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[How to] Making kit mods for the EE!



  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    @CrevsDaak Monks don't seem to have any specifically different usability flags on the kitlist that i can see, they just use what the parent class uses... and I'm not entirely sure where to find the parent class usability flag in the .2da list...
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Xavioria said:

    @CrevsDaak Monks don't seem to have any specifically different usability flags on the kitlist that i can see, they just use what the parent class uses... and I'm not entirely sure where to find the parent class usability flag in the .2da list...

    ouch, yeah, I had forgotten that :\
    The parent class' usability flag is determined by the parent class itself, so I don't think it can be added for a different kit.
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    Well in terms of the usability flags, I decided to just go ahead and use the Cavalier's with an emphasis on being unable to become proficient with two handed weapons, as opposed to just them being unusable. It'll just have to be an oversight until I figure something out.

    I AM however having another issue... one I didn't have before I accidentally deleted my Tp2 and then had to redo it from scratch (seperate story don't ask), Weidu is giving me an error message i do not quite know the meaning of, it's saying:

    ERROR: cannot convert value or %value% to an integer
    ERROR: [clastext.2da] --> [override] patching failed (COPY) (Not_Found)

    This SEEMS to mean that weidu cannot find the file clastext.2da, but I find it just fine. I COULD be wrong about it's meaning, but Nearinfinity finds it too and I am so utterly confused at what to do at this point, that any help would be wonderful
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @Xavioria‌ seems like there's a problem with a %variable% named value, if you want, open a new thread and post the .tp2 there so it's easier to help you with it.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    edited September 2014
    @Xavioria‌ Wisp fixed the bug on the .tpa to add kits to the EE. New version is here.
    Post edited by CrevsDaak on
  • WispWisp Member Posts: 1,102
    It should be noted that there has not yet been a new release. What you have there is the development head, which is something else. Additionally, the development head requires WeiDU > 236.02, or it will error out on games other than BG: EE and BGII: EE (because WeiDU <= 236.02 don't know about IWD: EE). As always, I would recommend waiting for a real release.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Wisp said:

    It should be noted that there has not yet been a new release. What you have there is the development head, which is something else. Additionally, the development head requires WeiDU > 236.02, or it will error out on games other than BG: EE and BGII: EE (because WeiDU <= 236.02 don't know about IWD: EE). As always, I would recommend waiting for a real release.</p>

    Oh, well then. My fault for not checking.
  • WispWisp Member Posts: 1,102
    Version 1.0.5 is now available. It contains the fix for the "value" variable bug but does not depend on any pre-release version of WeiDU (and thus won't work on IWD: EE without a slight modification).

    Sorry about that. Of course you must have a version that works.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited October 2014
    Edit: Nevermind, I think I've figured out something else.
    Post edited by elminster on
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Actually I do have a question. Is there any way to make kits gender restricted?
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @elminster‌ sadly no. I'd love to see that possibility (mostly for having a Valkyrie fighter Kit) made but I bet it can't be done only with modding (it would require the engine to be expanded).
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Rats! :p

    Thanks for the heads up though.
  • Gel87Gel87 Member Posts: 280
    CrevsDaak said:

    @Xavioria‌ the Monks can't use two-handed weapons. You can combine the usability flags, too. Look at CamDawg's tutorial (link on the original post of this thread) and take a look at the KITLIST.2DA table for the values.

    Hi :)

    I was wondering what the notepad file is gonna be called?
    GELKIT1.??? is it a 2DA, TP2 file, or what should i call the notepad doc? :)

    Im making a Illithid(wich polymorph into mindflayer at lvl 0, greater mindflayer at later level, Ulitharid even later, and Greater Ulitharid at HLA, and then Vampiric Ulitharid at even later HLA :P )

    I also wonder if you know how i can make my char use his Polymorph Innate albility before the first movie starts? (the movie where jon irenicus got you in a cage)

    I got all spells and devour wepons ready, so just need help with the questions above :P

  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @Gel87‌ I'd rather use a .spl with the animation change effect opcode #53 and all the other stuff that will make your character become an Illithid, and put it on the CLAB file (which should be a .2DA).

