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The Hitchhiker's Guide to Installing Mods on OSX



  • johntyljohntyl Member Posts: 400
    edited June 2016

    It's looking for that install_sfo.tpa file. Check whether it is there in the /stratagems/sfo directory.

    If not, download a fresh copy of SCS and look to see if the file is there in the right place. Then apply the hotfix, then install.

    NOTE: Do not copy the folders in the hotfix into /stratagems. Dig down into the hotfix folder structure, dig down into the SCS folder structure to the same place, and copy the FILE over. Only move the files, not folders.

    Yes, it's working now!! As you suspected, I replaced the folders previously instead of just those 4 files, silly me. thank you so much, as always! :))))
  • fataljasminefataljasmine Member Posts: 67
    So I deleted and resintalled BG2EE 1.3 (i have it through mac osx and steam), installed Weidu and the Weidu Mac Launcher into my BGIIee progam files, and am trying to use the Weidu Mac Launcher to get mods resintalled into BG2EE and every time I choose a mod to install, I get this:

    Last login: Sun Jun 12 16:38:18 on ttys000
    xxxxxxxLibrary/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Baldur'\''s Gate II Enhanced Edition/'
    Jeremys-MacBook-Pro:Resources jeremyhynds$ ./setup-TotDG
    -bash: ./setup-TotDG: is a directory
    Jeremys-MacBook-Pro:Resources jeremyhynds$

    This wasn't happening last time I was trying to install .tp2 files. I have the latest version of Mac OS Weidu in the Resources Folder RENAMED to weidu, and the Weidu Mac Launcher, but when I try to use the Launcher to run a mod to install it, this is the message I get. Why won't it recognize the .tp2 files and why does it keep saying "this is a directory"?
  • fataljasminefataljasmine Member Posts: 67
    Okay, update, well, I copied directly the Weidu files from the weidu folder into the resources folder and got further, but when I try to install my first mod, I get this message:

    ERROR locating resource for 'APPEND'
    Resource [STATE.IDS] not found in KEY file:
    Stopping installation because of error.

    ERROR Installing [Colours of Infinity: Tales of the Deep Gardens], rolling back to previous state
    Will uninstall 0 files for [TOTDG/SETUP-TOTDG.TP2] component 0.
    Uninstalled 0 files for [TOTDG/SETUP-TOTDG.TP2] component 0.
    ERROR: BIFF [./DATA/CREATURE.BIF] cannot be loaded: Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "./DATA/CREATURE.BIF")
    ERROR: BIFF [./DATA/CREATURE.BIF] cannot be loaded: Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "./DATA/CREATURE.BIF")
    ERROR: BIFF [./DATA/CREATURE.BIF] cannot be loaded: Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "./DATA/CREATURE.BIF")
    /bin/sh: TotDGUA.bat: command not found
    ERROR: Failure("resource [STATE.IDS] not found for 'APPEND'")
    PLEASE email the file SETUP-TOTDG.DEBUG to Lava Del'Vortel
    Using Language [English]

    Is there something I need to do with the chitin.key file?
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    edited June 2016
    Do you have the entire SETUP-TOTDG.DEBUG file? If WeiDU can't find any STATE.IDS in the chitin.key file, then there may be something wrong here.

    Also, I note that the install is invoking a .bat file. That could indicate a compatibility issue for non-Windows users.

    EDIT: The .bat file issue is the mod's audio component. The mod does not use HANDLE_AUDIO, it uses a custom .bat file to process audio files. Fortunately, the EEs can use .ogg files, but all the DG*.ogg files the mod puts in the override need to be renamed to .wav.
    Post edited by AstroBryGuy on
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited June 2016
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,890
    edited June 2016
    Ugh... I'm not sure how HANDLE_AUDIO works + I just had a surgery and yesterday I got back to home. I'm not really able to work on that kind of stuff... I think I should look for someone who can work on some of my mods, update them, fix minor stuff.

    Is the problem only with OSX? Because before I got to the hospital I worked on NPC to BG1EE and used usual ogg decoder and it worked fine. That just made me wonder...
  • FilpFilp Member Posts: 3
    Maybe a silly question, but would new companions/followers count as "quest mods", or "npc" mods?
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    Filp said:

    Maybe a silly question, but would new companions/followers count as "quest mods", or "npc" mods?

