There is an annoying issue in SoD: when you start a new game, the dialogue for choosing your new spells fires before the initial cutscene ----> this means you're forced to choose your spells completely blindly (i.e., without being able to read their descriptions since the screen is completely black......)
Shadow Adept, Shadow Disciple and Nightsinger should probably be able to use the scroll "Identify".......
@Luke93 I thought about that myself, but well, I reckon the power from reading it does comes from the Weave, instead of the SW.
On that note though, I had a couple of thoughts regarding the various SW wands. It would seem to me that it would fit better if they were only be able to be recharged by another SW user, not just any regular mage or store keep. They don;t have access or permission from Shar to do so. Reading a little more into the SW from Magic of Faerun, the SW seems to be able to function normally within 'dead magic' and 'wild magic' zones. Makes sense as Shar's magic is not a part of those weave damaged areas. In anti-magic zones it still does not function though, which makes sense.
I'm not sure if you could rig something like that to work in that fashion @Artemius_I , but it would be a nice little touch. *Oh, what was the word on nightsingers getting one hp per lvl after 10th instead of two, as per regular bards? Intended or not? I'm ok either way but just was curious.
Fixed a bug which could cause all party members to be affected by daylight weakening in SoD in EET
The little bit of scripting I used to add the SHADOW_ADEPT specific ids was bad and ended up causing the above bug. I feel a little stupid since I had the solution all along and didn't realize it until I came across it by chance.
Had a small, perhaps even insignificant question. I noticed in the .tp2 file it says the version is "1.9.34". Is that just simply because you didn't update the number?
I am still not seeing the command to Call Shadow Familiar on nightsinger. Adding the innate with EEKeeper adds the command but no familiar is summoned when pressed. Could you double check on this?
Well, shoot. I'll be dawged if I know the problem. I started a new game, gave the character experience (EEKer) to get to 8th and it did not show up. I was allowed to go through all the spell dialogue fine but just didn't get that ability. Even adding the ability to that new character manually just showed him casting a normal looking SW spell, but then nothing.
The spell is added to the main character only via a simple script. The only way it could fail is if your baldur.bcs script file is really cluttered and blocking it off, and that's not likely given that I have a ton of mods installed on several games and the script works on all of them. And even that doesn't explain why adding the spell directly and casting it has no result. That can only happen if, by some really bizarre reason, your character has no alignment.
You can try C:SetGlobal("C0SASummonFamiliar","GLOBAL",0) and C:SetGlobal("C0SAFamiliarSummoned","GLOBAL",0) to reset the scripts but I doubt it'd do any good.
This is what I am getting when adding enough experience to lvl up to 8th starting out after character creation in BG. In SoD it only lvls to 7th automatically but this same pause message occurs in there as well. This is still v2.3 Name:Auto-Paused:Scripted Not sure if that means anything special or not.
Hmmm. Ok, I've tested it a few times now. Occasionally the command isn't given to me on a new character for some reason. Most of the time it does, so that's good. Heck if I know why.
It doesn't work when installing the new version over a saved game. I have to add the command manually and even then it doesn't work. Well, the spell casts but without the arrow pointer to direct where to summon the critter to (so nothing happens). When I tested the mod in it's early days with a shadow adept a reinstall would work fine over a saved game (always my last install). It may be that is has just become so complex now that won't work. Time for a restart on that run then I guess. Thanks for checking.
I think all that probably means a new character leveling up the normal way by adventuring would work ok.
1) When I install the latest download, it says it is 1.9.34 in Weidu instead of 1.9.35. 2) In BGEE, my Shadow Adept 1st level casts 5 missiles with Shadow Missile instead of one.
1) When I install the latest download, it says it is 1.9.34 in Weidu instead of 1.9.35. 2) In BGEE, my Shadow Adept 1st level casts 5 missiles with Shadow Missile instead of one.
1) I pretty much asked the same question above. I believe that he simply didn't update the number, but it's still v1.9.35 code wise.
