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Tarrasque chances in BG/BG2



  • drawnacroldrawnacrol Member Posts: 253
    edited July 2012
    Found this on NMA, would be an interesting encounter!!

  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    The 2e Tarrasque is pretty badass:

    To recap- has a -5 THAC0 (misses only on a 1)

    Has 6 attacks- 2 claws (1-12 damage each), Tail (2-24 damage), 2 horns (1-10 each) and a bite that does 5-50 damage, plus has a chance of severing body parts (yes, including your head) on an attack roll of a natural 18 or better. Its AC is only -3, but its carapace reflects various spells that are bolt or ray attacks (this includes magic missile, lightning bolt, cone of cold and other, similar spells) with a 1 in 6 chance of reflecting them back at the caster. Others have talked about what needs to be done to kill it (reduced to -30 hp and then Wished to Death), but it also paralyzes anything of less than three levels/hit dice, making them stand in place until it is gone, and anything over 3 hit dice/levels automatically runs away. If you are over 7 levels/hit dice, you have to save vs. paralyzation not to run away. It is immune to fire and heat and regenerates 1 hit point/round. It has 300 hit points and 70 hit dice (more than all dragons).
  • WolfheartWolfheart Member Posts: 170
    @LadyRhian Hmm,,, I think I can defeat it, though that would be abusing game mechanics ^^* Chain Contagency(helpless) project imagex3, project image (or run away), summon planetars out of your hat untill the whole place is filled with planetars/dead planetars. Ofcourse, thats Baldur Gate rules and not PNP :P. I assume its immune to Timestop and Imprissonment? What about Vorpal swords? Wouldn't a wish spell to get it to a local moon or something work?
  • KukarachaKukaracha Member Posts: 256
    This is fine and dandy, but how do they implement new animations in the game without the original sources?
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    @Wolfheart Or the Harm spell (reversed Heal), brings it down to 1-4 hit points (but you have to touch it first, and you could be killed just trying to get close), then whale on its arse, then use the Wish to kill it dead. It's not immune to either Timestop or imprisonment as far as I can see. But, to cast Imprisonment, you need to know the creature's name and background (more than "This monster called the Tarrasque that burrowed up out of the ground and started ravaging the world", I am assuming), And Timestop only covers a 15' globe, and this thing is 50' long, so whatever part of it isn't covered by the spell would carry the rest out, if, say you got the head, but not the legs, and it was charging at the time. (it has a movement of 9, and a charge of 15. Humans only have a 12- and that's in light/no armor.

    So defeating it requires luck and a plan, and someone or a bunch of someones to be Tarrasque nummies while the party's mage and cleric team up to take it out. And you still might lose someone to a beheading in the process.
  • FrozenDervishFrozenDervish Member Posts: 295
    I think it could work as DLC, but currently I think the developers are against adding anything new art wise.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    So, how to solve the tarrasque problem?


    Uploaded with

    But those stats are outdated, to much in fact, tarrasque armor today actually shoud ressemble -15 to -20 at least.
  • MooseChangerPatMooseChangerPat Member Posts: 148
    I still think it it might be possible by TOB:EE, as they might have time to re-do animations enough that they could work in a Tarrasque. Also people keep bringing up 3.5 Tarrasque (Who was a freaking pansy in comparison) but this is AD&D! Thus we'd be using that particular version of the Tarrasque. Also for some reason, I thought his level of regeneration was a little bit better than 1HP/Round? But perhaps I'm just forgetting about this. Also Cespenar being the super bhaal butler that he is should totally be able to make some awesome equipment out of it's carapace upon killing it :D
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,008
    @MooseChangerPat that would be neat, and yeah look at the original demogorgon, i bet he is way stronger than whatever the original ad&d version was, so why couldnt they beef up the tarrasque for ToB, plus they need more in that expansion, you need to grind relentless spiders to hit the 8 000 000 xp cap, they need to put something in there to help you get there at least
  • MooseChangerPatMooseChangerPat Member Posts: 148
    edited August 2012
    @sarevok57 Well if you're having trouble reaching the TOB cap...

