The silly things we do

Whenever I have Xzar in my party, he always likes to taste the toxic fluid that the kobolds use to taint the iron in the Nashkell mine. I mean, he is kinda crazy after all. The toxin permanently decreases constitution by 1 and gives an acute toxic reaction. In my latest playthrough Xzar had only 1hp left when he took a sip of the potion. Luckily, the poison effect ticks slowly, so by ordering him to take an antidote immediately afterwards, he managed to survive 
What silly things do you do in your playthroughs?

What silly things do you do in your playthroughs?
Without giving it too much thought, I tend to have characters prioritise according to personal sympathy when applying their buffing routines, e.g. Jaheira saving a Barkskin for Khalid.
I hope BG3 has a Silver Sword that you attract a Wild Mage with. There are illithids apparently, so githyanki = silver swords and githyanki fight actively vs the feared and hated illithid....
I also pickpocketed everyone I met.
I used to recreate a full library of books, thinking I would stop and read them all at some point. in BG1, it was the manor in Beregost (I didn't mind that there was already someone living there), and in BG2, it was the De'Arnise keep.
I also kept every named weapon or piece of armor, until I realized that there wasn't a point. Once I realized I had settled on a particular set, I started selling the less powerful gear, but for a very long time, I had the upper level of the keep looking more like Ribald's back room.
Also, like in any rpg ever made, I try to talk to every dog and cat in the map, and they always reply with a mew or a woof. Like in almost every rpg ever made, but I am still trying. With Melicamp it worked.
Divinity: Original Sin has a "speak with animals" skill you can take, which unlocks dialogues with almost every animal in the game, and they often reveal useful and important information about quests and enemies.
That's crazy talk!
I give GREAT severance pay.
@ThacoBell , I don't leave them with things that I bought or acquired after they joined and that I need. For example, when I dropped Branwen, I kept Aishideena for Yeslick. You would really have left it with her and let him fight with a simple hammer?
I guess many people do that, that's why in BG2 there are so many items on NPCs that only they can use.
You cannot say you´ve lived until a rat with british accent tells you how to escape jail, you find some buried treasure for a paranoid squirrel or an ox foretold your future.
You even have ox ghosts to talk to, which is so extreme that it is a miracle that Netflix did not make a CG-filled movie with those. I suppose Detective Pikachu was too much for this year.
No space hamsters but you have sir Lora. There is even a mod that made it shout a battlecry "go for the eyes"
Also silly practical thing #2: When I go back from Candlekeep in the last chapters I take all the companions still recruitable (Usually in those chapters Khalid is still in a cave with a rabid bear somewhere in the cloud mountains, and Montaron is taking care of the wolves in Friendly arms inn road. Taking care as in being food for them) and put them all in elfsong tavern so I can recruit them to see banters, unfinished quests, weird fashion parades and whatever fancies me.
It is cool that now mods do that for you. It is a little disappointing that you cannot do it with Neera, Dorn and Rasaad.
Yup! I've done just that with Yeslick. In my current run, I also let Khalid keep Varscona. I don't use overlapping weapon proficiencies, so no one else in my parties would make use of the weapons anyway. I also let them keep any potions in their quickslots. The only things I take back is unequipped items in their inventory.
But does that mean that you change the weapon proficiencies with the Keeper or do you give them weapons where they have only one pip or nothing at all? Or do you consider everyone's proficiencies before you let them join?
Just bear with me for a moment: I´ve got three Bg installs of the game. One, the classic ones. Two, the EET install in english with bg1EE and BG2EE modded to infinity and beyond, and three the bgt install in spanish, because I copypasted the spanish dialog.tlk in the italian folder (Don´t ask), also modded as hell.
And no, that is not the silly thing. I think it is pretty normal. Also practical: For strange reasons there are mods only EE compatible, and other ones that, even they say it is translated, only work if you use the italian dialog.tlk even if you want the portuguese or spanish translation (Again, Don´t ask). Also old bg games are dubbed in spanish, the EE ones are not ( "¡A sus ojos, bubú, a sus ojos!"). So I´ve got the game in spanglish or mixed languages because of the mixed mod´s language.
Sometimes Xan and Ajantis talk like Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee, Minsk speaks like the godfather,and the game is a big reguetón song (thank god with no chauvinist BS) but it is BG in the end.
Obviously if you´ve read my posts, english is not my native language, but I manage. Anyway, I´ve got three installs, all right?
So, finally let´s go with Silly thing#4 : When I play BG games I started all games at once. Load savegames and pause. Then I start playing the usual way in one of them and then I go back to the paused ones to read the timed banters, then pause again and go play the other instance of the game. That way I get to see the banters of all the mods in record time.