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IWD NPC v5 for IWD:EE is now available!



  • IakusIakus Member Posts: 36
    I used it and loved it! Really made the game come alive!
  • TarlonnielTarlonniel Member Posts: 13
    I avoided the Icewind Dale games because I hate dragging around cardboard cutouts posing as "companions," but thanks to this mod, I'm finally having a blast in the frozen north. Great job!
  • egbertegbert Member Posts: 99
    (No one mentioned it, but the latest version is v6.)

    Bug Report:
    The NPCs are without scripts.

    Work around:
    Character Record -> Customize -> Script -> IWD PREGEN
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    this mod is a must have for anyone wanting to play iwd and enjoys a more bg like experience. with out it iwd is very dull and repetitive.

    that being said i did enjoy heart of winter but mostly because it felt more focused then the main game.
  • egbertegbert Member Posts: 99
    Bug Report (v6)

    At the beginning of Chapter 3 the NPCs speak about crazy Laurel BEFORE the cutscene.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586

    For anyone here who may be like me and prefers that their IWD portraits be in a similar style as the BG ones (I basically view IWD as being a prequel to the BG series, so I prefer to have continuity in portrait styles), here are a few portraits that I've selected as possible "alts" to the IWD NPCs (credit to our own Isandir for being the artist behind nearly all of them):






  • bearcattonybearcattony Member Posts: 32
    Now that the 2.5 patch is out, could there be a new option to make Nella a Shaman?
  • bearcattonybearcattony Member Posts: 32
    When will these wonderful Isandir portraits be available on BWS?
  • georgelappiesgeorgelappies Member Posts: 179
    Will this work with the latest Steam version?
  • saber0saber0 Member Posts: 84
    game keeps crashing when I rest with the NPC, is there a way to take care of that?
  • georgelappiesgeorgelappies Member Posts: 179
    saber0 said:

    game keeps crashing when I rest with the NPC, is there a way to take care of that?

    Are you using any other mods? Are you using the latest version of this mod (6). Does it happen every time when resting, even in an inn? How far are you into the game?
  • saber0saber0 Member Posts: 84
    happens after the first quest for kelsneeck
    doesn't matter where i try to rest it crashes
  • Quijote3000Quijote3000 Member Posts: 1
    For anyone here who may be like me and prefers that their IWD portraits be in a similar style as the BG ones (I basically view IWD as being a prequel to the BG series, so I prefer to have continuity in portrait styles), here are a few portraits that I've selected as possible "alts" to the IWD NPCs (credit to our own Isandir for being the artist behind nearly all of them):






    How can you add those portraits?
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    @Quijote3000, welcome to the forum. Having a quick look at them, they should be ready just to download (right click and 'save image as', keeping the name of the file as is) and place directly into your override folder, assuming you also have the IWDNPC mod installed.

  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586

    How can you add those portraits?
    Gusinda wrote: »
    @Quijote3000, welcome to the forum. Having a quick look at them, they should be ready just to download (right click and 'save image as', keeping the name of the file as is) and place directly into your override folder, assuming you also have the IWDNPC mod installed.


    Either that, or just save them to the Portraits folder in the IWD folder in My Documents, which should override anything in the Override folder.

    You'll have to manually create large and small versions of each portrait though, I believe.
  • SinaheribSinaherib Member Posts: 38
    @Quijote3000 Another way is to use EE Keeper and edit save games by making NPC "exportable". It will let change their portraits right in game at any moment (and soundsets too if needed.)

  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    One question: if I install only one character (Korin) will I have some interaction or this just happens if I install/travel with the whole crew?

  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    @Raduziel - IIRC, there are about a dozen or so PC-Korin dialogues that don't require the other NPCs.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    @AstroBryGuy Thanks! And a blessed recovery!
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714

    I would like to announce that Deities of Faerûn now has a special component that gives the Hawkeye of Solonor kit to Korin (as long as he is installed as a Ranger/Cleric).

    Hope you guys enjoy it!
  • JimstromJimstrom Member Posts: 99
    Something i wonder, is what is the stats and weapon proficiencies of these npcs? Can't seem to find a source on that information.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    Jimstrom wrote: »
    Something i wonder, is what is the stats and weapon proficiencies of these npcs? Can't seem to find a source on that information.

    EVERY one of the NPCs has 16 con, none of them have less than 15 str.

    Holvir has 18/00 str but low dext. Nella also has low dext, but 18 wisd and 17 char (or vice versa?).

    Teri, Severn, and Korin all have 17 or 18 dext.

    Their profs vary depending on what class you choose for them.
  • RilauvenRilauven Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2020
    Hi. I am impressed by the amount of work someone has put into this mod. I have played IWD several times over the last 20 years and I have never thought that I could make the game more enjoyable by simply adding reactive NPCs. I would like to enjoy this content in my native language, so I began translating it into Polish, however I have a problem with this. When I use Polish diacritical signs (ą, ć, ę, ł, ń, ó, ś, ź, ż) and then I test transated phrases ingame, instead of the translated sentence appears an empty dialog box and the game immediately crashes. Sentences in which I do not use these signs are displayed normally. Can anyone give me a hint what to do in this situation?

    ed: I think I solved this problem by converting files to UTF-8. It works for now.
    Post edited by Rilauven on
  • MeraMera Member Posts: 133
    Just wanted to say a huge thank you to the mod author!
    I had never been able to go past chapter 2 in quite a few attempts to play the game but I just blitzed through it in a couple weeks!
    Watching the relationship between the different NPCs develop over the course of the game just changed how much I enjoyed it :)
  • IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 878
    Is this still compatible with the latest update?
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    Illustair wrote: »
    Is this still compatible with the latest update?

    Yes, it is. I have installed it in my recent 2.6.6 run. Although in the end I chose other NPCs to my party for this playthrough, I didn't notice any issues with the mod (no installation errors znd initial conversation played fine).
  • DracleathDracleath Member Posts: 9
    edited August 2021
    I’ll second that, I ran this mod along with all of AionZ and Lanas npcs except Urchin and Tipps for 2 runs (Holvir was the only one I didn’t take at one point or another) recently and they all worked fine (only ran into one easily workaroundable script bug in one Kahiri cutscene).
  • Chicken7023Chicken7023 Member Posts: 26
    edited August 2021
    Hi there ! The link on pocketplane seems to be broken. Is there any alternative way of dl it ? It was a chrome problem
    Post edited by Chicken7023 on
  • CragsandCragsand Member Posts: 7
    edited September 2022

    Made some alternate portraits for this mod!

    Checking out the amazing mods for Icewind Dale Enhanced edition I rediscovered this one. I think I tried it before pre enhanced but never finished it and had to make some high res portraits for the characters. Just Googling them they don't seem to have gained much art.

    - Holvir the Paladin
    - Korin the Ranger
    - Nella the Fighter
    - Severn the Bard
    - Teri the Rogue

    Download from here or the mirror here!

    Enjoy !!
  • MothorMothor Member Posts: 285
    Nice images though Teri's expresion is a bit to serious for all her playful demeanor. ^^
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