And bam! Netherlands is locked inside until June 1st. You can only go out by yourself for fresh air, groceries and obey the 1.5m distance rule.
I already knew school vacation had started early by these measures.
Dallas and Tarrant counties in Texas are under "stay at home" orders; not all of Texas is but there are some more remote/isolated counties in West Texas which will never even get one case. I, however, may come and go as I please because I am doubly essential--I work in IT *and* part-time at a grocery store.
Incidentally, if you go to a grocery store and you see empty shelves then *do not panic*. What you are seeing is a distribution problem, not a supply problem. Demand skyrocketed to "off-the-charts" levels, so the stores all processed massive orders and the warehouses could not fill them all at the same time. The producers are still making product, cows are still producing milk, chickens are still laying eggs, and vegetables are still being processed into cans...but the manufacturers and distribution companies are having difficulty keeping up. The shelves will be full again--I am not looking forward to working those trucks--but it won't be this week. Many stores are receiving half-orders and then stretching them out--they will put out half of what they received the day they receive it then the other half the next day so that everyone gets a chance to get what they need.
Increased restrictions in the UK as well. Those mean pretty much all shops except food and medicines closing. You should go outside only to:
- do an occasional shop for necessities (home delivery is preferred, but good luck trying to find a slot).
- one form of exercise a day, with no interaction except with household members.
- medical or caring need.
- travel to work if it is not possible to work from home.
Btw: for homemade hand sanitizer, you can use any kind of rubbing alcohol mixed with either aloe vera gel or glycerine, and water (probably 50% water max for virus killing). You can add any essential oil as fragrance if you want (it's not necessary). You can also use 3% hydrogen peroxide instead of water for additional germ fighting (again not necessary). If you don't have any of those you can use straight rubbing alcohol or cheap vodka and just use hand lotion after it dries.
Edit: 50% alcohol, not water and glycerin/aloe (the inactive ingredients). Just trying to err on the safe side...
It's not on the safe side. For disinfecting purposes, you'd want an effective concentration of at least 60% ethanol (up to 90%, because pure ethanol is just too fast drying to be as effective).
Btw, what those "kills 99.99%" advertisements mean in practice is a 4-log reduction in bacterial or viral burden. That's not enough to consider a hand sanitizer a disinfectant.
What I've heard from doctors is that the best disinfectant is 70% alcohol, 30% water. More than that isn't as effective, although the guidelines are like 60-90% as a general rule?
Dallas and Tarrant counties in Texas are under "stay at home" orders; not all of Texas is but there are some more remote/isolated counties in West Texas which will never even get one case. I, however, may come and go as I please because I am doubly essential--I work in IT *and* part-time at a grocery store.
Incidentally, if you go to a grocery store and you see empty shelves then *do not panic*. What you are seeing is a distribution problem, not a supply problem. Demand skyrocketed to "off-the-charts" levels, so the stores all processed massive orders and the warehouses could not fill them all at the same time. The producers are still making product, cows are still producing milk, chickens are still laying eggs, and vegetables are still being processed into cans...but the manufacturers and distribution companies are having difficulty keeping up. The shelves will be full again--I am not looking forward to working those trucks--but it won't be this week. Many stores are receiving half-orders and then stretching them out--they will put out half of what they received the day they receive it then the other half the next day so that everyone gets a chance to get what they need.
This is, at this point, not the calm before the storm, but the rush. In two weeks time, everyone is still going to have a shitload of food and even more toilet paper (I still don't understand this obsession at all). The initial shock of our situation will wear off, people will (hopefully) see that the stores still have everything in them, and this will cease to become an issue. No one at this point should be concerned about disruptions in the food supply.
As for the really rural areas never getting a case. They may not. They certainly stand much less of a chance. But it really only takes one delivery driver coming in from San Antonio who sneezes into his hand and touches a doorknob to give it to someone from that rural area. And then what seems like an overreaction isn't.
What I've heard from doctors is that the best disinfectant is 70% alcohol, 30% water. More than that isn't as effective, although the guidelines are like 60-90% as a general rule?
