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next patch schedule?



  • SkipBittmanSkipBittman Member Posts: 146
    edited April 2019
    so have lower-than-expected sales resulted in pulling resources off the project for future updates and possible modules? How many people are working on it as of now?

    Some honesty about what to expect would be great along with a vague roadmap. I can understand scaling back if the money isn't there.
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
    so have lower-than-expected sales resulted in pulling resources off the project for future updates and possible modules? How many people are working on it as of now?

    Some honesty about what to expect would be great along with a vague roadmap. I can understand scaling back if the money isn't there.

    Where exactly did you get this data from?
  • StaranStaran Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 295
    Dark_Ansem wrote: »
    so have lower-than-expected sales resulted in pulling resources off the project for future updates and possible modules? How many people are working on it as of now?

    Some honesty about what to expect would be great along with a vague roadmap. I can understand scaling back if the money isn't there.

    Where exactly did you get this data from?

    The sales figures? It has been mentioned several times by Beamdog. Most recent was during an interview about a month ago.
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    Not sure what sales figures they expected tbh. Love Beamdog, but they have been content with just putting polish on beloved gems rather than making anything new for them, and that's only gonna get you so far. They should have had something new promised for NWN right out of the gate, even if it was small, and I bet sales figures would be better. I would have bought it at least, and i'm sure i'm not the only one.
  • StaranStaran Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 295
    Not sure what sales figures they expected tbh. Love Beamdog, but they have been content with just putting polish on beloved gems rather than making anything new for them, and that's only gonna get you so far. They should have had something new promised for NWN right out of the gate, even if it was small, and I bet sales figures would be better. I would have bought it at least, and i'm sure i'm not the only one.

    Yeah. When the project was announced Beamdog said they wouldn’t release it without it being significantly improved.
    Then they released it.
    The message boards said “but it haven’t been improved whatsoever”.
    Beamdog said “it has been improved enough and more improvements are coming just like our other EE’s”.
    Then the reviews said it wasn’t improved enough.

    So, either this was a (imho) big misstep on their part or their was pressure from somewhere to release it this way because they didn’t want to make a bigger splash and make more money.
    Beamdog can do what they wish. They are big boys.
  • EbonstarEbonstar Member Posts: 152
    sale figures were low because people were bitching about the cost of a pizza being too much to make the game run on todays machines without all the workarounds.

    players wont see the improvements out of the gate because they were under the hood, but they will not admit to it so they bitch cry and moan.

    reviews and messageboards are players crying. but modders and dev teams love whats been done, but they are not ones who post alot
  • 1varangian1varangian Member Posts: 367
    Well imagine if they released NWN: EE with a small but brand new expansion that looked like this:


    I'm still hoping it happens because THAT would make people play NWN again.
  • themazingnessthemazingness Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 702
    edited April 2019
    Ebonstar wrote: »
    sale figures were low because people were bitching about the cost of a pizza being too much to make the game run on todays machines without all the workarounds.

    players wont see the improvements out of the gate because they were under the hood, but they will not admit to it so they bitch cry and moan.

    reviews and messageboards are players crying. but modders and dev teams love whats been done, but they are not ones who post alot

    Sadly, most people aren't content makers. They just want to play others' content. And while it isn't that much for the game, it does add up with the extra content. Besides, gamers have to decide if they want this or another $20-$60 game instead of this one, not whether or not they are going to order $20-$60 of pizza instead of NWN:EE.

    You can cry and moan about people crying and moaning, but they have a valid point. If the majority of improvements are for the content makers and not people playing campaigns and single player modules, you aren't going to have excellent sales. That's basic business. You have to consider the average player too.

    I've been pretty disappointed in NWN:EE. I was excited for persistent worlds, but all of them are too heavy role-playing for me (I like RPGs, just not staying in character when I play a game with others). I was hoping for more quality of life improvements for single player, but that hasn't happened much. I am excited for true type fonts and the work to improve obstructions (can't remember what it is called, but I like that I won't need to zoom in every time the building's structures come into view). But had I known this was about where the single player experience would have been at this point, and had I known the culture of persistent worlds, I doubt I would've bought the game.

