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Any takers for another new area in Athkatla northeastern part?

shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 203
edited December 2023 in BGII:EE Mods
So I modified the map Lava showed in another thread:
(Edit: we can't link in images from imgur directly? Hmm. Bit cumbersome. Or perhaps
I may be too dumb to figure out the bb code for this forum.)

The area I mean is northeast area, with the yellow/gold surrounding.

This is kind of between government and bridge area.

You can read up on the city here on this wiki:

Possible relevant content:

"City of Coin, was the oldest settlement and capital of the mercantile nation of Amn."

"The streets of Athkatla were well lit in the evenings, thanks to the massive, halfling-sized street
oil lamps known as "storm-lanterns"."

"Organizations that ran the city's economy, such as the oppressive Cowled Wizards, the
enigmatic Shadow Thieves guild or obscenely wealthy mercantile houses could act with
complete authority and near impunity."

We have quite many mods with regard to the cowled wizards or shadow thieves. But
we kind of lack mercantile parts. So this area would seem quite nice for that theme.

"Decadence and overindulgence was a common pastime for the wealthier of Athkatla's citizens, especially those living in the Gem District. "

"The Gem District of Athkatla was a quarter in the center of the city, on the north bank of the
Alandor River"

Ok so the gem district is not the area I highlighted, but perhaps there could be components
to that, e. g. IF the area I highlighted may be dominated by merchants, then one could mention
the gem district perhaps.

What content could fit to that area I highlighted?

Well - some merchants could be there; some fedex-type quests to transfer goods, as a starter, if the party has a high reputation. There could be some ambushes by rivals, perhaps also by the shadow thieves and the party acts as additional bodyguards. Some stolen things that may be retrievable. But I guess the first
thing would be someone with some skills to create a map. Do we have like an artist section? On the game wesnoth (open source) there are artists in a dedicated subforum or so - not sure if we have that here.

The area seems to be called Trades district or something like that, or it is close to it:

"It was located in the northeast section of the city, north of the Alandor River"

"The Black Frog: a popular local tavern."

Guess there could be one new tavern there.

"The Atrium, a financial hub through which most of Athkatla's paperwork flowed."

Perhaps we could re-inspire ideas from the moneylenders mod.

Anyway, I guess there is not a high chance for this, but if anyone feels bored, these could
be some ideas for more Athkatla mods. It's already quite crowded if you look at all
addons: Tangled Oak, Alabaster sends, the arena, bridge block, southern block ... hmm.
I forgot a few more.


  • inethineth Member Posts: 711
    So I modified the map Lava showed in another thread:
    There are more mod-added Athkatla districts than that. I know of the following, but there may be more:
    As for a mercantile/merchant-dominated district in Athkatla, doesn't Waukeen's Promenade already fill that role?
    The Heroes, Thieves and Moneylenders mod even adds a bank to it.
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 549
    BG1 NPC to SoA mod also adds the Water Gardens district.
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,377
    cool ideas.

    Just remember to get permission from the IP owner (Lava) before making the actual mod.
    Usage of other modders work without permission is severly frowned upon in these parts of the world. Just a quick caution

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