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[MOD] OlvynTweaks Version 1.4

OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
edited October 2020 in General Modding
Version 1.4


Here is a new tweak mod for your enjoyment! There are 24 components so far; install whichever ones you want!


Make quest experience divided among party members
Baldur's Gate 2's major quests tend to give a fixed amount of experience to each party member on completion, rather than giving a lump sum that is divided among party members. The problem with this is that a solo character will get no more experience for completing a quest than the individual characters in a party of six, even though the whole fun of soloing is about getting more experience than normal. This component makes it so that any time each party member would be given a fixed amount of quest experience, the game instead gives six times as much experience to be divided among party members.

Remove the limit of two proficiency points in a weapon at character creation
The whole point of fighters is that they can gain more proficiency points in a weapon than any other class (excluding special cases like Archers). Yet for some reason the IE games prevent a fighter from taking more than two points in a weapon at level 1, even though this means that a level 1 fighter will be no more skilled at using weapons than a level 1 ranger, paladin or barbarian. For the sake of giving fighters more of an identity, this component lets fighters take more than two proficiency points in a weapon at level 1. This component does not give fighters more proficiency points, so if they go for High Mastery at level 1 you can forget about giving them any other proficiencies.

Increase the rate at which warriors get proficiency points
This component lets warriors (particularly fighters) get proficiency points faster. Here are the options:
  • Fighters get 1 point per 2 levels; Rangers and Paladins still get 1 point per 3 levels
  • Fighters, Rangers and Paladins get 1 point per 2 levels
  • Fighters get 1 point per level; Rangers and Paladins get 1 point per 2 levels

Allow Shamans to move while dancing
I thought that the Shamanic Dance would be more interesting to use if the Shaman could move around. This component lifts the movement restriction of the Shamanic Dance, allowing the Shaman to move around at full speed while dancing.

Make it so that clerics and/or monks require only 160000 experience to get to level 9
In Baldur's Gate 1 (minus Siege of Dragonspear), Clerics can only reach level 8 because the level 9 experience requirement is over the experience cap. This means that they cannot ever cast 5th level spells in Baldur's Gate 1, even though Druids and Mages certainly can (with Sorcerers and Shamans it's okay that they can't cast 5th level spells in Baldur's Gate 1 because they have other major advantages). Spells like Flame Strike and Champion's Strength are impossible to cast in Baldur's Gate 1, even though you do encounter scrolls for these spells. Another issue with this is the fact that a single-classed Cleric does not have much of an advantage over a multi-classed Cleric in the long run, since both can obtain 4th level spells and no higher. By comparison, single-classed Mages and Druids can get 5th level spells, while multi-classed Mages and Druids can only get 4th level spells.

Monks also can only reach level 8, since they use the same XP table as Clerics. This means that they are locked out of the awesome fist upgrade they get at level 9 (which turns their fists into magical weapons for the first time in the game).

This component makes it so that Clerics and/or Monks (your choice) only require 160000 experience to reach level 9, putting it below the Baldur's Gate 1 XP cap. Otherwise, this component does not change their experience requirements: in order to get to level 10 as a Cleric or Monk, you will still need 450000 experience.

Let Rangers and Paladins cast spells at their full caster level
The makers of the Baldur's Gate games really were determined to make Paladin and Ranger spellcasting as crappy as possible. Not only do they get spell slots and new spell levels much slower than Clerics or Druids (which by itself is fine), they also cast spells at a much lower level than they should. Rangers cast spells as if 7 levels lower (so a spell that lasts 1 round/level only lasts 2 rounds if cast by a level 9 ranger), and Paladins cast spells as if 8 levels lower. This component fixes this unnecessary drawback, letting Rangers and Paladins cast spells at their full caster level.

Give Monks a cooler Deflect Missiles ability
The current Deflect Missiles ability of Monks (which gives +1 AC vs. missiles every couple of levels) is boring and kind of pointless. Not only do you not know when your monk has deflected a missile (even if the missile doesn't hit the monk, for all you know they might have dodged it anyway even if they didn't have Deflect Missiles), it is at its weakest at the point in the game when ranged enemies are the most threatening. Think about it: there are barely any dangerous ranged enemies in Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn or Throne of Bhaal, or Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter or Trials of the Luremaster. It is only early on in Baldur's Gate 1 and Icewind Dale that enemies with missile weapons are dangerous. At that point, Deflect Missiles only increases your monk's AC very slightly.

This component gives Monks a better and more interesting Deflect Missiles ability, based on the 3rd Edition version. With this component installed, Monks will automatically deflect the first missile that would hit them each round. If the missile is deflected, all the missile damage it would do is prevented, but any other damage still goes through (an Arrow of Fire still burns the monk's hand, an Arrow of Piercing still rips through the monk's hand for piercing damage, etc.).

Give Rangers the Tracking ability (from Throne of Bhaal) starting at level 1
The Tracking ability from Throne of Bhaal is kind of cool, albeit not that useful. But in Throne of Bhaal, Rangers can't get the ability until they reach level 18 and start getting HLAs. Since when can't a ranger track people until they reach level 18? That's something they should be able to do from the beginning (and in Icewind Dale, they CAN do it from the beginning). This component should be used in the Baldur's Gate games only. It adds the Throne of Bhaal version of Tracking (no Icewind Dale-style area text is displayed) to rangers and all ranger kits automatically as an innate, at-will ability starting at level 1.

Power Up Ranger Charm Animal
The Charm Animal ability of rangers is lame. Not only are there very few animals strong enough to be worth charming, even in the case of those animals that ARE worth charming, you're better off using the Ring of Animal Friendship, which does mostly the same thing as Ranger Charm Animal except it can be used many, many times and can be used by any class. A class-specific ability is pointless if it is overshadowed by an ability that any class can use. This component makes it so that the saving throw on Ranger Charm Animal becomes harder to resist the higher level the ranger is, with a -1 penalty on the save per ranger level, to a minimum of -10 for a level 10 ranger.

Turn Paladin Detect Evil into a passive ability that can be toggled on and off
Since there's not a huge benefit in using Paladin Detect Evil, I usually just forget about the ability. This component makes it so Paladin Detect Evil lets the paladin passively detect evil. While it's on, any creature that comes within 30 feet of the paladin will automatically glow red if evil. A creature will only be detected as evil once per 8 hours. Allies will not be detected regardless of their alignment (this way, if you have an evil party member, things won't get annoying - "YES, I KNOW VICONIA IS EVIL; OKAY, OKAY!").

Paladin Detect Evil can be turned on by using the Detect Evil ability and turned off with the End Detect Evil ability, which you gain after you turn it on.

Increase Wizard Slayer Magic Resistance
Wizard Slayers gain Magic Resistance way too slowly. At max level in Baldur's Gate 1, Wizard Slayers have 8% Magic Resistance, which is less than a third of the Magic Resistance a character could get by wearing the Cloak of Balduran (which Wizard Slayers can't use). That's just pathetic. This component makes it so that Wizard Slayers gain 5% Magic Resistance per level rather than 1%.

Make Assassin backstab multiplier increase faster
Assassins are supposed to be better at backstabbing people than regular thieves are. But in Baldur's Gate 1 they aren't, because their backstab multiplier does not increase beyond that of a regular thief until higher levels. This component makes it so that assassin's backstab multiplier increases every 3 levels after level 1 (at levels 4, 7, 10, 13, and 16), rather than every 4 levels after level 1 as for regular thieves and assassins in the base game. This allows them to reach a x5 backstab multiplier in Baldur's Gate 1, while regular thieves only reach x4.

