We have just finished D'Arnise Keep. Jan killed most of the trolls with his firetooth crossbow. We ran across the dreaded "black portraits death" bug. My main character was full health and the single troll hadn't even made its 1st attack yet. Clearly a bug so will reload.
This bug sure messes with the spirit of no-reload play... the run continues...
Coredruid the human totemic druid Update:
Traveling with:
Heather - fighter/druid
(April) - fighter/druid (chunked)
Alena - shapeshifter
(Jaheira) - fighter/druid (chunked)
Jan - thief/illusionist
Yoshimo - bounty hunter
Well the run continues - but we took a huge setback. We ran into a vampire ambush (the worst one 4 I think). And we had huge problem with Tanova because we didn't have +3 weapons! (not a lot of +3 weapons for druids before Underdark). I also forgot about Sunray from our Daystar (doh!). End result? Jaheira and April get chunked!!!
Oh well the quest must continue! Cernd and Yoshimo are taking the lost party members place. Yoshimo will be shortly replaced by Imoen. We are now trying to focus on getting the main quest going to get Imoen.
I have created a Thief/Priest of Tempus and was surprised that whilst he could use both short swords and long swords, he couldn't wield a knife.
I therefore gave him a "use any item" spell in order to get around the problem. (he had ** in knives) After casting the spell he still couldn't use knives!! Now THAT is wierd!
Any explanations?
Priest of Tempus had to be assigned through EE Keeper not through the game. Perhaps that is the problem.
That does seem to be the problem. A cleric/thief without the kit works fine as does the Broken Blade of Tempus kit.
We talked to Aran (and got Duskblade, which was sold. Jan took Cutthroat+3 for himself), dealt with Lassal at the Docks and the Shadow Thieves Contacts in the Bridge, sold some garbage at the Copper Coronet and set on our way to the Graveyard.
We cleared out the Spiders and Pai'Na without any trouble, and paid a visit to the vampires as well. Since it was all Fledgelings except for Tanova, whose also capable of spellcasting, we buffed and lured her by letting SCS do it's job with calls for help while we fought the floating armors. After Keldorn dispelled her initial buffs, we engaged her in melee, and had Yvralline and Aerie pop up into her LOS while her aura was clouded to cast Breach and the sort. She went down fast and we moved onto the Fledgelings, which were quite easy, specially thanks to the False Dawn castings (since Aerie is still too low-level for Sunray). The fight downstairs was concluded even faster, and Lassal was taken down within three rounds. I decided not to fight Bodhi, and instead just had Cernd run around until her timer expired.
We're going to tackle the Unseeing Eye before we report back to Aran. But first, I need to strategize against the many Beholders and possible Elder Orbs, so it might be some time until I get to that. And, if I can think up of a reliable way of dealing with the Planar Prison, I might do that as well, but right now I don't see it happening. The Planar Sphere I'm thinking about leaving it for Chapter 6 but it might be easier than the Prison.
it was a hard and laggy fight (my PC can't handle too many cloud spells at once), but we prevailed in the end:
Your post reminded me that I've been using the vanilla BG2 graphics for Cloudkill et al. since I find the 1pp one too intrusive, so I slapped a .tp2 alongside with it so it's easier to keep track of the change.
My Tormite party has safely arrived at Nashkel and I have discovered the reason for the massive number of health points in the game that I abandoned. It is Edventar's gift. For some reason it adds 100 health points as well as protecting from holding spells.
Anybody have any idea why this is happening?
Also, how to rectify it.
On the way, the party helped both Mellicamp and Tonder who was a werewolf. the problem is that the correct dialogue didn't occur after speaking to Aiwell after Tonder was back in shape. I am wondering if this is a charisma effect. Maximum charisma in the party was 4. (Now 18 due to Lord Foreshadow's ring)
Killed Zargos Flintblade and Zordral. Returned to give Jumper to girl and Little Ugh to Ugh. Gave the amulet to Colquetle, killed Karlat, gave the sword to perdue and helped Alanna's neighbour. Reputation now 19. Returned to Aiwell now charisma is 18. No luck. It must be a bug, but it hasn't happened before. Not much experience involved, just the +1 sword.
Now off to kill ankhegs.
I have tested all the Edventar's gifts by importing them using Shadowkeeper. I hoped that one of them would not be bugged. Three cannot be moved if imported, the other two both add 100 hp.
I don't understand it. There must be mods conflicting with each other I think.