    I already owned the game on GoG before it was made into an Enhanced Edition. Most players interested in the game did (or had it on disc). The only new content is a better version of Darkness over Daggerford which was free and is now $10 (much improved and actually completed, but still). The only people that truly have gotten their money's worth are those who are modders and dev teams, so it isn't surprising they are the only ones that are happy. The average player still has to deal with crates and doors that require a lunch break.
    Post edited by themazingness on
  • KarmaKarma Member Posts: 7
    As the former admin of the PW La La Land, I can say without a doubt that NWN:EE killed our server. Its release was met with much hype, but I delayed migration because I saw little improvement that would benefit the server, and a lot of losses it would cost as we lost a great many of the plugins we used that were not rebuilt for EE at the time.

    When we did finally convert around May 2018, we lost a great many of our regular players due to the many bugs the game had. Some couldn't even run the game on their computers, or it crashed so frequently they quit in frustration. Under EE, we dropped down to an avg of 8 players a day, from 30, and eventually by the time July rolled around, sometimes no one would log in for days. That is when the owner of the server decided the numbers weren't worth the cost of keeping the server and pulled the plug.
  • jpsweeney94jpsweeney94 Member Posts: 98

    I've been pretty disappointed in NWN:EE. I was excited for persistent worlds, but all of them are too heavy role-playing for me (I like RPGs, just not staying in character when I play a game with others). I was hoping for more quality of life improvements for single player, but that hasn't happened much. I am excited for true type fonts and the work to improve obstructions (can't remember what it is called, but I like that I won't need to zoom in every time the building's structures come into view). But had I known this was about where the single player experience would have been at this point, and had I known the culture of persistent worlds, I doubt I would've bought the game.

    I feel the same way about RP in PWs. I recommend Lands of Arda (LOTR), but I may be biased ;) (I host and play it, but did not create it) ... PW based on lord of the rings, no one really does RP there. We Just talk and play! Check it out if you’re still looking!

  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    so have lower-than-expected sales resulted in pulling resources off the project for future updates and possible modules? How many people are working on it as of now?

    Some honesty about what to expect would be great along with a vague roadmap. I can understand scaling back if the money isn't there.

    Well that's the big question isn't it. Of course I think even Baldurs Gates is still getting updates and it was released over 6 years ago. The other question is if that pace of updates is what people really expect.
    1varangian wrote: »
    Well imagine if they released NWN: EE with a small but brand new expansion that looked like this:
    I'm still hoping it happens because THAT would make people play NWN again.

    I've thought about it before but I have to consider that there are other games with better graphics. I don't think NWN can win a graphics war, if the problem is just graphics maybe they could be playing NWN2, or maybe Skyrim, or something new like ATLAS or the cowboy game. It's possible that it would attract more players and one-off customers but it's also possible it doesn't change the situation much except appreciation from fans.

    As for why it didn't sell well, I think there are a number of reasons such as not having all the core audience on board. I don't think the price point has any real influence on the core audience, the sales didn't really change the old versions "market share" of the total NWN population. I think if you sold it for 99% reduced in price it wouldn't have much impact on the core audience either. I know if I had a new product and 30-40% of my most die hard fans didn't switch to the new version I would start to pay a lot of a attention to fixing that before appealing to a broader audience. As for value of being able to run the game at all, well like many others I've never had an issue with the old version, on multiple computers over time, with no work around needed.
  • 1varangian1varangian Member Posts: 367
    It's not about winning a graphics race, its just about looking good enough.

    When I see the barren outdoor areas with the weird looking tree blocks and the super clumsy elevation with "ramps" I just get un-immersed.. if that makes any sense.
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    It does make sense and I agree. I just don't know if it will sell a lot of copies. However NWN just went on sale again for 70% off if people want it for cheap.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    it just felt odd that nwn ee does not have any of the qol improvements of the other ee. maybe it's a 2d vs 3d engine thing.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    nwn ee does run better and fixes some issues form the diamond edition. the latter had issues running the movie files and the tool bar was transparent on certain graphics cards. both of these the ee fixed.
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 457
    I consider myself very fortunate that I am able to run both NWN classic and NWN:EE on my desktop PC. Like @Grogbayne said, there were some hoops to jump through in order for the campaign videos to play. However, once those steps were taken, both the movies and the game play seamlessly. I currently have NWN Classic patched to 1.67, as right now it is the latest stable build where I don't have to deal with that accursed attack bonus miscalculation bug. Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.
  • MrSpudMrSpud Member Posts: 6
    What I don't understand is why they bother having a beta on Android. They asked us what kind of features we would like to have and what needs to be fixed but.. why? They released one quick fix patch without any new features and turned their back on it, that was months ago.

