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[How to] Making kit mods for the EE!

CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
edited June 2019 in General Modding

How to: Making kit mods for the Enhanced Editions!

First, you'll need to a little about WeiDU and have some skills in using NearInfinity (or DLTCEP), I am not going to give an introduction to any of this things, I assume you do know how to make custom spells (.spl), items (.itm) and tinkering with effect (.eff) files and tables (.2da). (Also, I refer all the time to using NearInfinity, but if you use DLTCEP it's the same. It is just that I use NearInfinity and wrote it that way because I'm dumb.)

Second, be sure you register your own modding signature here, so none of your files clash with other mod's. Skip this if you have done so already.

Third, to make a kit mod, you need to have some things done by your own, they are:
  • The spells for the abilities of the kit, both the innate abilities and the passive abilities are coded as spells (mind the permanent duration effect and undispellability on the latter).
  • The CLAB*.2DA, this is the file that applies and gives the spells at level up.
  • (optional) The LU*.2DA table, needed for High Level Abilities, works like the CLAB*.2DA but has a different way of listing the entries.
  • (optional) The HP*.2DA table, if you want, you can determine your kit's hit point gain rate with this table.
  • (optional) new icons for the new Innate abilities/spells.
For the spells, I recommend making the with NearInfity, unless you are good enough with WeiDU to edit them on-the-run. When working on spells to be applied to the character and treated as Passive Abilities (like a Kensai's AC bonus at level one), be sure to put the Timing to instant/permanent (9).

When you are creating the CLAB*.2DA, I recommend making it 50 columns long (up to level 50), since BG2Tweaks has a component to extend the levels up to that point, and it avoids possible bugs with other mods that read the CLAB table. A CLAB*.2DA file should look like this (this one was cut because of its length):
2DA         V1.0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ABILITY3 GA_SPCL212 **** **** **** **** **** ****
ABILITY4 GA_SPCL212 **** **** **** **** **** ****
ABILITY5 GA_SPCL212 **** **** **** **** **** ****
ABILITY6 AP_SPCL241 **** **** **** **** **** ****
ABILITY7 AP_SPCL242 **** **** **** **** **** ****
This is a Paladin CLAB (the Undead Hunter's). Each GA_SPELLNAME gives the mentioned spell to the creature just once (this is used for things like the Kensai's Kai ability), while AP_SPELLNAME applies the spell to the creature once, with a permanent timing. This is used for Passive Abilities like the Kensai's damage and AC bonus.

If you need more rows, just add them manually with NearInfinity (or with your favourite text editor) with an ABILITY8 (and then 9, 10, etc) name on column 1 (up to column 50).

For the LU*.2DA, you can just give WeiDU the name of the vanilla LU*.2DA file you want to use, or create your own.

Here's an example of a LU*.2DA:
2DA V1.0
1 GA_SPPR721 * * 16 99 1 * * *
2 GA_SPPR722 * * 16 99 1 * * *
3 GA_SPPR723 * * 16 99 1 * * *
4 GA_SPPR725 * * 16 99 1 * * *
5 GA_SPPR726 * * 16 99 1 * GA_SPPR727 ALL_EVIL
6 GA_SPPR727 * * 16 99 1 * GA_SPPR726 ALL_GOOD
7 GA_SPPR728 * * 16 99 1 * * *
8 GA_SPPR729 * * 16 99 1 * * *
9 GA_SPPR730 * * 16 99 1 * * *
10 AP_SPCL928 * * 1 99 1 * * *
11 AP_SPCL929 * * 1 99 1 AP_SPCL928 * *
12 AP_SPCL930 * * 1 99 1 AP_SPCL929 * *
13 GA_SPWI920 * * 32 99 1 * * *
14 GA_SPWI921 * * 32 99 1 * * *
15 GA_SPWI922 * * 32 99 1 * * *
16 GA_SPWI923 * * 32 99 1 * GA_SPWI924 ALL_EVIL
17 GA_SPWI924 * * 32 99 1 * GA_SPWI923 ALL_GOOD
18 GA_SPWI925 * * 32 99 1 * * *
19 * * * * * * * * *
20 * * * * * * * * *
21 * * * * * * * * *
22 * * * * * * * * *
23 * * * * * * * * *
24 * * * * * * * * *
The GA_ and AP_ stuff from CLAB*.2DA files is the same here.