Seaxburh sadly got killed in the ankheg nest shortly before she would have levelled up. We got our revenge by clearing every ankheg from the nest. This caused Runner and I to level up. I reached level 4 and Runner gained level 3 as a fighter and level 4 as a thief. I am thinking that perhaps it is time to raise Seaxburh at the Friendly Arms Inn.
I was surprised that it only took 200gp to raise Seaxburh.
The threesome is now ready to return to deal with any other ankhegs to the north.
I have found a Ring of Edventar that works correctly and have replaced the faulty one.
Coredruid the totemic druid update:
Traveling with:
Alena - shapeshifter
Imoen - thief > mage
Jan - thief/illusionist
April - fighter/druid
Heather - fighter/druid
Cernd - shapeshifter
Jaheira - fighter/druid
Well the run continues - kind of. But we have been taking huge losses. When we got to Brynnlaw, only one problem - Cernd got petrified. I had a stone to flesh scroll, so we were able to get him back in the party, so was OK.
Spellhold was by the numbers, and thanks to dispelling arrows Irenicus gave up the fight.
We went with Saemon, mostly to get the Cloak of Mirroring. Sahuagins were defeated, and we made it to the Underdark.
Our first major challenge was the Demon of the gnome village, and even with snares, summons, buffs and spells, we barely defeated it, though we did without casualty.
Our second was the Kua-Toa Lair. We did OK until we had to deal with the demon knights. Despite summons, buffs and spells, the demon knights destroyed us - Two party members eventually lay dead and chunked.
Jan, Imoen and Coredruid try to get it done. Jan soon dies. Imoen tries running around with scorcher, and this did good damage and she almost succeeded. But there is a delay in the scorcher from wand activating, and Imoen was killed. Coredruid is alone! He runs for his life!
Corey_Russell pauses and loots everything but ammo. He equips haste boots from a fallen party member and runs for the exit. Success!
He will use RoR to bring back party members and recharge the RoR. He will try to make his visit in the Underdark very short, just long enough to buy a few things from Ust Natha.
@Corey_Russell Whilst not the best outcome, it is not the end of your run, so it is NOT a disaster, just a setback.
I would say it IS a disaster because we can't do the Underdark properly. We lose items and experience by skipping it. So all we will do is get a few Ust Natha items and then get out of here. Incidentally, after resting, the Shadows Knights got to full health and also refreshed their spells, so we will not be able to defeat them.
Not sure who to recruit once out of the Underdark, but at the moment, we are inclined to Korgan and Mazzy. We also have appeared to lose all of Heather's items when she got chunked, including +2 ring, Shield of Harmony, and her scimitars, which admittedly aren't quite as important now. Losing the Crimson dart is annoying, but oh well.
I regret to say I will have to abandon this run to a rather serious bug that I can't seem to avoid. I am battling Bodhi for the 2nd time, and every time a party member gets level drained and chunked leaving me the sole survivor, I don't "die" but I get kicked to the graveyard surface screen. I can't do anything. This has happened twice, looks like I am unable to avoid this serious bug. Time to get back to the drawing board...
Corebrawl the gnomish fighter entering no-reload challenge...
I rolled up a new party of cannon fodder - an all fighter party. For this run only fighters can join, though multis are OK. Also, if I have 6th spot open, Imoen may join on RP principle, otherwise all other slots filled by a fighter, dual, or multi. Here he is:
And if interested, here is his party members:
Party has made it Nashkel and survived the assassins in FAI, Beregost and Nashkel. We are considering our next move. We are all still level 1.
EDIT: Party is level 4. No deaths...making good progress so far.
I regret to say I will have to abandon this run to a rather serious bug that I can't seem to avoid. I am battling Bodhi for the 2nd time, and every time a party member gets level drained and chunked leaving me the sole survivor, I don't "die" but I get kicked to the graveyard surface screen. I can't do anything. This has happened twice, looks like I am unable to avoid this serious bug. Time to get back to the drawing board...
We went west from the Nashkel mines and reunited Rufie with its owner before killing Vax and Zal.
Heading West we helped a dryad, spoke to a ghost and helped a cat in the waterfall.
In the Xvart village there were hundreds of them and we had to use four healing potions in order for them to succumb.
We were forced to kill the workers at the archaeological site but didn't speak to the archaeologist afterwards as our reputation was alreasy 20. The workers are now quite tough. That used to be an easy battle.
