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BG1NPC Bug Report and Discussion Thread



  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    Yup, as @ALIEN said. Because.... I read about the npc music pack only by indipendent sources and never heard once about it even in the readme of this very same mod.

    Wouldn't it be better if the music pack was made an optional component of this whole mod?
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    edited June 2019
    The music pack is a separate mod.
    EDIT: Didn't see your reply. I guess first it was download size. Now it's copyright thoughts with some of the music.
    The music pack is still available at G3, though.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Girewan wrote: »
    Component BGEE Banter Timing Tweak did not install correctly. Banttimeg.2da still had the default values. Tried it multiple times.

    Cannot reproduce, installs fine for me.
    Fina92 wrote: »

    I have a problem with Branwen. I killed the mage who petrified her and she obviously has something to say afterwards. But the only thing that happens is that dialogue is started by Charname, and this continuous to happen in an endless loop every two seconds. How do I get rid of this?
    @Fina92 This comes a bit late, but do you have a save game with the stutter (or shortly before it)?
    I don't see anything obvious in the code.

  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    i know Branwen has a bug involving Tranzig during chapter 3 which is why it may be best not to use her until bg1 npc project gets updated.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    @megamike15 I think that bug is fixed in v24 because I know AstroBryGuy fixed a Branwen bug. @Fina92 was referring to using v24, so I fear it's a new bug. Thanks, nontheless.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,426
    jastey wrote: »
    @megamike15 I think that bug is fixed in v24 because I know AstroBryGuy fixed a Branwen bug. @Fina92 was referring to using v24, so I fear it's a new bug. Thanks, nontheless.

    @jastey Unless Astro added a new Beta version, its bugged. If you haven't talked to Tranzig yet, it's easiest to briefly remove Branwen from the party, kill him, then reinvite him again. If you already talked to Tranzig, then you can use the console to set "P#BranTranzig" to 2.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    @Thels What exactly is the bug with Branwen, can you give me a quick summary if not I need to dig.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,426
    If Branwen is in the party when you talk to Tranzig, then after the encounter, that P#BranTranzig variable should be set to 2, but it doesn't. Branwen is forced to talk to charname, but since the variable is not set correctly, she doesn't provide the right dialogue, but some random flirt line. Then because the right dialogue wasn't provided, she keeps trying to talk to charname. Basically, she won't stop trying to talk to charname from then on.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    edited July 2019
    Hm, in v24, a dialogue with Branwen is triggered by P#BranTranzig = 1 when Tranzig is dead (independent on the interjection, since 2.5 added an own interjection for her), and for P#BranTranzig = 1, this dialogue is in her joined file.
    /* Branwen-Tranzig fight */
    IF %BGT_VAR%
    RESPONSE #100
    /* Initiate:  Branwen-Tranzig fight */
    IF %BGT_VAR%
    RESPONSE #100

    /* Branwen- Tranzig Death */
    IF WEIGHT #-2 ~%BGT_VAR% Global("P#BranTranzig","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN BranQuest2
    SAY @13 // ~The dishonorable dog is dead! Tempus, your will is done! Come, let's drink to Tempus and to victory, <CHARNAME>!~
    IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("P#BranTranzig","GLOBAL",2)~ EXIT
    So, from the current code, I don't see a stutter and would ideally need a save game to investigate.
  • Fina92Fina92 Member Posts: 284
    @jastey Thank you for looking into this and sorry for my delayed response. I don't have a saved game from right before talking to Tranzig, but I have one from the start of chapter 3 (before the bug) and one after kicking branwen out for constantly initiating random dialoges (flirts). Actually it is exactly as described by @Thels here. In the latter save you can pick Branwen up again and see the behaviour.

