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[Kit Pack] Deities of Faerûn - v [53 Cleric Kits and more for IWD, BG(2)EE and EET]



  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    Raduziel wrote: »
    kjeron wrote: »
    If you use targetmode=7 it will ignore the spells/round rule.
    If you don't you risk losing the spell if you switch which character is selected.

    But my idea is exactly to go directly to the spells that we want to cast, so the first one only opens a menu - the round-consuming spell is the subspell.

    Unless I'm failing to see an issue you're pointing out.
    1. Cast a spell with fast casting speed.
    2. You can now immediately cast spell with targetmode7 and it's selected variant.
    3. Next spell can be cast 1 round after the first spell starting casting.
    Even if the variants take a full round to cast, you are still able to effectively get an extra spell cast that round. (Nahal's Reckless Dwoemer works like this already - you can chain fast spells one after another as if you had Improved Alacrity as long as they are all cast through NRD, just have to watch out for surges.)
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  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    Actually, all those spell tweaking that touches Wizards will be available at another mod.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    Thanks to @LavaDelVortel (who taught me how) @argent77 (who provided the awesome tool) @Ulb (who made the image for Great White Bear) Velsharoon's Gaseous Form and Ulutiu's Great White Bear now have inventory's bams.

    I'm still deciding if I'll put Fireshield, Emotion and Symbol under a single spell. If I do it, probably I'll make this altering for wizards too (following @subtledoctor 's sensate advice).
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,900
    Congratulations! Provide a screen shot once you have a moment!
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    edited March 2019
    Here they are:

    Necrophant of Velsharoon under Gaseous Form (it is big because I've tried to represent the amount of mass the cleric would have):

    Iceguardian of Ulutiu under Great White Bear:
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,900
    They look great! Again, congratulations!
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    Very minor item that may be out of your control.

    When you start a BGEE game with Ulutiu, he starts with a quarter staff equipped which is a weapon he cannot use.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    Necromanx2 wrote: »
    Very minor item that may be out of your control.

    When you start a BGEE game with Ulutiu, he starts with a quarter staff equipped which is a weapon he cannot use.

    Yup, out of control unfortunately. In ToB this issue doesn't happen though.
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    BGEE does have a file (STWEAPON.2DA) to set the starting weapon, but it's filtered only by class, not kit.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    edited March 2019
    Ok, some news on the front.

    The new casting for Emotion, Symbol and Fireshield are ready. All that I have to do is handle the scrolls for mages (IDK how I'm gonna do it, but I will).

    The new behavior for Mirror Image/Reflect Image and Stoneskin/Iron Skin is also ready. Now the first one provides immunity from any effect that would need to touch the caster (including level drain), the second one from some effects that needs touching (poison and disease to be precise). This happened only due to a code that @kjeron has and he kindly adapted and donated to DoF. Thanks!

    I might leave Nobanion and Lurue for later... I was trying to extract some animations (Lion and Unicorn) from World of Warcraft, but my PC can't handle the extraction process (I basically own a potato that runs Excel, old Fallouts and IE games). If anyone wants to help in this process, let me know - everything is 100% free through 100% legal means.

    The way Emotion is handled now allowed me to make some alterings on Sune's code - now its clergy gains the new Emotion as a special ability.

    The new version will also have a fix for Shar-Teel's spellbook for Animal Summoning I and for some unturnable skeleton warriors from Icewind Dale (all of them already uploaded).

    That's it, see you guys later.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    edited March 2019
    Version 1.9.6 is up and it contains:

    * Bug fix: Animal Summoning I wasn't working as it should. DoF fixes that.

    * Bug fix: Some skeleton warriors from IWDEE were unturnable for no apparent reason. DoF fixes that.

    * Bug fix: Fixes a bug where DoF's sphere system would completely nullify a Sorcerer's ability to learn spells through CharGen or Level Up.

    * Bug fix: Shar-Teel will now have her spellbook accordingly to her spheres.

    * New feature: Reflect Image and Mirror Image will now protect the caster from effects that would require a touch to be delivered (like energy drain). Code by @kjeron

    * New feature: Stoneskin and Ironskin now prevent poison and disease delivered by direct attacks. Code by @kjeron

    * Spell altering: Emotion Hope, Courage, Fear and Hopelessness are all combined into a single spell (Emotion) as PnP rules state.

    * Spell altering: Fireshield Red and Fireshield Blue are all combined into a single spell (Fireshield) as PnP rules state.

    * Spell altering: Symbol Fear, Stun, Death, Pain and Hopelessness are all combined into a single spell (Symbol) as PnP rules state.

    * Consistency: Despite being out of DoF's scope, the wizard spells and scrolls for Emotion, Fireshield and Symbol were altered to follow the changes above. Code by @kjeron
    Post edited by Raduziel on
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    edited March 2019
    @Raduziel When installing 1.9.6 it says it is still 1.9.5 in weidu and I still get the sphere system install error.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    Necromanx2 wrote: »
    @Raduziel When installing 1.9.6 it says it is still 1.9.5 in weidu and I still get the sphere system install error.

