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[mod] Faldorn for BG2EE



  • Goat_Boy11Goat_Boy11 Member Posts: 8
    Thanks for explaining, do you use a particular filter to make the photos look a painting? Theres a similar filter/effect on Photoshop but it's pretty bad
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,887
    There is no single rule. Sometimes I just continue smudging, sometimes I try to run it through Prisma filters, but I never use the final result, sometimes I keep it on top of the portrait (version from before I used the filter) with ~20% opacity or I just drop it. But again, other times I just keep painting and smudging over the portrait until they have this BG2 art feel. I suppose you just need to experiment until you have your own method.
  • Goat_Boy11Goat_Boy11 Member Posts: 8
    Thanks again Lava that's very helpful!
  • ErstarrungErstarrung Member Posts: 51
    Hi! :) Here's the kit description:
    SHADOW DRUID – FURY: These druids consider civilization an obstacle on the path to restoring the reign of nature. They are known to be more hostile than most druids and rarely seek any compromise in order to introduce to the world what they believe is peace. They feel comfortable in the skin of animals, thus they take their shapes more frequently.

    – Receives a +1 THAC0 bonus.
    – Receives a +4 bonus to minimum damage.
    – May become Specialized (two slots) in any melee weapon class available to druids (Scimitar, Dagger, Club, Spear, Quarterstaff) and any fighting style (Two-Handed Weapon Style, Sword and Shield Style, Single Weapon Style, Two-Weapon Style).
    – Gains access to six wizard spells: Chill Touch, Ghoul Touch, Dire Charm, Enchanted Weapon, Cloudkill, and Carrion Summons.
    – 7th level: May Shapeshift into a wolf, black bear, brown bear, panther, and centipede at will. As a centipede, gains access to thieving abilities:
    Level 1-10: 20 Pick Pockets, 65 Open Locks, 65 Find Traps, 70 Move Silently, 70 Hide in Shadows, x2 Backstab Multiplier.
    Level 11-12: 25 Pick Pockets, 75 Open Locks, 75 Find Traps, 80 Move Silently, 80 Hide in Shadows, x2 Backstab Multiplier.
    Level 13-14: 35 Pick Pockets, 90 Open Locks, 90 Find Traps, 100 Move Silently, 100 Hide in Shadows, x2 Backstab Multiplier.
    Level 15-16: 35 Pick Pockets, 95 Open Locks, 90 Find Traps, 110 Move Silently, 100 Hide in Shadows, x2 Backstab Multiplier.
    Level 17-19: 40 Pick Pockets, 110 Open Locks, 105 Find Traps, 130 Move Silently, 100 Hide in Shadows, x2 Backstab Multiplier.
    Level 20+: 50 Pick Pockets, 115 Open Locks, 115 Find Traps, 150 Move Silently, 110 Hide in Shadows, x3 Backstab Multiplier.
    The above-mentioned skills can be modified further by high Dexterity.

    – May not wear armor heavier than leather.
    – Alignment restricted to chaotic neutral and neutral evil.
    – Suffers a -2 penalty to Constitution and Charisma (max 16 at character creation).
    – May use missile weapons available to druids (dart, sling), but cannot become proficient in them.
    – May not change directly from one shape to another (needs to resume natural form before taking another shape).
    – After changing shape to the natural form, suffers -2 penalty to casting time for 2 rounds.

    Note that as a centipede, even though he gains access to thievery, she becomes useless in combat. It's a utility change, not a fighting shape.

    This really looks like a great kit, @LavaDelVortel ! Now I really fancy to make a Shadow Druid Fury myself... Unfortunately, I'm not a modder... Would it be very unkind to ask if it would be possible for you to realease only the kit in a stand-alone version for BG1EE and BG2EE? Or would that be very complicated?

    Anyway, on my next BG2 playthrough, I'll give Faldorn a go!
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,887
    Sorry, not on my to-do list right now. My time is limited lately and perhaps it's just best if that's just her kit anyway... I'll think about it, but I don't think I'm really keen on that idea :)
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    The NPC EE mod might allow custom kits like this to apply to PCs.
  • VicenVicen Member Posts: 36
    edited March 2023
    Um...I might be blind but...I cannot seem to find the Poachers Hideout in the City Gates Area...It says it's near the "crooked Crane Inn" but...I don't see any area to enter around there. Can someone tell me what I am missing?

    It's the "Faldron and the Chipped Fang" quest in case anyone was wondering.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,887
    There is an entrance somewhere here:

    HOWEVER, if you haven't started a new game and added Faldorn to your already existing run, and if you visited City Gates before you installed the mod, the entrance won't be there, because the existing area was already saved in your savegame.
  • VicenVicen Member Posts: 36
    There is an entrance somewhere here:

    HOWEVER, if you haven't started a new game and added Faldorn to your already existing run, and if you visited City Gates before you installed the mod, the entrance won't be there, because the existing area was already saved in your savegame.

    got it! I installed after I visited that area...thank you for clearing that up (and so quickly I might add!) and ill be sure to use her on my next playthrough!
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Was Faldorn's image for this mod intentionally a reference to Stacey Pilgrim AKA Anna Kendrik?