    I dont know if this is helpful at all? Should I attach the saves?
  • Fina92Fina92 Member Posts: 284
    @jastey Here you can pick her up to see the stutter. Let me know if you need the earlier one as well.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    @Fina92 Thank you! I'll have a look at it and will come back to you.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,426
    @Fina92 Try doing the following:

    First, in your Documents folder, you have a Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition folder. Inside of that, there is a Baldur.lua file. Open that file in Notepad (NOT Wordpad or Word!). On a new line at the bottom of the document, add:

    SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Debug Mode','1')

    Then start the game, and get to where Branwen keeps spamming you with dialogue. Press Ctrl-Space to open the Console window, and enter the following command:


    You still won't get Branwen's proper dialogue line for that encounter, but the game thinks that you received it, and Branwen will stop spamming you with dialogue.
  • Fina92Fina92 Member Posts: 284
    Thank you @Thels !
  • maplejarmaplejar Member Posts: 23
    I have come across a line of dialogue that Jaheria is speaking to a Shadow Druid that comes up on the screen as garbled text. Here is the code in "x#jaint.tra":
    98 = ~But do you have the strength to carry out this penalty, you wicked fanatic? Does a handful of Shadow Druids have the strength to oppose civilization and shatter it, sending the remains of humankind back in descent to the barbaric state akin to orcs? No, neither you nor your vile comrades have the strength to do so, and �tis a lesson you are about to learn.~

    That symbol directly before the "tis" is causing the issue. This is what it looks like in-game:


    Just thought I'd bring it to your attention. Many thanks to all who have worked, and continue to work, on this excellent mod!
  • whatnowhuhwhatnowhuh Member Posts: 6
    First off, I really appreciate the work that has been put into the project. It's geat to see that there is still so much love for an old game like Baldur's Gate.

    I'm wondering if there are issues with Coran. He basically just wouldn't leave me alone throughout the whole second half of the game. I never liked him to begin with and ended up getting stuck with him because I made some late decisions about the make up of my party.

    It seemed like on every map he was just spouting poetry and trying to sleep with the player character, despite getting shut down at every possible opportunity. My other NPCs - Shar-Teel, Edwin and Neera had far fewer interactions (I used the Tenya mod for my 6th). It seemed really unbalanced and quite annoying that I couldn't get him to shut up.

    I understand that it's still a work in progress, so are some of the characters far more developed than others? Or did I somehow break Coran or something?

    His injections with random people around the world were quite good but I feel like he was harrassing my PC. I should have just ditched him but it difficult because of the two roles he was filling in my party.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    Some characters are more developed than others, as you can see, but in Coran's case it really also fits his personality, doesn't it ? I mean, if you really can't stand him, you might have to replace him with someone less suitable in technical terms. Sounds pretty realistic to me. :)
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    neera needs to have another mod for her to talk more then she does in the base game game as npc project does not effect the ee npcs.

    same with banters for non mod npcs [ she talks with alot of the more recent ones]
  • thamiarthamiar Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2019
    Can anyone tell me the title of the music which plays when Xzar has something to say? It is not listed here:
    And shazam cannot help me

    And how can I use extract from the sewer king? It is not described in xzar quest (I have got dryad blood as well)
  • whatnowhuhwhatnowhuh Member Posts: 6
    Isewein wrote: »
    Some characters are more developed than others, as you can see, but in Coran's case it really also fits his personality, doesn't it ? I mean, if you really can't stand him, you might have to replace him with someone less suitable in technical terms. Sounds pretty realistic to me. :)

    Yeah I guess you're right. I did Durlag's tower not long after the Cloakwood, and it was there I realised how annoying was. But there's so much experience in that place it was hard to ditch him after.. All I can say is never again
  • whatnowhuhwhatnowhuh Member Posts: 6
    megamike15 wrote: »
    neera needs to have another mod for her to talk more then she does in the base game game as npc project does not effect the ee npcs.

    Ah this I didn't know. Cool thanks
  • daemonjaxdaemonjax Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2019
    I'm also getting the bug where after killing tranzig, Branwen goes into an infinite loop of trying to converse with my main character -- a window pops up with the general "talk to" dialogue options, but no matter what I choose it doesn't get her out of the loop.

    Using EEKeeper, I checked my savegame's global P#BRANTRANZIG variable and it's set to 1. That looks right, but I don't know why it's not calling the right dialogue script (which eventually changes it to 2).

    Setting that same global variable to 2 resolves that issue -- I hope that fixing it that way doesn't break anything else related to her.

    Here are my related saves:

    One save is just before fighting Tranzig, and the other is right after killing him.
    Post edited by daemonjax on
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 833
    I was installing EET with BG1NPC using Project Infinity and i got one error:

    #WARNING: internal label [19] not found in processed DLG [TAZOK]
    #ERROR: COPY_TRANS TAZOK state #19 out of range 0-7, SKIPPED
    #ERROR: Cannot process COPY_TRANS (Failure("COPY_TRANS out of range"))
    #ERROR: processing COPY_TRANS [tb#_compile_eval_buffer/bg1npc/Phase2/dlg/X#VIINT.D]: Failure("COPY_TRANS out of range")
    #Stopping installation because of error.
    #Stopping installation because of error.
    #ERROR Installing [The BG1 NPC Project: Flirty, zadania i wtracenia], rolling back to previous state
    #Will uninstall 464 files for [BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2] component 10.
    #Uninstalled 464 files for [BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2] component 10.
    #ERROR: Failure("COPY_TRANS out of range")
    #Please make a backup of the file: SETUP-BG1NPC.DEBUG and look for support at: The BG1 NPC Project Team:
    #Automatically Skipping [The BG1 NPC Project: Flirty, zadania i wtracenia] because of error.
    #Using Language [Polski (Tlumaczenie przez Children of Bhaal)]
    #[.\lang\pl_pl\dialog.tlk] created, 286052 string entries
    #[.\lang\pl_pl\dialogf.tlk] created, 286052 string entries
    #NOT INSTALLED DUE TO ERRORS The BG1 NPC Project: Flirty, zadania i wtracenia
    #WARNING: bg1npc : 10 has encounter errors durring installation, exited with ExitCode = 2
    #WARNING: unpausing installation will continue from next component.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    edited October 2019
    @Etamin Did you install it directly to EET? Because BG1NPC does not support that, and installation to BG:EE (before EET-installation) should work.
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 833
    edited October 2019
    I used PI with EET support. As far as i know it avoids installing mods to BG:EE before EET installation. You can install everything with one go. BTW, rest components installed without a problem.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited October 2019
    Etamin wrote: »
    I used PI with EET support. As far as i know it avoids installing mods to BG:EE before EET installation. You can install everything with one go. BTW, rest components installed without a problem.

    It doesn't 'avoids', it install them into BG:SoD but only if they are before 'EET:0:Core component' at the install sequence. That's the requirement of PI in order to preform full EET installation (BG:SoD mods>EET> BG2:EE mods).
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    edited October 2019
    @Etamin If the mod is not covering direct EET compatibility, then you cannot install it directly to EET. BG1NPC does not have direct EET compatibility, so you need to install it to your BG:EE(SoD) partition before doing the EET-transition. Using an installer doesn't change that.
    That the rest installed fine without a problem doesn't mean it will work in the game. The problem is that for some content (e.g. Minsc, Edwin) the BGII-Ressources will be patched, not the BG1 ressources. It installed without warnings but only because it found wrong ressources having the expected names. If the BGII Tazok dialogue would have 19 states than you wouldn't have had the above install error, but it wouldn't work in the game, either. That's the problem with EET compatibility for BG1 mods, they need to address the renamed BG1 ressources in EET specifically.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    @jastey Well explained. That explanation will be useful to a lot of us who are not modders.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @AstroBryGuy Any chances to implement trivial 'GAME_IS' checks in order to prevent installation on BG2:EE, with or without EET?
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 833
    edited October 2019
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