No Grandmastery?

According to:'s_Gate:_Progression_Charts fighters only get 2 more proficiency points before they hit the xp cap. This means that the max you can get in the proficiency is 4 out of 5. Is this right?
When you look at tables, it's pretty clear that you're best off putting 3 pips in your melee weapon of choice and 3 pips in your ranged weapon of choice.
You should be able to distribute proficiency points wherever you like on character creation, being capped to two in any weapon type shouldnt apply to fighters or archers.
Of course you can just use shadowkeeper, or BG Tweaks mods to overcome this.
Also, with the "new" Grandmastery table, this would unbalance the game (at least early on) even more strongly in favour of fighters - I prefer more of a challenge
To Fighters: Disagree.
It's actually a rule from tabletop DnD that Fighters can't go beyond Specialize upon character generation, they are only allowed to go further upon .
The trick is: level your fighter up to level 6, then dual-class to mage. However, when you hit level 6 as mage, don't level up, instead wait until you have amassed 60k xp, and then level up. Since level 7 is enough to regain your fighter abilities, you can then place your proficiency from level 6 on top of your fighter ones.
Level 1 Swash - * Shortbow, * Quarterstaff
Level 4 Swash - ** Quarterstaff
Level 6 Swash - Dual class to mage
Level 1 Mage - * Dart
Level 7 mage (after banking level 6) - * Two Handed Weapon Style
Rather than having to install weapon styles for all classes and taking Two hander style during my mage levels! /Doh.
As it stands, you're technically not supposed to be able to go above specialized (unless you had already reached that point previously) after you dual out of fighter, similar to multi-class.
You're level 6 fighter has High Mastery in Warhammers when he duals cleric.
He cannot gain grand mastery in Warhammers, although he still benefits from high mastery once he recovers his levels, but on the same token he shouldn't be allowed to go beyond specialized in something like maces or flails.
Oh I see, that's sad if you're right. I have actually been able to test this in BGEE, just in Tutu (where I have cheats enabled), I do hope you're wrong though.
Honestly, it was a bug introduced with the BG2 engine. I had never even known that you could give someone like Anomen grand mastery, so he just had a ton of weapons at specialized in the game I used him. I only found out about the dual classing bugs once I started frequenting these forums.
This follows the 2nd edition rules, too: you can only specialize at first level, and weapon mastery and high mastery and grandmastery and the sort come only later.
Just wait until Baldur's Gate 2. That's when you get to do all your epic stuff and become the master swordsman you hoped to be.
Level 1 - * Scimitar, *Shortbow
Level 4 - * Two Handed Weapon Style
Level 6 - Dual class to mage
Level 1 Mage - * Quarterstaff
Level 7 mage (after banking level 6) - ** Quarterstaff
Then after that, you still eventually get enough proficiency points from the remaining mage levels to get 2 points in Scimitars and 3 points in Two Weapon Fighting.
The bug was that once someone had already dual classed out of fighter (in this case Anomen, who by the time you get him is already a cleric), they were still able to get Mastery/High Mastery/Grand Mastery in weapons. The way Dual-class is supposed to work is that your weapon proficiency is capped after you dual class out of fighter.
As I explained earlier:
If you dual class and have already achieved Mastery, High Mastery or Grand Mastery with a weapon, then you regain those bonuses once you have reactivated your fighter abilities. If you have not, as is the case with Anomen who is no more than specialized in anything, you should not be able to progress to those once you are no longer a fighter.
Weapon proficiency worked properly like this when you dual classed in BG1, but in BG2 when they changed the engine this bug crept in.
To be honest, I think any fighter (dual- or Multiclass) should be able to reach at least Mastery. Grand Mastery is a bit much within the XP-Cap of BG1, though. Should be fine in the Black Pits, however, but that has an XP-cap of 500.000.
I agree that multi's should be able to, but not duals. Anyway that's this is another age old forum argument that occurs every few weeks or so.
Thanks for the confirmation that it works. Insightful to you Sir.
I said more than just 'I dont care', I said I dont care about things if they make the game worse / less enjoyable.
How many things that were present in PnP were left out of BG1? There are far many more significant things ommitted for the reason of making the game more fun to play hence I dont see PnP rules as being a significant factor for how a video game based upon them has to be.
Human Fighter level 1: sword ++ bow ++
Level 3: Sword +++
Dual to thief, Dagger + single weapon +
Level 4: Sword ++++
Level 8: Sword +++++