  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,887
  • morpheus562morpheus562 Member Posts: 428
    If I change her base class to fighter and dual her to druid, will that negatively impact any of her quests?
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,887
    Uhm, I never tested that but it should be fine. There are no checks to see what her class / kit is :)
  • saoxsaox Member Posts: 106
    How to make her join? Cernd killed her in the druids groove challenge.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,887
    After the quest ends, after a few days, you will be approached by a druid during your travels. He will tell you more.
  • fataljasminefataljasmine Member Posts: 67
    Got to the romance talk where Faldorn says “Argh, I do not understand why most men and women cling…” and it’s been quite awhile since anything else triggered. Still in Chapter 2. Is there something quest or event related I need to initiate the next talk?
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,887
    Next talk requires your main character to get wounded. She'll react to that.
  • fataljasminefataljasmine Member Posts: 67
    I have one more for ToB! Where can i find the magical wood for Faldorn’s scimitar so Cespy can upgrade it?
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,887
    It's not wood you need for it, but a special pine oil. Jamis has it:
    and, of course, you need the Nature's Crooked Splinter +3 itself
  • fataljasminefataljasmine Member Posts: 67
    It's not wood you need for it, but a special pine oil. Jamis has it:
    and, of course, you need the Nature's Crooked Splinter +3 itself
    Thanks! I missed it on him in the Oasis fight but spawning him in allowed me to collect the oil!
  • fataljasminefataljasmine Member Posts: 67
    My final thoughts/review:
    Faldorn is another excellently written NPC by Lava! She's a fun alternative to your standard druid of Cernd or Jaheira if you're tired of the standard zen "balance of everything druidic nature" philosophy espoused by those two and are looking for something that takes the druidic philosophy concept to its more primal and extremist ends. Lava was careful to keep the character's personality true to her portrayal in both games and epilogues fitting for the life Faldorn has chosen for herself. The quests are relatively minor and simplistic but they reflect things you'd expect the character to be passionate about. If you take her along, plan to do the romance - you won't get the full experience without it. Very well done.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,887
    Thank you for your very kind words! :)
  • UlkeshUlkesh Member Posts: 282
    Can Faldorn romance half-orcs?
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,887
    As in the readme:
    Furthermore, she may be romanced by males and females of any chaotic alignment with a Strength of 13 or higher and a Constitution of 11 or higher. All these conditions must be met to develop a romantic relationship with Faldorn.
    She doesn't care much about your race, as long as you are strong and healthy. And, well... chaotic (aka wild) enough.
  • AngulimalaAngulimala Member Posts: 93
    Just picked up Faldorn for the first time, love the new portrait, kit looks interesting. One question, though: when I met her, I had Cernd in the party since I needed a druid, and Jaheira was not an option (I have Khalid). Cernd objected and left the party, and now I cannot find him if I want to pick him up later. Is he gone for good? Not a big deal, I can reload to an earlier save etc etc. Just curious.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,887
    Well, it's a dealbreaker for him :) He just participated in fighting her and now she's not only back, but also a part of the group, so... yeah :)

    If you want to take him up later, then you need to give him a kick before you join Faldorn.
  • AngulimalaAngulimala Member Posts: 93
    Okay, thank you for the clarification! I was hoping to see some of Lhannd's banners and interjections with Cernd's issues so I will reload. I'm doing a new-ish Weasel mod NPC run, also have Dvaradime and Fylavara. Faldorn was my latest acquisition to the party and the most controversial choice. I may switch her out for Will O Wisp if she causes too many issues.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,887
    I think Faldorn may be a bit cooler to have, I don't think there were some superb banters between Cernd and Lhannd.

    Anyway, perhaps just play with the characters that you may actually like :smile:
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    > Anyway, perhaps just play with the characters that you may actually like

    I kind of like Aerie, even with the cheesy romance, or Wings-mod, but power-wise, while she has flexibility due to mage-cleric, she is a bit weak compared to main classes (Edwin and Viconia, though both are extremely powerful in their own class). Jan is also kind of weak, but he is great, and I tend to need a thief in the party (for convenience mostly); illusionists are also fun, even though not so powerful. Dwaradime is also rock-solid (excuse the pun), though suffers a similar issue in regards to triple-classes (jack-of-all-trades, master of none). I tried Hephernaan, but I realised that I really don't like the character at all; Xzele was better, but I thought she was a cleric, which she was not.

    Elsewhere you wrote that you are working on and off for some NPC already (I forgot the name again ... Moldaron or something like that). If you ever decide to go about creating a genuinely new NPC, perhaps you can take what made the existing characters great (in particular Dwaradime, his story seems best from the NPCs you created) but perhaps have the character class be either a new one, or a modified (one) main one, e. g. no dual-class but a single class, with one or two unique abilities or adaptations. And a unique pet! Like a fierce badger or so (but not a magical one, a real badger). Come to think about it ... there need be more epic pets aside from Boo, familiars and the thing Helga or what's her name carries from Skitia's mods. Or was it a hamster ...
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