Normal soap needs 15-30 seconds application to get rid of bacteria and viruses.
For home use 60+% alcohol is fine.
Hand sanitizer in health care needs to dry in air and requires 70-95% alcohol which gives the same performance as soap and you do not need to dry your hands in towels.
90+% is in general for surgery or critical areas.
Here's the relevant bit explaining why 70% is ideal:
Why Is 70% the Most Effective Concentration of Isopropyl Alcohol for Disinfection?
Isopropyl alcohol, particularly in solutions between 60% and 90% alcohol with 10 – 40% purified water, is rapidly antimicrobial against bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Once alcohol concentrations drop below 50%, usefulness for disinfection drops sharply. Notably, higher concentrations of alcohol don’t generate more desirable bactericidal, virucidal, or fungicidal properties.
The presence of water is a crucial factor in destroying or inhibiting the growth of pathogenic microorganisms with isopropyl alcohol. Water acts as a catalyst and plays a key role in denaturing the proteins of vegetative cell membranes. 70% IPA solutions penetrate the cell wall more completely which permeates the entire cell, coagulates all proteins, and therefore the microorganism dies. Extra water content slows evaporation, therefore increasing surface contact time and enhancing effectiveness. Isopropyl alcohol concentrations over 91% coagulate proteins instantly. Consequently, a protective layer is created which protects other proteins from further coagulation.
Solutions > 91% IPA do kill bacteria, but sometimes require longer contact times for disinfection, and enable spores to lie in a dormant state without being killed. In this analysis, a 50% isopropyl alcohol solution kills Staphylococcus Aureus in less than 10 seconds (pg. 238), yet a 90% solution with a contact time of over two hours is ineffective. Some disinfectants will kill spores with exposures times that exceed 3-12 hours, which are classified as chemical sterilants. So why do higher alcohol solutions yield fewer results for bactericidal and antimicrobial outcomes?
Just a reminder for those who are not going out and getting enough sun during this pandemic, Vitamin D. Helps with feeling depressed and the winter blahs.
This virus reflects the political system and the fundamental values of each nation
**China : ** They allow illegal wet markets, censor doctors, they let this shit spread, but then the Communist Party hits the brakes and they go full extreme
**Iran : ** They encourage Religious bullshit and then everyone is contaminated. They deny it, spread it in the region, and then blame it on America.
**Singapore : ** Highly Competent Government. Transparent. Very disciplined population.
**Israel : ** Government goes full extreme and is incredibly paranoid from the very beginning. The answer is chaotic with intense political infighting but somehow efficient. Army, Intelligence and Security Services are mobilized. Shut. Down. Everything.
**Cuba : ** They announce they will send medical help all around the world
**France, Spain, Italy : ** They see the wave coming, they study it, but they take only some small measures that don't do enough. Then, crisis hits hard and Europeans do whatever it takes to save human lives. Nobody cares about the Stock Market. Ensuring every family is healthy is more important than money. The State promises massive social and health spending to ensure no one will be left behind
**America : ** Everyone cares only about GDP and the Stock Market. If people don't work, how is the Stock Market and GDP going to perform ?!! As the Crisis spreads, the reaction becomes chaotic, States are told to fix the problem themselves and fight for equipment. The President initially denied the crisis just to reassure the Stock Market, he truly panics when he sees Corporations on the Stock Market suffer. When the WHO declares a Global Health Emergency, the New York Times puts *"Stockmarket down : LIVE"* in big bold Headlines followed by *"International Health Crisis: LIVE"* in very small.
**UK : ** Like Europeans with an American Flavor. The UK Government sees the wave coming, they study it, and then they decide to do nothing. They warn the UK public that many of their family members will die but at least it won't hurt the Stock Market and GDP. Then, Government suddenly panics when they realize too many British people will die including some wealthy. They hit the brakes at the last moment and announce measures while loudly complaining it could hurt corporations and the economy. The Government promises no one will be left behind but considers plans to socially isolate the sick and the old alone for months just to boost GDP and The Stock Market.
Essential personnel only starting at 8am here. Enforcement might be a bear. What are they going to do, arrest violators and cram cram them all together into jail cells? Citations and fines won't keep people at home.
It seems workers left and they did not have staffing or medical resources to care for the residents, and those who died had to be left because they had no choice. They were overwhelmed.
I can't imagine what life is like there right now - what I've heard of Italy is very scary. Maybe things are different when it seems like the world is actually ending.
It's a terrifying thought that, in a few weeks, the USA or another country may be in the same situation. I only hope, if it comes to that, that we don't abandon people who are dependent on others.
Stay inside, don't go out and spread this virus or this will happen again and again all over the world. Don't listen to the idiot American President either.
Italy's cutoff for life saving ventilators was age 80 the other day. Now it's age 60. If you are over 60 you don't get a breathing machine.
Wedding in two minutes
Because of the risk of infection from the virus, the registry office in Frankfurt has reduced wedding ceremonies to a minimum. As the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reports, the wedding hall in the Römer is closed, as is the Bolongaropalast in Höchst. Instead, the office offers a replacement room in which registrars and newlyweds are separated from each other by a glass panel. According to the report, relatives and guests are no longer allowed and the wedding speech has been removed altogether from the ceremony. "It's just a matter of yes," said the agency's head, Andrea Hart, to the newspaper. The ceremony was over after two or three minutes.
Sounds like weddings taking less time than needing to boil instant noodles will become the norm.
There was a party back on 5 March in Westport, Connecticut which was attended by 50 guests, some of whom then got back on planes and/or traveled around and took something more than memories with them. Half of the attendees have tested positive, making this event a "super spreader" event.
By tomorrow I will be given a letter that I must carry with me, noting my status as "an essential employee", so that police do not pull me over and ask me why I am outside of my home.
By tomorrow I will be given a letter that I must carry with me, noting my status as "an essential employee", so that police do not pull me over and ask me why I am outside of my home.
Good morning, citizen. Papers, please.
I got my letter today. It's in my car glovebox. Apparently the chemical industry is 'essential' making me 'expendable'.
I hardly ever eat cereal but kinda felt like a bowl this morning. I had eight boxes of cereal and thought I was set for the Apocalypse. Except, I found out that my daughter left 5 of the boxes with nothing but dust at the bottom. WTF! I ate the dust with milk if you were wondering what I did...
News flash, the amount of males vs. females showing up for work at my facility is like 8 to 1. I'm not complaining, just stating a fact. I don't think this is unusual, and I'm sure as Hell sure that CNN or the WHO won't be reporting this. Apparently it's because men smoke and drink too much, not that we're more willing to risk working in a crisis...
Jair Bolsanaro's response to the coronavirus crisis in Brazil was to propose a measure where companies could suspend their workers, without pay, for four months.
Jair Bolsanaro's response to the coronavirus crisis in Brazil was to propose a measure where companies could suspend their workers, without pay, for four months.
News flash, the amount of males vs. females showing up for work at my facility is like 8 to 1. I'm not complaining, just stating a fact. I don't think this is unusual, and I'm sure as Hell sure that CNN or the WHO won't be reporting this. Apparently it's because men smoke and drink too much, not that we're more willing to risk working in a crisis...
As a general rule, women's immune systems are also stronger than men's (and it's suspected this is because testosterone has a suppressing effect on the immune system). On the other hand, if COVID-19 kills healthy adults through the "cytokine storm" side-effect, then having a more robust immune system could actually be a BAD thing if you catch the disease.
News flash, the amount of males vs. females showing up for work at my facility is like 8 to 1. I'm not complaining, just stating a fact. I don't think this is unusual, and I'm sure as Hell sure that CNN or the WHO won't be reporting this. Apparently it's because men smoke and drink too much, not that we're more willing to risk working in a crisis...