    I've forgotten to alter the tp2 file with the new version label.

    As for the install error, I was able to install it here without any problems. I'll dig through it, but maybe it is some leftovers. The error you have is related to a project not being added properly, but I've changed the code to make it install no matter what (no check for it, just install even if it is already in game).

    I'll see if I upload a today solving this issue.
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    Here is the error now:

    ERROR locating resource for 'COPY'
    Resource [SCRL9F.itm] not found in KEY file:
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    Necromanx2 wrote: »
    Here is the error now:

    ERROR locating resource for 'COPY'
    Resource [SCRL9F.itm] not found in KEY file:

    Oh! BGEE, right?

    Ok, easier than I thought. I messed up and used a resource that only exists in BG2EE and IWDEE.

    Definitely will upload a fix today.
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    Yes BGEE.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    edited March 2019
    Version is up and it contains:

    Bug fix: Animal Summoning I wasn't working as it should. DoF fixes that.

    Bug fix: Some skeleton warriors from IWDEE were unturnable for no apparent reason. DoF fixes that.

    Bug fix: Fixes a bug where DoF's sphere system would completely nullify a Sorcerer's ability to learn spells through CharGen or Level Up.

    Bug fix: Shar-Teel will now have her spellbook accordingly to her spheres.
    Bug fix: Sphere's install process will no longer fail in BGEE.

    New feature: Reflect Image and Mirror Image will now protect the caster from effects that would require a touch to be delivered (like energy drain). Code by Kjeron.

    New feature: Stoneskin and Ironskin now prevent poison and disease delivered by direct attacks. Code by Kjeron.

    Spell altering: Emotion Hope, Courage, Fear and Hopelessness are all combined into a single spell (Emotion) as PnP rules state.

    Spell altering: Fireshield Red and Fireshield Blue are all combined into a single spell (Fireshield) as PnP rules state.

    Spell altering: Symbol Fear, Stun, Death, Pain and Hopelessness are all combined into a single spell (Symbol) as PnP rules state.
    Consistency: Displayed version corrected from 1.9.5 to

    Consistency: Despite being out of DoF's scope, the wizard spells and scrolls for Emotion, Fireshield and Symbol were altered to follow the changes above. Code by Kjeron.
    Architecture: New scroll files renamed from SCRLXXX to RASCXXX to prevent issues with other mods or game files.

    Post edited by Raduziel on
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    edited March 2019
    The sphere system installed.

    Jaheria is a Circle Enforcer (F/D). The other elemental sphere spells she should have are there now, but she is still getting the Entangle spell at 1st level even though she should have no plant access.

    EDIT: If I create a new Circle Enforcer he does not have Entangle. Could this be a vanilla default starting spell issue?
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    Necromanx2 wrote: »
    The sphere system installed.

    EDIT: If I create a new Circle Enforcer he does not have Entangle. Could this be a vanilla default starting spell issue?

    Probably not, but my guess is that this issue is at IHU's end, not DoF's.

    Thanks for the feedback, I'll look into it.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    @Necromanx2 I was able to reproduce the Vocalize issue (with both Imoen and a CHARNAME Wizard). And I know it is not related to the Sanctuary tweak because others tweaked spells doesn't have the same issue).

    I'll investigate more later.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    edited March 2019
    Version is up and it contains:

    Bug fix: Animal Summoning I wasn't working as it should. DoF fixes that.

    Bug fix: Some skeleton warriors from IWDEE were unturnable for no apparent reason. DoF fixes that.

    Bug fix: Fixes a bug where DoF's sphere system would completely nullify a Sorcerer's ability to learn spells through CharGen or Level Up.

    Bug fix: Shar-Teel will now have her spellbook accordingly to her spheres.

    Bug fix: Sphere's install process will no longer fail in BGEE.
    Bug fix: Scrolls should not lose their Opcode 147 from the second header (by Kjeron).

    New feature: Reflect Image and Mirror Image will now protect the caster from effects that would require a touch to be delivered (like energy drain). Code by Kjeron.

    New feature: Stoneskin and Ironskin now prevent poison and disease delivered by direct attacks. Code by Kjeron.

    Spell altering: Emotion Hope, Courage, Fear and Hopelessness are all combined into a single spell (Emotion) as PnP rules state.

    Spell altering: Fireshield Red and Fireshield Blue are all combined into a single spell (Fireshield) as PnP rules state.

    Spell altering: Symbol Fear, Stun, Death, Pain and Hopelessness are all combined into a single spell (Symbol) as PnP rules state.

    Consistency: Despite being out of DoF's scope, the wizard spells and scrolls for Emotion, Fireshield and Symbol were altered to follow the changes above. Code by Kjeron.

    Architecture: New scroll files renamed from SCRLXXX to RASCXXX to prevent issues with other mods or game files.
    Architecture: New way to check for Tenya's mod (the previous one always returned true).