The MIN_LEV is the level the character has to be in order to pick the High Level Ability, and MAX_LEVEL is the level where you cannot choose this HLA anymore (don't use this unless it's necessary, just put 99 or preferably 127).

ALL_EVIL and ALL_GOOD are exclusion flags (ALL_NEUTRAL also works), here they are used for the Planetar/Deva summoning spells (since this one is a Cleric/Mage's LU files).

PREREQUISITE is the HLA you must have selected before so you can choose, for example, the "Extra level 7 Slot" requires the player to have chooses "Extra level 6 Slot" before.

EXCLUDED_BY is also used for the Planetar/Deva summoning spells, but this one does something different, if the ability denoted under EXCLUDED_BY was chosen, the player won't be able to pick the spell marked on EXCLUDED_BY later.

In the EE, the table can be 25 rows long, while in the original BG2 the maximum is still 24. If you want to add the 25th row on EE games only, IMO the best is to add this to your WeiDU code (before copying the 2da to the game):
APPEND_OUTER "path/to/your.2da" "25th line of the LU* file"
The HP*.2DA tables are much more simpler and shorter. They hold the information for the HP that has to be given to the creature on each level. Here's an example of the Rogue's:
2DA      V1.0
1 6 0 6
2 6 0 6
3 6 0 6
4 6 0 6
5 6 0 6
6 6 0 6
7 6 0 6
8 6 0 6
9 6 0 6
10 6 0 6
11 6 0 2
12 6 0 2
13 6 0 2
14 6 0 2
15 6 0 2
16 6 0 2
17 6 0 2
18 6 0 2
19 6 0 2
20 6 0 2
21 6 0 2
22 6 0 2
23 6 0 2
24 6 0 2
25 6 0 2
26 6 0 2
27 6 0 2
28 6 0 2
29 6 0 2
30 6 0 2
31 6 0 2
32 6 0 2
33 6 0 2
34 6 0 2
35 6 0 2
36 6 0 2
37 6 0 2
38 6 0 2
39 6 0 2
40 6 0 2
It's pretty easy, from levels 1 to 10 (in the case of Warriors and Priests, it should be form levels 1 to 9, and 1 to 10 in the case of Wizards, too) the rouge is given 1d6 hit points, past that level, the Rouge will gain 2 HP every level up. It is recommended to make this table up to level 50 too. This table is completely optional and only needed if you want to change the Kit's HP/level.

Fourth, you're going to need something to install the mod, and WeiDU is the best one when doing this! If you are copy/pasting this, replace all of the "7C#KIT" with your kit's internal name and the directories, version and author fields with the according information.
BACKUP "example/backup"
AUTHOR CrevsDaak
VERSION "v2.3.67.3"
These are basic WeiDU instructions to provide information for debugging/reporting bugs and re-installing the mod. The VERSION field is not required but it's recommended to be used.

