берешь значок на задания. Так чего тогда так натираешь?
    ДР: Да, с собой не взять, слишком блестит. Но… он красивый.
    Ш-Т: *фыркает* «красивый», п-фф! Продала душу за блестящую побрякушку, брошенную мужчиной.
    ДР: Работа на гильдию лучше моей предыдущей, когда я грабила и воровала для Воров. Много лучше.
    Ш-Т: CHARNAME что-то разглядел в тебе. Он наперед знал, что ты будешь верной. А я нет, хоть и проголосовала за тебя.
    ДР: Я поняла, что ты стояла за женщину в гильдии. И благодарна тебе. Я служу этому дому, потому что своего у меня никогда не было. Я все жизнь прозябала на улицах или в грязных тавернах, спала на соломе, пахнущей мочой и навозом и жрала одни объедки. А когда появлялись монеты, то пропивала их или просаживала в кости. Потом был лотос… ну ты знаешь.
    Ш-Т: Рассказывай! Мое прошлое было один в один, только без лотоса.
    ДР: *полуорчиха чуть медлит, взвешивая каждое слово* Значит, мы сделали из прошлого разные выводы. Я не вернусь к прежней жизни. Теперь гильдия – мой дом.
    Ш-Т: Хм. *на этот раз задумчиво смолкает Шар-Тил.* + в отношениях

    Бантер Джахейры и Шар-Тил, в любое время
    Трек: SHRAR

    ДЖ: Мужчины, мужчины, мужчины. Ты вообще, способна говорить о ком-нибудь другом?
    Ш-Т: Не лезь не в свое дело! как там тебя… Джахейра.
    ДЖ: Вот именно, всегда так. Хорошо, хоть мое имя помнишь. С женщинами ты общаешься без интереса, если вообще берешь на себя труд с ними заговорить. Я тут подумала: а что, если я ошиблась в числе?
    Ш-Т: Ошиблась в чем?
    ДЖ: В числе. Что если твой разум поглощен не всем мужским родом… *друидка усмехается и переводит взгляд на вас* …а каким-то одним, я бы даже сказала: вполне определенным МУЖЧИНОЙ.
    Ш-Т: Держи свои мысли при себе, ушастая! *Воительница грубо обрывает разговор и уходит вперед. Следующие часы она упорно молчит, и, как вам кажется, сосредоточенно над чем-то размышляет.*

    БАНТЕР 4
    Трек: SHRAR

    Ш-Т: Как же СКУЧНО. Когда мы последний раз вступали в бой?
    ГГ: С кем из мужчин ты бы хотела подраться, будь у тебя такая возможность? – отсылка к Бойцовскому клубу
    Ш-Т: До первой крови или насмерть?
    ГГ: На твое усмотрение.
    Ш-Т: *как и ожидалось, такого рода разговор весьма заинтересовал вашу воинственную спутницу, она оживилась и теперь деловито размышляет над вашим вопросом* С живым или с мертвым? Или можно с нежитью?
    ГГ: С мертвым.
    Ш-Т: Я бы еще раз упокоила своего ублюдка-отца! Вот это было бы дело! Нет, не дело – удовольствие!
    ГГ: Ну, с ним мы разобрались…
    Ш-Т: *улыбается вам* Спасибо тебе за это, CHARNAME. Я серьезно.
    ГГ: С живым.
    Ш-Т: Тогда, я бы сразила Дриззта.
    ГГ: Почему его?
    Ш-Т: Потому что у светло-темного эльфа нос задран слишком высоко, просто бесит. Как его не прикончили дома, ума не приложу.
    ГГ: Не сомневаюсь – ты одолела бы До’Урдена, Мисс Боевая Раскраска.
    Ш-Т: *поначалу мечница самодовольно ухмыляется в ответ на вашу похвалу, затем вдруг спохватывается* Так, так. Продолжай.
    ГГ: Мне нравится твоя уверенность в себе.
    Ш-Т: Вряд ли об этой битве сложили бы песни, барды-мужчины, ха! Но поговорим-ка про тебя. Знаешь, ты сейчас напоминаешь мне Фаста.
    ГГ: Кто такой Фаст?
    Ш-Т: Кобель из Бойцовых Ям; у нас, бывало, собак использовали для поединков. Суки содержались отдельно. Когда Фаст учуял поблизости течную суку, то весь день провыл, а ночью разнес на щепки свою и ее клетку. Твои глаза точь-в-точь, как у Фаста, когда он учуял сучку.
    ГГ: Вот как?
    Ш-Т: Я вижу, как ты на меня смотришь. С желанием и похотью. И хочешь подольститься, чтобы разделить со мной спальный мешок. Так знай: лесть тебе не поможет, самец.
    ГГ: Как знать. У Фаста же все вышло.
    ГГ: Ты не выйдешь живой из этого поединка. Дриззт известен всему свету, как весьма опытный и искусный боец.
    Ш-Т: *воительница пренебрежительно поводит плечами* Ну может быть я получила бы пару шрамов – не умирать же без них.