At beregost we bought two helmets of charm protection. Runner will just have to avoid being charmed. At least we have an Inquisitor in the party.
I afterwards realised that I had wasted gold buying the helmet of charm protection for the Inquisitor.
Such is life.
Much worse was what happened fighting the sirines.
First my fighter/cleric died and then just when I thought we were going to survive, we didn't.
When the Dwarven Priest of Tempus arrived at Candlekeep, he had quite an easy job persuading all the other dwarves to follow his choice of deity. He had a much harder job with me however as an alchemist. Thieves do not as a rule follow Tempus since stealth, backstabbing and the like are not considered honourable by him.
As an alchemist I do not backstab and eventually I agreed not to carry on as a thief, but to dual-class into a class more suited to following Tempus.
What that is, I will decide upon later.
We should be able to work together since we all have the same alignment and all worship the same deity.
Indeed we worked together adequately enough to defeat the assassins in Candlekeep though Mendas was extremely dangerous.
After the death of Gorion we headed for the FAI where we were attacked by Tarnesh. He died so quickly as a result of "Command" that he didn't have time to regret it as he never recovered consciousness.
WE then cleared the area of hobgoblins before making our way to beregost. Whilst there we calmed down Marl and I acquired a new cloak and some guril berries. I also took a tome to Firebead. We then proceeded to High Hedge.
Whilst there we killed three gnoll and then went southward where we rescued a chicken from a wolf. It turned out to be Mellicamp whom we helped. The mage there produced a potion from the guril berries. We will now have to see if it works.
It didn't. Fortunately we had created 40 missiles using the abundant ammunition spell. Unfortunately that wasn't quite enough though it did cause the werewolf to be near death. We should have ensured that we had sixty missiles. We therefore attacked using melee weapons and killed him. Unfortunately the werewolf also killed Æthelmær Angrax our Champion. We took the body to High Hedge and received a +1 sword in return.
We then went to the Temple of Lathander where we raised Æthelmær. It only cost us 100gp, but that was a fifth of our current gold. Still, we are all alive and well again, so things could be a lot worse.
We will now head for Nashkel.
Before we left the temple, we were asked to deal with Bassilus which we did. We then killed some ogrillon and tool Jumper to a little girl. We then delivered a letter to Mirianne, some boots to Zhurlong, killed Karlat and gave a sword to Perdue. We then helped Alanna's neighbour and I am now at level 3 having had no option to double class.
I chose the option to make it possible for dwarves to double class, so my suspicion is that DoF overrides it.
Now I don't know what to do. I am thinking of doing some investigation into my set-up. Perhaps an unkitted thief would have been OK.
I'll return when I know.
OK, I've tested an unkitted thief and found that I still can't dual class. I'll go through weidu and find out what is wrong.
OK, I've looked at Weidu log and discovered the problem. According to my set-up there is no dual classing.
The dual classing was important from a role-playing viewpoint.
I'll have to think about this.
Having thought about it, I am reinstalling CDTWEAKS. I am hoping that this will not cause any problems. I will then start my current game anew by importing thr characters into a new game. Before going any further I will then test to see if I can dual class an alchemist.
PS I thought having an alchemist in the party might chaange the werewolf quest. It doesn't.
Jharrd went through the circus and Suna Seni like a dose of salts, before realising that he'd got out of bed on the wrong side. That side, of course, being the one that led to Watchers Keep.
Gate70/Grond0 multiplayer attempt 192 (update 1) Reprise (male dwarven defender, Grond0); Kaliara (female human abjurer, Gate70)
Previous run
The dice gods were playing tricks again as for the second run in a row we ended up with a dwarven defender as protagonist. Possibly it was surprise at that result that meant I failed to do the normal adjustments with rolled stats and ended up with a character rather lower on dexterity and constitution than I'd envisaged.
Misery loves company, so Gate70 took pity on me by trying (and failing) to run round a diseased gibberling with his sling equipped after watching Gorion fall.
That led to a trip to the temple, thus delaying our normal journey to find Shoal.
From Beregost we headed down to Nashkel, where Reprise bought a green scroll to protect against basilisk gazes - and Kaliara asked why he'd done that as she knew the spell anyway. Things went better against the basilisks though, before Korax helped out against Mutamin. He also had an easy enough job paralyzing Kirian - as all her friends had been stricken by an epidemic of blindness.
That area pushed Reprise to level 5 and Kaliara to level 4.