LIFE-DRAIN effects can be triggered not only with fists but also with any melee weapon the Shadow Monk can use (this is due to opcode #248 "melee-hit effect".....
Since coming to Spellhold, my Shadow Adept character has been unable to cast any spells. Even if I use scrolls the spell doesn't go off. If I try to cast the character goes through the motions of casting, but the spell doesn't go off. It's only happening after the Dream in Spellhold, but if I use CLUA Console to move my character to other areas, the problem is still there.
Since coming to Spellhold, my Shadow Adept character has been unable to cast any spells. Even if I use scrolls the spell doesn't go off. If I try to cast the character goes through the motions of casting, but the spell doesn't go off. It's only happening after the Dream in Spellhold, but if I use CLUA Console to move my character to other areas, the problem is still there.
Same here, but it happened after I went into the Nashkel Mines.
Since coming to Spellhold, my Shadow Adept character has been unable to cast any spells. Even if I use scrolls the spell doesn't go off. If I try to cast the character goes through the motions of casting, but the spell doesn't go off. It's only happening after the Dream in Spellhold, but if I use CLUA Console to move my character to other areas, the problem is still there.
Same here, but it happened after I went into the Nashkel Mines.
Could it have something to do with the Bhaal abilities? If you just got your first one for chapter 1, and I just got mine taken away? I'm trying to find anything here because I cannot see a pattern in this at all.
Since coming to Spellhold, my Shadow Adept character has been unable to cast any spells. Even if I use scrolls the spell doesn't go off. If I try to cast the character goes through the motions of casting, but the spell doesn't go off. It's only happening after the Dream in Spellhold, but if I use CLUA Console to move my character to other areas, the problem is still there.
Same here, but it happened after I went into the Nashkel Mines.
Could it have something to do with the Bhaal abilities? If you just got your first one for chapter 1, and I just got mine taken away? I'm trying to find anything here because I cannot see a pattern in this at all.
Who knows? I'm gonna reload to a previous save where the bug didn't happen and see if I can recreate it.
Edit: It seems to happen after I rest to restore my spellslots.
For anyone using this mod in SoD -- with a high enough INT, WIS or CHA to get a bonus from it -- does the green dragon Morentherene wake up as soon as you enter her lair? This happens in my game, and my primary hypothesis is that it's caused by the continuous EFFs that the shadow adept kit runs, combined with this script inside the lair, BD7210.BCS:
This code essentially wakes the dragon as soon as anyone casts a spell or uses an ability anywhere in that area, and it seemingly triggers as soon as the shadow adept sets foot inside. Leaving the shadow adept out allows the rest of the party to move around inside the lair as normal.
If I'm correct this isn't really any fault of the mod as much as the wake-on-cast script being blunt and unnecessarily strict. The easiest fix is to just remove the above code and the shadow adept can enter like any other character, with the caveat that you can now cast spells inside the lair without waking Morentherene.
First of all, thanks for your mod. I'm a HUGE fan of Shadow Adepts in PnP D&D and I'm so glad I have had the chance to try your mod, which so far is just amazing, for many reasons (the sacrifice theme with Constitution drain, the kind of cold/shadow based spells, everything).
That said, I am running BGEE under Linux and, although the installation of your mod worked fine using Wine and I've managed to get to Nashkel Mines and back without issue, I'm just experiencing a small bug right now with the familiar. Advancing to level 6, I get the Summon Familiar innate spell but whenever I cast it, the game will crash. I understand it's a very specific situation with Linux as the OS, but if you know of any other users who experienced something similar and any potential workaround, I would be incredibly grateful, as I'm looking forward to keep playing the mod and explore the endless possibilities of the Shadow Adept.
The update has fixed my installation error. Thanks.
On that note though, I had a couple of thoughts regarding the various SW wands. It would seem to me that it would fit better if they were only be able to be recharged by another SW user, not just any regular mage or store keep. They don;t have access or permission from Shar to do so.