    NPC mods.
  • jankmasterjankmaster Member Posts: 41
    Again I've tried asking on other threads, so I'll ask here. Does anyone know which permissions to change to get Mods working on the Steam Mac Version?
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    @jankmaster - I don't have the Steam version, but I'm unaware of any permissions issues. What mod are you trying to install and what error messages are you getting?
  • jankmasterjankmaster Member Posts: 41
    edited November 2017
    @AstroBryGuy I was trying to install the Sirene mod for Baldur's Gate EE. I downloaded the Wediu, The Modmerge, and the Installer. I put them in the Folder Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition next to the Chiten Key.

    I get this message when I try and use the Wedui Installer.

    Folder Path is as follows, Library - application support- steam- steam apps- common-Baud'rs Gate Enchanced Edition. And that's where the Chitn.key is so I think that's the right folder.

    cd '/Users/nathankashiwamura/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Baldur'\''s Gate Enhanced Edition/'
    Last login: Wed Nov 1 22:14:40 on ttys000
    Nathans-MBP:~ nathankashiwamura$ cd '/Users/nathankashiwamura/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Baldur'\''s Gate Enhanced Edition/'
    Nathans-MBP:Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition nathankashiwamura$ ./setup-Sirene
    -bash: ./setup-Sirene: Permission denied
    Nathans-MBP:Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition nathankashiwamura$

  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    edited November 2017
    @jankmaster - When you say you downloaded "the Weidu", do you mean you downloaded @subtledoctor's Mac WeiDU Launcher, or did you download the WeiDU binaries directly from (i.e.,

    Also, does Sirene have a macOS package, or does it only distribute with a Windows installer? Unfortunately, sometimes the macOS package of a mod is packaged with a WeiDU binary (the setup-[MODNAME] file) without execute permission. I would assume it's just an oversight on the part of the person packaging the mod, probably because they are a Windows-user and may not know that macOS uses Unix-based file permissions
  • jankmasterjankmaster Member Posts: 41
    I downloaded both. And as for Sirene, I downloaded a zip package, assuming that the zip files mean that it would work for both because zip files were how I usually worked the old the old things in 1.3 for Baldur's gate 2
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    If you downloaded the WeiDU binary from and put that in your game folder, that's the problem. The "weidu" binary file in the package doesn't have the execute bit set.

    You can fix it one of two ways:

    1. Use the Terminal and set the execute bit. The command is: "chmod u+x weidu". Then, re-run the WeiDU Launcher.
    2. @subtledoctor's WeiDU Launcher comes with a copy of weidu. Delete the weidu binary currently in your game folder and the setup-sirene file (it's just a link to the current copy of weidu). Then, re-run the WeiDU Launcher. It should copy a "weidu" binary file with the execute bit properly set into the game folder.
  • jankmasterjankmaster Member Posts: 41
    edited November 2017
    Thanks, I think it's working now. Thanks a bunch. If i run into any other problems, I'll ask over on the other threads about the mods themselves. Thanks.
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  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437

    If you downloaded the WeiDU binary from and put that in your game folder, that's the problem. The "weidu" binary file in the package doesn't have the execute bit set.

    You can fix it one of two ways:

    1. Use the Terminal and set the execute bit. The command is: "chmod u+x weidu". Then, re-run the WeiDU Launcher.
    2. @subtledoctor's WeiDU Launcher comes with a copy of weidu.

    I should mention that the Weidu Launcher is still shipping with Weidu v240, it has not been updated to v242... for this very reason. When I updated it to 242 there were permissions errors.

    I don't think it's a big deal, as v242 is mostly about features for PSTEE. But I would still like to update it. @AstroBryGuy do you know what I need to do to change Weidu's permissions such that I can distribute it with the Launcher and it will be usable by everyone?

    Alternatively, do you think the permissions should be set by the Launcher itself, when you first run it? Would that require the user's password? (Most people will be running it from within /Applications.) If so, would it prompt them automatically, or would I have to code the password prompt into the AppleScript App?