    Don't ask us for our help if you don't want it, we wanted to make the game better but no one cared.
  • DoubledimasDoubledimas Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,286
    MrSpud wrote: »
    What I don't understand is why they bother having a beta on Android. They asked us what kind of features we would like to have and what needs to be fixed but.. why? They released one quick fix patch without any new features and turned their back on it, that was months ago.

    Don't ask us for our help if you don't want it, we wanted to make the game better but no one cared.
    There is a new beta coming out for Android very soon.

  • EbonstarEbonstar Member Posts: 152
    I consider myself very fortunate that I am able to run both NWN classic and NWN:EE on my desktop PC. Like @Grogbayne said, there were some hoops to jump through in order for the campaign videos to play. However, once those steps were taken, both the movies and the game play seamlessly. I currently have NWN Classic patched to 1.67, as right now it is the latest stable build where I don't have to deal with that accursed attack bonus miscalculation bug. Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.

    so you patched to 2006 interesting
  • EbonstarEbonstar Member Posts: 152
    1varangian wrote: »
    Well imagine if they released NWN: EE with a small but brand new expansion that looked like this:


    I'm still hoping it happens because THAT would make people play NWN again.

    its has happened if you play the OC
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 457
    edited November 2024
    Ebonstar wrote: »
    so you patched to 2006 interesting

    I did. Currently, Critical Rebuild 1.67 is the latest stable build that has the combat UI calculating attack bonuses and penalties as it should. Until NWN:EE is patched to correct the issue that has plagued both games since Patch 1.6H8 (which by the way, was also released in 2006) went live, I will settle for running my character through the 1.67 version of the Wailing Death campaign and both expansions.

    While we're on the subject of patches, I just updated my Retail build of NWN:EE through the Beamdog Client yesterday. However, I didn't notice any changes within the game itself, and the version is still 78.8186. When I checked the Notes section on Steam, the most recent entry was on April 4. It mentioned the Toolset update that was released independently as a zip file. Could this be the update that the Beamdog Client downloaded? Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.

    Post edited by Prince_Raymond on
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    No. That was about a fix for a problem which happened last week with the NWN:EE build.
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 457
    @JuliusBorisov I see. Thank you, Mr. Borisov.
  • 1varangian1varangian Member Posts: 367
    I'm really missing the weekly streams. Even if there was no news we would hear that at least. Being in the dark is the worst.
  • fetito666fetito666 Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 204
    1varangian wrote: »
    I'm really missing the weekly streams. Even if there was no news we would hear that at least. Being in the dark is the worst.

    Yup, an update with ETA would be great. I know they're busy and honest workers, but I also miss the live streams. :(
  • StaranStaran Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 295
    Many companies do not understand that lack of concrete information breads gossip and speculation.
    And that breeds toxicity, disappoint and anger.

    “But that isn’t our fault that lack of information leads to that in all environments ever”
    “That is why you need to get ahead of it to lead the narrative”
    “But that’s hard!”

    Sorry a rush of so many conversations like that in my head at the same time I almost time travelled
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    To be fair the streams were getting to a point where they were repeating themselves. Otherwise someone would ask when is X done and being told not yet, and finally the non-answers as they try to respond to questions for which they weren't prepared or lacked proper context. Their approach to answering questions on a monthly basis is better and has more chance to get questions to the people that have an answer and gives them time to understand the context. Unfortunately I think the status of the updates is an answer that people don't like. Everybody already knows it hinges on the renderer being finished and that might still take a while or might be finished today.

    I don't think getting a reminder that they're not done yet every week would be too productive or encourage confidence in the direction the patches have taken. I think the people that love anything they do no matter what will continue to love anything they do no matter what. The people sighing and waiting for them to get to other things will continue to sigh and wait for them to get to other things.
  • GarenRunebladeGarenRuneblade Member Posts: 13
    Well, Beamdog has had a lot of projects recently: Bringing NWN EE to Android, to Xbox and Playstation...what's next? You don't have a version that works on a Texas Instruments Scientific Calculator or an O-scope. It seems like any project other than give a new update for the PC version.
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    You forgot the other one these games have been announced for - the Nintendo Switch.

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