Reading a little more into the SW from Magic of Faerun, the SW seems to be able to function normally within 'dead magic' and 'wild magic' zones. Makes sense as Shar's magic is not a part of those weave damaged areas. In anti-magic zones it still does not function though, which makes sense.
I'm not sure if you could rig something like that to work in that fashion @Artemius_I , but it would be a nice little touch.
*Oh, what was the word on nightsingers getting one hp per lvl after 10th instead of two, as per regular bards? Intended or not? I'm ok either way but just was curious.
- Spell selection in SoD will be visible and occur after the starting sequence (BUGFIX)
- Bard gains +2 hit points after 10th level instead of +1 (BUGFIX)
Identify scrolls are a no-go, I’m afraid. I’d have to make them universal in which case they’d be usable and memorizable by conjurers too.- Fixed a bug which could cause all party members to be affected by daylight weakening in SoD in EET
The little bit of scripting I used to add the SHADOW_ADEPT specific ids was bad and ended up causing the above bug. I feel a little stupid since I had the solution all along and didn't realize it until I came across it by chance.I don't know. Can't reproduce it on a clean game, so it must be a mod compatibility issue. Make sure you're using a fresh character.
The spell is added to the main character only via a simple script. The only way it could fail is if your baldur.bcs script file is really cluttered and blocking it off, and that's not likely given that I have a ton of mods installed on several games and the script works on all of them. And even that doesn't explain why adding the spell directly and casting it has no result. That can only happen if, by some really bizarre reason, your character has no alignment.
You can try C:SetGlobal("C0SASummonFamiliar","GLOBAL",0) and C:SetGlobal("C0SAFamiliarSummoned","GLOBAL",0) to reset the scripts but I doubt it'd do any good.
Not sure if that means anything special or not.
Yes, that's to give you a chance to fill out your spellbook so you don't start off with no spells.
It doesn't work when installing the new version over a saved game. I have to add the command manually and even then it doesn't work. Well, the spell casts but without the arrow pointer to direct where to summon the critter to (so nothing happens).
When I tested the mod in it's early days with a shadow adept a reinstall would work fine over a saved game (always my last install). It may be that is has just become so complex now that won't work. Time for a restart on that run then I guess. Thanks for checking.
I think all that probably means a new character leveling up the normal way by adventuring would work ok.
1) When I install the latest download, it says it is 1.9.34 in Weidu instead of 1.9.35.
2) In BGEE, my Shadow Adept 1st level casts 5 missiles with Shadow Missile instead of one.
I've just tested it and it works
Same here, but it happened after I went into the Nashkel Mines.
Edit: It seems to happen after I rest to restore my spellslots.
This code essentially wakes the dragon as soon as anyone casts a spell or uses an ability anywhere in that area, and it seemingly triggers as soon as the shadow adept sets foot inside. Leaving the shadow adept out allows the rest of the party to move around inside the lair as normal.
If I'm correct this isn't really any fault of the mod as much as the wake-on-cast script being blunt and unnecessarily strict. The easiest fix is to just remove the above code and the shadow adept can enter like any other character, with the caveat that you can now cast spells inside the lair without waking Morentherene.
First of all, thanks for your mod. I'm a HUGE fan of Shadow Adepts in PnP D&D and I'm so glad I have had the chance to try your mod, which so far is just amazing, for many reasons (the sacrifice theme with Constitution drain, the kind of cold/shadow based spells, everything).
That said, I am running BGEE under Linux and, although the installation of your mod worked fine using Wine and I've managed to get to Nashkel Mines and back without issue, I'm just experiencing a small bug right now with the familiar. Advancing to level 6, I get the Summon Familiar innate spell but whenever I cast it, the game will crash. I understand it's a very specific situation with Linux as the OS, but if you know of any other users who experienced something similar and any potential workaround, I would be incredibly grateful, as I'm looking forward to keep playing the mod and explore the endless possibilities of the Shadow Adept.
Thanks in advance.