    Curious what you think the best option is.
    @subtledoctor - It should just need "chmod 755 weidu" invoked from the Terminal. That will set the permissions to rwxr-xr-x (i.e., user: read-write-execute, group: read-execute, others: read-execute).
  • jankmasterjankmaster Member Posts: 41
    edited November 2017
    Okay, now I am strangely getting errors for individual parts of a mod, while some of it installs fine, for example the Isra mod, (the entire Sirene mod works fine far as I can tell)

    (Bunch of other stuff)
    Installing audio
    Isra/ line 5: Isra/oggdec: Permission denied
    Finished installing audio

    I have no idea what I'm missing here now.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    The mod is using an external shell script to process the audio files from .ogg format to .wav*. Unfortunately, the mod apparently ships with binary files that do not have the execute permission set. It's a fairly common issue for macOS versions of mods packaged on a Windows machine (since Windows does not use Unix-style file permissions).

    You'll need to go in an set the execute permission on the oggdec binary file before installing the mod. In the Terminal, go to the folder with the oggdec binary and enter the command:

    chmod 755 oggdec

    * Actually, on BG:EE, it is technically unnecessary to process the audio files at all. The EE engine can use .ogg format files - although they do need to be given the .wav extension.
  • jankmasterjankmaster Member Posts: 41
    So I open terminal, drag the folder into the terminal window, and then run the command?
  • jankmasterjankmaster Member Posts: 41
    Like so? /Library/Application\ Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Baldur\'s\ Gate\ Enhanced\ Edition/Isra/audio chmod 755 oggdec
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    No, use the cd command to move to the directory, then issue the chmod command.

    cd /Library/Application\ Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Baldur\'s\ Gate\ Enhanced\ Edition/Isra/audio chmod 755 oggdec
  • wdarkkwdarkk Member Posts: 12
    edited January 2018
    NVM, deleted comment.
    Post edited by wdarkk on
  • vavrvavr Member Posts: 8
    Hi Guys,

    Hope someone can help me. I have bought the game on GOG, but I am missing the game directory. "Contents/Resources/game" I have only Resources. I tried to download the mods to the Content folder, Resourses folder, override folder and data folder, but always got the same error message"

    Please run this program in your Infinity Engine game directory.

    FATAL ERROR: Failure("Not a game directory")

    I followed the steps descriped here, but can't find the correct folder:
    Go to /Applications/Badur's Gate Enhanced Edition
    Right click on the app and select "Show Package Contents".

    Can anyone help, please?

  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    Hello @vavr,

    What you are looking for is the folder with the file "chitin.key". GOG keeps this file stashed away inside the app package.
    • Go to /Applications/Badur's Gate Enhanced Edition
    • Right click on the app and select "Show Package Contents".
    • Go to Contents/Resources (the "game" folder was a guess based on previous GOG versions, where they buried the game application inside another app-wrapper)
    When you are extracting your mods, macOS tries to help you keep files organized. If the top-level folder of the archive contains anything other than a single folder, it creates a folder with the same name as the archive to extract the files into (e.g., so that it doesn't dump 200 files from .zip file onto your desktop). You will want to open this folder and then copy the contents to the Resources folder.

    For example, if you download BG1NPC for macOS and then unpack the archive, it will create a folder called "osx-bg1npc-v23.3". Open up this folder and copy the contents to the Resources folder. For bg1npc, you would then have the following files in the Resources folder:
    • a folder named "bg1npc"
    • a binary file "setup-bg1npc"
    • a bash script "setup-bg1npc.command"
    Double-click "setup-bg1npc.command" to install the mod. Alternatively, you can use subtledoctor's Mac WeiDU Launcher:
  • vavrvavr Member Posts: 8
    edited August 2018
    Thank you, seems I got somewhere. When I used the launcher, I could instal some of them, but for some I got the following error: /setup-g3anniversary
    -bash: ./setup-g3anniversary: Permission denied.
    I have selected the option to instal the apps from all resources in the preferences (Security & Privacy) and there is only one user on my mac.
    Any hints, please?

    Post edited by vavr on
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    @vavr - That sometimes happens when the mod is packaged by someone on a Windows machine. MacOS uses Unix-like file permissions (read, write, execute). Runnable program files need to have an "execute" bit set. Windows doesn't use Unix file permissions and may not preserve them. If that happens, the "setup-[MODNAME]" file isn't set to be executable and you get the permission error.

