Eff1 -> brings Lvl2
Eff2 -> brings Lvl4 and deletes Lvl2
Eff3 -> brings Lvl6 and deletes Lvl4
But I dont know HOW...
I see no chance in increasing the amount of damage, and deleting an eff could maybe possible...
Any hints or ideas for me?
I think you could add opcode 321 to each file and remove the one behind it, applying the custom spells via the CLAB table (I'm not sure what could happen if they're applied all at once, if a lower level one remains, you should add a 1 second delay to the removal opcode, but I doubt the game engine could possibly get order of effect application wrong).
I'm not really sure whether opcode 321 will remove effects marked with duration 9 and dispel 2, but if that works, that's it.
Ideally you should use one spell for each time the effect needs to change so that the damage is upgraded.
Mind you that if you plan on making your mod compatible with the original game, you'll find using opcode 321 might not be as ideal, but I don't know of any other way to do this.
Okay this worked just fine for me too, however, it's not showing up in the kit list for mages?
I can ee keeper it onto a character no problem, but there is no custom name in the character sheet or anywhere else??
Okay this worked just fine for me too, however, it's not showing up in the kit list for mages?
I can ee keeper it onto a character no problem, but there is no custom name in the character sheet or anywhere else??
Use tiny words, I'm terrible at this. :P
Post your code so I can take look at it, it's easier to find out what's wrong that way.
It's very bare bones, just a straight copy paste from the first post.
The code in the first post is meant more as an example than anything else, I wouldn't really expect it to work, and, it has many strings that are useless in real mods (particularly the part for the new EE kit extensions). There's many other things such as the HP table that if you're not changing from the base-class it's better to leave aside (if you are, fair game, but adding identical files to the game is pointless).
The function that performs the EE extensions will fill in anything you leave empty with the class defaults.
That said, I have absolutely no idea why yours in particular would be failing. I know barely anything compared to what I used to.
Alright, progress. Using @Raduziel handy Barbarian-Shaman as a base and tweaking it and some stuff from the OP to my own ends (it was a tutorial kit I've been able to get it all in game and working. It displays as it should now and seems to work just fine.
This is just a test, but it seems to be working as intended.
Side note, Kitlist.2da, unusuable flags, what are the defaults for a mage??
Question about UNUSABLE flags: Is zero (0x00000000) a valid kit usability? If so, is it different from the "Base Class" (0x00004000) usability, and how so?
All my kits uses the zero flag with no issues so far.
I don't know the difference between using it or the trueclass flag as when it comes to modding I'm basically a drunk monkey trying to write a symphony.
@Arthas. The spell that applies the XP penalty is CA#XPMOD. You can replace that from the kits clab file (ca#dsor.2da) with **** prior to install. That should remove the penalty for the kit. This is for the geomantic kit.
You could probably figure out the spell for the druid sorceror kit if you look at the tp2 file. Hopefully the spell is commented so you know what is what.
Many of my kits use the zero flag with no issues so far.
So, zero is a valid unusability... Hmm, and I see that the value does get written to KITLIST.2da unchanged--weidu does not silently auto-correct it. Does anyone with more... xp or lore (heh) know if there is a difference between zero and the "base class" unusability?
So, zero is a valid unusability... Hmm, and I see that the value does get written to KITLIST.2da unchanged--weidu does not silently auto-correct it. Does anyone with more... xp or lore (heh) know if there is a difference between zero and the "base class" unusability?
Zero is no unusability flags.
Base Class unusability flag is used by various items/spells exclusive to the Wild-Mage to exclude the Trueclass/Generalist Kit from using them. Prior to op319, it was also used (and may still be) to restrict items specifically to a single kit.
If you want a kit that is classical and EE games compatible; there is a great chance you need to specify specific usability flags as classical games don't recognize opcode #319.
For example, I use
0x12000008 for the Diamond Knight = Cavalier (0x00000008) + Shapeshifter (0x10000000) + Helm (0x02000000)
Flag Cavalier = no throwing weapons
Flag Shapeshifter = used to remove armors (except plates), shields (except large), flails, maces and morningstars usability ; and to add plates, medium shields and katanas usability.
Flag Helm = used to remove daggers, halberds, short swords and crossbows usability ; and to add medium shields and katanas usability.