    БАНТЕР 5
    Трек: SHRAR

    В любое время после начала романа, в любой таверне
    Ш-Т: Стой, Сафана! Я хотела бы поговорить с тобой. Наедине.
    САФ: Ну говори, что хотела.
    Ш-Т: Позволь мне сначала угостить тебя выпивкой. Знаю, у нас не ладилось общение и все такое…
    САФ: Хмм. Вот уж не думала не гадала, что ты… А впрочем, давай. Кажется, я догадываюсь, о чем пойдем разговор. -- звуки глотков, обе выпивают
    Ш-Т: Хозяин! лучшего вина мне и моей… подруге!
    Ш-Т: *амазонка понижает голос* Да. Ну… как-бы сказать… дьявол! Короче, у тебя неплохо получается командовать мужланами, пусть ты и используешь свои навыки обольщения, а не действуешь напрямик.
    САФ: *лениво отпивает вина* Продолжай, это становится интересно.
    Ш-Т: Мужчины делают все, что ты скажешь, как этим псам и положено. Стоит тебе щелкнуть пальцами, и они прыгают через обруч. Я…
    САФ: Ты хочешь научиться этому искусству?
    Ш-Т: Да. Я хочу освоить твой навык. Чтобы… чтобы…
    САФ: *скрывая улыбку калишитка приходит на помощь застрявшей воительнице* Ну-ну, я поняла, дорогуша - чтобы командовать мужчинами, не прилагая никаких усилий, так?
    Ш-Т: *облегченно вздыхает* Ага. В самую точку. – как и положено простым натурам Шар-Тил не подготовила подходящую ложь заранее
    САФ: Тогда начнем с азов.
    Ш-Т: Говори! *амазонка внимательно слушает, даже приоткрыв рот от напряжения*
    САФ: У тебя был какой-нибудь опыт в любви?
    Ш-Т: Ходил за мной один менестрель, с романтическими соплями о том о сем: соловьи, незабудки. Я сказала ему, что если не отстанет, то спалю все его глупые стихи. Он не отстал.
    САФ: *вздыхает* Ясно. Примерно так я себе все и представляла. Ладно, давай о деле. Во-первых, запомни: ты НЕ можешь командовать, если ничегошеньки не знаешь. Поэтому, еще до того, как ОН откроет рот, ты уже должна предвидеть, о чем пойдет речь, еще до того, как достанет кошель, ты должна знать, сколько в нем монет. И так далее.
    Ш-Т: О!? Да ради всех богов, как это можно узнать?
    САФ: Наблюдай. Ты ведь не слепая. Забудь о слове «не знаю». Будешь знать все – будешь контролировать все.
    Ш-Т: Поняла! Надо вести разведку. Наблюдать за бесполезным самцом.
    САФ: И постоянно, милочка. Потом, то, что ему нужно в постели – это необходимо ему дать. Если захочет стоя на руках, значит делай стоя на руках, неважно.
    Ш-Т: Потакать его прихотям? Ты серьезно? Я не буду этого делать.
    САФ: Будешь. Если ты не сможешь дать, что он хочет - он найдет ту, что сможет. И конец истории. Но, никогда не давай ему слишком много.
    Ш-Т: Как это? Ни черта не понимаю… делать и так и этак!
    САФ: Сдавай свою крепость по частям, форт за фортом, ров за рвом. Нужно, чтобы он завоевывал каждую твою милость. Так понятнее?
    Ш-Т: Нет. Не нравится мне идея, что придется уступать мужскому навозу.
    САФ: Думаю, ты переживешь. Если ОН возьмет все и сразу, то быстро пресытится и остынет. Научись дразнить его аппетит. Пусть остается голодным, всегда.
    Ш-Т: Кажется… кажется, я поняла.
    САФ: *ободряюще улыбается воительнице* Вот и отлично. Я знала, что у тебя получится. И еще кое-что, есть одна занятная техника в постели, после которой он… *две новоиспеченные подруги придвигаются поближе друг к другу и продолжают свою увлекательную беседу, но уже шепотом.* ++ в отношениях за неоценимые наставления Сафаны
    Post edited by scheele on
  • scheelescheele Member Posts: 59
    edited May 2023
    The first five banters of the romance:
    BANTER 1
    Track: SHRAR