    And the name for the file depends on what the file is going to be. I'd rather start several documents since you'll need more than a single file (at least one .tp2 and one .2da, AT LEAST).
  • Gel87Gel87 Member Posts: 280
    CrevsDaak said:

    @Gel87‌ I'd rather use a .spl with the animation change effect opcode #53 and all the other stuff that will make your character become an Illithid, and put it on the CLAB file (which should be a .2DA).

    And the name for the file depends on what the file is going to be. I'd rather start several documents since you'll need more than a single file (at least one .tp2 and one .2da, AT LEAST).

    Okay :P Im not sure i understood that :P

    Basicly all my spells i have tested and works very well, the polymoprh spell is changed into giving only visual effect + give me spells + give me wepon(devour attack +2 to +6), but it also add my other spells, and i removed the troll etc polymorph. So that part was very easy.

    The spells are put in the clab and Lu file. That part i could manage :P
    But the problem is to make the char using his polymorph before the first movie, so that I am already mind flayer when irenicus use his fire spell at me in my cage :P

    I also wonder how i should put directions to my clab file? I did put: "C:/baldur's gate II enhanced edition/data/00783/overide" Is that correct? :)

    It would also be great to add some portraits to the mod. I got some nice ones copied from google, but i guess weidu have a command for that :) You know it? :)
  • Gel87Gel87 Member Posts: 280
    Refering to my example pic here, is this correct? :)
    - If i then make a zip archive with all in the picture exept for "infomappe" and "mind flayer kit".
    - Under GELMF1 folder there is around 20 items/spells wich are mentioned GELMF1.tp2, and there is also a English folder containing English.tra for my items/spells.
    - Portraits people who would use this mod just have to copy according to guide on this forum, i could add a read how to notepad doc ofc :)

    This is my kit program, does it look correct? its saved as a .tp2 file.

    BACKUP "example/backup"
    AUTHOR Gel87

    VERSION "v1.0.0000"

    BEGIN "Add GELKIT01 kit for Mind Flayer"

    INCLUDE "example/library/fl#add_kit_ee.tpa"

    ADD_KIT ~GELKIT01~ // this is the internal name of the kit, don't bother if it isn't pretty
    // This are the proficiency in BG1 style, don't bother with them.
    ~GELKIT01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~
    // This are the BG2 proficiencies, pay attention here, use the 2DA table "WEAPPROF"
    // and look into the column n1 for the order they are displayed in. This is appended column-wise.
    ~GELKIT01 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~
    // minimum stats for the kit. Use low values, otherwise it will be too easy to roll high stats.
    ~GELKIT01 0 17 0 18 0 0~
    // these are the stat modifiers at character creation. Both positive an negative values are accepted.
    ~GELKIT01 0 0 0 0 0 0~
    // stat requirement to dual-class *TO* this kit (appended to ABDCDSRQ.2DA).
    ~GELKIT01 0 15 0 18 0 0~
    // stat requirement to dual-class *FROM* this kit (appended to ABDCSCRQ.2DA).
    ~GELKIT01 0 15 0 18 0 0~
    // alignments that can be chooses for this kit. Listed like in ALIGNMNT.2DA and appended to the same file.
    ~GELKIT01 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~
    // append to DUALCLAS.2DA, check the file for reference on the listing of the classes.
    ~GELKIT01 1 1 1 0 0 0~
    // path to the CLAB*.2DA file.
    // this are the races that can choose the kit-- for example, K_T_H means thief human
    // and K_T_D means dwarf thief, so putting those here would make this kit selectable by those classes (from KITTABLE.2DA).
    ~K_M_H K_M_E K_M_HE~
    // this is the usability flag for the class followed by the class number
    // (see the table KITLIST.2DA for more information)
    ~0x00001000 1~
    // this is the name of the LU7C#K.2DA file, needed for HLAs and appended to LUABBR.2DA.
    // this are the item this kit is going to get at the start of ToB, appended column-wise to 25STWEAP.2DA.
    // check with NearInfinity, EEKeeper or DLTCEP which items you want since you'll need their code name.
    ~* * * BAG05 * * * BAG31 * * * BAG02I * * BAG06D * * * * * BAG03I *~
    SAY ~illithid~ // this is the all-lower case version of the kit-name, TRA'ified strings are also accepted.
    SAY ~Illithid~ // this is the capitalized name of the kit.
    SAY ~Illithid: Illithid's, often known as Mind Flayers or Ulitharid are very smart creatures who eat the brains of their enemies after psionic stunning them, their prefered means comunication is telepathic. Skills and spells:
    - level 1: Gain 10% magic res, is a mindflayer, +2 attack, drain enemies for -5 intelligence, 1 innate psionic blast, 4 teleports.
    - level 11: Gets the albility to change into Greater Mind Flayer, giving it 10% more magic res, +3 devour attack, immune to charm and confusion spells, 1 innate psionic blast, 1 summon Umber Hulk skill.
    - level 14: Gets the albility to change into Ulitharid, giving it 10% more res, +4 devour attack wich now also got 25% chance to remove 15% of enemy res, 1 innate psionic blast, 1 summon umber hulk skill ~ // this is the description of the kit
    // (please don't make it as silly as this one, use the vanilla ones as example)

    LAF fl#add_kit_ee // launch_action_function start
    biography = 102836 // This is the biography, you can browse the dialog.tlk
    // (with NearInfinity or DLTCEP) for the string you desire or just add your own.
    briefdesc = RESOLVE_STR_REF (~Illithid, a smart creature often known as Mind Flayers or Ulitharid, wich devours the brain of the enemie foe~)
    // this is a bool check, if it's set to 1, the Kit can get Fallen, like a Paladin
    // if it's set to 0 it does nothing in the game. It's default value is 0.
    fallen = 0
    // if you set fallen = 1, you might want to add a custom string for when the Kit's user becomes Fallen.
    fallen_notice = RESOLVE_STR_REF (~this is the string which will be displayed when the Kit's user becomes fallen~)
    // this is the internal name of your kit. #This_is_a_must (unless you want to crash the installation).
    // all the other stuff in this listing is optional, if it's there, it will be used
    // and if it isn't, the class default value will be used instead. Remove the whole "example = ~3 8 1 92~" line.
    kit_name = ~GELKIT01~
    // this is the backstab progressions rate (one number/level, 40 levels), only for kits that need backstab
    backstab = ~0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~
    // this file (CLSWPBON.2DA) contains three different fields of information, the first one is for the WPSTACK
    // (the bonus APR from Specialization and higher and from levels 7 and 13 that fighters gain)
    // if the number is 1, then it'll be enabled, if it's set to 0, it won't, enabled on Warrior classes by default.
    // the second one is turned by default over Monks, seems like it gives them their custom fists.
    // the third and last value is the amount of penalty given to the character's
    // THAC0 when using a weapon they aren't proficient with.
    clswpbon = ~1 0 3~
    // the number of weapon slot that are displayed in the inventory
    numwslot = ~2~
    // 1st value is the amount of Thieving skills point gained at level one and the 2nd is the amount gained in the following levels.
    thiefskl = ~0 0~
    // maximum amount of traps this kit can set (this is optional and only for Thief and Bard kits)
    traplimt = 0
    // this is appended column-wise to CLASCOLR.2DA, the colors are listed here in this order:
    // METAL (metallic parts of the character's equipment), MINOR_CLOTH (same as Minor Color in the inventory screen),
    // MAIN_CLOTH (same as Major Color in the Inventory Screen), LEATHER (the leather parts of the character's armor),
    // ARMOR (this one is for the other parts of the armor that aren't METAL nor LETHER).
    clascolr = ~35 67 67 25 80~
    // this is the BONUS that is given to each kit/class' thieving abilities at level 1
    // appended column-wise to CLASISKL.2DA
    // note that they are 7 values, Pick Pockets, Open Locks, Find Traps
    // Move Silently, Hide in Shadows, Detect Illusion and Set Traps
    clasiskl = ~0 0 0 0 0 0 0~
    // this is appended column-wise to THIEFSCL.2DA, 100 determines that the player can spent Thieving Points
    // in that thieving ability, and 0 means that they can't.
    // Seems like it has something to do with percentages, but it's not confirmed yet.
    thiefscl = ~0 0 0 0 0 0 0~
    // the HP*.2DA table's full name (not including the extension).
    hpclass = ~GELHP01~
    // appended to CLSRCREQ.2DA, determines which race can select the kit at character creation,
    // values are either 1 (true/yes) and 0 (false/no), the races go like this:
    clsrcreq = ~1 1 1 0 0 0~
    // this is a bonus to the base THAC0 that is given at level 1 and it's permanent.
    clasthac = ~3~
    END // end of the LAF (launch_action_function) block.