Heading west to the coast, Reprise tanked some sirines with a potion of clarity. Inside the pirate cave, the golems were kind enough to form an orderly queue for Reprise to shoot them down from behind an invisible Kaliara - only 39 of Baerin's 40 +1 arrows being required there.
Deciding it might be handy to have a magical melee weapon if more golems were to be tackled, Reprise went to talk to Bassilus. He got confused about what he was supposed to be doing, but fortunately Bassilus was blind to his opportunity.
Feeling things were going a bit too smoothly, Kaliara failed to react in time to a ghoul ambush and picked up her second death.
After recovering from that, we managed a belated trip to Shoal - but for once neither of us got a level from her easy XP.
Some reputation quests were done without trouble on the way up to the ankheg nest. Reprise was determined to try and make it through there without resting - and just about managed that.
Farmer Brun pushed reputation to 20, so we'll probably do a small amount of shopping next time - although neither character can get a charisma discount (even with friends) this run.
I think it's a long while since I posted on a shaman run in this thread, but the attempts have been gently stacking up over the months on my long-life challenge. I think though that all the potential problems have now been solved, with the possible exception of Melissan, so the main issue is one of concentration and not playing too riskily.
After dying in the 33rd attempt when going through a prismatic spray trap, I feel at the moment like avoiding risks and will just play in instalments of an hour to try and maintain concentration.
The first hour's play saw:
- shooting down Shoal providing a couple of levels and a healthy 17 HPs.
- in Beregost, Neera was shot and strength 19 allowed a potion of invisibility to be looted from the manor house for emergencies. Firebead provided a scroll case and only 6 of the 10 +1 bullets bought were needed to kill the golems at High Hedge before getting a potion case.
- at the basilisk area, I followed Korax round as he paralysed all the basilisks and Mutamin. He was then shot before I rested. Of Kirian's group only Baerin reacts to Writhing Fog, so he was charmed and drawn away for disposal before the others were fogged.
That took me to level 6, with 20 more HPs for the 3 levels gained there.
- a trip north saw an ogre shot for its belt and a bowl returned to Tenya. Level 6 provides a first spirit upgrade and the ankheg near Tenya got a taste of those on the way to Ulgoth's Beard.
Killing Dushai there does not annoy the villagers in the current BGEE update, so there was no need to charm her before shooting her down.
- with reputation down to 8, I went down to Nashkel to learn LMD. I also picked up the violet potion, which I annoyingly forgot last time (that's the only way to get the strength tome for this character).
- I took a side trip to Firewine Bridge to get Meilum's bracers. He was just too quick to reach me before I could finish an attempted call lightning, but it didn't take long to shoot him down while running around inside a Fog (that not only does damage, but has a chance of slowing opponents to make shooting them easier).
- travelling back from Firewine a basilisk tried an ambush. Typically I just run in those situations, trusting to get out of sight before it starts gazing. This time though I took no chances and used an invisibility potion (then took the time to kill the basilisk with Fog from out of sight).
- heading to the coast, a potion of clarity allowed me to tank the sirines there. That took me to level 7, with 8 more HPs.
Spirits then snacked on the golems in the cave.
- there was just time to go and get items identified (pushing constitution up to 20 to get regeneration) before it was time to save.
I have just done a fresh installation in order to facillitate a thief to Cleric of Tempus dual-class, however, now I find that priest of Tempus is no longer available. This will be very much a RP game and since I have made this installation considerably harder, I am not expecting to get a long way before death comes a calling.
I have the most up to date version. However, perhaps I should have created that character before installing my mods.
I can still create a Priest of Tempus in my BG EE set-up, just not in my EET set-up.
Here is the party:
So here is my game:
When a Lawful Good Dwarven Paladin of Tempus with an extremely high Charisma came to Candlekeep, he had an exceedingly strong effect on all the dwarves there. We had a paladin who chose to be a Gloryblood, a Priest who decided to be a Priest of Tempus, a Fighter Cleric who became a Battleguard of Tempus, and finally me a thief. What should I do? Thieving is hardly in the remit of a follower of Tempus. Even backstabbing would be frowned upon by him. The Paladin therefore suggested to me that when the opportunity came, I should dual class to a Broken Blade of Tempus. That way my physical weakness would not be too much of a problem and I would be able to serve him in the way best suited to what I was like.
So if I live long enough, that is what I plan to do. Until then I will use my thieving skills to the best of my ability, but I will then leave them behind.