As a general rule, women's immune systems are also stronger than men's (and it's suspected this is because testosterone has a suppressing effect on the immune system). On the other hand, if COVID-19 kills healthy adults through the "cytokine storm" side-effect, then having a more robust immune system could actually be a BAD thing if you catch the disease.
Jair Bolsanaro's response to the coronavirus crisis in Brazil was to propose a measure where companies could suspend their workers, without pay, for four months.
Hospital that tested Bolsonaro hides the name of two infected with coronavirus
Armed Forces Unit reported that 17 tests were positive at the site, but only reported the names of 15 people; president Bolsanaro refuses to show exam. Coincidence?
Jair Bolsanaro's response to the coronavirus crisis in Brazil was to propose a measure where companies could suspend their workers, without pay, for four months.
Hospital that tested Bolsonaro hides the name of two infected with coronavirus
Armed Forces Unit reported that 17 tests were positive at the site, but only reported the names of 15 people; president Bolsanaro refuses to show exam. Coincidence?
In Italy 99% of people that have passed from COVID did have a health problem.
Group most vulnerable are those with hypertension.
Promising antivirals in trial now, 2 to 6 month wait on data.
Info starts at 7:00 min, before that is introductions.
The dangers of China running the pharmaceutical world from 47 min/ish
We are in an Infodemic, social media pushing panic. 1:23:00
I already knew school vacation had started early by these measures.
That dog has an "I'm going to bite you the second you take this damn thing off!" kinda look on its face.
Incidentally, if you go to a grocery store and you see empty shelves then *do not panic*. What you are seeing is a distribution problem, not a supply problem. Demand skyrocketed to "off-the-charts" levels, so the stores all processed massive orders and the warehouses could not fill them all at the same time. The producers are still making product, cows are still producing milk, chickens are still laying eggs, and vegetables are still being processed into cans...but the manufacturers and distribution companies are having difficulty keeping up. The shelves will be full again--I am not looking forward to working those trucks--but it won't be this week. Many stores are receiving half-orders and then stretching them out--they will put out half of what they received the day they receive it then the other half the next day so that everyone gets a chance to get what they need.
- do an occasional shop for necessities (home delivery is preferred, but good luck trying to find a slot).
- one form of exercise a day, with no interaction except with household members.
- medical or caring need.
- travel to work if it is not possible to work from home.
What I've heard from doctors is that the best disinfectant is 70% alcohol, 30% water. More than that isn't as effective, although the guidelines are like 60-90% as a general rule?
This is, at this point, not the calm before the storm, but the rush. In two weeks time, everyone is still going to have a shitload of food and even more toilet paper (I still don't understand this obsession at all). The initial shock of our situation will wear off, people will (hopefully) see that the stores still have everything in them, and this will cease to become an issue. No one at this point should be concerned about disruptions in the food supply.
As for the really rural areas never getting a case. They may not. They certainly stand much less of a chance. But it really only takes one delivery driver coming in from San Antonio who sneezes into his hand and touches a doorknob to give it to someone from that rural area. And then what seems like an overreaction isn't.
For home use 60+% alcohol is fine.
Hand sanitizer in health care needs to dry in air and requires 70-95% alcohol which gives the same performance as soap and you do not need to dry your hands in towels.
90+% is in general for surgery or critical areas.
Here's the relevant bit explaining why 70% is ideal:
This virus reflects the political system and the fundamental values of each nation
**China : ** They allow illegal wet markets, censor doctors, they let this shit spread, but then the Communist Party hits the brakes and they go full extreme
**Iran : ** They encourage Religious bullshit and then everyone is contaminated. They deny it, spread it in the region, and then blame it on America.
**Singapore : ** Highly Competent Government. Transparent. Very disciplined population.
**Israel : ** Government goes full extreme and is incredibly paranoid from the very beginning. The answer is chaotic with intense political infighting but somehow efficient. Army, Intelligence and Security Services are mobilized. Shut. Down. Everything.