This'll be the component's name shown to the user. If you append to the style presented here it is very likely that people won't get confused with what they're installing.
BEGIN "[enter kit name here] kit for [enter the kit's base class name here in plural form]"
This command includes the .tpa with the code that does the real work to install the kit.
INCLUDE "example/library/fl#add_kit_ee.tpa"
This is your kit's internal name, it should be prefixed with your own modding signature and not too long.
These are the BG1 proficiency restrictions, they don't serve any purpose so it's a waste of time to edit them.
~7C#KIT                1           1           1           1           1           1           1           1~
These are the BG2 proficiencies, you should use the 2DA table "WEAPPROF" as a reference while working on this.
~7C#KIT 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~
Minimum stats for the kit. Use low values, otherwise getting high rolls will be too easy.
~7C#KIT                0       9       0       0       0       0~
These are the stat modifiers at character creation. Both positive an negative values are accepted.
7C#KIT                0       0       0       0       0       0~
Stats requirement to dual-class TO this kit, which is impossible, so you should be using this to meme.
~7C#KIT               69      666      0       0       7      42~
Stats requirement to dual-class FROM this kit to another class. No memes here.
~7C#KIT                0       15      0       0       0       0~
Alignments that can be chosen at character generation time with this kit selected.
//                     LG      LN      LE      NG      TN      NE      CG      CN      CE
~7C#KIT 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~
This next entry rules over which classes your kit will be able to dual-class, or if the kit would be able to dual-class at all (eg vanilla Wild Mage can't dual-class, neither the Barbarian, which is coded as a Fighter kit).
	//       F  C  M  T  D  R
~7C#KIT 1 1 1 0 0 0~
This is the path of your kit's own clab*.2da.
This are the races that can choose this particular kit. It is noted as it follows K_[initial of the class the kit belongs to]_[race able to select this kit], for example, K_T_H means a Human Thief can pick it and K_SH_HL means a Halfling Shaman can pick it. Just include the ones you'd like the kit to be usable by.
	~K_T_H	K_T_D   K_T_G   K_T_E   K_T_HE   K_T_HL   K_T_HO~
These are the kit's usability flag (it determines which items the kit is going to be able to use) and the class the kit belongs to number's. Refer to kitlist.2da for more information.
~0x00080000	4~
This is the name of the HLA file, which should always be prefixed with LU. Here, LU7C#K.2DA is noted with no extension and without the LU prefix.
These are the items the kit is going to get at the start of ToB. You can put a comma and the desired number for the item as well, but only if the item can be stacked (like Arrows and Gems). Please, refer to 25stweap.2da while working on these, because each column is a different inventory slot, and you can't put and ring on your neck nor a shield in your head (actually, don't worry, because nothing bad happens actually, only misplaced items. v1.3 used to crash on this though), so watch out.
~* * * BAG28 * * * BOOT01 AMUL17 * * AROW11,80 * * * * * DAGG12 SW1H28 *~
This is the lowercase name of the kit, you can use a .tra reference as well if you like.
SAY ~batman~
First uppercase, the rest lower case.
SAY ~Batman~
The description for the kit (character generation and Record screen). Use the vanilla ones as examples, or if you prefer, Kit Revisions' or RR's.
SAY ~BATMAN: I heard he's cool, didn't test tho.~
Before we continue with the EE extensions to kits, I'd like to add a few things. First, only one of the parameters (kit_name) for this function are mandatory, you don't have to provide the other ones if you do not intend in changing the kit's stats from the base class' stats.
LAF fl#add_kit_ee
This is the character's biography, you can leave it empty (I think) and you'll get the default one for the class. You can browse dialog.tlk for more interesting ones or add your own.
biography = 29492
This is a short description of the kit's strengths and weaknesses that is shown in the "pick a .chr" screen during character selection. As of v2.3, it might be used elsewhere, but I am not aware of any other use for this.
briefdesc = RESOLVE_STR_REF (~FIGHTER/CLERIC: This character can use the abilities of a Fighter and a Cleric, though weapons are restricted to only those allowed by the Cleric's ethos. They may Specialize in, but not Master, any weapon they can use.~)
Zero means the class cannot Fall, and one means the class can Fall like a Ranger or a Paladin do if their reputation drops low enough.
fallen = 0
This is the string that is displayed when you Fall and lose your class. You don't need to provide anything if the class can't become Fallen.
fallen_notice = RESOLVE_STR_REF (~Lost Class: Defender of Gotham City.~)
The kit's internal code name. You HAVE to provide the function with these, otherwise it won't know for which kit it needs to add all the other stuff. Also, let me leave something perfectly clear: this is the only argument you NEED to provide for a kit to work in the EE, the rest are all OPTIONAL.
kit_name = ~7C#KIT~
This is the backstab the character get per level, you can refer to backstab.2da to understand this better in case you find the example to be unclear. Only for Thief classes. If the kit you have in mind for thieves doesn't have backstab, don't worry, just write 40 1s separated by spaces.
backstab = ~1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9~
This is the information that rules several bonuses related to weapons. In the first entry we have a 1, that states that WPSTACK access will be enabled for this kit (this means that, the kit will receive the extra half APR Fighters get at levels 7 and 13 besides gaining APR from Specialisation and up. If you'd like to disable this, just drop in a zero instead.

The second entry, gives an extra half-APR every [NUMBER] levels while attacking unarmed. It is used for Monks, which receive it every 3 levels.