Candlekeep was completed. Despite being made more powerful by giving them +2 studded leather armour and +2 knives, they quickly died because of the command spell.
It means that I am now quite well equipped due to being a thief. However, apart from the armour, the rest of their equipment will become redundant after I dual class to being a cleric. A couple of their weapons will be useful but are certainly not overpowered.
I believe that I have set their equipment about right. Good enough to be a challenge not enough to unbalance the game.
A solo mage would certainly struggle against them.
The party died in an ambush by skeletons.
My thief was far too squishy in this set-up.
I may have another run later with the same party, just a different PC.
Today's session saw:
- a trip to Durlag's Tower, where battle horrors were killed by Fog from out of sight. On the roof a PfP scroll allowed basilisks to be killed to bring up level 8 with a nice 10 more HPs.
That also gave me the option of nymphs as a summons. While it's perfectly possible to kill a large majority of opposition using spirit summons (even without using spells), moving around while dancing is time-consuming and fiddly and normal summons makes progress quicker and easier.
- arriving in Mulahey's cave after shooting various kobolds, I found I'd mis-clicked and got animal summons rather than nymphs . That was a bad mistake, but the animals were still too much for Mulahey's forces.
- outside the mine, the effect of Fog on the amazons was speeded up using Spirit Fire (effectively a magic-damage fireball for shamans).
- more summons distracted Nimbul until lightning appeared from the sky.
- animals ate Tranzig before he could buff, to provide directions to the Bandit Camp. Two Fogs there wore Taurgosz down enough for an LMD to finish him off. The tent's occupants were then drawn outside into animal summons.
- I tend to do very little with solo characters in the Cloakwood. However, as I had club proficiency I did take the time to draw Amarande down into summons (and skipped in and out of his house a couple of times to avoid spells) to get his +2 club.
Everything went well until we got down to the Undead village, where I foolishly decided to kill the Lich because I am pretty certain I had a chance good at it, but, the Lich spawned right after all the other creatures it normally spawns alongside were already dead, and we were caught completely off-guard, since I didn't think it was actually going to spawn.
Keldorn died instantly, and soon others followed, since the Lich summoned a couple of Arcanaloth which I while I did know could be summoned, was not exactly expecting to encounter them.
I was careless and did not retreat. Not having any protections up, Yvralline died to a quick succession of Chain Lightnings from the Arcanaloths and an ADHW aimed at Cernd, whom was running around under the effects of Dragon Fear.
I'll make a new install with v32 SCS, no upscaled Mage levels and IwD spells instead of SR/IR. After I'm done with that, I'll post whatever character I come up with to play next.
Gentlemen, Ladies, I too would like to report.... a death. (Dun-dun-dun.) Siercal had started to make her way through SoD, despite encountering a number of bugs along the way, partly due to Android and its interactions with the modload. I also wasn't quite *with* the game as well, which I'm not sure if I'd put down to SoD or not.
This all came to a head in Coldhearth's lair when first the Secret Revealed failed to work- got a Save vs. Breath Weapon message- and then after we dealt with the abomination the first time the hard way it reappeared shortly afterwards next to Siercal and killed her... Unfortunately I knew nothing of this as the autopauses had somehow become disabled...
Not sure where I'll go from here. A break for now, and then perhaps I'll get my mojo back with a heavily roleplayed paladin run.
At the Cloakwood mine, summons occupied Drasus & co while lightning bolts hammered down from the sky.
Inside the mine it was mainly sling work to clear the way to find Davaeorn. I aimed to produce the battle horrors without activating them, but one of them got enough of a site to chase me and was run round inside Fogs - resulting in gaining my final BG1 and 7 more HPs. The other battle horror and Davaeorn were then killed by area damage from out of sight.
After resting to get a second Bhaal horror (not much use, but then neither is slow poison), I flooded the mine and then set out visiting areas to finish off reputation quests. Melicamp died, but there was still far more reputation available than needed to push that up to 20. However, I did other significant encounters anyway in order to rack up some spare XP (which can be used to immediately level up in SoD). That included bombarding the Red Wizards from out of sight in order to get the Ring of Energy.
That does really useful level 0 magic damage - allowing it to quickly kill things resistant to a lot of more standard attacks (like the mage defending the bridge in SoD, or Kangaxx's demi-lich form in BG2).
Just for the hell of it I finished off the session by using an oil of speed for the first time and tanking the ankhegs in their nest - they got a few hits in, but that was easily covered by healing spells.
