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[v2.6] Ayden Project (BG:EE, BG:SoD)

KenethKeneth Member Posts: 68
edited September 2023 in BG:EE Mods

Free a powerful warlock from his imprisonment and venture with him on a quest to find the lost Nether Scrolls.

Discover a new way of unleashing arcane energies with a brand new thief kit: The Warlock.

Quickly travel vast distances across the Plane of Shadow if you dare to brave its desolate environs.

Relax and store your equipment in a planar safe haven. Unlock new features and forge alliances in this astral stronghold.

Brew potions and craft powerful artifacts to enhance your strength and devastate your enemies.



Ayden is a mysterious warlock that's been magically imprisoned on another plane for decades. You will originally encounter him in Ulcaster Ruins, struggling to find his way back to the prime material plane. Should you help him, he will become a loyal companion and friend to you and will open up a world of new opportunities.

Over time, you will get to know many things about him, his past, and the place he comes from, which will affect your actions and perhaps even the way you perceive the world around you. Where will the road ultimately lead you as you approach godhood on your quest? Who will you put your trust in?

What to expect:
  • A new thief kit: The Warlock. It comes with its own set of custom abilities and an AI script for convenience.
  • A fully-fleshed out companion NPC that uses the new kit and will interact with you and the world around him.
  • The ability to quickly move to any major area through the Plane of Shadow.
  • Your very own pocket plane that will serve as a stronghold and staging area for your adventures.
  • Several brand new areas and quests (with more on the way).
  • More than 30 new (or familiar) enemies and a handful of new allies.
  • A simple crafting system that will allow you to more easily acquire the gear you need.
  • A number of new items, some for crafting purposes, others for fun.
  • A couple of additional convenience components to make thief classes more fun.


Known Issues in v2.6.19:
  • One of the script actions is missing a parameter, emitting a warning.
  • Ayden may lose his ability to ignore reputation breaking points
  • Invocations may disappear from a warlock's repertoire if they are killed during cooldown.
  • Some of Ayden's comments may pop up instantly upon recruiting him if the preconditions have been met, even if he was not in the party at that time.
Post edited by Keneth on


  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Thankee for this mod!

    Is Ayden's Refuge the Portable Hole we discussed on Discord?

    Did you know a Warlock kit for Bards exists? I'm also curious why you went Rogue/Thief as the base class for your Warlock interpretation.

  • KenethKeneth Member Posts: 68
    Endarire wrote: »
    Is Ayden's Refuge the Portable Hole we discussed on Discord?
    I don't believe we've discussed anything on Discord since I don't know you and I only hang around on one Discord server. Feel free to add me if you wanna talk about anything though: Keneth#6024 ;)
    Endarire wrote: »
    Did you know a Warlock kit for Bards exists?
    I am aware, but seeing as I've been developing this mod since early 2007, I think it's safe to say mine came first. :D I did find it to be very interesting though. I looked at it to see if I could get some inspiration from how it was designed but, in the end, I decided the two were too different and I kept going in my own direction with mine.
    Endarire wrote: »
    I'm also curious why you went Rogue/Thief as the base class for your Warlock interpretation.
    Originally, I was deciding between Thief and Bard as well. I came to choose thief since its weapon proficiencies and action bar buttons were more appropriate. It also seemed more thematically appropriate and there were some engine specifics that fit better.

    They each have their own benefits and drawbacks though. I am still tackling some problems that have no great solutions even in IE v2.6. A lot of things later became possible with TobEx, but it was after I stopped developing for BG2. For a while, I was even seriously considering making the mod GemRB exclusive, where I would have the freedom to make it exactly as I wanted, but then the already small audience would drop to zero. I am currently between seeing how far I can push the vanilla engine and waiting for EEEx for v2.6 to expand the horizons.

    Thank you for taking an interest. :)
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    This looks impressive. Congratulation on the release!
    I usually play good aligned PCs (if I play, which is seldom enough). Would Ayden make sense for good parties or not really? Would you give a little more info on where he comes from and what there is to be expected content-wise when he travels with CHARNAME?
  • KenethKeneth Member Posts: 68
    edited September 2021
    jastey wrote: »
    I usually play good aligned PCs (if I play, which is seldom enough). Would Ayden make sense for good parties or not really? Would you give a little more info on where he comes from and what there is to be expected content-wise when he travels with CHARNAME?

    Although this is something that you can learn from him fairly early on, I'm still gonna put it in spoilers for those who would prefer to find out on their own.
    Ayden is an (ex-)citizen of the Shadow Enclave, the Netherese city that shifted into the Plane of Shadow before the Weave was destroyed and the empire fell. As the vast majority of its denizens, he is technically evil by Faerunian standards. That said, he does not mind traveling in the company of good-aligned party members and has no qualms about high or low reputation, so he's appropriate for any party that's willing to tolerate him.

    Aside from providing a bunch of convenient features, there is also a quest line that's planned to extend into ToB, eventually. The story is already written but I would prefer to leave the players guessing where things will go for now. I did a fair amount of research into the lore that surrounds his story, so I'm hoping that it fits nicely into whatever else is happening in the game.

