Lose Minsc and keep Dynaheir?

I'm sure this has been asked and answered before, sorry, but I couldn't find any answer specific to SoD:
Dynaheir was in my entire playthrough of BG1 EE. I wanna recruit her again of course, in Three Old Kegs, but it seems they're hellbent on forcing me to have Minsc along as well. I killed him after the initial dialogue in BG1, since he attacked me, and have no more intention of having him around this time. I know there's probably a simple way of forcing him out in Keeper or something, but is there a more "in game" way of doing it? A simple way I can do a "Khalid" on him like I did when I wanted to keep Jaheira in BG1? (took him for a stroll in front of the basilisks, lol)
Appreciate any helpful answers.
Dynaheir was in my entire playthrough of BG1 EE. I wanna recruit her again of course, in Three Old Kegs, but it seems they're hellbent on forcing me to have Minsc along as well. I killed him after the initial dialogue in BG1, since he attacked me, and have no more intention of having him around this time. I know there's probably a simple way of forcing him out in Keeper or something, but is there a more "in game" way of doing it? A simple way I can do a "Khalid" on him like I did when I wanted to keep Jaheira in BG1? (took him for a stroll in front of the basilisks, lol)
Appreciate any helpful answers.

Other possibility that also might work in SoD is to kick him out of party in a small area you will never visit again, and leave the area with your PC (and the rest of the group) before he can initiate his kickout dialogue. - Kickout in SoD is scripted a bit differently, so you'd need to check whether that would work as intended.
As far as I know, there is no tweak mod to separate pairs for SoD yet.
Considering all NPCs return to camp anyway, even after leaving the party angry because of reputation, there isn't even an ingame reason why one can't stay behind while the other one follows the PC around. (Well, maybe for Minsc and Dynaheir it makes more sense with Minsc being her bodyguard and all, but for example Khalid and Jaheira could easily take on different roles, especially considering how they are met in game.) /rant
I guess that @maliagante1 wanna see Minsc to be "killed in action" with the disintegration of his body. 💥🤯
Something like a crushing blow by a Drowned-in-Blood with STR=21 in Dwarven Dig Site, Coast Way Crossing area, could work. 😼
Temples should have a cheap cremation/incineration service too, in addition to the expensive "raise dead". 😹
This getting morbid.^^
Well I suppose entertaining ones will have to do for now...
I suppose the first suggestion was something I'd already thought of, leaving him in an area somewhere, there were solutions like that for BG1 IIRC. I was interested in knowing if anybody knew specifically about such a place where I could do that, and *quickly*. Solutions along the lines of "halfway into SoD there's a place where you can push him off a cliff" won't do for me I'm afraid, not having the annoying moron in my party for more than the time it takes to transport him into a drop-off area, tops. Otherwise it's keeper removal, storywise ramifications be damned...
LoL Good luck! Btw, in BG1 I roleplay Dynaheir as a pure Invoker. 👈
And yes, I play Dynaheir as a pure invoker as well!
Omg how cruel! 😜
Wow, great! 👍
I think I identified only recently that the spawning in front of the palace is done without checking whether he died before. I guess the devs didn't consider how evil some players can be that Minsc could die inside the city.
I'm not *that* evil, I swear...
The only reason this won't happen now with SoD in my game is because I wrote my own mage NPC in the meantime.
But the Multiplayer thing I did before I started modding to have "Ajantis" in BGII. (Ajantis was also the main reason why there was, sadly, no place in my group for Minsc in BG1 - which closes the cycle.)
Most of my mods (since you asked) are at Kerzenburg, a German modding site, Brandock e.g. here.