    Shar-Teel (S-T): Why are you staring at me like that, male?
    Main Character (MC): Don't you remember what happened between us?!
    SH-T: Forget it - I fucked with a lot of people...
    MC: * you're grinning* Nothing. Just remembering the good old days with you.
    SH-T: *she grins back at you* I'm surprised that you managed to live to see me again.
    MH (Main Hero): Nothing. Keep formation.
    SH-T: *Amazon smirks back at you dismissively.

    Banter 2A of the protagonist, Nordic and Shar-Teel
    Only available in the Detective Guild, at any time
    Track: SHRAR (same for 2B)

    Nordic-MC: A-rr! *Bugbear looks sadly at a book from the guild library – a love novel, judging by the cover*
    MC: What's wrong, Nordic?
    NORD: Two pages to be smear-red with grrrease, Master-r. This Sharrk-Tail do, my saw! She gnaws on a mutton bone and rreads all night.
    SH-T: Bullshit! I haven't read the fucking book!
    MC: Did she read? Shar-Teel? What is the novel about?
    NORD: Therre will be a despotic and crruel knight who will firrst defeat the Amazon queen in battle, then captur-res her and keeps her in his castle, on chains. He falls in love with herr and punishes herrr (mine doesn't underrstand this parrt well). The Amazon first rresist, then fall in love too, then they have childrren and live happily ever afterr. A good book, mine r-really likes it.
    SH-T: T-so, I went. I got business in the city! *with her head held high and her face as red as a boiled crayfish, Shar-Teel leaves the guild with honour.* Shar-Teel either waits outside (without leaving the party) or joins back at the exit from the Slum location, or another option

    Banter 2B Shar-Teel and the Drangolons
    Only available in the Detective Guild, any time after 2A:
    Track: SHRAR

    S-T-DR: Oh, fucking hell! What are we doing here? Spycraft? Instead of staining swords with blood in battle!
    DR: *half-orc carefully polishing her silver badge, the chest emblem of the Detective Guild* Yep, you right. But this is my home now, I swore an oath of allegiance and I serve. Eh, if only that fat walrus called Numa would die - it would be wonderful.
    SH-T: You don't take the badge with you on your missions. So why are you polishing it so much?
    DR: Yeah, I can't take my badge with me, it's too shiny. But... it's beautiful.
    SH-T: *snort* for fuck's sake "beautiful", pfft! You sold your soul for a shiny trinket thrown by a man. They threw you a bone like a dog and you are happy to serve.
    DR: This deal is better than my previous one. Much better. And it's not just that the thieves paid me peanuts.
    SH-T: CHARNAME saw something in you. He knew you would serve faithfully, like a stubborn fool. But I thought otherwise, even though I voted for you.
    DR: I understand that you spoke up for a woman in the guild. And I'm grateful to you. I serve this house because I've never had one of my own. I spent my life living on the streets or in filthy taverns, sleeping on straw that smelled of piss and dung and eating only scraps. And when I had coins, I drank them away or gambled them away in dice. Then there was the lotus... you know.
    SH-T: No shit, prowler! My past was the same, just without the lotus. Well, also my sword skills are legendary – and far, far superior to yours.
    DR: *The half-orc hesitates a little, considering every word she says* So we've come to different conclusions from the past. I'm not going back to my old life. The Guild is my home now.
    SH-T: Hmm. I hope you have better luck than me...with home. *and this time Shar-Teel falls silent in thought* +1 RP(AP)

    Banter of Jaheira and Shar-Teel, anytime
    Track: SHRAR

    JH: Men, men, men, and always men. I'm sick of it. Can you talk about someone else?
    SH-T: Stay out of my business! What's your name...? Jahirah!
    JH: That's what I'm talking about. My name is Jaheira, J-A-H-E-I-R-A, you hear? You talk to women without the slightest interest, if you even remember that they exist. And I thought: what if I'm wrong about the numbers?
    W-E: You're wrong about what?
    JH: What if I'm wrong about the numbers. What if your mind isn't consumed by the entire male species... *druid chuckles and looks at you* ...but one, I would even say: the Chosen One MAN?
    S-T: Keep your thoughts to yourself, pointy ears! I don't like men. *The warrioress rudely breaks off the conversation and walks forward. She remains silent for the next few hours.*

