[mod] L'anna NPC for IWD EE

I'm happy to announce a new NPC mod for Icewind Dale.

Welcome L'anna Falthisslar, an elven paladin - Mythseeker of Mythrien Sarath - and help her find the holy blade known as Mythalass-Teel. Talks to her, learn about her past and about old elven places like Myth Drannor, Myth Ondath or Myth Rhynn. Help her, and she shall help you on your mission of investigating the strange happenings Icewind Dale is struggling with.
Elven males of non-evil character may also romance L'anna and build a bond that will keep the two of you together, no matter what.
L'anna may join the Hero of Icewind Dale in the Root Cellar (the pub in Kuldahar).
Special thanks to @Go_ForTheEyes for not just proofreading, but also for voicing L'anna!

Welcome L'anna Falthisslar, an elven paladin - Mythseeker of Mythrien Sarath - and help her find the holy blade known as Mythalass-Teel. Talks to her, learn about her past and about old elven places like Myth Drannor, Myth Ondath or Myth Rhynn. Help her, and she shall help you on your mission of investigating the strange happenings Icewind Dale is struggling with.
Elven males of non-evil character may also romance L'anna and build a bond that will keep the two of you together, no matter what.
L'anna may join the Hero of Icewind Dale in the Root Cellar (the pub in Kuldahar).
Special thanks to @Go_ForTheEyes for not just proofreading, but also for voicing L'anna!
Post edited by LavaDelVortel on
A bit of a shame tho that L'anna won't romance my half elf chaotic good sorcerer...
Btw, does it have some Heart of Winter content too?
There is only some content in HoW and TotLM. And by some I mean little. She has way more content in OC, because of her story, the Severed Hand etc. Just remember to join her once Kuldahar becomes available. However, in TotLM there is an item that allows her to improve her personal weapon!
Got it, any plans to add maybe some new player initiated flirts in HoW if started after the original campaign was completed? An epilogue to the romance of sorts.
Forthermore, our NPCs were created with OC in mind and with HoW-part enjoyed during your OC. Stand-alone HoW is not covered by my NPC, Quest and Item mods. Sorry! But you'll have something to enjoy next time you start a new game!
I meant that HoW as in recruiting her early in the OC, taking her romance or friendship taking it to its conclusion and continue said bond into HoW.
Though I may have remembered something wrong about HoW, as it has been years since I've played it.
One final question if possible.
Are there any plans to add her to the iwd crossmod and give her interactions with other NPCs?
This is quite different from how ToB is introduced in BG2, that is why it may be confusing
As for the Crossmod - yes, most of the talks are ready, but I may need to check some stuff before everything is implemented and released for everyone to enjoy
Looks like a good companion for a party that includes Orra and Korin.
Any incompatibilities (e.g., Dendjelion, T'viy, Oak-Maw, or other evil types)?
One question: how can I check the status of my relationship (romance?) with L'anna in CLUAConsole?
First, you may check is this variable is set: Global("L#LannaRomanceMatch","GLOBAL",1)
That determines if you are a non-evil elven male PC.
There are 3 specific talks only elves can have:
1. About Kuldahar, triggers while in the town
2. On a bridge between towers of Severed Hand
3. When near Larrel's daughter's statue, in the hall of dwarven heroes.
They set these variables:
They all need to be set to 1 for the few additional romantic talks to start. Furthermore, you need to complete the sword quest (the variable "L#LannaQuest","GLOBAL" must be greater than 26) and variable "L#LannaRelationKiller","GLOBAL" can't be set to 1 (that would mean you picked some rude response).
L'anna's backstory was interesting as was her quest. The custom kit was very well done. I liked that her sword could be upgraded quite late in the adventure -- it made it useful even after the PCs had discovered all kinds of additional powerful magic items.
I learned quite a bit about the FR elves from the dialogues.
The relationship was handled well and the dialogues were most enjoyable. I only wish that there was a "final dialogue" before the final confrontation with Belhifet in Easthaven. But that's a minor quibble.
Overall an excellent mod!
Hmmm ... Maybe I rushed through that part too quickly? When I have some time I'll reload and redo that part to see if it fires.
One time (in the tower) Hommet gave his final talk again (the one about socks). Otherwise nothing happened, including in the village itself (where I tried it in a few different locations).
Any chance you could copy and paste the final dialogue here? (Or a screen image of it?) I'd be curious to read it if possible.
In general, the essence of the problem: when installing the Russian language, the lines from the file L#LANFIX.baf are also added to the dialog file, although the same lines are already in setup.tra. It seems to me that the mod was incorrectly traified, and that in this L#LANFIX.baf in fact at all should not be texts.
You need to change the text in this script to @XXX from setup.tra. And in tp2 make it like this. Instead: It should be like this:
There's one more script, by the way, that hasn't been traified. This one: There are two lines there, I think. You can add them to setup.tra and make it like that file.
Here is the corrected version 1.2 ( edits by tipun ) Russian translation here is machine translation, so there is no need to add it yet.