0x04200020 for the Unicorn Rider = Undead Hunter (0x00000020) + Blade (0x00200000) + Lathander (0x40000000)
Flag Undead Hunter = paladin (used to make it different from the Diamond Knight).
Flag Blade = used to remove plates, splint, chain mails, large shields and composite bows usability ; and to add medium shields usability.
Flag Lathander = used to remove halberds, two handed swords and crossbows usability ; and to add medium shields and katanas usability.
Zero is no unusability flags. Base Class unusability flag is used by various items/spells exclusive to the Wild-Mage to exclude the Trueclass/Generalist Kit from using them. Prior to op319, it was also used (and may still be) to restrict items specifically to a single kit.
I understand all that. What I mean is that no kits in the base game have zero unusability; the base kits without their own flag use a combination of flags or the "Generalist" flag. Even though the game doesn't explode if your custom kits use zero unusability, it seems like there might be unforeseen consequences. What I wanted to know is if anyone is aware of reasons (besides the very limited Wild Mage equipment thing) to definitely assign the "Generalist Mage or Other Kit" flag to a custom kit.
@Gwendolyne Do you know of a list of all the flags that includes hidden (hardcoded) side effects?
Hi all, I am new to BG modding and working on something like Beguiler of 3.5e (a mixture of some roger abilities and enchantment&illusion spells). For now, I use bard as the base class, but the issue is that bark cannot cast any higher-than-6-level spells. Just wonder if it is possible to remove the spell level cap. THX
Hi all, I am new to BG modding and working on something like Beguiler of 3.5e (a mixture of some roger abilities and enchantment&illusion spells). For now, I use bard as the base class, but the issue is that bark cannot cast any higher-than-6-level spells. Just wonder if it is possible to remove the spell level cap. THX
Yes, you just have to add a bunch of columns to the mxsplbrd table. Mind you that you will also modify the Bard base-class this way. You can probably use the opcode to give extra Mage spells per level to remove those for the other kits and base-class anyway.
Yes, you just have to add a bunch of columns to the mxsplbrd table. Mind you that you will also modify the Bard base-class this way. You can probably use the opcode to give extra Mage spells per level to remove those for the other kits and base-class anyway.
First I would like to thank CrevsDaak and all of those helping on this subject.
I've been able to progress a lot on kit making today but got stuck by a strange thing, and it look a lot like the issue SX1050 got on precedent page.
The funny thing is that I was also doing a Deathbringer kit for warrior. And plan to add it to Sarevok.
Issue : My kit show up in the character selection screen, but when I'm in game, the character is shown as fighter in the character screen.
- I've made my mod with Weidu and do not get any error during installation.
- I've rewrite my code several time and even tried to make another kit from scratch but got the same problem.
- I've try to make the mod work on BG2EE without any other mod and an EET installation (with mod) : Same issue.
- If I create a new character, choose Deathbringer kit, I got a fighter in game. If I level it, I do not gain ability from my clab*.2da file. If I save the game and edit it with shadowkeep, I can see "Deathbringer" as the kit for my character.
- I got the same issue if I summon Sarevok after my mod patch its CRE file. It's a fighter, shown as Deathbringer in the save when looking with Shadowkeeper
TP2 is as follow :
BACKUP ~NysiMod/Backup~
AUTHOR ~Nysi(vottevaere@gmail.com)~
VERSION ~v1.0~
INCLUDE ~%MOD_FOLDER%/lib/fl#add_kit_ee.tpa~END// SarevokBEGIN~Add a DeathbringerKit to Sarevok~
ADD_KIT ~NY2DBG~~NY2DBG 11111000~~NY2DBG 010010010110011101000011011111110000000000000000000~~NY2DBG 090000~~NY2DBG 000000~~NY2DBG 000000~~NY2DBG 000000~~NY2DBG 011111111~~NY2DBG 111000~~%MOD_FOLDER%/2da/clabnydb.2da~~K_F_H~~0x000800004~~fl1~~LEAT14 ** BAG28 RING06 RING05,10* BOOT02 AMUL19 BRAC16 BELT06 AROW11,40 BULL03,40 BOLT06,40 POTN52,5 POTN04,2 POTN14,5 DAGG12 SW1H28 STAF08~
SAY ~deathbringer~
SAY ~Deathbringer~
SAY ~DEATHBRINGER:Deathbringers are a special group of warriors trained in the art of intimidation and war.They can scare their enemies into paralyzation by locking eye contact,as well as destroy in a single blow.They are also a group of scattered cultists that are still trying to revive Bhaal, even though his essence is locked up in the UpperPlanes.Advantages:-At10th level gains DeathbringerAssaultDisadvantages:--3 penalty to WisdomandCharisma~
LAF fl#add_kit_ee
briefdesc = RESOLVE_STR_REF (~DEATHBRINGER:Sarevok unique class.~)
kit_name = NY2DBG
clasiskl =""// Inherit from parent classEND// Change Sarevok kit to Deathbringer
COPY ~override/sarevok.cre~~override~
READ_BYTE 0x272 race
READ_BYTE 0x273class
READ_BYTE 0x246 kit
PATCH_PRINT ~%SOURCE_FILE% was a %class%with kit %kit%.~
READ_BYTE 0x272 race
READ_BYTE 0x273class
READ_BYTE 0x246 kit
PATCH_PRINT ~%SOURCE_FILE%is now a %class%with kit %kit%.~END
If one of you could have a clue, I would be really grateful.
