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[MOD] Bubb's Spell Menu (v5.1)



  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited October 2018
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
    Post edited by [Deleted User] on
  • raizoraizo Member Posts: 31
    Bubb, I hope you figure out how to make the mod work wit 2.5 patch. It has been a year and a half since my last playthrough. I would like to start a new one, but not without this mod. Especially the extended version.
    It is something I have been waiting for since the beginning. To have all the spells visible at once.

    By the way, there are two more functionalities that would be very helpful. At least that is what I always wanted playing BG2 so many times.

    1. To be able to know what spells enemies are under, without combing through the dialog box. Something like a pop-up on mouse hover?
    Just imagine, 5 cowled enforcers start their contingencies all at once. Then you have to comb through the dialog box to know which spell is whose.

    2. To be able to cast selected spells before fight in one go. To put them in a queue and then start casting. Even better if the casting could be shorten to couple of seconds.
    Bubb your extended spell view would be ideal for this. Just press Ctrl or Shift, then select with a mouse all the spells that are needed and start casting.

    I see, in your other thread, that you like to play with new functions. You think the above would be possible to code?
    Thanks for all of your work.
  • sarge945sarge945 Member Posts: 9
    IWD:EE Version when?
  • raizoraizo Member Posts: 31
    @Bubb, I see in the other thread that you are making progress. I don't want to sound selfish, but wow, my dreams are coming true.

    And regarding my second suggestion about queueing spells before casting, I have another crazy idea. Having two or three mages in a team is not so uncommon. What if you could select all of them, have extended view filter the spells that all mages have memorized and queue the spells for all selected mages? That would be awesome.

    At that point an icing on a cake would be to have timers for active buffs (for team members of course). But, wouldn't that make things too easy?

    Also, couple of posts above I read that you are directly modyfing exe files.
    So the mod is not intended for Linux.
    Is that correct?
  • BubbBubb Member Posts: 1,008
    @sarge945: This mod already supports IWD:EE, but I am currently behind on the current patch cycle; the next release will be what you are looking for.

    @raizo: Again, great suggestions. I'll look into their feasibility. :)

    While I am currently working with the Windows executable, I see no reason why I couldn't port my changes to the Linux and Mac versions when I'm done. (though, I don't have access to a Mac machine...)

    I did a quick search and found the executable file formats for Linux (ELF) and Mac (Mach-O). Since I am working at the lowest level possible, I believe my overall code structure will still be valid for the other executables, I just have to map all static memory accesses and function calls to each platform's respective values.

    It will take time to port, but I don't think it will take nearly as long as it does to actually come up with the functionality in the first place.
  • c4_angelc4_angel Member Posts: 35
    edited February 2019
    Hi Bubb!

    I like this great mod very well, but an issue came up when I have the extended mod v2.4 installed on my bg2ee v2.5.

    First I chose the "patch" option, but it always failed with the error message in command window:
    "Deleting line from menu CHARGEN_CHOOSE_SPELLS @60:                              text lua "Infinity_FetchString(spellBook[chargen.currentSpellLevelChoice][chargen.choose_spell[rowNumber].key].name)"
    Unable to patch UI.MENU: System.Exception: Expected Exception (Incompatible to patch .MENU): Could not map menu CHARGEN_CHOOSE_SPELLS @60
       在 Bubb.UIMenuEditor.DeleteLineFromMenu(String menuName, Int32 lineIndex)
       在 Bubb.UIUtil.ApplyPatchFiles(String toPatchMenuPath, String outputFilePath)
       在 Bubb.EntryPoint.Main(String[] args)
    Press enter to exit UIUtil.exe..."

    And then I chose "copy" option, successfully installed this time, but the "Log History window should always show latest entry" bug came.

    Oh, by the way, I'm using Windows 10 with Chinese locale language, and for some reasons I cannot change it to English for testing. Could it be the reason of the failure of patching
  • BubbBubb Member Posts: 1,008

    Unfortunately this mod doesn't support the v2.5 engine. The copy option, while appearing to work, in fact doesn't because it is copying a UI.MENU that is designed to work with the v2.3 engine.

    I must admit, since I've said before that I was trying to update, that I've backed myself into a corner. This mod completely relies on UIUtil.exe in order to patch UI.MENU... and that program is now arcane gibberish to me. I wrote it about a year ago, and to tear my previous self down, was very poorly designed. I seem to recall hitting an error that was completely beyond my ability to fix, and so I just kind of stopped working on it and started working on this instead.

