Improved movement speed outside of combat

Is there a mod that can offer something similar like The Paws of the Cheetah, but only increases movement speed outside of combat? I figured that would make exploring a map with a full party much quicker without it being overpowered.
Seems you've already got a solution, (and I'm quite late to the party!), but I hacked up a very simple mod that should make your party move as if they had Paws of the Cheetah outside of combat. Should work for all the Infinity Engine games, even the originals!
I've attached the mod, have fun.
I already explored most of the Sword Coast without speed enhancements
So, it should work in whatever order you want to install it in. If you want to be absolutely sure it works, I would install it after all other mods that alter scripts, (which is basically every mod ever, so install it last if you are worried about compatibility).
I'm thinking of adding it to the Tweaks Anthology eventually, as it's too small to be released as a separate mod. But I can still provide a standalone version of the tweak here if you (or anyone else) is interested.
I don't know if it's already possible, but another thing that would be convenient is if my entire party could switch between ranged and melee weapons using a hotkey.
It will probably conflict with other movement speed mods, such as the one provided by @Bubb above. You should uninstall them first.
even if a little dangerous when the party thief is exploring an area or dungeon for traps, using the bots my thief sometimes runs into the traps and then detects them. true that an experienced player knows the location of every trap, but for new players it can be a problem.
Still enjoy this and would rather play with this tweak than without it even with these issues.
EDIT: This post was supposed to be in this thread: