As it is for special abilities (ie no scroll and no spellbook) can I just use B and leave the other blank?
You only need the image if your going to use it. The naming scheme is just for consistency, it doesn't actually matter what you name them.
I don't know if it is different with EE, but in vanilla games, you need xxxxxxxB.bam files for all the LUA abilities. Otherwise, they won't show up in the kit abilities screen. So, it is not a big deal to name them with a B suffix.
Yeah, EE can use any icon filename for icons. Certain screens will however use a -B suffix if one exists, in place of file put in the -C suffix field. So if you want the -C version for that screen, a -B suffix version of file cannot exist.
You need 3 BMP images (indexed, ie 8 bits with 256 colors) : B (the one you choose in chargen or with the spell select button), C (spellbook) and A (scroll).
You must create them (or edit game ones), then use NI BAM editor to create your bam files.
You will find spell palettes (white, blue, red) in miloch and sam's Bambatcher tool.
original BG series : you need a bam with 2 cycles and 2 frames (#0 = displayed in your inventory screen - #1 = displayed when you move the item into different slots or when you give it to another character).
Size of the 1st frame (#0): 32x32 pixels (coordinates : 0-0). Size of the 2d (#1): 64x64 pixels (centered : 32-32).
The associated bam file has 2 cycles: Cycle 0: 1 frame (#1) Cycle 1: 1 frame (#0)
EE series only use one frame (64x64) and one cycle. The engine automatically resizes it according to the screen in which the item is displayed.
Moreover, you need a description icon displayed in the item description screen: this bam file has one single cycle with one frame (usually 160x160. the Height limit seems to be 200 in vanilla games).
As my mod will be BGT and EE compatible, I wrote a small WeiDU function to convert vanilla item icons to EE engines. Sam used it as a basis for the Bam Batcher new component : Convert inventory BAMs to EE (#15).
As for their naming, there is no rule, even if the game uses two prefixes: I for inventory icon (IAMUL01.bam) and C for description icon (CAMUL01.bam). In terms of modding, I prefer using MyItem.bam and MyItemC.bam, which makes search routines easier when I want to check all the files relatives to MyItem.itm.
Consider bam files as animated gif files that would display various animated sequences. For exemple, speaking about creature animations, the first sequence (cycle) of the walking animation is the South direction, the second SW, the third W...
For vanilla inventory icons, the first cycle (#0) displays the large image, the second the small image. So, your bam file needs 2 cycles to display them properly in game. But you need only one cycle in EE games.
And you are right with the two pictures you need.
For the description screen, you need to recolor your picture to obtain the "sepia" coloration before creating the bam file (again, you will find template description palettes in Bam Batcher tool). But it is not mandatory. You CAN display colored images in the item description screen. It is just a matter of taste, or of continuity with the game files. I myself made the decision to use full colored description bams.
You need 3 BMP images (indexed, ie 8 bits with 256 colors) : B (the one you choose in chargen or with the spell select button), C (spellbook) and A (scroll).
You must create them (or edit game ones), then use NI BAM editor to create your bam files.
You will find spell palettes (white, blue, red) in miloch and sam's Bambatcher tool.
Every time I use this Bambatcher, the BAM folder ends up empty. Accordingly to the Readme the .bmp files inside the Spell folder should be converted to .bam files and sent to the BAM folder.
Anyone has the grey background for casting icon so I can manually set things and convert using NI?
Just to clarify what I want: is the stone-like background that the spell's icon has
Like the example above, but without any symbol over it (so I can use my own).
Thanks again.
Edit2: Nevermind, I found a background icon that I can use.
So, I'm currently working on some cleric kits, but I'm having some bad time and I need to know if it is an engine issue or if it's just me being me.
I have a kit (Tempus) that can put two-pips on any non-missile weapon. The problems are:
1) Non-cleric weapons won't appear on the character proficiency selection (despite being correctly coded - I triple checked) both on character creations and at level up.
2) The kit is unable to start with two pips in a weapon (but can add a second normally on an eventual level up).
3) The kit is not receiving extra-APR despise being flagged as "1" on CLSWPBON.2da (again, I triple checked).
The game is a clean install of IWDEE. I have a code that removes weapons restriction for clerics (and another that adds some restrictions on top of it, but it is not the case for this kit).
I'll put the entire content of the .tpa under a spoiler tag here. Be aware that this installation occurs differently for BG(2)EE and IWDEE and that it is packed to be compatible with Faiths and Powers.
//__________________________________________________________________________________ //__________________________________________________________________________________ // // Battleguard of Tempus //__________________________________________________________________________________ //__________________________________________________________________________________
I fill all the fields because there is a component from Tweak Anthology that gives the player the option to use BG1's proficiency system. I always test all my kits in IWD all the way to XP Cap (Lv 30) and never got locked - but I'll do a test in ToB to level 40 and will give you a feedback.
About the 2da you told me to check out: got those from BG2 using NI and I couldn't understand them.
I fill all the fields because there is a component from Tweak Anthology that gives the player the option to use BG1's proficiency system. I always test all my kits in IWD all the way to XP Cap (Lv 30) and never got locked - but I'll do a test in ToB to level 40 and will give you a feedback.
That component works by repurposing the existing BG2 prof slots, as it's not possible to enable the BG system.
@subtledoctor's half right. The EXTRA2-20 profs at the bottom can trap the player at the level-up screen in vanilla games (it truly is an ancient bug), but the old BG profs won't. They're still pointless, though.
Ok, messing with some .2da files I was able to fix some of the issues, but I created another:
Battleguard of Tempus now works as intended (extra APR, specialization right from level 1, d10 as HD)
...but every cleric is now receiving extra APR at levels 7 and 13.
Anyone knows a way around it?
I'm thinking about forgetting the CLSWPBON thing and using an AP_Spell to Tempus-like kits that raises the APR at levels 7 and 13, but @subtledoctor told me that it may conflict with other mods.
Ok, messing with some .2da files I was able to fix some of the issues, but I created another:
Battleguard of Tempus now works as intended (extra APR, specialization right from level 1, d10 as HD)
...but every cleric is now receiving extra APR at levels 7 and 13.
Anyone knows a way around it?
I'm thinking about forgetting the CLSWPBON thing and using an AP_Spell to Tempus-like kits that raises the APR at levels 7 and 13, but @subtledoctor told me that it may conflict with other mods.
I'm open to ideas.
Ok, fixed it.
What I observed is that now every single cleric kit that I install automatically gains an 1 in CLSWPBON.2da
So I used the part of @CrevsDaak manual that ensures that the kit will gain a "1" on that .2da and altered to make sure it gains a "0".
That should make my life a lot easier!
@JuliusBorisov any legal restriction on taking copyrighted images and using them as icons?
For example, I intend to take the Nosferatu clan symbol and use it as the icon from my Undead Predator's Deceive Undead.
Thanks, anyway!
original BG series : you need a bam with 2 cycles and 2 frames (#0 = displayed in your inventory screen - #1 = displayed when you move the item into different slots or when you give it to another character).
Size of the 1st frame (#0): 32x32 pixels (coordinates : 0-0).
Size of the 2d (#1): 64x64 pixels (centered : 32-32).
The associated bam file has 2 cycles:
Cycle 0: 1 frame (#1)
Cycle 1: 1 frame (#0)
EE series only use one frame (64x64) and one cycle. The engine automatically resizes it according to the screen in which the item is displayed.
Moreover, you need a description icon displayed in the item description screen: this bam file has one single cycle with one frame (usually 160x160. the Height limit seems to be 200 in vanilla games).
As my mod will be BGT and EE compatible, I wrote a small WeiDU function to convert vanilla item icons to EE engines. Sam used it as a basis for the Bam Batcher new component : Convert inventory BAMs to EE (#15).
As for their naming, there is no rule, even if the game uses two prefixes: I for inventory icon (IAMUL01.bam) and C for description icon (CAMUL01.bam).
In terms of modding, I prefer using MyItem.bam and MyItemC.bam, which makes search routines easier when I want to check all the files relatives to MyItem.itm.
Note that IWD does not use description icons.
But... what is a cycle in this context?
And let me see if I understand this for the EE games:
I'll need two pictures:
i) 64x64 pixels for the inventory screen
ii) 160x160 pixels for the description screen (BG(2)EE only)
About the description screen: the game automatically converts to that scroll-look or do I need to manually edit it?
Again, thanks.
For vanilla inventory icons, the first cycle (#0) displays the large image, the second the small image. So, your bam file needs 2 cycles to display them properly in game.
But you need only one cycle in EE games.
And you are right with the two pictures you need.
For the description screen, you need to recolor your picture to obtain the "sepia" coloration before creating the bam file (again, you will find template description palettes in Bam Batcher tool). But it is not mandatory. You CAN display colored images in the item description screen. It is just a matter of taste, or of continuity with the game files. I myself made the decision to use full colored description bams.
Opcode 319 apparently only allows me to forbid item to one kit - what is the exact opposite of what I want.
Once I try it I'll give the feedback if the power should be switched to or from 1.
This effect (Opcode 319) should go as an equipping effect or as an item ability?
I'm pretty sure that it is the latter with target = self and timing = permanent after death, but just checking.
Anyone has the grey background for casting icon so I can manually set things and convert using NI?

Just to clarify what I want: is the stone-like background that the spell's icon has
Like the example above, but without any symbol over it (so I can use my own).
Thanks again.
Edit2: Nevermind, I found a background icon that I can use.
Thanks anyway
So, I'm currently working on some cleric kits, but I'm having some bad time and I need to know if it is an engine issue or if it's just me being me.
I have a kit (Tempus) that can put two-pips on any non-missile weapon. The problems are:
1) Non-cleric weapons won't appear on the character proficiency selection (despite being correctly coded - I triple checked) both on character creations and at level up.
2) The kit is unable to start with two pips in a weapon (but can add a second normally on an eventual level up).
3) The kit is not receiving extra-APR despise being flagged as "1" on CLSWPBON.2da (again, I triple checked).
The game is a clean install of IWDEE. I have a code that removes weapons restriction for clerics (and another that adds some restrictions on top of it, but it is not the case for this kit).
I'll put the entire content of the .tpa under a spoiler tag here. Be aware that this installation occurs differently for BG(2)EE and IWDEE and that it is packed to be compatible with Faiths and Powers.
About the proficiency points:
I fill all the fields because there is a component from Tweak Anthology that gives the player the option to use BG1's proficiency system. I always test all my kits in IWD all the way to XP Cap (Lv 30) and never got locked - but I'll do a test in ToB to level 40 and will give you a feedback.
About the 2da you told me to check out: got those from BG2 using NI and I couldn't understand them.
[spoiler] [/spoiler]
[spoiler] [/spoiler]
What was I supposed to see and edit?
@subtledoctor's half right. The EXTRA2-20 profs at the bottom can trap the player at the level-up screen in vanilla games (it truly is an ancient bug), but the old BG profs won't. They're still pointless, though.
humble humiliate myselfask if there's a forecast for fixing this on 2.5?@kjeron Told me that both the CLSWPBON and this proficiency thing are bugs packed with the 2.0 patch. And if He-Who-Helps told me it is true.
Battleguard of Tempus now works as intended (extra APR, specialization right from level 1, d10 as HD)
...but every cleric is now receiving extra APR at levels 7 and 13.
Anyone knows a way around it?
I'm thinking about forgetting the CLSWPBON thing and using an AP_Spell to Tempus-like kits that raises the APR at levels 7 and 13, but @subtledoctor told me that it may conflict with other mods.
I'm open to ideas.
They are at least both on Redmine:
What I observed is that now every single cleric kit that I install automatically gains an 1 in CLSWPBON.2da
So I used the part of @CrevsDaak manual that ensures that the kit will gain a "1" on that .2da and altered to make sure it gains a "0". It works