Allow cursed scrolls to be used on enemies
Cursed scrolls are kind of pointless. They're just beginner's traps designed to screw with those players who don't know to identify magic items before using them. If you have identified them as cursed, there's no reason to do anything more with them (in most playthroughs, anyway). This component makes it so that cursed scrolls curse the target of the scroll, rather than the user of the scroll. This way, you can use a cursed scroll to curse an enemy!

Make creatures take up less space
Many creatures take up a lot of space, which means that they often get stuck in narrow passageways and are unable to go through; you've likely encountered plenty of situations where an enemy was too big to be able to go through a door. This component makes it so that most creatures take up less space than they did previously, making them less likely to get stuck in narrow passageways.

Notes: The space that a creature takes up is not the same thing as its selection circle size. This component does not makes creature's selection circles smaller. Also, this component messes with what creatures are considered "large creatures," so some creatures such as ogres that are normally considered "large creatures" (meaning, for example, that they are immune to Entangle and Web in Icewind Dale) are not large creatures anymore, though some even bigger creatures still are. This component does not make dragons take up less space, since they generally fight in wide open areas where they're not going to get stuck.

Make enemies change their attack targets more quickly
Many enemies have a tendency to keep chasing a single target recklessly, even if there are now better targets more nearby (this is especially common in Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition). This component patches all scripts so that any action that would make a creature attack another creature continuously or for a long time instead makes them attack the creature for a short time. This component does not drastically overhaul creatures' AI, nor does it change which scripts creatures have, so it can be installed on top of other AI mods.

No Party Required area transitions
This component eliminates the "You must gather your party before venturing forth" conditions for all area transitions, with the exception of edge-of-the-map transitions common in Baldur's Gate 1 and 2. This allows you to send a single party member into an area that previously required your entire party.

Make it possible to enter the Nashkel Mines through the back cave entrance
I figured it might be cool to add a little more nonlinearity to the Nashkel Mines quest in Baldur's Gate 1. This component allows you to enter the Nashkel Mines using the cave through which you normally exit the mines. Doing this does not really break the plot aside from allowing you to enter the mines without permission from Emerson (which you could already do in the pre-EE game by teleporting past the guards with Dimension Door).

Make it possible to enter the catacombs beneath Candlekeep early
This component adds an entrance to the dungeon which you normally go through in Chapter 6 to escape Candlekeep. The entrance is outside in Candlekeep, at the same spot where the party normally exits from the dungeon; it's hidden behind some trees. This allows you to go through the dungeon, access the secret library, and raid the tombs as early as Chapter 1.

Note: This component makes it so that all plot-relevant creatures (e.g. doppelgangers, Prat, Diarmid) are removed from the areas if you enter before Tethtoril teleports you to the secret library in Chapter 6. Once that plot event has happened, the plot-relevant creatures will appear where they normally would, even if you've already been to the dungeon.

Make it so the Jacil and Wiven encounters aren't replaced by other quests
Normally in BG1, you can permanently miss the fight with Jacil if you start the Mendas quest before going to the Merchant's League Counting House. This means you don't get Jacil's Spear +2. This component makes it so that if you fight Ulf in the Counting House during the Mendas quest and Jacil hasn't been killed, Jacil and his blink dogs will appear and join the fight.

The component also moves the Wiven encounter (which could be permanently missed if you did Rasaad's quest first). Wiven is now located in an alley somewhere in Baldur's Gate.

Give Belhifet more reasonable immunities
Belhifet is notorious for having really ridiculous immunities. In Icewind Dale, Belhifet is completely immune to all magic. Even Bolt of Glory, which is supposed to be an anti-fiend spell, won't affect Belhifet, one of the few fiends in the game! That's just wrong.

The component affects any game that has Belhifet. With it installed, Belhifet doesn't have crazy immunity to magic; rather, he is merely as resistant as you'd expect a powerful fiend to be. He is immune to fire and resistant to cold, and he has great saving throws and 50% Magic Resistance (in the other game that has Belhifet, he will have 30% Magic Resistance on lower difficulties and 50% Magic Resistance on higher difficulties). But he's not immune to anything a mage could do to him.