The third entry is the amount of THAC0 the character using this kit will receive when wielding a weapon they're not proficient with.
clswpbon = ~1 0 3~
This is the number of weapon slots shown in the inventory screen, you can't change the number of those found in the game screen.
numwslot = ~2~
This is the amount of Thieving Points the character gets to spend at level one, followed by the amount the can spend every level thereafter.
thiefskl = ~40 20~
This is the maximum amount of Thief traps the kit can set per area.
traplimt = 6
Each one of these numbers represent different palettes, so to choose the colours you'd like to use, you'll have to browse the palettes somehow (pick any item with opcode 7, for example, a splint mail, open it with NearInfinity, scroll down on the Edit tab, double click on the Effects using opcode 7, and click on the field that says Color index ## and pick whichever colour you please.

Now, the location of the colours in question is simple, the first one are the tiny bits of metal you have on yourself (for example, the human female mage animation has a coin-like thing on her belt which has it's colour ruled by this number), the second one is your character's Minor colour, the third one's your Major colour, the fourth's the colour of the leather the character wears (boots, straps and stuff like that as well) and the fifth is your armour's colour.
clascolr = ~35 67 67 25 80~
This is the bonus to thieving skills you get at level one. Check the file clasiskl.2da for their ordering.
clasiskl = ~10 10 10 10 10 10 10~
This one's a bit tricky. 100 means the character can spend thieving points normally on a certain thieving skill. 0 means they can't spend any points at all on that skill, and values in between zero and one hundred represent the reduction the kit receives to that certain thieving skill (please refer to thiefscl.2da for the ordering of the thieving skills). I am not sure about what happens if a Thief kit has less than 100 but more than 0 (because this is mostly used in the vanilla games to disable Shadowdancers from spending points on Set Traps, and reducing certain bard kits' pick pockets score), nor what happens if you set it at something like 200 or 150.
thiefscl = ~100 100 100 100 100 100 100 0~
This is the kit's HP*.2DA table, just as discussed before. Full name without extension.
hpclass = ~HP7C#K~
This determines which race can pick this kit at chargen. 1 means that race is able to, 0 that they aren't. The order is Humans, Elves, Half-Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, Gnomes and Half-Orcs.
clsrcreq = ~1 1 1 1 1 1 1~
This is a permanent bonus to THAC0 given at level one. Nothing in vanilla uses it I think.
clasthac = ~0~
These two lines are the one responsible for how Sneak Attack/Crippling Strike work. Please, just refer to the IwD:EE ones (I have no clue at all how this works, except that to nullify them (for example, for a kit that doesn't backstab), you have to use all 1s on sneakatt and all 0s on crippstr).
sneakatt = ~1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9~
crippstr = ~1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9~
This END closes out the LAF action started before.
END // nothin' to see 'ere
Copying spells and giving them their names... WeiDU nonsense this tutorial isn't about, classic "blah blah insert a picture of a cat here blah blah illustrative code blah blah" type of thing (I don't know what I'm talking about anymore).
COPY	"example/spl/your1.spl" "override"
SAY 0xC ~this is the spell's name~
SAY 0x50 ~this is the spell's description~

COPY "example/spl/your2.spl" "override"
SAY 0xC #-1 // this spell is going to be used as a Passive Ability applier, so we "clear" it of it's possible name by dropping in a -1 (which has no strings assigned to).

COPY "example/tables/HP7C#K.2DA" "override" // copy this one since the other action does not do this for you.
"example/tables/LU7C#K.2DA" "override" // copy the LU*.2DA table too

/* THAT'S ALL FOLKS! (What? I'm not Khalid!) */
Here's the clean, complete code without comments:
BACKUP "example/backup"
AUTHOR CrevsDaak
VERSION "v2.3.67.3"

BEGIN "Example kit mod"
INCLUDE "example/lib/fl#add_kit_ee.tpa"

~7C#KIT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~
~7C#KIT 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~
~7C#KIT 0 9 0 0 0 0~
~7C#KIT 0 0 0 0 0 0~
~7C#KIT 0 15 0 0 0 0~
~7C#KIT 0 17 0 0 0 0~
~7C#KIT 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~
~7C#KIT 1 1 1 0 0 0~
~0x00080000 4~
~* * * * * * * * * * minhp1 * * * * * * * * godbow killsw1~
SAY ~batman~
SAY ~Batman~
SAY ~BATMAN: he is mothafreakgngin awesum~