Next time I'll pick up the nymph cloak first thing in the City, to allow me to get the cheapest shopping prices (not that that's really required for this character ...).
We have just finished D'Arnise Keep. Jan killed most of the trolls with his firetooth crossbow. We ran across the dreaded "black portraits death" bug. My main character was full health and the single troll hadn't even made its 1st attack yet. Clearly a bug so will reload.
This bug sure messes with the spirit of no-reload play... the run continues...
just a quick update, by the numbers; deal with the guards without rep loss and kill my brother by pulling him away from his pals
Traveling with:
Heather - fighter/druid
(April) - fighter/druid (chunked)
Alena - shapeshifter
(Jaheira) - fighter/druid (chunked)
Jan - thief/illusionist
Yoshimo - bounty hunter
Well the run continues - but we took a huge setback. We ran into a vampire ambush (the worst one 4 I think). And we had huge problem with Tanova because we didn't have +3 weapons! (not a lot of +3 weapons for druids before Underdark). I also forgot about Sunray from our Daystar (doh!). End result? Jaheira and April get chunked!!!
Oh well the quest must continue! Cernd and Yoshimo are taking the lost party members place. Yoshimo will be shortly replaced by Imoen. We are now trying to focus on getting the main quest going to get Imoen.
I have discovered the reason for the problem. The assassin had the faulty Ring of Edventar which gives +100HP.
I don't know what happened to make the ring faulty. Presumably an update from Gog, but cannot be sure.
I therefore gave him a "use any item" spell in order to get around the problem. (he had ** in knives) After casting the spell he still couldn't use knives!! Now THAT is wierd!
Any explanations?
Priest of Tempus had to be assigned through EE Keeper not through the game. Perhaps that is the problem.
That does seem to be the problem. A cleric/thief without the kit works fine as does the Broken Blade of Tempus kit.
The party has survived Candlekeep.
Corrected the portrait
We cleared out the Spiders and Pai'Na without any trouble, and paid a visit to the vampires as well. Since it was all Fledgelings except for Tanova, whose also capable of spellcasting, we buffed and lured her by letting SCS do it's job with calls for help while we fought the floating armors. After Keldorn dispelled her initial buffs, we engaged her in melee, and had Yvralline and Aerie pop up into her LOS while her aura was clouded to cast Breach and the sort. She went down fast and we moved onto the Fledgelings, which were quite easy, specially thanks to the False Dawn castings (since Aerie is still too low-level for Sunray). The fight downstairs was concluded even faster, and Lassal was taken down within three rounds. I decided not to fight Bodhi, and instead just had Cernd run around until her timer expired.
We're going to tackle the Unseeing Eye before we report back to Aran. But first, I need to strategize against the many Beholders and possible Elder Orbs, so it might be some time until I get to that. And, if I can think up of a reliable way of dealing with the Planar Prison, I might do that as well, but right now I don't see it happening. The Planar Sphere I'm thinking about leaving it for Chapter 6 but it might be easier than the Prison.
Your post reminded me that I've been using the vanilla BG2 graphics for Cloudkill et al. since I find the 1pp one too intrusive, so I slapped a .tp2 alongside with it so it's easier to keep track of the change.
After clearing out the last of my half brothers peons we headed out to find this so called silver lady
I noticed a Dral lurking around the camp and sent Minsc to dispatch it!
Killing a vampire gave me the skill needed to get back my hidden levels so i decided to skip the lich battle and just clear the bridge
Anybody have any idea why this is happening?
Also, how to rectify it.
On the way, the party helped both Mellicamp and Tonder who was a werewolf. the problem is that the correct dialogue didn't occur after speaking to Aiwell after Tonder was back in shape. I am wondering if this is a charisma effect. Maximum charisma in the party was 4. (Now 18 due to Lord Foreshadow's ring)
Killed Zargos Flintblade and Zordral. Returned to give Jumper to girl and Little Ugh to Ugh. Gave the amulet to Colquetle, killed Karlat, gave the sword to perdue and helped Alanna's neighbour. Reputation now 19. Returned to Aiwell now charisma is 18. No luck. It must be a bug, but it hasn't happened before. Not much experience involved, just the +1 sword.
Now off to kill ankhegs.
I have tested all the Edventar's gifts by importing them using Shadowkeeper. I hoped that one of them would not be bugged. Three cannot be moved if imported, the other two both add 100 hp.