    He will also banter with all of the vanilla companions and interject to offer his opinion on matters when he feels it's appropriate, but he will almost never do anything against the player's wishes, even if he morally objects to something.

    To sum it up: Yes, he'll do fine in good-aligned parties and should offer a moderate amount of extra content without overshadowing any of the other companions or the main quest.
    Post edited by Keneth on
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Great, thank you for the answer!
  • Fishmalk_1Fishmalk_1 Member Posts: 58
    edited September 2021
    Interesting work Keneth. Nice work with the AI scripts, they look like a huge QoL boon. I'm not sure I like abilities recharging over time, since the infinity engine isn't designed for that, but maybe it'll be better in practice. Will give this a shot sometime. Are you planning on bringing Ayden to bg2 in the future?

    Regarding Devil's Sight: that just looks pointless as an ability that has to be cast. Why not make it a passive bonus, like so many other kits get to thieving skills?
  • KenethKeneth Member Posts: 68
    edited September 2021
    Fishmalk_1 wrote: »
    I'm not sure I like abilities recharging over time, since the infinity engine isn't designed for that, but maybe it'll be better in practice.

    It makes things a bit janky with abilities disappearing and popping back, but it was an important balancing factor. Unlike PnP, it needed a little something extra to kick it down a notch and bring it in line with the other classes. In practice, you don't really notice it, especially if you're relying on the class script.
    Fishmalk_1 wrote: »
    Are you planning on bringing Ayden to bg2 in the future?

    Absolutely. Hopefully, it won't take me another 15 years to do it. :D Jokes aside, I'm gonna focus on polishing the BG:EE version for a while longer. I still need to finish full SoD integration and add the remaining content in. After that, I will go ahead and start working on the BG2:EE version. I made a fairly solid foundation I can work on, so I expect it won't be that much of a chore this time around.
    Fishmalk_1 wrote: »
    Regarding Devil's Sight: that just looks pointless as an ability that has to be cast. Why not make it a passive bonus, like so many other kits get to thieving skills?

    I mean, by that logic, all-long lasting buffs could just be permanent class boons. :) I get where you're coming from, but I made it as it is by design, and then I made sure it's easy to maintain with a class script, so that casting it doesn't become a chore. The invocation is gonna get another small buff though.
    Post edited by Keneth on
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Ayden's Refuge reminded me of someone on the Gibberlings3 Discord Server who said he made a Mordenkainen's Magnificient Mansion mod (a portable inn), and I thought that was you.

    Maybe Morpheus would want to add the buff invocations from this mod to his scripts for ease of use.
  • KenethKeneth Member Posts: 68
    Endarire wrote: »
    Ayden's Refuge reminded me of someone on the Gibberlings3 Discord Server who said he made a Mordenkainen's Magnificient Mansion mod (a portable inn), and I thought that was you.

    I see. I mostly just wanted a version of the pocket plane in BG1, since it's very convenient to have in ToB. It makes for a good hub/stronghold. I am currently working on making it less "static".
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    May we get a full list of Warlock invocations and item crafting from this mod?

  • KenethKeneth Member Posts: 68
    Endarire wrote: »
    May we get a full list of Warlock invocations and item crafting from this mod?

    A list of invocations and craftable items are both included in the readme files inside the mod package. Since formatting is very limited on this forum, I opted not to post the tables here. I might reconsider if there's a desire for me to do so.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519

    I expected a mention of where to find a full list of these invocations and craftable items on the main post, even if it's a "see my documentation" note or a link.
  • KenethKeneth Member Posts: 68
    Endarire wrote: »
    I expected a mention of where to find a full list of these invocations and craftable items on the main post, even if it's a "see my documentation" note or a link.

    The very first sentence of my first post says that it's a trimmed down version of the readme and that one should refer to the actual readme file for more info. ;)

    That said, I am planning on making the release post more spiffy with images, better formatting, and links to online docs at some point. Probably with the next version, which is coming out soon-ish.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    I was accustomed to the main post of mods giving thorough detail on their new systems if they had them, such as More Style for Mages or AionZ's Warlock Mod. It seemed to be a matter of misunderstanding expectations.
  • KenethKeneth Member Posts: 68
    Version 2.6 of Ayden Project is now officially out! You will find the download link in the original post.

    Note that the new version is NOT compatible with the old one, so you will have to start a new game.

    • Added new curse eater abilities for SoD items.
    • Revamped Ayden's Refuge:
      • Parts of the refuge will now unlock dynamically.
      • Chests and Forge will now unlock with short tasks.
      • Added a teleportation circle.
      • Added the brewing cauldron feature.
      • Added the astral mimic feature.
      • Added the infernal banker feature.
    • Fleshed out Ayden's warlock patron.
    • Added altercation with Dradeel.
    • Added option to delay most major conversations.
    • Improved global transfer for BG2 imports.
    • Fixed teleport animation for Ayden leaving.
    • Replace proprietary Refuge background with a generated one.
    • Added fog to Ayden's refuge to animate the environment.
    • Added a gem merchant that will occasionally visit the Refuge.
    • Completely recreated all project documentation.
    • Created new areas and creatures for random encounters in Shadowfell.
    • Added the option of a more peaceful interaction with the Dark Moon temple.
    • Fully integrated random encounters into shadow walking.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    (Aside: Your line "Added altercation with Dradeel" seemed to me like "Added a fight against a dreidel," which may be understandable in context.)
  • KenethKeneth Member Posts: 68
    Endarire wrote: »
    (Aside: Your line "Added altercation with Dradeel" seemed to me like "Added a fight against a dreidel," which may be understandable in context.)