    If you play shadows of amn, and save up a LOT of gold, you can buy oh... 600 or so freedom scrolls from the special goods adventurers mart. Each time you erase a freedom scroll and then write it down again earns you 9K exp. So that's 900K Exp per party member if you have a full party. And really, what else are you going to use nearly 200K GP for? Then of course there's always turning on your AI and shooting the fire giants off the wall in Saradush. Especially if you've got infinite ammo. You can then leave it for an hour or two on its own, and then come back to level up your guys. Each fire giant is work 8K.

    But I'm inclined to agree with you on them needing to throw in a few extra things into TOB, just for funsies.

    @kamuizin Well as far as imprisonment goes there are three potential problems I can see with that. 1, he might simply end up being immune in BG2 much like Mellison or Irenicus. (Then again that could have been because they were in hell, but I'm pretty sure it's that most bosses are immune.) 2. Even if it did work, I don't think you'd end up with any experience, or with the awesome booty you could create out of it's carapace. And 3. ... It's the Tarrasque... with those kinds of giant ass claws, it might just crawl it's way back up to the surface of Faerun. It might take it awhile... but you'd only put off the inevitable.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    @MooseChangerPat imrpisonment if it even affect tarrasque (as you told it can be immune to the spell) put the target into a time stasis, tarrasque would enter into a state of coma. But your words ring true, i doubt imprisonment affect him anyway :)!
  • BaldurBaldur Member Posts: 54
    As I recall it, they DID have plans to make the Tarrasque, right? They had a 3D model and everything, but then it didn't work out, so they used that model instead to create the Deathclaws of Fallout.
  • MooseChangerPatMooseChangerPat Member Posts: 148

    They did?! o_O That's news to me!
  • BaldurBaldur Member Posts: 54
    @MooseChangerPat Yeah. S'why if you look at the Deathclaw design, you'll notice it's very similar to 2nd Ed.'s tarrasque. And considering how violently lethal they are in Fallout, it could be it was a nod to the lethality of the tarrasque in turn.
  • kostasmakrinoskostasmakrinos Member Posts: 42
    edited September 2012
    Most (if not all) hardcore D&D fans know what I’m talking about. The Tarrasque, just a page in Adv. D&D 2nd ed. Core Monstrous Manual. The beast every Dungeon Master would like to pit against a high-lv PC party -personally, after 12 long years of playing D&D adventures there was only one time when that beast showed up and you can imagine it was epic :)

    Hey, we had Demogorgon (and it was epic!). We want the Tarrasque as well ! It could be an add-on adventure of Shadows of Amn EE or Throne of Bhaal EE.

    I'm starting this discussion with the hope many of you BG fans will agree to this request so that the Beamdog guys create a Tarrasque Adventure for their upcoming title. Feel free to share your thoughts & post any Tarrasque Adventures you might had in pnp D&D- I'm sure we are interested to know them!

    Web link to Tarrasque Creature, 2nd ed. ruleset:
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    I believe they call that "jumping the shark".

    In any case, the Tarrasque would pose some logistical problems. For one thing, it can only be killed with a specific level 9 spell, and even then only after some very creative massive injury. It's immune to magic and most weapons, regenerates at an absurd rate...

    The equipment and skills currently available in BG2 and even ToB would not allow you to kill this thing.
  • kostasmakrinoskostasmakrinos Member Posts: 42
    actually it has no Magic Resistance %, but its carrapace can deflect 1 in 6 attack-type spells cast at it (read the monster description for detailed spells) plus it has fire immunity.

    weapon-wise, a +1 or better magic weapon can harm it normally.

    the spell required to destroy it is the matter, but is a matter easily resolved. a powerful NPC mage may team-up with the party to help in the fight in the critical moment for example
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    Should be easy enough to do, since they've already added one to the Cloudpeaks for BGEE.
  • kostasmakrinoskostasmakrinos Member Posts: 42
    sorry I forgot to mention it in above comment- HP regeneration is 1 hp per round, even lower than a Troll's (3 hps per round) so I wouldn't call that absurd!
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    edited September 2012
    Merged the threads.
  • ChippyChippy Member Posts: 241
    Baldur said:

    As I recall it, they DID have plans to make the Tarrasque, right? They had a 3D model and everything, but then it didn't work out, so they used that model instead to create the Deathclaws of Fallout.