    There's two ways to fix it:

    1. Terminal

    * Open Terminal.
    * Change to the Resources folder (easy way to do this: type "cd " on the command line (trailing space IS needed), then drag the Resources folder into the Terminal window, press Enter).
    * Then type the following command: "chmod u+x setup-[MODNAME]" where [MODNAME] is whatever the mod's setup file is called, e.g. "chmod u+x setup-g3anniversary"

    This will set the executable bit

    2. @subtledoctor's Mac WeiDU Launcher

    * Drag the setup-[MODNAME] file to the Trash
    * Run the Mac WeiDU Launcher

    The WeiDU Launcher will create a symlink called "setup-[MODNAME]" to the weidu binary file.
  • vavrvavr Member Posts: 8
    edited August 2018
    @AstroBryGuy Thanks a lot! Seems that everything should be working fine now :smile:

    But I ran into other problem. When I try to instal G3Aniversary and Divine Remix, it gives me the following error:

    [G3Anniversary/compile/g3mrsgtu.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 9 column 1-19
    Near Text: )
    [Face] argument [G3Drini] not found in [DIR.IDS]

    ERROR locating resource for 'CHAIN3'
    Resource [BJAHEIR.DLG] not found in KEY file:
    ERROR: preprocessing APPEND_EARLY [G3Anniversary/compile/dialog.d]: Failure("resource [BJAHEIR.DLG] not found for 'CHAIN3'")
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.

    ERROR Installing [The Gibberlings Three Anniversary Mod], rolling back to previous state
    Will uninstall 53 files for [G3ANNIVERSARY/SETUP-G3ANNIVERSARY.TP2] component 0.
    Uninstalled 53 files for [G3ANNIVERSARY/SETUP-G3ANNIVERSARY.TP2] component 0.
    ERROR: Failure("resource [BJAHEIR.DLG] not found for 'CHAIN3'")
    PLEASE email the file SETUP-G3ANNIVERSARY.DEBUG to The Gibberlings Three -


    ERROR: cannot convert %class% or %%class%% to an integer
    ERROR: [kitlist.2da] -> [override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Failure("int_of_string"))
    Stopping installation because of error.

    ERROR Installing [Divine Remix Core Components (Required for Everything)], rolling back to previous state
    Will uninstall 1 files for [DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2] component 0.
    Uninstalled 1 files for [DIVINE_REMIX/SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.TP2] component 0.
    ERROR: Failure("int_of_string")
    PLEASE email the file SETUP-DIVINE_REMIX.DEBUG to or

    If my guess is correct that it is not compatible maybe with some other mods I already installed? Or is there any workaround in this case?

    Thank you
  • AdobeAdobe Member Posts: 1
    Hi there!

    I'm trying to install some mods for BG2 EE on OS High Sierra (3 yo macbook air), successfully did it for BG1 EE but I am currently stuck at the very beginning of the process, which is quite frustrating after hours spent in the information gathering process - could anyone help me ? I *feel* the problem is fairly simple yet I can't quite understand how to solve it.

    With every mod I try to install (starting with the first, BG2 fixpack) I get this in the terminal :

    "Last login: Sat Jul 20 08:44:27 on ttys001
    AirdeAdobati6:~ adobati$ /Applications/Baldur\'s\ Gate\ II\ -\ Enhanced\ ; exit;
    [./setup-ascension] WeiDU version 24600
    WARNING: unable to open log file [SETUP-ASCENSION.DEBUG]: Sys_error("SETUP-ASCENSION.DEBUG: Permission denied")[./chitin.key] 189 BIFFs, 62285 resources

    FATAL ERROR: Unix.Unix_error(1, "mkdir", "override")

    Press ENTER to exit."

    I tried to authorize permissions on the chitin.key file, but no success. I haven't been able to find anyone with the same problem on the internet, anyone who could help would get some serious gratitude.
  • thebeaglebeaglethebeaglebeagle Member Posts: 13
    The post that starts this thread lists this instruction:
    Step 2: Download the latest WeiDU
    Get a copy of Mac WeiDU here:
    FYI - If you're new to modding, WeiDU is an installer program for BGEE/BG2EE mods. You need it.
    Unzip the archive. It will create a folder called 'Weidu-Mac'. Open this folder and copy the 'weidu' program file to the game folder.

    When I download Weidu, I do get a weiDU-Mac folder. But there is no weidu program inside that folder.

    Thanks for any ideas!

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