    // COPY "example/spl/your1.spl" "override" i dident use this as i have other tp2 file for this
    // SAY 0xC ~this is the spell's name~
    // SAY 0x50 ~this is the spell's description~

    // COPY "example/spl/your2.spl" "override" i dident use this as i have LU/clab file for this.
    // SAY 0xC #-1 // this spell is going to be used as a Passive Ability applier, so give it a string-name of -1.

    COPY "tables/GELHP01.2DA" "override" // copy this one since the other action does not do this for you.
    "tables/GELLU01.2DA" "override" // copy the LU*.2DA table too
    "tables/GELCLA2.2DA" "override" // copy the CLAB*.2DA table too

  • Gel87Gel87 Member Posts: 280
    Well i add the zip file here, so u can see if its correct(if u have time :) ), except that i need to make somethign wich makes the char use its polymorph albility before first movie :P
  • Gel87Gel87 Member Posts: 280
    Never mind my earlier zip, was full of faults, i have fixed many now, but there does not exists a K_M_H.2DA and K_M_E and K_M_HE files in my chitin key :S

    Ref picture and i upload new zip now wich I have fixed a lot of faults in :P

  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @Gel87‌ sorry I'm out of tim to help. Today I couldn't even work on my own mods.
  • Gel87Gel87 Member Posts: 280
    CrevsDaak said:

    @Gel87‌ sorry I'm out of tim to help. Today I couldn't even work on my own mods.

    Okay :P Thanks a lot for the help so far :D
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    FYI for this line

    briefdesc = RESOLVE_STR_REF (~short description of the kit goes here, TRA'ified strings also accepted, just remove the parenthesis~)

    I think you may mean remove the tildes (~) and not parethesis. At least when I was making my kit mod I found that if I had (@99) there it would work but not ~@99~
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @elminster‌ whoops! I'll have it fixed!
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Updated OP (original post) with the information of the new IWD:EE tables and their usage in kit mods.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Out of curiosity is there any way to set a non-warrior kit so that they get the greater than 16 constitution bonus? (when it comes to health I mean).
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @elminster‌ you can change that from the HPCONBON.2DA file, but it's for all the classes other than Warriors and then only for Warriors, so you can't change that for kits.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Yea that is what I was thinking. Ohh well :)
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    edited November 2014
    @elminster‌ I can give you a WeiDU+baf/bcs+summoned .cre IWD:EE only alternative (if I have the right time to do it), but it's too complicated for me to do it now… Imagine a script like this for a .cre summoned at level-up that evaluates what level the PC is and gives the appropriate amount of HP.
    some global check
    RESPONSE #100
    some global block
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Nah don't worry about it. I was just curious :)
  • marcosmarcos Member Posts: 72
    edited November 2014
    I'm trying to put together my first kit mod; it's to IWD:EE. I'm trying to put together an Elven Ranger with some Druid powers. Anyway, I've put together the .tp2 and the CLAB file, I've can install it with WeiDU, no problem.

    The problem comes on character creation. I go to the ranger screen, my class is there, but the button is greyed out--not accessible. And that's only when I choose Elf as my race. If I choose another race that can take ranger, the button doesn't even appear.

    I don't know if this is related, but when I look at kitlist.2da, my kit is there, but there is no number under kitids.

    Any idea what I could be doing wrong?
    Post edited by marcos on
  • marcosmarcos Member Posts: 72
    Never mind, I got it to work. :-)
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