Is stacking ammo damage with Gesen bow damage intended?

Seems like it's something that would've been fixed with EE if it wasn't intended.
Then again seems unintuitive going off of the weapon description and just being way too strong.
Anyway, was just wondering. I like to play on the less exploitative/cheesy side, but was a bit torn on this one.
Then again seems unintuitive going off of the weapon description and just being way too strong.
Anyway, was just wondering. I like to play on the less exploitative/cheesy side, but was a bit torn on this one.
I remember Firetooth crossbow + non-magical bolts to get fire damage through mages with Protection from Magic Weapons - fun times in the olden days.
This is not fixed in EE though. That's what I was saying in the OP, that if it wasn't intended that it seemed like it's something that would've been long fixed by now.
Sooooo.... not intended then?
in ToB if i have the gesen bow i always use arrows +3 with it, especially if i am using characters like Jan or Imoen, having an extra +3 to hit helps their garbage to hit
even if you stack it with arrows of acid, the thing you need to realize is that those arrows hit as if they are +1 weapons, so some of the stronger enemies in the game will be immune anyway
so i say stack away, if it wasn't intended they why give a warning to say not use non magical ammo?
So for those it should not stack according to the description.
You can argue about whether it's the implementation or the description that is in error here. But you can't argue that there isn't an inconsistency.
Tansheron's bow says that if you equip normal weapons it will fire them instead of the special auto-created arrows. So it is the same here. But given that the arrows from that bow are not that special, it is less of a big deal here.
For the sling the description is not really helpful.
You could easily split them right now, but you would be unable to ready to the launcher's ammo without real ammo equipped as well. And even then the only way to select the launcher's ammo would be right-clicking on it and selecting that ability, because it would always default to the real ammo.
I've a mod here that uses another method to fix it while avoiding that issue.
And since the EEs never addressed it after almost 10 years, I don't see it changing now without mods.
That's largely overcome with the enchant weapon spell with the enhanced edition. You could argue that that was the balance decision back in classic maybe, trade off damage for enchantment level?
One particular thing that sticks out to me is that there is no longbow/composite bow variant of these phantom ammo weapons. If it was a conscious decision by the devs to include overpowering, best in slot weapon selections due to damage stacking for shortbows and crossbows, then surely a longbow variant would've been made as well. Why ever use longbows otherwise?
Yeah trying to argue this would be pretty pointless, but personally I'm happy to go with the description, and the descriptions always preface the stats and effects with something like "When no bolts/arrows/ammo are equipped", then it lists the magical ammo's damage and effects. Going by description, I can't mental gymnastics my way into believing those effects are meant to apply to loaded ammo.
Oh nice dude. This works with the latest versions of the game? Where would you stick this in a load order generally?
I might get this on a future playthrough, for now I can just swap weapons in and out based on need.
That's fine. I'm not crusading for a change. I just like to police my own gameplay and not exploit, and most of the time that line is clear.
And yeah, the chance of it getting fixed is low in any case, though some of the decisions in the past have surprised me, like when they nerfed Sleep for a while.
Not sure what the right point on crossbows is with this system, as they already get the bonus damage.