Make Infravision actually do something
Currently, Infravision is basically useless. It is supposed to allow a creature to see in the dark, but creatures without infravision can see in the dark fine for some reason. All infravision does is make creatures glow red. This component lets you give a penalty to creatures without infravision when they are outside at night or in a dungeon. You can either choose to have this penalty be -4 THAC0, reduced visual range, or both. This component affects all creatures in the game. Many creatures such as kobolds that previously didn't have infravision now do. Although most monsters in the game end up with infravision with this component, there is still a common kind of enemy that doesn't have infravision: humans. Party members with infravision will have an advantage over enemy humans in the dark, but that advantage could go the other way depending on the situation and the party composition.

Note: The reduced visual range from this component might break enemies' AI, particularly if enemies don't have some sort of call for help AI. Use it at your own risk. The THAC0 penalty component should work fine, though.

Increase the speed of all creatures in the game (including party members)
This component makes everyone in the game - both enemies and party members - move faster. You can choose whether everyone's speed is doubled, tripled, quadrupled, or set to the maximum.

Add a different kind of chunked death animation
With this component installed, if a slain creature would be chunked, its corpse is sent flying into the air instead.

Modify Sneak Attack and Crippling Strike
If you have 3E Sneak Attack enabled, after you sneak attack an enemy, there is a delay of several rounds before that enemy can be sneak attacked again. This component lets you change that delay. You may either remove it or reduce it to one round.

Modify Fighting Styles
This component improves the four fighting styles, and allows characters to take up to five points in each style (only if the character could normally take 2 points in the style, or 3 points for Two-Weapon Style).

Here are the new fighting style bonuses:

SINGLE-WEAPON: This fighting style is for characters who do not wish to use a shield but want some bonus when using a one-handed melee weapon.

Proficient (1 slot): The wielder gets a +1 bonus to THAC0, a -1 bonus to Speed Factor, and the ability to score critical hits on a roll of 19 or 20 when using a one-handed weapon.

Specialized (2 slots): The wielder gets a +2 bonus to THAC0, a -2 bonus to Speed Factor, and the ability to score critical hits on a roll of 18 to 20 when using a one-handed weapon.

Master (3 slots): The wielder gets a +3 bonus to THAC0, a -3 bonus to Speed Factor, and the ability to score critical hits on a roll of 17 to 20 when using a one-handed weapon.

High Master (4 slots): The wielder gets a +4 bonus to THAC0, a -4 bonus to Speed Factor, and the ability to score critical hits on a roll of 16 to 20 when using a one-handed weapon.

Grand Master (5 slots): The wielder gets a +5 bonus to THAC0, a -5 bonus to Speed Factor, and the ability to score critical hits on a roll of 15 to 20 when using a one-handed weapon.

SWORD AND SHIELD: Anyone can pick up a shield and get its basic protection bonuses, but by spending slots on this fighting style, an adventurer can maximize the benefits received.

Proficient (1 slot): The wielder gets a +1 bonus to AC against all weapons, and an additional +2 bonus to AC against missile weapons.

Specialized (2 slots): The wielder gets a +2 bonus to AC against all weapons, and an additional +4 bonus to AC against missile weapons.

Master (3 slots): The wielder gets a +3 bonus to AC against all weapons, and an additional +6 bonus to AC against missile weapons.

High Master (4 slots): The wielder gets a +4 bonus to AC against all weapons, and an additional +8 bonus to AC against missile weapons.

Grand Master (5 slots): The wielder gets a +5 bonus to AC against all weapons, and an additional +10 bonus to AC against missile weapons.

NOTE: Despite the name of this style, any one-handed melee weapon in combination with a shield will receive the aforementioned bonuses.

TWO-HANDED: This fighting style allows the character to use a two-handed melee weapon and receive special bonuses.

