New here! Mac app questions

I have purchased BG:EE through the Mac App Store for Mac OS X. Is it able to be modded, or only the version that you can purchased through beamdog? Also, will it be updated to 64bit in the future to still be compatible on the new OS coming out this summer? Final question, will SoD be available on the Mac App Store at all (for computer not phone)? I am trying to gauge whether or not I should repurchase BG:EE through here or not. If I end up having to repurchase EE through here, is there a way to export my current game from my App Store version to the beamdog version? Sorry for all of the questions!!!
The 2.0 patch released 2 years ago yesterday made a lot of changes that greatly improve the customizability of the game, and that might impact on your ability to run mods that assume you have made the upgrade (Mac App Store is the only supported platform not currently on the 2.x codebase). Otherwise, modding is supposed to be reasonably straightforward, although I don't play mods myself so cannot confirm.
As for SoD, BeamDog have currently no announced plans regarding that support in the future, neither to make it available, nor to confirm it will not happen. My last direct request to @JuliusBorisov on the topic got a distinctly neutral response, so as not to read more nor less into it. I am not aware of anything changing here, although welcome any news
First, all apps from the Mac App Store are owned by the "root" user, with no write permissions for non-root users. Modding requires having write permissions to files inside the app package, so you need to set those permissions.
Second, the Mac App Store auto-downloads updates. Now Beamdog hasn't been updating frequently by any stretch of the imagination, but when an update is available, you don't want it auto-downloading and overwriting a modded-install, since that wipes out your installed mods. This behavior can be turned off in the Mac App Store, but not on an app-by-app basis, i.e., if you turn off auto-updating, it is off for all apps.
The best solution would be to create a separate copy of the app downloaded from the App Store and then mod and play the copy, which isn't a bad idea anyway, assuming you have the disk space.