    Oy vey! :D
  • energisedcamelenergisedcamel Member Posts: 110
    This looks really cool, and it's clear you put a lot of effort into it! I'll definitely give it a try in a future run, and I'll let you know my thoughts :)
  • KenethKeneth Member Posts: 68
    This looks really cool, and it's clear you put a lot of effort into it! I'll definitely give it a try in a future run, and I'll let you know my thoughts :)

    Good to hear. I welcome any and all criticism.
  • KenethKeneth Member Posts: 68
    Known issues will be kept track of in the original post. Those that are striked out are fixed for next release.
  • KenethKeneth Member Posts: 68
    edited February 2022
    Version 2.6.19 is out. It contains mostly fixes and minor additions for v2.6. The download link is in the original post.

    • Reset weather when shadow walking to prevent it from following.
    • Recovered missing icon for dimensional lure.
    • Added new spell states for several invocations and abilities.
    • Improved Ayden's SoD integration.
    • Fixed random encounter difficulty algorithm.
    • Injected some color into this bleak existence.
    • Added combat delay to warlock AI to further mitigate friendly fire.
    • Fixed some incorrect item recipe strings.
    • Fixed incorrect journal entry for Forged in Fire quest.
    • Added animation-covering polygon to astral mimic.
    • Added new crafting components and craftable items.
    • Added new checks for potentially missing items.
    • Added wand usage for random encounter mages.
    • Added new curse eater abilities.
  • QuesterQuester Member Posts: 23
    I'm very excited to try Ayden out, but I notice he doesn't currently seem to be compatible with EET. Is this something you could add?
  • KenethKeneth Member Posts: 68
    Quester wrote: »
    I'm very excited to try Ayden out, but I notice he doesn't currently seem to be compatible with EET. Is this something you could add?

    EET compatibility is in my backlog. I'll get to it eventually, but I have no ETA as of right now. Currently, I'm scheduled to begin working on BG2:EE compatibility first (after the v2.7 release) as I wish to complete the story.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    I completely missed this! What a nice idea to port the Pocket Plane to the whole trilogy. Lore integration seems to have been well considered, too. How about
    being framed in Chapter VI
    though? I imagine the availability of travel via the pocket plane somewhat contradicts the plot there? Or have you addressed it in the mod? I'd like to give it a try, just want to make sure it's not egregiously immersion-breaking first. Thanks!
  • KenethKeneth Member Posts: 68
    There are some places where shadow walking (and consequently the pocket plane) will be inaccessible. That includes all of Candlekeep, since it makes sense in-setting, but does not include being imprisoned in the Flaming Fist HQ in Chapter VII, so you can freely escape without Neb's help, for example. In the upcoming v2.7, Ayden will also be a tertiary option to escape from FF jail at the end of SoD.

    I tried my best to not break any immersion (and quest mechanics), without limiting Ayden's abilities too much. Of course, if you encounter any situations where you think things could be handled better, let me know and I'll take it under consideration for the next release.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    Sounds good. I'll give it a try!
  • QuesterQuester Member Posts: 23
    Hi Keneth. I got this parse error upon installation:
    //Copying and patching 1 file ...
    //Copying and patching 1 file ...
    //Compiling 1 script ...
    //[Ayden/baf/D!BLKGRD.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 33 column 16-52
    //Near Text: )
    // Not enough arguments to [SetGlobalTimer]. Recovering.
    //Copying and patching 1 file ...

    Not sure if it's something that matters. All the components installed fine, even with the above.
  • KenethKeneth Member Posts: 68
    Quester wrote: »
    Not sure if it's something that matters. All the components installed fine, even with the above.
    Hey, thanks for your report. Since the compiler managed to recover, it shouldn't affect the script much, so feel free to enjoy the mod as it is.

    I'll fix it for v2.7 but, if you want, you can also fix it on your end by simply changing the line that threw the error:
    // from:
    // to:

  • ofeliaofelia Member Posts: 13
    edited May 2023
    hey @Keneth
    I'm playing using Ayden and enjoying him so far o:)
    just one thing that I've noticed - after I hit 18 reputation, he just leaves the party without saying anything. I can talk to him again and recruit him. Is it expected or is it some bug?
  • KenethKeneth Member Posts: 68
    ofelia wrote: »
    after I hit 18 reputation, he just leaves the party without saying anything

    That's very odd. Ayden is designed to completely ignore reputation scores and morale breaks, so he should never leave the party unless told to do so.

    Are you using any other mods and, if so, which order did you install them in?
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