    BANTER 4
    Track: SHRAR

    SH-T: How BORING. When was the last time we fought?
    MC: If you could fight anyone, who would it be? I mean men, of course. – reference to FC
    SH-T: First blood or to the death? – reference to LK
    MC: Your choice.
    SH-T: *as expected, this kind of conversation is very interesting for your valkyrie companion, she brightens up and thinks hard about your question* Fight with the living or already dead? Or with undead?

    MC: With a dead one.
    S-T: I would bury my bastard father again! That would be great!
    MC: We took care of it...
    S-T: *smiles at you* Thanks for that, CHARNAME. I mean it.

    MC: With a live one.
    S-T: Then I'd fuck Drizzt.
    MC: Why him?
    S-T: Because a light-dark elf's nose is turned up too high, it just pisses me off. How he wasn't killed at home, I don't know.
    MC: I have no doubt - you would have easily defeated Drizzt.
    S-T: *The swordswoman smirks smugly at first in response to your praise, then becomes suspicious* Well, well. Go on.
    MC: I like your self-confidence.
    S-T: Male bards would NOT write songs about this battle! But let's talk about you. You know, you look a lot like Fast now.
    MC: Who's Fast?
    S-T: We had a male dog from the Battle Pits; we sometimes used dogs for fighting. The bitches were kept separate. When Fast sensed a heat bitch nearby, he howled all day and then shattered into pieces his and her kennels at night. Your eyes are the same as Fast's when he sniffed out tha bitch.
    MC: Oh, really?
    S-T: I see the way you look at me. With desire and lust. And you want to flatter me to share a sleeping bag with me. So know: flattery will not help you, male.
    MC: Who knows. Fast did it all right.
    MC: You will not survive this fight. Drizzt is known all over the world to be a very experienced and very skilled fighter. Drizzt knows how to fight.
    S-T: *shrugs* I don't want to die without a lot of scars. -- “I don't want to die without any scars.” – FC
    Post edited by scheele on
  • scheelescheele Member Posts: 59
    edited May 2023
    !The difference with the Russian version will be between 5 and 10% in favour of the English version, as it is more detailed and more informative.
    Post edited by scheele on
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    For the detective guild, what say you to merging that with BG1 NPCs in BG2 so it's just one download?

  • scheelescheele Member Posts: 59
    edited May 2023
    Endarire wrote: »
    For the detective guild, what say you to merging that with BG1 NPCs in BG2 so it's just one download?
    Asked for Austin's opinion on your question. I'll answer when Austin and I have reached a consensus on your question.

    We are thinking of changing the name of the guild. Which of these names do you think would be good? (Adelard the Wanderer - former guild leader who mysteriously disappeared.)

    1. SGoA - Search Guild of Athkatla
    2. ASG - Athkatla Search Guild -- (like Atlanta Police Department)
    3. GoI - Guild of Inquiry
    4. AGoI - Athkatla Guild of Inquiry
    5. GoI - Guild of Investigations
    6. AGoI - Athkatla's Guild of Investigations
    7. ADG - Athkatla Detective Guild
    8. DGoA - Detective Guild of Athkatla
    9. Athkatlan Investigators
    10. Athkatlan Detectives
    11. IS (PC) - Investigative Solutions (PC) -- Private Company
    12. ACI A&BS - Athkatlan Combined Investigators A&BS -- A&BS stands for Adelard and Baal's Spawn.)
    13. Adelard & BS
    14. AI Inc - Adelard Investigations, Inc
    15. A&AI - Adelard & Associates Investigation
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    edited May 2023
    I like (Athkatla) Guild of Inquiry, but "inquisition" has a connotation of religious torture and exploitation.

    If this is being run by an incubus, you could name it Incubus Inc.

    PS: I'm still looking forward to this mod's spells from IWD being properly handled with IWDification installed so as to avoid duplicates.

  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 337
    edited May 2023
    Endarire wrote: »
    Where in the world are the BG1 NPCs that spawn with this mod? I want to add this info to my notes.

    Hello, this is in the first post of this thread, marked "NPC LOCATIONS".