    Thanks @Necromanx2 for the always accurate report and @kjeron for the helpful fix.
    Post edited by Raduziel on
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    edited March 2019
    Version is up and it contains:

    Bug fix: Animal Summoning I wasn't working as it should. DoF fixes that.

    Bug fix: Some skeleton warriors from IWDEE were unturnable for no apparent reason. DoF fixes that.

    Bug fix: Fixes a bug where DoF's sphere system would completely nullify a Sorcerer's ability to learn spells through CharGen or Level Up.

    Bug fix: Shar-Teel will now have her spellbook accordingly to her spheres.

    Bug fix: Sphere's install process will no longer fail in BGEE.

    Bug fix: Scrolls should not lose their Opcode 147 from the second header (by Kjeron).
    Bug fix: F/C and R/C will now receive a -2 penalty to Thac0 when using weapons with no proficiency (instead of -3).

    New feature: Reflect Image and Mirror Image will now protect the caster from effects that would require a touch to be delivered (like energy drain). Code by Kjeron.

    New feature: Stoneskin and Ironskin now prevent poison and disease delivered by direct attacks. Code by Kjeron.
    New feature: Integration with Project Infinity.

    Spell altering: Emotion Hope, Courage, Fear and Hopelessness are all combined into a single spell (Emotion) as PnP rules state.

    Spell altering: Fireshield Red and Fireshield Blue are all combined into a single spell (Fireshield) as PnP rules state.

    Spell altering: Symbol Fear, Stun, Death, Pain and Hopelessness are all combined into a single spell (Symbol) as PnP rules state.

    Consistency: Despite being out of DoF's scope, the wizard spells and scrolls for Emotion, Fireshield and Symbol were altered to follow the changes above. Code by Kjeron.

    Architecture: New scroll files renamed from SCRLXXX to RASCXXX to prevent issues with other mods or game files.

    Architecture: New way to check for Tenya's mod (the previous one always returned true).
    Post edited by Raduziel on
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    @Raduziel ran into something, though not sure if DoF.
    In BG2EE, just noticed that my 12th level Circle Enforcer has two Conjure water elemental spells at 6th level. One says it is a 6th level spell, the other says it is a 7th level spell, but they are both in my 6th level book (see screenshot below).
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    edited March 2019
    @Necromanx2 This spell is being added both by DoF and probably IWDification.

    I'll fix it.


    This is being a little trickier than I thought as I can't understand how this spell ended up in the spellbook if it is not assigned to any sphere (only my version is coded to be added).

    I'm brainstorming with Kjeron to see if a solution appears. When I have it, I'll upload (another) hotfix version.

    In the meanwhile, if you identify more spells with this behavior please report here.

    Post edited by Raduziel on
  • Snatch_a_kissSnatch_a_kiss Member Posts: 33
    Thank you very much for the mod, I like it.
    BGEE Deities of Faerûn - Sphere System is installed
    Deities of Faerûn and Deities of Faerûn - installation error

    Deities of Faerûn 1.9.5 - when choosing spells shaman, through a special ability - game crashes (version of Deities of Faerûn - the game does not crash)

    I apologize for my English.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    edited March 2019
    @Snatch_a_kiss Hi!

    Sorry about your troubles and there's no need to apologize about anything.

    Issue #1 is solved.

    Can you please download and install this version and tell me if the Shaman problem persists?

    I wasn't able to reproduce that one (tried with a Shaman and a kit-added Shaman).

    Post edited by Raduziel on
  • Snatch_a_kissSnatch_a_kiss Member Posts: 33
    @Raduziel Hi!

    Thanks. Downloaded and installed this version - Sphere System is installed, but the problem with the shaman persisted, with the "Dreadful Witch", too. The game crashes

    After installation, when you start the game, a message appeared:
    How can I remove this message?

    Decided to try to install on IWDEE. Deities of Faerûn 1.9.5 - Sphere System is installed, shaman and Dreadful Witch works great, spells are selected.

    Deities of Faerûn - Sphere System installation error
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    edited March 2019
    @Snatch_a_kiss I'll need some more intel, then. Everything is working perfectly here - the kit-added Shaman I've tested was the Dreadful Witch, by the way.

    1) What are the game versions where you're trying to install?

    2) I need you to provide to me the following files: Setup-DeitiesofFaerun.debug, Setup-IHateUndead.debug and Weidu.log (take those from the gamefolder from the game where the issue is occurring). Pack those in a zip or the forum won't accept the upload.

    Just to make sure:

    I) Are you trying on a clean install or an ongoing game?

    II) To reinstall, have you overwrited the previous files or did you uninstalled, deleted the older mods' folders (DeitiesofFaerun and IHateUndead) and just then unpacked the new mod files to reinstall?

  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    Thought I would pipe in.

    I just tried a Dreadful Witch in both BGEE and BG2EE (v1.9.6.1). Both worked fine and I was able to select all my spells without issues.
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