LAF fl#add_kit_ee
biography = 29492
briefdesc = RESOLVE_STR_REF ~short desc of the kit goes here.~
fallen = 0
fallen_notice = RESOLVE_STR_REF (~You have failed ur ppl.~)
kit_name = ~7C#KIT~
backstab = ~1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9~
clswpbon = ~1 0 3~
numwslot = ~2~
thiefskl = ~40 20~
traplimt = 6
clascolr = ~35 67 67 25 80~
clasiskl = ~10 10 10 10 10 10 10~
thiefscl = ~100 100 100 100 100 100 100 0~
hpclass = ~HP7C#K~
clsrcreq = ~1 1 1 1 1 1 1~
clasthac = ~0~
sneakatt = ~1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9~
crippstr = ~1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9~

COPY "example/spl/your1.spl" override
SAY 0xC ~this is the spell's name~
SAY 0x50 ~this is the spell's description~

COPY "example/spl/your2.spl" override
SAY 0xC #-1

COPY "example/tables/HP7C#K.2DA" override
"example/tables/LU7C#K.2DA" override

Helpful links:

Have fun modding!
Post edited by CrevsDaak on


  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    Or, it's going to need the occasional bump. :)
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155

    Should be stickied

    ok, I think bugging @Troodon80‌ or @mlnevese‌ should be enough for this to get stickied (imo i don't care much if it doesn't get sticked, but I'd say it would be cool).
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    It's a very useful and informative walkthrough. It is definitely worth bugging @Troodon80‌ and/or @minevese if that is what it takes!
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited September 2014
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    Post edited by [Deleted User] on
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Sergio said:

    Crevs, I'm planning a kit. Want to balance it with me? :D

    Sure thing. As a fellow powergamer I am very fond of game balancing.
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  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    @Sergio For balancing, keep in mind that MR is probably the most powerful stat available. See what kind of horrible trade off the Wizard Slayer must get to have only 1% MR per level ?

    Plus most Paladin kits get two, or three immunities at most. Your kit actually get 9 differents immunities plus the impressive MR and is going to be vastly invulnerable to magic.

    My suggestion would be to tone down his defense and to give him some more cool powers to compensate.

    And most importantly, add some cons to the class, actually it is a vastly improved Fighter with no trade off. Maybe restrict him to specialisation to simulate that a good part of his training should be about controlling his demonic powers ?
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited September 2014
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  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    edited September 2014
    Sergio said:

    1st level: immunity to fear and poison
    From 1st level: MR +1%, every even level will be +2% MR, capping at MR 75%
    From 1st level: +x% immunity to both cold and electrical resistance, capping at 100% around level 18 (?)
    4st level: immune to charm and confusion
    7st level: immune to hold and stun
    16st level: immunity to level drain
    18st level: aura of fear
    21st level: immunity to normal weapons
    24st level: immune to death effect

    Fireball (?)
    Remove magic (?)
    Power words: blind, stun, death
    Symbols of weaknesses
    Weaker summon demon?

    I'd say those immunities are a bit OP, mainly the hold/stun at level 7 and the aura of fear effect. Besides, the PW: blind, stun and death are also OP if not given at a very high level. Summoning other Demons should be OK while it's kept once/day and chances of the Demon being hostile. Also, immunity to death effect seems a bit OP *and* I don't think it's very fitting, too. Also, rise the level the Immunity to normal weapons is given at, because 21 is too low.

    Also I'd rather cap Magic Resistance at 35.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited September 2014
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  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582

    btw Crevs you mixed up thiefskl and thiefscl in the post up top. (They're explained well, you just need to switch the 'k' and the 'c')

    Ha! I do that every time!
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155

    btw Crevs you mixed up thiefskl and thiefscl in the post up top. (They're explained well, you just need to switch the 'k' and the 'c')

    Thanks @subtledoctor‌ I mixed them up and corrected them in the .html doc but not here, weird.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,497
    @CrevDaak Thanks for your kit creation guide. It's tremendously helpful. :)

    I've been thinking of revamping the Archer kit, since it's (imo) not very well balanced. It starts out strong in BG1 and becomes almost useless in later ToB. I've only played it once and lost interest in it eventually. That's why I have created a topic to discuss any improvements I can give to the Archer. I would appreciate any feedback. Link to the topic
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 874
    I'm still somewhat new to modding, and i've wanted to get my Lorethief kit working, and i'm a little confused at what a .tpa file is. I know what .tp2 is... just a little confused because later in the tutorial where you put in "INCLUDE "example/library/fl#add_kit_ee.tpa" but then later when you do the LAF, you don't add that extension so I'm just a little confused as to what it means and if I'll need to make a new text file.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @Xavioria‌ the LAF is just launching the Action_funtion that was defined when you INCLUDE'd the .tpa.