    Wasn't there a Gif floating around on the Blackisle boards? I've got a hazy memory of that, and a mention that (might have been a joke) the Terrasque would appear in the area with Samuel the deserter. I always thought that was why there was those huge pools of blood all over the place.

    So all we need to do is convince Overhaul to contact "Blackisle" and track down the lost art. :) Assuming I rememeber correctly.

  • Roller12Roller12 Member Posts: 437
    edited October 2012
    judging by these stats it would be only slightly stronger than a generic ToB enemy.

    ToB party fighters have -19 thac0, -24 AC, 10apr, all saves in the negative.
    Tarrasque has -6 thac0, -3 ac, 6 apr.

    one round and he is dead.

    edit: a pack of Tarrasques would be more of a challenge, like 10-15 of them, like the same quest in bg1 where we had to fend off a pack of gibberlings.
  • PraepoitusPraepoitus Member Posts: 8
    Roller12 said:

    judging by these stats it would be only slightly stronger than a generic ToB enemy.

    ToB party fighters have -19 thac0, -24 AC, 10apr, all saves in the negative.
    Tarrasque has -6 thac0, -3 ac, 6 apr.

    one round and he is dead.

    edit: a pack of Tarrasques would be more of a challenge, like 10-15 of them, like the same quest in bg1 where we had to fend off a pack of gibberlings.

    Famous last words (AD&D-Edition) "What do you mean a herd of Tarrasques?"

    The thung about the Tarrasque is that it's (as far as I regard it) more or less meant to be the ultimate punishment/tool for killing annoying PC's
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Tarrasque was created in a time that probally the D&D makers didn't even thought in a party reach the level that we have in ToB (i believe).

    Well based on his normal status, and apart the fact that after each bite he gives, there's a chance to swallow a party NPC (the game imprisonment effect should be used to simulate this) he's not a so huge problematic monster, not more than demogorgon or Ravager, besides would be more like cyric's style to throw a tarrasque in the main char head instead of 3 high level thief, when he ... aham "offer a challenge" aham... to the player in his pocket plane.
  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
    edited October 2012
    Do you remember this level of Durlag Tower?
    The size should be like this:


    Post edited by SpaceInvader on
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Maybe, the Icewind Dale dragon (from the expansion if i'm not wrong) was huge also, greater than Baldur's Gate dragons in general.
  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
    Mmm yes, a little bit.
  • IrishAndroidIrishAndroid Member Posts: 12
    July 13 Posts: 958
    In my view Baldur's Gate ToB is the only plataform D&D game that would support a fair fight with tarrasque, if not done in ToB, where everyone already passed to the superior classes, no other game will be able to use tarrasque.

    First time poster, long time reader, btw. I hadn't seen this reference anywhere yet, so I decided to jump in (and correct me if this has been said). The Tarrasque was used in Darksun: Wake of the Ravager, an I'd-like-to-think well known 2nd Edition AD&D CRPG. The method of destruction was plot-based and unique, involving the alignment of four elemental artifacts and the sealing of Mr. Frenchie the Tarrasque in an urn (in this case, a pocket dimension). He was enormous on screen and not alone, accompanied by the plot's antagonist as well as a horde of skeletal warriors. I remember this as one of my earlier gaming "what the hell" moments. If I recall correctly, this battle was difficult, but not overtly so.

  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,008
    you can play as the tarrasque in starcraft brood war, and fight against it as well, so thats another game that had it
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