    Though I'm glad there is still interest in this mod; I think I'll resume attempting to update it. My skills have improved considerably in the past year, so there is a high chance I can get it working again :)

    Give me a couple of weeks, and if I haven't posted any updates, give me a poke!
  • c4_angelc4_angel Member Posts: 35
    Hi @Bubb

    Thanks for your reply. Looking for your update, just take your time. And EEex is also a great idea!

    Happy Chinese new year!
  • MyragMyrag Member Posts: 328
    @Bubb I hope you find a time some day.

    Also idea of this with with your recent EEex project makes me believe it would be possible to achieve my longest dream as powergamer. A buff bar for critical bufffs (PFMW, Spell Immunity, etc.) next to portraits. One can dream :smile:

    Keep up with a good work.
  • AlexisRektAlexisRekt Member Posts: 1
    Hello Bubb!!

    You said to write if someone used this mod.. well, i use it and do not like the classic UI for spells.

    Thank you very very much for your work :)
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    I'll chime in here and say +1 to an updated spell menu too, with the stipulation that it doesn't replace every spell's name with a UUID number. I hope you find a different way to do this now that you've been experimenting with EEex for a while.
  • razaraza Member Posts: 24
    edited February 2019
    Hello Bubb!

    I also love this mod. Hope you will get enough time to new release. Also hope you will implement idea about "reusing the actionbar space".
  • Hey Bubb, I really love this mod but maybe it's just me but it doesn't seem to interact with the innate abilities very well.
  • razaraza Member Posts: 24

    Hello. You ask to poke your self.. so this is poke :)
  • razaraza Member Posts: 24
    ANy news?
  • Timbo0o0o0Timbo0o0o0 Member Posts: 63
    edited March 2019
    I guess, @Bubb is busy with this incredible Project of his. :)
  • BaltazorBaltazor Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2019
    I really like the extended version of this mod but i have a small but annoying problem.
    When i install the mod the dialogue box doesn't automatically scroll down, it remains in the topmost message. Is there any fix for this?
    -BG II EE (version
    -Divine remix (no other mods - no magic sphere system installed)
    Just saw that isn't supported yet.
    Post edited by Baltazor on
  • ArjukKagrimArjukKagrim Member Posts: 44
    Hi, I really hope you don't give up this incredible mod. It is one of those features which is really missing for an increased quality of life when playing the game.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    Myrag wrote: »
    @Bubb I hope you find a time some day.

    Also idea of this with with your recent EEex project makes me believe it would be possible to achieve my longest dream as powergamer. A buff bar for critical bufffs (PFMW, Spell Immunity, etc.) next to portraits. One can dream :smile:

    Keep up with a good work.

    There's a mod that informs in your combat log how many time you have before a buff expires. Might be useful.

    (Sorry for the intrusion, @Bubb )
  • Ludwig_IILudwig_II Member Posts: 379
    edited April 2019
    I'm also looking forward to v2.5 compatibility. Using this alongside Dragonspear UI++ will be awesome. Not trying to put any pressure though, just expressing my interest :)
  • VanhardiskVanhardisk Member Posts: 40
    edited June 2019
    Ludwig_II wrote: »
    I'm also looking forward to v2.5 compatibility. Using this alongside Dragonspear UI++ will be awesome. Not trying to put any pressure though, just expressing my interest :)

    Unlike @Ludwig_II here I am, in fact, putting a lot pressure in my non-visible judging stare towards your efforts for a compatible version for this otherwise delicious mod.
    So, get on with it and duu eett!


  • Ludwig_IILudwig_II Member Posts: 379
    That's amazing news!!! No not the part that you live in shame Bubb?
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    Will it be much longer, @Bubb? This is going to make or break my decision to install EET or stick with the separate games.
  • BubbBubb Member Posts: 1,008
    edited July 2019
    @Flashburn: Depends on your use case. I have a vanilla-override version running, with no ui-mod compatibility as of yet.

    If you don't need the compatibility I can have it uploaded by tomorrow. Ensuring compatibility will take another day or two.

    Edit: And, besides, the new version will be able to be installed mid-game no questions asked, so it shouldn't hurt if you start an install before getting this mod up and running.
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    Bubb wrote: »
    If you don't need the compatibility I can have it uploaded by tomorrow. Ensuring compatibility will take another day or two.
    Nice. I can wait a little longer, then.
  • razaraza Member Posts: 24
    edited July 2019

    Is it true that I'll not be able to use this mod with alternative render? :'(

    from this
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