I don't understand it. There must be mods conflicting with each other I think.
Seaxburh sadly got killed in the ankheg nest shortly before she would have levelled up. We got our revenge by clearing every ankheg from the nest. This caused Runner and I to level up. I reached level 4 and Runner gained level 3 as a fighter and level 4 as a thief. I am thinking that perhaps it is time to raise Seaxburh at the Friendly Arms Inn.
I was surprised that it only took 200gp to raise Seaxburh.
The threesome is now ready to return to deal with any other ankhegs to the north.
I have found a Ring of Edventar that works correctly and have replaced the faulty one.
Traveling with:
Alena - shapeshifter
Imoen - thief > mage
Jan - thief/illusionist
April - fighter/druid
Heather - fighter/druid
Cernd - shapeshifter
Jaheira - fighter/druid
Well the run continues - kind of. But we have been taking huge losses. When we got to Brynnlaw, only one problem - Cernd got petrified. I had a stone to flesh scroll, so we were able to get him back in the party, so was OK.
Spellhold was by the numbers, and thanks to dispelling arrows Irenicus gave up the fight.
We went with Saemon, mostly to get the Cloak of Mirroring. Sahuagins were defeated, and we made it to the Underdark.
Our first major challenge was the Demon of the gnome village, and even with snares, summons, buffs and spells, we barely defeated it, though we did without casualty.
Our second was the Kua-Toa Lair. We did OK until we had to deal with the demon knights. Despite summons, buffs and spells, the demon knights destroyed us - Two party members eventually lay dead and chunked.
Jan, Imoen and Coredruid try to get it done. Jan soon dies. Imoen tries running around with scorcher, and this did good damage and she almost succeeded. But there is a delay in the scorcher from wand activating, and Imoen was killed. Coredruid is alone! He runs for his life!
Corey_Russell pauses and loots everything but ammo. He equips haste boots from a fallen party member and runs for the exit. Success!
He will use RoR to bring back party members and recharge the RoR. He will try to make his visit in the Underdark very short, just long enough to buy a few things from Ust Natha.
What a disaster...
I would say it IS a disaster because we can't do the Underdark properly. We lose items and experience by skipping it. So all we will do is get a few Ust Natha items and then get out of here. Incidentally, after resting, the Shadows Knights got to full health and also refreshed their spells, so we will not be able to defeat them.
Not sure who to recruit once out of the Underdark, but at the moment, we are inclined to Korgan and Mazzy. We also have appeared to lose all of Heather's items when she got chunked, including +2 ring, Shield of Harmony, and her scimitars, which admittedly aren't quite as important now. Losing the Crimson dart is annoying, but oh well.
I regret to say I will have to abandon this run to a rather serious bug that I can't seem to avoid. I am battling Bodhi for the 2nd time, and every time a party member gets level drained and chunked leaving me the sole survivor, I don't "die" but I get kicked to the graveyard surface screen. I can't do anything. This has happened twice, looks like I am unable to avoid this serious bug. Time to get back to the drawing board...
I rolled up a new party of cannon fodder - an all fighter party. For this run only fighters can join, though multis are OK. Also, if I have 6th spot open, Imoen may join on RP principle, otherwise all other slots filled by a fighter, dual, or multi. Here he is:
And if interested, here is his party members:
Party has made it Nashkel and survived the assassins in FAI, Beregost and Nashkel. We are considering our next move. We are all still level 1.
EDIT: Party is level 4. No deaths...making good progress so far.
We went west from the Nashkel mines and reunited Rufie with its owner before killing Vax and Zal.
Heading West we helped a dryad, spoke to a ghost and helped a cat in the waterfall.
In the Xvart village there were hundreds of them and we had to use four healing potions in order for them to succumb.
We were forced to kill the workers at the archaeological site but didn't speak to the archaeologist afterwards as our reputation was alreasy 20. The workers are now quite tough. That used to be an easy battle.
At beregost we bought two helmets of charm protection. Runner will just have to avoid being charmed. At least we have an Inquisitor in the party.
I afterwards realised that I had wasted gold buying the helmet of charm protection for the Inquisitor.
Such is life.
Much worse was what happened fighting the sirines.
First my fighter/cleric died and then just when I thought we were going to survive, we didn't.
End of Tormites.
As an alchemist I do not backstab and eventually I agreed not to carry on as a thief, but to dual-class into a class more suited to following Tempus.