Proficient (1 slot): The wielder gets a +2 bonus to damage rolls and a -1 bonus to Speed Factor.

Specialized (2 slots): The wielder gets a +3 bonus to damage rolls, a -2 bonus to Speed Factor, and the ability to score critical hits on a roll of 19 or 20 when using a two-handed weapon.

Master (3 slots): The wielder gets a +5 bonus to damage rolls, a -3 bonus to Speed Factor, and the ability to score critical hits on a roll of 19 or 20 when using a two-handed weapon.

High Master (4 slots): The wielder gets a +6 bonus to damage rolls, a -4 bonus to Speed Factor, and the ability to score critical hits on a roll of 18 to 20 when using a two-handed weapon.

High Master (5 slots): The wielder gets a +8 bonus to damage rolls, a -5 bonus to Speed Factor, and the ability to score critical hits on a roll of 18 to 20 when using a two-handed weapon.

TWO-WEAPON: This fighting style allows the character to use two melee weapons at the same time with fewer penalties. A character wielding two weapons without a slot in this fighting style would incur a -4 penalty to attack rolls with the main weapon and a -8 penalty with the off-hand weapon.

Proficient (1 slot): The wielder's penalties are reduced to -2 with the main weapon and -6 with the off-hand weapon.

Specialized (2 slots): The wielder's penalties are reduced to 0 with the main weapon and -4 with the off-hand weapon.

Master (3 slots): The wielder's penalties are reduced to 0 with the main weapon and -2 with the off-hand weapon.

High Master (4 slots): The wielder gets no penalties from wielding two weapons.

Grand Master (5 slots): The wielder gets no penalties from wielding two weapons and gets a +1 bonus to AC while doing so.

Replace the "I'm on it like ugly on an orc" quote with "I'm on it"
This component edits a quote I really hate from a BGEE soundset that I otherwise like.

Post edited by OlvynChuru on


  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    Nice job!
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited January 2019
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Ludwig_IILudwig_II Member Posts: 379
    edited January 2019
    Some of these tweaks are pretty cool. I especially like these two:
    - Give rangers tracking ability at level 1
    - Allow cursed scrolls to be used on enemies

    I have a question regarding the tracking one. Is it possible to use that on an ongoing game? It's just that I'm in the middle of a Bg2 run with a stalker char :)
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    Wow I so want to, um, borrow that Deflect Missiles ability to use with my rogue feats collection. I've been working on something like it for a while, but your 7eyes implementation seems to be markedly better than what I was doing. Looks real nice. ? EDIT - it could probably be triggered by launchers, rather than requiring a repeating .eff. Might be tricky though...
    I've used the same for my Warlock's Entropic Warding, just with a % trigger "when attacked", I think I settled on 40%.  Melee attacks will trigger it, but not be blocked by it, but it also only lasts 2 second per trigger.  I also added a few spell resources to the list (Melf's Acid Arrow, Flame Arrow, Magical Stone).

    OlvynChuru said:
    This component gives Monks a better and more interesting Deflect Missiles ability, based on the 3rd Edition version. With this component installed, Monks will automatically deflect the first missile that would hit them each round. If the missile is deflected, all the missile damage it would do is prevented, but any other damage still goes through (an Arrow of Fire still burns the monk's hand, an Arrow of Piercing still rips through the monk's hand for piercing damage, etc.).
    Though this isn't usually an issue for weapons, 7eyes will block all effects proceeding the blocked one in the same resource.  An item that deals extra missile damage, or a spell that deals missile damage (try TRAP_ARROW_BITING "SPWI008" or the theif's Set Snare ability "SPCL411"), however, will have all effects proceeding that damage blocked.  Weapons are normally unaffected because base weapon damage is unsourced, so it doesn't share a parent resource with the on-hit effects.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited January 2019
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
    Post edited by [Deleted User] on
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Ludwig_II said:
    Some of these tweaks are pretty cool. I especially like these two: - Give rangers tracking ability at level 1 - Allow cursed scrolls to be used on enemies I have a question regarding the tracking one. Is it possible to use that on an ongoing game? It's just that I'm in the middle of a Bg2 run with a stalker char :)
    No, if you install the tracking component and then load and ongoing game, your ranger won't have the tracking ability. What you could do is add the ability to the character with EEKeeper (the ability is "SPCL922" in the game's files), or if you can use the console you could do:


    which will give the tracking ability to whichever party member currently has the top portrait on the right side of the screen.
  • Ludwig_IILudwig_II Member Posts: 379
    Thanks for that Olvyn, will do that then. Cheers
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,538
    edited January 2019
    kjeron said:
    Wow I so want to, um, borrow that Deflect Missiles ability to use with my rogue feats collection. I've been working on something like it for a while, but your 7eyes implementation seems to be markedly better than what I was doing. Looks real nice. ? EDIT - it could probably be triggered by launchers, rather than requiring a repeating .eff. Might be tricky though...
    I've used the same for my Warlock's Entropic Warding, just with a % trigger "when attacked", I think I settled on 40%.  Melee attacks will trigger it, but not be blocked by it, but it also only lasts 2 second per trigger.  I also added a few spell resources to the list (Melf's Acid Arrow, Flame Arrow, Magical Stone).
    I was thinking of the discovery (reported elsewhere by @Luke93 (I think) as a bug) that on-hit effects of launchers take effect before the projectile arrives.

    This happens if you use opcode #341 (Critical Hit Effect) --->

    So, everything should be fine with opcode #249 (Ranged Hit Effect....)
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited February 2019
    Oh, very cool.

    Edit: lol, I'll have to give a warning for a couple of spells I've created that change visual range

    Edit 2: yeah, I think the ability to use cursed scrolls on enemies is particularly cool

    Also, that deflect arrows is awesome
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    edited February 2019
    Just to be certain, I can install this on BGEE and BG2EE and just the proper components show as options to install, correct?

    EDIT: If I install the infra vision penalty component, will that work on existing games? Will installing it last cause any mod conflicts (that you know about)?
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Necromanx2 Yes, the components check which game you're playing. If you're playing BG2EE, for example, you won't have an option to install the component which lets you enter the Nashkel Mines from the back entrance.

    The infravision penalty should work on existing games, though I recommend going with the THAC0 penalty subcomponent only, as the visual range penalty might be a little buggy.
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    edited February 2019
    I installed the THAC0 penalty only in BGEE. It is night out, but I don't see anything indicating a penalty is now applied to Imoen and Ajantis. Will I only see the penalty in combat?

    EDIT: I do see the penalty applied in combat. It would be nice if a portrait icon would show and the penalty be visible in THAC0. That way it is obvious when the penalty is in effect.

    EDIT 2: Will this penalty apply to people in a darkness spell during the daytime?
    Post edited by Necromanx2 on
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Necromanx2 wrote: »
    Will this penalty apply to people in a darkness spell during the daytime?

    In a darkness spell? The only darkness spell I know of in the IE games is Darkness 15' Radius from Siege of Dragonspear. That spell blinds creatures, which already simulates darkness.
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246

    I like the darkness penalty!
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    OlvynChuru wrote: »
    Necromanx2 wrote: »
    Will this penalty apply to people in a darkness spell during the daytime?

    In a darkness spell? The only darkness spell I know of in the IE games is Darkness 15' Radius from Siege of Dragonspear. That spell blinds creatures, which already simulates darkness.

    I think he is referring to the Darkness spell from Deities of Faerûn - some kits may cast it as an innate.