You said you resolved your issue after correcting something into clastxt.2da ?
I do not have this file in my installation, may be you were not using an EE version?
Can you tell me what you did to solve your issue?
I'm not really sure whether opcode 321 will remove effects marked with duration 9 and dispel 2, but if that works, that's it.
Ideally you should use one spell for each time the effect needs to change so that the damage is upgraded.
Mind you that if you plan on making your mod compatible with the original game, you'll find using opcode 321 might not be as ideal, but I don't know of any other way to do this.
I have searched through all the opcodes and tried some, but without succeed.
I decided to gain the full abbility (200Dmg 3% activationchance) on LvL 1 (!!!), but you must be minimum Lvl 10 to trigger the abbility.
Now I have another Problem, I know how to create a custom weapon, how do I place it in the game?
Problem solved
greetings sx1050
I can ee keeper it onto a character no problem, but there is no custom name in the character sheet or anywhere else??
Use tiny words, I'm terrible at this. :P
the maximum possible count of kits for a class are 10. Mages already have 10 Kits, so you have to delete/disable one kit to show your own.
greetings sx1050
Post your code so I can take look at it, it's easier to find out what's wrong that way.
That's no longer a thing.
BACKUP ~Archmage/backup~
BEGIN "Archmage kit for Mages"
INCLUDE "Archmage/lib/fl#add_kit_ee.tpa"
~C1AM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~
~C1AM 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~
~C1AM 0 9 0 0 0 0~
~C1AM 0 0 0 0 0 0~
~C1AM 69 666 0 0 7 42~
~C1AM 0 15 0 0 0 0~
~C1AM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~
// F C M T D R
~C1AM 1 1 0 1 0 0~
~0x00002000 1~
~* * * BAG28 * * * BOOT01 AMUL17 * * AROW11,80 * * * * * DAGG12 SW1H28 *~
SAY ~archmage~
SAY ~Archmage~
SAY ~ARCHMAGE: The highest art is magic - often referred to as the Art. Its most advanced practitioners are frequently archmages, bending spells in ways unavailable to other spellcasters. Decades of practice have made these individuals some of the most powerful and respected on Faerun.~
LAF fl#add_kit_ee
biography = 29492
briefdesc = RESOLVE_STR_REF (~ARCHMAGE: The highest art is magic - often referred to as the Art. Its most advanced practitioners are frequently archmages, bending spells in ways unavailable to other spellcasters. Decades of practice have made these individuals some of the most powerful and respected on Faerun.~)
fallen = 0
fallen_notice = RESOLVE_STR_REF (~You have failed ur ppl.~)
kit_name = ~C1AM~
backstab = ~1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~
clswpbon = ~1 0 3~
numwslot = ~2~
thiefskl = ~0 0~
traplimt = 60
clascolr = ~35 67 67 25 80~
clasiskl = ~0 0 0 0 0 0 0~
thiefscl = ~0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~
hpclass = ~HPAM~
clsrcreq = ~1 1 1 1 1 1 1~
clasthac = ~0~
sneakatt = ~1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~
crippstr = ~0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~
COPY "Archmage/CLABC1AM.2DA" override
"Archmage/LUCAM.2DA" override
"Archmage/HPAM.2DA" override
The function that performs the EE extensions will fill in anything you leave empty with the class defaults.