    As for the detective guild mod, it is currently only available as a demo version of a small fragment from the general scenario. Unfortunately, I do not have enough time for modding and I can not say when I will be able to finish this mod, given its large planned volume. So for the time being, I'll focus on small, unfinished projects, while the big project, dedicated to the detective guild, is frozen for now :(

    Post edited by Austin87 on
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    I found the info near the start of the first page. Are Kivan & Xan still in this mod? I planned to use the other BG2 mod versions of them since they have more content.

  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 337
    edited May 2023
    Endarire wrote: »
    I found the info near the start of the first page. Are Kivan & Xan still in this mod? I planned to use the other BG2 mod versions of them since they have more content.

    Yes, Kivan and Xan are in this mod, but Smiling Imp has not completed these components (and "Dynaheir" too). Therefore, these components are marked as "unfinished" during installation, it really don't have much text. You can use them, but it makes little sense.
  • scheelescheele Member Posts: 59
    edited May 2023
    Endarire wrote: »
    For the detective guild, what say you to merging that with BG1 NPCs in BG2 so it's just one download?



    We don't see the need to merge mods that are so different from each other. It's enough to do cross mods. The Imp mod is already huge and focuses on the content of the old familiar NPCs. The guild itself has nothing to do with it and is a separate project.

    Also, the entire guild installation code would have to be rewritten.

  • MothorMothor Member Posts: 285
    scheele wrote: »
    Endarire wrote: »
    For the detective guild, what say you to merging that with BG1 NPCs in BG2 so it's just one download?



    We don't see the need to merge mods that are so different from each other. It's enough to do cross mods. The Imp mod is already huge and focuses on the content of the old familiar NPCs. The guild itself has nothing to do with it and is a separate project.

    Also, the entire guild installation code would have to be rewritten.

    Yeah, if the process would be more difficult and slow down the development of the mod proper then its probably best to keep them separate.

    Btw, any chance of the mod being released as a demo (translated into English) before its full completion so people can offer their thoughts on what had been completed this far? Or do you plan to release it only when its fully done and only requires fixing and grammer/typo checking?
  • scheelescheele Member Posts: 59
    edited May 2023
    Mothor wrote: »

    Btw, any chance of the mod being released as a demo (translated into English) before its full completion so people can offer their thoughts on what had been completed this far? Or do you plan to release it only when its fully done and only requires fixing and grammer/typo checking?

    Sorry for taking so long to answer. We will most likely release the mod in parts. We are currently working on the translation.
  • Fishmalk_1Fishmalk_1 Member Posts: 58
    Been playing with Garrick, and I'm stuck in his quest
    The quest is titled Garrick is Missing. He disappeared from my party and left a note. I went to the Copper Coronet, talked to Bernard, and went to the back room. My journal updated telling me to go look for Thomas Ritch at/around the Five Flagons Inn. I have walked around and talked to everyone at the Five Flagons and cannot figure out how to progress. What do I need to do next?

    Thanks for all your work on supporting and expanding this mod. Looking forward to the Shar Teel romance.
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 337
    edited May 2023
    Fishmalk_1 wrote: »
    Been playing with Garrick, and I'm stuck in his quest
    Thomas Rich should then appear on the first floor of the Five Flagons Inn (AR0509). If he did not appear in the hall, check through the console that the Global("GarrickBardQuest","GLOBAL") variable is equal to 7

  • Fishmalk_1Fishmalk_1 Member Posts: 58
    Austin87 wrote: »
    Fishmalk_1 wrote: »
    Been playing with Garrick, and I'm stuck in his quest
    Thomas Rich should then appear on the first floor of the Five Flagons Inn (AR0509). If he did not appear in the hall, check through the console that the Global("GarrickBardQuest","GLOBAL") variable is equal to 7

    It was. I spawned Thomas with the console and it worked out, thanks.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Greetings, all!

    Turnabout allows various canonically dead NPCs to be revived for the final fight. Your mod doesn't kill off Xzar nor Tiax, but Turnabout assumes they're dead. May we get a compatibility patch?

  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 337
    Endarire wrote: »
    Greetings, all!

    Turnabout allows various canonically dead NPCs to be revived for the final fight. Your mod doesn't kill off Xzar nor Tiax, but Turnabout assumes they're dead. May we get a compatibility patch?


    Hello! If you mean that the texts of the Turnabout mod mention the deaths of Tiax and Xzar somewhere, then there is no way we can fix this, since these compatibility fixes should be made to the Turnabout mod, not ours.
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