    You can get the .tpa I'm talking about in the WeiDU download page (see the original post), just download the version 236, it will have the .tpa in a folder called lib or weidu library, copy it to your mod's folder and specify that location on the INCLUDE.

    The .tpa is an external .tp2, so everyone can use this add_kit_ee funtion without having to rip-and-paste .tp2. You can put whatever .tp2 action on a .tpa and it will be run when the .tpa is INCLUDE'd.
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 874
    edited September 2014
    awesome thanks, I got hugely scattered by that one! your tutorial is super helpful btw thanks so much for adding it.

    EDIT: So, I'm back, I did not wish to double post in a stickyed thread so I'm editing this post. @CrevsDaak‌ , I am pretty much finished with all of it, and have been able to find the fixes I needed to most of my errors (there weren't that many, but enough that it took me a bit). However, I cannot seem to find a fix for the error that Weidu is giving me. It's saying: "ERROR: cannot convert briefidesc or %briefidesc% to an integer" I can guess as to what this is referring to, but am stumped at how to fix it and would love some more of your sage tutelege if you are able and willing :)
    Post edited by Xavioria on
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited September 2014
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  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Taggin' @Wisp‌ so he changes it.
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 874
    I actually did a search after i posted this, and it turns out that it was something Wisp had changed a small amount of while back... I got his updated version.
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  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    edited September 2014

    That's actually due to a typo that made it into the WeiDU release - not something you did wrong. The 'i' between 'brief' and 'desc' shouldn't be there.

    Open the fl#add_kit_ee.tpa and do a search for "briefidesc" and then replace it with "briefdesc" ... I think it only occurs once but you can just do a 'replace all' to be safe.

    Yeah Wisp is already on top of it, I just don't think the fix has made it into the main public download at yet.

    This bug has already been fixed by @Wisp, you can get an updated version of fl#add_kit_ee here.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited September 2014
    SAY ~batman~ // this is the all-lower case version of the kit-name, TRA'ified strings are also accepted.
    SAY ~Batman~ // this is the capitalized name of the kit.
    SAY ~BATMAN: he is kewl~ // this is the description of the kit
    // (please don't make it as silly as this one, use the vanilla ones as example)

    LAF fl#add_kit_ee // launch_action_function start
    biography = 29492 // This is the biography, you can browse the dialog.tlk
    // (with NearInfinity or DLTCEP) for the string you desire or just add your own.
    briefdesc = RESOLVE_STR_REF (~short description of the kit goes here, TRA'ified strings also accepted, just remove the parenthesis~)


    Great guide though I have a few questions.

    Would the description you normally write under "briefdesc" be the same as you previously wrote on (in this case) one of the SAY ~BATMAN~ lines? Does it actually show up in the game or is it more of an internal thing?

    Also does "29492" number mentioned just after the biography need an @ in front of it?
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @elminster‌ the 29492 is an example of any .tlk string you want to use as biography for the Kit's character. If you want to add your own the yes, you'll need to add a RESOLVE_STR_REF @# or (~string~) (depends if you have it on a .tra (recommended) or in the .tp2).
    I don't recall where the brief description is used, but IT IS used :p although it's not needed for the Kit to work (it's recommended to include one, and it's obligatory to include one in a moral point of view). It's more like a Lore-accurate description of the Kit, which might even be a shameless cut from the other one or just a single line describing the Kit's Lore background.

    You can also take the 'briefdesc' from the game by changing the briefdesc = RESOLVE_STR_REF (~string~) by briefdesc = [insert_tlk_string_number_here_plz].
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 874
    I am back again, and I was looking through all the usability flags, are there any classes that are not allowed to use two handed weapons, and if there aren't does there happen to be a flag number that indicates the fact that the class is not allowed to use two handed weapons besides staves?
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @Xavioria‌ the Monks can't use two-handed weapons. You can combine the usability flags, too. Look at CamDawg's tutorial (link on the original post of this thread) and take a look at the KITLIST.2DA table for the values.
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