    And yes, in terms of mechanics the spell blinds creatures, what makes the natural light of the environment irrelevant.
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    @OlvynChuru I installed the -4 in dark part of the mod in BG2EE. When starting a new game in Irenicus sewers, the sewer golem gives me a never ending stream of 'Spell failed". I uninstalled the -4 component and it goes away. Seems this mod is trying to add a spell effect on a spell immune creature. It does not stop me from saving my games or talking to the golem to get him to open doors, but it is just my log fills with an endless stream of spell failure on the sewer golem messages.
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    status of compatibility of this mod with BGT and EET?
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Arthas The components that modify specific areas ("Make it possible to enter the Nashkel Mines through the back cave entrance", "Make it possible to enter the catacombs beneath Candlekeep early") probably aren't compatible. The other components should be fine.
  • switswit Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 495
    @OlvynChuru, there is critical bug in this block appended top to baldur.bcs by METweaks:
      RESPONSE #100
    If party size is < 6 this block prevents BALDUR.BCS from progressing further (which blocks all BALDUR.BCS events like progressing to chapter 4 etc.) You should add Continue() there. Also consider adding InParty triggers.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    swit wrote: »
    OlvynChuru, there is critical bug in this block appended top to baldur.bcs by METweaks:
      RESPONSE #100
    If party size is < 6 this block prevents BALDUR.BCS from progressing further (which blocks all BALDUR.BCS events like progressing to chapter 4 etc.) You should add Continue() there. Also consider adding InParty triggers.

    Oops! I'll fix that. I've encountered that problem before but I forgot to fix it for this mod. Thanks for pointing that out!
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    I finally released the new version of this mod. I added several new tweaks! Check the first post for info on the new tweaks and a download link.
  • GreenerGreener Member Posts: 430
    Absolutely brilliant work, thank you!
  • GreenerGreener Member Posts: 430

    Thoughts of expanding the Rangers tracking ability to include Icewind Dale-style area text?
    • You find no signs of monsters in this area.
    • Your tracking skills reveal nothing about this location.
    • Your tracking skills are useless in this place.
    • From the signs that you find, you cannot discern what type of creatures inhabit this area.
    • You find the spoor of something... odd.
    • As might be expected, most of the tracks you find have been left by human adults and children. However, several tracks appear to be humanoid in nature, possibly left by goblins or orcs.
    • spiders and undead, among other things,
    • demonic creatures
    • imps
    • wyverns
    • githyanki
    • orcs
    • orges
    • spiders
    • gnolls
    • humanoids
    • humanoids and wild animals
    • soldiers
    • ect...

    I'd offer to assist?
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Greener I have no particular plans to do that right now, sorry.
  • GreenerGreener Member Posts: 430
    @OlvynChuru I understand, if you change your mind let me know...
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,538
    edited February 2020
    Make enemies change their attack targets more quickly
    Many enemies have a tendency to keep chasing a single target recklessly, even if there are now better targets more nearby.

    As you rightly said, the aforementioned statement is true only for "melee" guys, i.e., all those creatures that have a melee weapon and thus are forced to chase the target in order to attack it. The same does not hold for "ranged" creatures (these usually do not move during combat). As a result, they'll (generally) keep attacking the same creature regardless of 'ReevaluationPeriod' (i.e., they won't switch to the nearest target unless they're forced to move).

    If you want to be sure that creatures always switch to the nearest target, you need to use object selectors (f.i., '[EVILCUTOFF]') instead of conventional object targets (f.i., 'NearestEnemyOf(Myself)').
    Anyway, this is probably more relevant for your IWDEE AI mod...
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Luke93 It's not a huge deal if ranged enemies don't switch targets. It's mostly just an issue with melee enemies.
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,538
    OlvynChuru wrote: »
    @Luke93 It's not a huge deal if ranged enemies don't switch targets. It's mostly just an issue with melee enemies.

    As you wish, just wanted to tell you there's a difference between "melee" and "ranged" creatures...
  • AtherakhiaAtherakhia Member Posts: 22
    Hi @OlvynChuru any chance of checkign that this is EET compatible? -
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