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Summon Cap file

what file do I need to edit in order for my character to summon more than 5 creatures ? I want the bg1 experience.


  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,021

    just be warned, this will make your play throughs astronomically easier if you increase this limit, but if you are just doing it for the lulz, then have at 'er
  • jsavingjsaving Member Posts: 1,083
    I did one run-through without summoning spells, interpreted liberally to include project image and simulacrum. It's surprising how much tougher some of BG2's battles become.
  • CrosskillCrosskill Member Posts: 9
    thanks I really appreciate it , do you also know how I can create a custom spell ? I want to make a make a mass animate dead . any advice would be appreciated.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,021
    Crosskill said:

    thanks I really appreciate it , do you also know how I can create a custom spell ? I want to make a make a mass animate dead . any advice would be appreciated.

    i've made custom spells with near infinity before
  • CrosskillCrosskill Member Posts: 9
    sarevok57 said:

    i've made custom spells with near infinity before
    how ?
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,021
    Crosskill said:

    how ?
    basically you take a spell already in the game that is closest to what you want to do, then you have to give it a script name, and an .ids listing and then you can change effects as need be sort of deal
  • CrosskillCrosskill Member Posts: 9
    sarevok57 said:

    basically you take a spell already in the game that is closest to what you want to do, then you have to give it a script name, and an .ids listing and then you can change effects as need be sort of deal
    would you mind sending me a video to show me how to do it please ? thanks for everything so far btw :) .
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,021
    Crosskill said:

    would you mind sending me a video to show me how to do it please ? thanks for everything so far btw :) .
    if you tell me what you want to make, i will go through the step by steps you will need to do to pull it off, at this time, i dont have video recording technology haha :)
  • CrosskillCrosskill Member Posts: 9
    sarevok57 said:

    if you tell me what you want to make, i will go through the step by steps you will need to do to pull it off, at this time, i dont have video recording technology haha :)
    I want to basically copy the animate dead spell to create a new raise skeleton warriors spell but , more than 1 warrior . so for example 5 skeletons each time I cast.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,021
    @CrevsDaak would you be able to help out with this? (or know someone who can? ) im not home at the moment and the stuff i need to reference is on the home PC
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Copy the effect on the file that does the actual job. This will have to be done for each level you can cast the ability at (expect 10-14 variants) unless you want to summon skelly warriors on every level for which you should take the highest level variant, copy and paste the summon effect a bunch of times and delete all the other variants, then set the required casting level on the only variant to 1. No quick WeiDU script because I lost my proficiency at that due to not modding for two years.
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    I removed the Summoning Limit using the Gibberlings Three Tweaks pack as well, although I must say that unless you're really going the whole hog with "filling the room with monsters" before engaging, the 6 summon limit is generally more than adequate for a lot of fights. That's about 3 different summoning spells, which you'd likely only need on some of the toughest boss fights where you need to soak up enemy attention while dealing with key enemies.
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    edited April 2019
    sarevok57 wrote: »

    just be warned, this will make your play throughs astronomically easier if you increase this limit, but if you are just doing it for the lulz, then have at 'er

    Can i make the summon proportional to hit dice like 3e? To 2x your total level/hit dice?

    So if my char is a sorc lv 10, he can have 20 "hit dice" worth of creatures, it can be 2 creatures with 10 "hit dice", 4 "5hd" creatures or 20 skeletons.

    I think that be able to summon 6 Efreets but unable to summon 7 skeletons is silly IMO. That rule allow you to choose between quality or quantity.

    PS : Look to the good side. At least you can summon 6 creatures on BG/IWD, on NWN, you can only have one summon and even mooding the game to have an army destroy your XP gain...
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    The summon cap is area related, not related to the caster's level.
    I think that to implement a cap that is dynamic, changes with the party/charname/caster level is very difficult if not impossible. Probably impossible.

    To remove the cap and create a spell that is dynamic is certainly possible, summon undead is already dynamic.

    To create a spell that summon not one skeletal warrior, but 5 like @Crosskill want to do is really unbalancing, not only because the spell becomes 5 times more powerful, but because it give to a caster a summoning power each day way too high and because a single caster can provide 5 helpers/meat shields in less then 1 round, or summon new ones during the battle as fast if the previous are killed.
    to balance the spell should have a very long casting time and be at least a couple of levels higher then the regular summon spell.
    A caster that can summon up to 20-25 helpers in a long battle really make the things too easy, as the party can fight every time with a huge meat shield between them and the enemies. This is true if the cap limit is kept as it is originally, if also the cap is removed the 20-25 helpers can be all active at the same moment, if hasted it mean 40-50 attacks more and a ton of meat shield hp, why to fight? Send the summons and they will work for you...
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    gorgonzola wrote: »
    The summon cap is area related, not related to the caster's level.
    I think that to implement a cap that is dynamic, changes with the party/charname/caster level is very difficult if not impossible. Probably impossible.

    I don't think that is that hard, PRC on NWN has something similar. Dread necromancer can reanimate up to 10 HD x CL worth of creatures, that means that a lv 20 dread necro can have 200 CR 1 skeletons or some squads of bone golems.


    Is very simple, pick the variable "caster level" that is used for many spells and every time that an creature is summoned, adds the creature hit dice to a variable. If the variable reaches 2xCL, then an old creature is de summoned or become aggressive towards the party.
  • indahalowfindahalowf Member Posts: 2
    Hello, whoever has bg and icewind dale installed, can you post the file SUMMLIMT.2da, I play from my phone and I don’t have such a file.
  • Gel87Gel87 Member Posts: 280
    I feel like summonings kinda takes the fun away from baldur's gate.
    As soon as you have animate dead ur mage is safe and pretty much relax and do whatever he likes in the background.
    Same goes for mordenkain sword and Summon Planetar.
    It kinda brings you into a state where you no longer feel like a mage.
    So I made mage kit's for this, which are strong casters, and instead have several spells which has both physical and elemental damage, and then i use alacricty to spam spells at enemies.

    I made theese spells:
    Soul Drinker: Magic single target
    Silver Breath (single target dual pierce damage, save for half and save for blind)
    Bone Spear (adjusted ligning projectile, same as Silver Breath but hits several target in a line and bounce of walls)
    ThunderBolt of Death (crushing + electric + sleep shortly) single target, less range but very fast.
    Thunder bolt of death i have in a green fasion strike from heaven as well with acid + crush.
    Wing Slam (crushing, AOE around you)
    Improved Wail of Banshee, AOE crushing, with different effects based on lvl. Starts with like 2 or 4 damage, but scales up to like 50 on higher levels.
    Shapechange Undead Creatures: Gets the albility to shapechange to: Skeleton Warrior, Greater Vampire, Greater Ghoul and Bone golem. (+4 wepons on all) its a HLA.

    This way i stay away from a boring HIDE BEHIND Summons gameplay. And can instead feel like a powerfull mage slamming person for person using improved alacricity etc.

    The blind and sleep effects from the single target spell allows me to pressure my way true hard areas enemy for enemy on legacy of baal, but if i do it wrong i will be completely wiped from existence.

    That mage cannot wear any form of armor or wepons(unless when shapechanged), and it has a penatly of 99 to thaco to avoid abusing summoned wepons etc in its natural form. Cannot use wands either. Cannot learn/use haste. And the (I think wailing virgin) animation has extreamly low run/walk speed animation. So i kinda float around and release a force of magic upon enemies.

    I once played this Banshee mage kit, together with my Mindflayer mage kit, and that was a fun duo :P
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