**Cuba : ** They announce they will send medical help all around the world
**France, Spain, Italy : ** They see the wave coming, they study it, but they take only some small measures that don't do enough. Then, crisis hits hard and Europeans do whatever it takes to save human lives. Nobody cares about the Stock Market. Ensuring every family is healthy is more important than money. The State promises massive social and health spending to ensure no one will be left behind
**America : ** Everyone cares only about GDP and the Stock Market. If people don't work, how is the Stock Market and GDP going to perform ?!! As the Crisis spreads, the reaction becomes chaotic, States are told to fix the problem themselves and fight for equipment. The President initially denied the crisis just to reassure the Stock Market, he truly panics when he sees Corporations on the Stock Market suffer. When the WHO declares a Global Health Emergency, the New York Times puts *"Stockmarket down : LIVE"* in big bold Headlines followed by *"International Health Crisis: LIVE"* in very small.
**UK : ** Like Europeans with an American Flavor. The UK Government sees the wave coming, they study it, and then they decide to do nothing. They warn the UK public that many of their family members will die but at least it won't hurt the Stock Market and GDP. Then, Government suddenly panics when they realize too many British people will die including some wealthy. They hit the brakes at the last moment and announce measures while loudly complaining it could hurt corporations and the economy. The Government promises no one will be left behind but considers plans to socially isolate the sick and the old alone for months just to boost GDP and The Stock Market.
It seems workers left and they did not have staffing or medical resources to care for the residents, and those who died had to be left because they had no choice. They were overwhelmed.
I can't imagine what life is like there right now - what I've heard of Italy is very scary. Maybe things are different when it seems like the world is actually ending.
It's a terrifying thought that, in a few weeks, the USA or another country may be in the same situation. I only hope, if it comes to that, that we don't abandon people who are dependent on others.
Stay inside, don't go out and spread this virus or this will happen again and again all over the world. Don't listen to the idiot American President either.
Italy's cutoff for life saving ventilators was age 80 the other day. Now it's age 60. If you are over 60 you don't get a breathing machine.
By tomorrow I will be given a letter that I must carry with me, noting my status as "an essential employee", so that police do not pull me over and ask me why I am outside of my home.
Good morning, citizen. Papers, please.
I got my letter today. It's in my car glovebox. Apparently the chemical industry is 'essential' making me 'expendable'.
I hardly ever eat cereal but kinda felt like a bowl this morning. I had eight boxes of cereal and thought I was set for the Apocalypse. Except, I found out that my daughter left 5 of the boxes with nothing but dust at the bottom. WTF! I ate the dust with milk if you were wondering what I did...
News flash, the amount of males vs. females showing up for work at my facility is like 8 to 1. I'm not complaining, just stating a fact. I don't think this is unusual, and I'm sure as Hell sure that CNN or the WHO won't be reporting this. Apparently it's because men smoke and drink too much, not that we're more willing to risk working in a crisis...
After massive public outcry, he changed his mind.
No idea about website's quality but here's a place it's reported in english...
Bolsonaro. Man of the people!
As a general rule, women's immune systems are also stronger than men's (and it's suspected this is because testosterone has a suppressing effect on the immune system). On the other hand, if COVID-19 kills healthy adults through the "cytokine storm" side-effect, then having a more robust immune system could actually be a BAD thing if you catch the disease.
Not so far if the statistics are true...
Hospital that tested Bolsonaro hides the name of two infected with coronavirus
Armed Forces Unit reported that 17 tests were positive at the site, but only reported the names of 15 people; president Bolsanaro refuses to show exam. Coincidence?
Where's that shirtless guy with the conspiracies on this one lol.
23 people who were with him in the US tested positive. Only him, the one above all, didn't.
In Italy 99% of people that have passed from COVID did have a health problem.
Group most vulnerable are those with hypertension.
Promising antivirals in trial now, 2 to 6 month wait on data.
Info starts at 7:00 min, before that is introductions.
The dangers of China running the pharmaceutical world from 47 min/ish
We are in an Infodemic, social media pushing panic. 1:23:00