That said, I have absolutely no idea why yours in particular would be failing. I know barely anything compared to what I used to.
I see no obvious reasons for your kit not be showing up - at least not in the code.
Have you tried to click, hold and drag to see if the kit list scrolls down and shows your kit?
For some reason Beamdog thought that a scrollbar is not necessary. This drove me nuts for hours first time I had this issue.
This is just a test, but it seems to be working as intended.
Side note, Kitlist.2da, unusuable flags, what are the defaults for a mage??
If you dont know, NO
You should read the "How To" from the beginning.
Which class is it you want to modify and what is the disadvantage?
It depends.
Some kits have its penalties delivered by spells through their CLAB. Editing the entry that matches this spell to "****" seals the deal.
Some kits have their disadvantage linked to their usability flag. Those are trickier to deal with.
I would like to remove all the disadvantages of this kit: https://www.gibberlings3.net/mods/kits/geomantic/
and why not... I would do the same with this kit:
All my kits uses the zero flag with no issues so far.
I don't know the difference between using it or the trueclass flag as when it comes to modding I'm basically a drunk monkey trying to write a symphony.
@Arthas. The spell that applies the XP penalty is CA#XPMOD. You can replace that from the kits clab file (ca#dsor.2da) with **** prior to install. That should remove the penalty for the kit. This is for the geomantic kit.
You could probably figure out the spell for the druid sorceror kit if you look at the tp2 file. Hopefully the spell is commented so you know what is what.
So, zero is a valid unusability... Hmm, and I see that the value does get written to KITLIST.2da unchanged--weidu does not silently auto-correct it. Does anyone with more... xp or lore (heh) know if there is a difference between zero and the "base class" unusability?
Base Class unusability flag is used by various items/spells exclusive to the Wild-Mage to exclude the Trueclass/Generalist Kit from using them. Prior to op319, it was also used (and may still be) to restrict items specifically to a single kit.
For example, I use
0x12000008 for the Diamond Knight = Cavalier (0x00000008) + Shapeshifter (0x10000000) + Helm (0x02000000)
Flag Cavalier = no throwing weapons
Flag Shapeshifter = used to remove armors (except plates), shields (except large), flails, maces and morningstars usability ; and to add plates, medium shields and katanas usability.
Flag Helm = used to remove daggers, halberds, short swords and crossbows usability ; and to add medium shields and katanas usability.
0x04200020 for the Unicorn Rider = Undead Hunter (0x00000020) + Blade (0x00200000) + Lathander (0x40000000)
Flag Undead Hunter = paladin (used to make it different from the Diamond Knight).
Flag Blade = used to remove plates, splint, chain mails, large shields and composite bows usability ; and to add medium shields usability.
Flag Lathander = used to remove halberds, two handed swords and crossbows usability ; and to add medium shields and katanas usability.
@Gwendolyne Do you know of a list of all the flags that includes hidden (hardcoded) side effects?
Cool! Thank you very much for your tips
I've been able to progress a lot on kit making today but got stuck by a strange thing, and it look a lot like the issue SX1050 got on precedent page.
The funny thing is that I was also doing a Deathbringer kit for warrior. And plan to add it to Sarevok.
Issue : My kit show up in the character selection screen, but when I'm in game, the character is shown as fighter in the character screen.
- I've made my mod with Weidu and do not get any error during installation.
- I've rewrite my code several time and even tried to make another kit from scratch but got the same problem.
- I've try to make the mod work on BG2EE without any other mod and an EET installation (with mod) : Same issue.
- If I create a new character, choose Deathbringer kit, I got a fighter in game. If I level it, I do not gain ability from my clab*.2da file. If I save the game and edit it with shadowkeep, I can see "Deathbringer" as the kit for my character.
- I got the same issue if I summon Sarevok after my mod patch its CRE file. It's a fighter, shown as Deathbringer in the save when looking with Shadowkeeper
TP2 is as follow :
If one of you could have a clue, I would be really grateful.
You said you resolved your issue after correcting something into clastxt.2da ?
I do not have this file in my installation, may be you were not using an EE version?
Can you tell me what you did to solve your issue?
Needs to be "2" (FIGHTER):
I've made the change and it's now working. Thanks a lot.
I don't know how but I was sure 4 was for fighter