How do I achieve actual fullHD resolutions?

The second I started up the game I noticed that it wasn't running anywhere near full HD and looked rather as thought it was 1024x768 stretched and blurred to fake my HD resolution (1920x1200 specifically)
Is there anyway to get an actual sharp and non-stretched GUI and resolution appropriate game screen? This seems like a huge step down from what you could achieve in BG2 with the unofficial resolutions (and a bit of modding)
Is there anyway to get an actual sharp and non-stretched GUI and resolution appropriate game screen? This seems like a huge step down from what you could achieve in BG2 with the unofficial resolutions (and a bit of modding)
We have here scaling for sure. And no option for forcing resolution in "graphic options menu"...
Also if I play in window, I get game in 1024x768.... How come we cannot set other resolutions for windowed game?
Here we have Baldur's Gate - game widely recognized as one one of the very pillars of PC gaming. We all agree it is a gme that exists close to beating heart of all that PC gaming is about.
.....And here we have Enhanced Edition of the game. One with tons of corners and edges and UI details that remind of an Xbox game sloppily ported to PC. Something is not right here.
Not to sound overly negative, I'm quite sure I'll end up loving this release as a whole. It'd be foolish to claim there weren't a number of rather disappointing features here and there though.
Don't get me wrong, but why should I care and be affected because they made GUI for touchscreen devices!?!? I bought PC version. I want my GUI to be crisp and look good at my resolution. That was promised.
Are you saying that we should be happy with this absurd that for the original PC game GUI is ported from touchscreen device!?!? WTF?
Sorry for rant, but I cannot restrain any more when I read answers like this that PC players should be happy with over-sized scaled GUI because it was made for iPad.....
Try to play in window Mode, and everything is awesome. Go Fullscreen in 1920x1080 and things turn around 180 degree.
And it enabled the creation of damn nasty technical bugs which many of us are facing.
And i do not believe that it really runs at the desktop resolution when using fullscreen... it looks.. well.. just exactly if you scale up 720P to 1080P - with all the disadvantages, which is quite sad
Would perhaps been better only to make a tablet version, since a direct quality port from one build to another without taking care about the different quality demands of each build is not the best solution!
I would dare most people on this forum to play through the entire original game on 1080P Resolution.
That's 1920x1080!
Everyone in the game looks like an ant on higher resolutions, and you're there, the eye in the sky, watching over a complete map, where most is fog of war, with some ants fighting in the middle.
I've seen it.
It's absolutely useless at higher resolutions.
With the zoom feature and magic they've made on the paperdolls to smooth the worst pixelated edges over, it's magnificent!
Now, I don't want to comment on the GUI, I haven't got the blurring, but I run at a lower resolution, so that might be it.
It would have been nice to change resolution in the game, instead of running the desktop's, that was probably for convenience for the gamers, but I guess it backfired in this case.
I don't know, have people tried lowering their desktop resolution just a bit to see if it looks sharper for you?
The game graphic is not that bad, i am surprised it looks that ok, but the gui is the big troublemaker here.
But the big question is why we should make our resolution lower to get a sharper gui if there is higher resolution available? In that case i also could have stayed with the original game if i would not care about high resolution support
If the Developers would have said from Beginning "Optimized for Tablet Resolutions" people would never have argued in the first place, since they would know what to expect. But since no one mentioned something like that, people have started to complain, because it seems that the Windows EE is a direct copy from the Tablet-Version, including the lower resolution artwork (GUI).
Are you telling me that you ran BG Tutu on 1920x1080 resolution??call the way through the game?
Can't understand why, or how you'd enjoy that, I must say...
running in 720P would be indistinguishable to me... I don't see the problem.
It's not exactly low res...
I will however add that I have a 26" monitor in front of me.
The contrast is the problem. The difference between clarity and blurred icons... this can be damn distracting. And since you can not compare tablets with normal computers, the usage of the same icons for 2 different quality wise machine systems is a bit of a failure.
What I was hinting at in my earlier post, was that if the GUI look sharper if you just go down slightly in res, to 720, why not play in that resolotion, at least until an update or mod is released.
I would have a hard time differential between 1080P and 720P in a game like this, and even if I could, I would forget it in minutes when I'm playing the game...
That's not what I'm suggesting.
I'm suggesting that you try, just for the hell of it, and for the promise of less irritation and higher enjoyment for yourself to change your desktop res down, just one step at a time, 'till you find the right res for the game not to have a blurry GUI.
Maybe turning it down only to 720P would do the trick, you won't know until you've tried.
But as guessed, the modding community works way faster as the Beamdog Devs, which i can understand quite good, since that "minor" stuff is low priority for them, since they do of course more care about the tablet version, since there will be the way better sales numbers
The Windows EE is just a bonus for them, which is a bit disappointing, but very understandable seen from a Commercial Point of View.
Of course they have to concentrate also on the tablet release, they've promised customers it'll be released in November, like the windows version.
And even though they hope it'll sell well on the AppStore due to the vast amount of iOS gamers, I'm sure they realize it's a huge gamble, because it's a hard niche game, and the price is very expensive by iOS standards.
It may chrash and burn. I surely hope not, I want to see Bg2:EE on my iPad too..
Regarding the unified interface, I'm not sure if I agree with the decision, but it was probably done that way for economic reasons, to ease the workload a bit. It's a very small team, working in a shoestring budget here.
The GUI doesn't bother me personally, but I understand it's a big issue for many, so it may have been a mistake they did it the way they did.
It is a bit strange that Beamdog falls into all that small traps, they have already made a HD port for one other game already, so they should already have a bit experience, what is a go and what is a no-go.