Battle Music Not Stopping

Still having issues even as of latest patch with Battle Music not ending. This seems prevalent in Adoy's Enclave but also happens in other areas. Curious if anyone else has the issue? I'm *sure* its been reported for a few years now, so maybe its my setup.
About the issue, are you sure that there is no enemy left over somewhere on the map? Or in general other figures with the red circle. Maybe you use AoE spells and make enemies even from neutral beings.
Restarting the game seems to have fixed it... Thanks.
@Tresset , any ideas?
Whatever's going on here, it's not contained in the save. It's tied to specific areas, accumulating over time - and reset whenever the program restarts. Once an area goes bad, it stays bad; leaving and coming back or loading a save won't help.
It's all very frustrating for a developer, of course; by its very nature, this is something that is hard to reproduce. I could provide the save, but for the reasons stated above, I'm sure it won't help.
(My version: Mac, from GOG, v2.5.17.0)
One thing that all instances of this problem have in common is that it always (and only) occurs when my party is underground/indoors.
Mine always occurs outdoors LoL
As far as I can tell by inspecting the assembly, these series of steps is tricking the game into "changing" the current music, while never actually staring the new one / stopping the old one.