Wrong - The "game screen" graphics do not need new sprites and backgrounds to work on high resolutions. More space = more "map" onscreen at a given time - yes this makes everything seem smaller (since you can see more of the game screen at a given time) but this does not make the game objectively worse.
At the end of the day you either like the added screenspace and smaller objects - or you prefer a zoomed in view which either means scaling (as seen in BGEE) or new graphics.
All that the high resolution crowd is not having scaling - because with scaling we might as well be playing at 640x480 because the end result on the monitor is exactly the same. Even Baldurs Gate 2 with the resolution choices built in used the "more screenspace" method for higher resolutions - it did not have a separate collection of backgrounds and sprites for every resolution.
TLDR: Give us our high resolution "widescreen mod" with a GUI that fits the 1920x1200 and the problem is gone. Scalers can have their zoomed in experience - high res crowd can have their overview and crisp graphics.
@mansen in that case, make a feature request, the more justified complains Beamdog gets in the right forum part, the less chance is that our complains do get unheared!
It would already work if they would allow to manually turn off that auto-zoom feature which is always running in background.
"modernization - high end resolutions". Instead we are given the opposite. A game that doesn't do anything other than scale.
Oh yawn, it should be perfectly obvious that they weren' t talking about high definition. You are only interpreting it the way you WANT to. Here is the pitch on their site:
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition features an updated and improved interface that has native support for high resolution and widescreen displays.
Maybe its because I am a bit more reserved, but I did not read that as "ZOMFG HD READY EVERY INCH OF GAME WORLD COMPLETELY REMASTERED FOR STUNNING PROJECTION ONTO OLYMPIC SWIMMING POOLS", because it is a 15 year old game, I remember what those were like at the time, still play some of the best ones today, and I have a more reasonable expectation of what can be achieved with the source material on a small scale project.
They have not taken away anything that you could already do in the original game, and they have added stuff that would have been computationally impossible at the time of the original game. That is the definition of an 'Enhancement', no matter how you want to make your own ruling. I think my 1998 self could quite possibly have been entertained just by the smooth zooming in and out for f* sake, you have to remember the times.
@chilvence Sure, they did not talk about a real HD Version. And since Beamdog never made Replacement Art files, a HD one will never happen.
But it could get a bit better already if that damn Auto-Zoom, the one you can not switch off and runs constantly in the Background would be able to switch off.
Then you could always use the manual zoom feature to reach a higher size on High Resolutions.
Scaling is not that bad btw, if you have no "extra feature running constantly in background" which destroys screen sharpness.
@mansen in that case, make a feature request, the more justified complains Beamdog gets in the right forum part, the less chance is that our complains do get unheared!
It would already work if they would allow to manually turn off that auto-zoom feature which is always running in background.
It isn't a feature request however - It it a complaint that promises have not been made. I should not request what has been already promised.
@Chilvence: Native is native - Scaling is not native - it's a poor attempt at obscuring an unpleasant lie. You also seem to have a recurring issue with not understanding that remastering the imagery in the game is not involved in this process.
Let me put this very simple. The only practical way to implement native support for any resolution BY DEFINITION has to implement scaling. If you can come up with one practical alternative, I will recant everything I have said.
Every single negative argument in this thread boils down to 'Waaahhh the game is too low def!', which to me is like buying peanut butter and then complaining to the manufacturer 'I am intensely allergic to peanuts and am now therefore dead and/or in intensive care! What are you going to do about it?!'
Actually let me please clarify my position a bit. When I say you haven' t lost any options, I mean quite simply no one is stopping you from playing the original game with the mods that make it exactly the way you have grown attached to. The appearance of BGEE has not somehow precluded you from following that course of action, it has merely opened up new options within its own incarnation of the game. GEMRB is an open source incarnation of the game that opens up even more options. Why is it so hard for people to live with options?
At least i did not say the game is too low Definition... Only Partly. Sure, the in-game graphic could be sharper with a certain switch in the graphics menu, but seen from the point the source material has gone lost and there is no new created one, thats what we got, we have to live with it.
But what can be changed is the new created artwork, the GUI
Let me put this very simple. The only practical way to implement native support for any resolution BY DEFINITION has to implement scaling. If you can come up with one practical alternative, I will recant everything I have said.
Every single negative argument in this thread boils down to 'Waaahhh the game is too low def!', which to me is like buying peanut butter and then complaining to the manufacturer 'I am intensely allergic to peanuts and am now therefore dead and/or in intensive care! What are you going to do about it?!'
Let me put it this way - I bought a Blu-Ray disc (which are 720 and rarely 1080) but all I found in the case was a DVD (which runs at 480). That's about the only valid comparison you can make.
We were promised high resolution support natively - scaling is not that. You are also entirely wrong with your your quote, unquote DEFINITION. But I can conclude that talking to you is like talking to a wall - pointless and not very constructive.
You are seeing it how you want to. You were not promised 1080p graphics, and to even assume that was what they were doing is a stretch. Natively supporting resolutions means being able to scale gracefully to whatever the operating system demands, not necessarily crisp quality. If they were redoing the graphics for 1080, they would be shouting so loud about it that Kim Jong Un would know about it. But I can see talking to you is like banging my head on a brick wall. In that it feels ever so good when I stop!
Not a stretch by a longshot - we've had the community pull it off for years now with the BG2 engine (TUTU + GUI mod to fix widescreen aspects). And you keep repeating your old tired and flawed argument that higher resolutions must include redoing the assets. Now we truly are done here.
@Mansen in fact.. what is needed is simply an 1080P resolution - which can be achieved by a resolution switch in the game and a possible auto-zoom in background off.
@Mansen Double check you typed it in correctly. I initially made the mistake of typing 'Scale' instead of 'Scale UI' (and that is a zero not the letter o) Oh, and don't forget the final comma after the zero.
@Mansen Double check you typed it in correctly. I initially made the mistake of typing 'Scale' instead of 'Scale UI' (and that is a zero not the letter o) Oh, and don't forget the final comma after the zero.
I'd like to think years of programming experience would allow me to forgo such simple errors - and I did double check after you asked just to make sure.
What exactly is this supposed to do? Make the screen larger when ingame? Or is there an ingame option I need to toggle afterwards?
@Mansen No disrespect intended Even with my experience I make silly mistakes. lol
No in game change needs to be made. What it does is make the UI smaller on screen (buttons smaller, etc) It looks more like what BG1 Tutu looks like. However, menus look smaller too and have quite a bit of unused screen space below them.
Edit: Yay! Glad you got it working!
@decado By the way, your cut-n-paste neglects the final comma.
Now they just have to add this as an ingame option....actually I just tested it and while it does fix the UI (which I have no gripes about now), the zoom feature is still causing some blurrrrrr on my 1920x1200 screen, Devs we need a nearest neighbor mag filter!
At the end of the day you either like the added screenspace and smaller objects - or you prefer a zoomed in view which either means scaling (as seen in BGEE) or new graphics.
All that the high resolution crowd is not having scaling - because with scaling we might as well be playing at 640x480 because the end result on the monitor is exactly the same. Even Baldurs Gate 2 with the resolution choices built in used the "more screenspace" method for higher resolutions - it did not have a separate collection of backgrounds and sprites for every resolution.
TLDR: Give us our high resolution "widescreen mod" with a GUI that fits the 1920x1200 and the problem is gone. Scalers can have their zoomed in experience - high res crowd can have their overview and crisp graphics.
It would already work if they would allow to manually turn off that auto-zoom feature which is always running in background.
They have not taken away anything that you could already do in the original game, and they have added stuff that would have been computationally impossible at the time of the original game. That is the definition of an 'Enhancement', no matter how you want to make your own ruling. I think my 1998 self could quite possibly have been entertained just by the smooth zooming in and out for f* sake, you have to remember the times.
But it could get a bit better already if that damn Auto-Zoom, the one you can not switch off and runs constantly in the Background would be able to switch off.
Then you could always use the manual zoom feature to reach a higher size on High Resolutions.
Scaling is not that bad btw, if you have no "extra feature running constantly in background" which destroys screen sharpness.
@Chilvence: Native is native - Scaling is not native - it's a poor attempt at obscuring an unpleasant lie. You also seem to have a recurring issue with not understanding that remastering the imagery in the game is not involved in this process.
Every single negative argument in this thread boils down to 'Waaahhh the game is too low def!', which to me is like buying peanut butter and then complaining to the manufacturer 'I am intensely allergic to peanuts and am now therefore dead and/or in intensive care! What are you going to do about it?!'
Actually let me please clarify my position a bit. When I say you haven' t lost any options, I mean quite simply no one is stopping you from playing the original game with the mods that make it exactly the way you have grown attached to. The appearance of BGEE has not somehow precluded you from following that course of action, it has merely opened up new options within its own incarnation of the game. GEMRB is an open source incarnation of the game that opens up even more options. Why is it so hard for people to live with options?
But what can be changed is the new created artwork, the GUI
We were promised high resolution support natively - scaling is not that. You are also entirely wrong with your your quote, unquote DEFINITION. But I can conclude that talking to you is like talking to a wall - pointless and not very constructive.
You are seeing it how you want to. You were not promised 1080p graphics, and to even assume that was what they were doing is a stretch. Natively supporting resolutions means being able to scale gracefully to whatever the operating system demands, not necessarily crisp quality. If they were redoing the graphics for 1080, they would be shouting so loud about it that Kim Jong Un would know about it. But I can see talking to you is like banging my head on a brick wall. In that it feels ever so good when I stop!
Would be that enough to reach that?
Anyway it's the modders who'll probably end up giving us pc users what we want.
NO wonder that looks so blurry on 1920x1080 - A big letdown in my opinion
From @TrentOster (twitter): For PC users, we have a beta big screen mode: put this into your baldur.ini file: 'Graphics', 'Scale UI', '0',
thanks for the heads up
This... this is... AWESOME! Thanks so much for the information relay!
Double check you typed it in correctly. I initially made the mistake of typing 'Scale' instead of 'Scale UI' (and that is a zero not the letter o)
What exactly is this supposed to do? Make the screen larger when ingame? Or is there an ingame option I need to toggle afterwards?
Copy/paste it into Baldur.ini, it makes the icons much crisper. Looks a bit weird when you first boot up on the splash screens but you'll get over it.
Big improvement.
Looks great - That's my biggest gripe completely alleviated. The fullHD looks amazing.
No disrespect intended
No in game change needs to be made. What it does is make the UI smaller on screen (buttons smaller, etc) It looks more like what BG1 Tutu looks like. However, menus look smaller too and have quite a bit of unused screen space below them.
Edit: Yay! Glad you got it working!
By the way, your cut-n-paste neglects the final comma.
I was just testing you... <.< >.>
I'd love to see a screen shot with this fix. Anyone try it at 3240x1920 or 5760x1080?
Very nice @Magevil May I ask how you changed the GUI to a more Baludr's Gate 2ish look?