What that is, I will decide upon later.
We should be able to work together since we all have the same alignment and all worship the same deity.
Indeed we worked together adequately enough to defeat the assassins in Candlekeep though Mendas was extremely dangerous.
After the death of Gorion we headed for the FAI where we were attacked by Tarnesh. He died so quickly as a result of "Command" that he didn't have time to regret it as he never recovered consciousness.
WE then cleared the area of hobgoblins before making our way to beregost. Whilst there we calmed down Marl and I acquired a new cloak and some guril berries. I also took a tome to Firebead. We then proceeded to High Hedge.
Whilst there we killed three gnoll and then went southward where we rescued a chicken from a wolf. It turned out to be Mellicamp whom we helped. The mage there produced a potion from the guril berries. We will now have to see if it works.
It didn't. Fortunately we had created 40 missiles using the abundant ammunition spell. Unfortunately that wasn't quite enough though it did cause the werewolf to be near death. We should have ensured that we had sixty missiles.
We then went to the Temple of Lathander where we raised Æthelmær. It only cost us 100gp, but that was a fifth of our current gold.
We will now head for Nashkel.
Before we left the temple, we were asked to deal with Bassilus which we did. We then killed some ogrillon and tool Jumper to a little girl. We then delivered a letter to Mirianne, some boots to Zhurlong, killed Karlat and gave a sword to Perdue. We then helped Alanna's neighbour and I am now at level 3 having had no option to double class.
I chose the option to make it possible for dwarves to double class, so my suspicion is that DoF overrides it.
Now I don't know what to do. I am thinking of doing some investigation into my set-up. Perhaps an unkitted thief would have been OK.
I'll return when I know.
OK, I've tested an unkitted thief and found that I still can't dual class.
OK, I've looked at Weidu log and discovered the problem. According to my set-up there is no dual classing.
The dual classing was important from a role-playing viewpoint.
I'll have to think about this.
Having thought about it, I am reinstalling CDTWEAKS. I am hoping that this will not cause any problems. I will then start my current game anew by importing thr characters into a new game. Before going any further I will then test to see if I can dual class an alchemist.
PS I thought having an alchemist in the party might chaange the werewolf quest. It doesn't.
I have my crossing but somebody needs a 7 legged spider before we move on... don't ask
Jharrd (male dwarven defender, Gate70); Yifter (male half-elf shapeshifter, Grond0)
Time: 10 minutes (5h25 total)
Jharrd went through the circus and Suna Seni like a dose of salts, before realising that he'd got out of bed on the wrong side. That side, of course, being the one that led to Watchers Keep.
Reprise (male dwarven defender, Grond0); Kaliara (female human abjurer, Gate70)
Previous run
The dice gods were playing tricks again as for the second run in a row we ended up with a dwarven defender as protagonist. Possibly it was surprise at that result that meant I failed to do the normal adjustments with rolled stats and ended up with a character rather lower on dexterity and constitution than I'd envisaged.
Misery loves company, so Gate70 took pity on me by trying (and failing) to run round a diseased gibberling with his sling equipped after watching Gorion fall.
From Beregost we headed down to Nashkel, where Reprise bought a green scroll to protect against basilisk gazes - and Kaliara asked why he'd done that as she knew the spell anyway. Things went better against the basilisks though, before Korax helped out against Mutamin. He also had an easy enough job paralyzing Kirian - as all her friends had been stricken by an epidemic of blindness.
Heading west to the coast, Reprise tanked some sirines with a potion of clarity. Inside the pirate cave, the golems were kind enough to form an orderly queue for Reprise to shoot them down from behind an invisible Kaliara - only 39 of Baerin's 40 +1 arrows being required there.
Deciding it might be handy to have a magical melee weapon if more golems were to be tackled, Reprise went to talk to Bassilus. He got confused about what he was supposed to be doing, but fortunately Bassilus was blind to his opportunity.
Feeling things were going a bit too smoothly, Kaliara failed to react in time to a ghoul ambush and picked up her second death.
Some reputation quests were done without trouble on the way up to the ankheg nest. Reprise was determined to try and make it through there without resting - and just about managed that.
Reprise, dwarven defender 6, 85 HPs, 70 kills
Kaliara, abjurer 5, 27 HPs, 22 kills, 2 deaths
I think it's a long while since I posted on a shaman run in this thread, but the attempts have been gently stacking up over the months on my long-life challenge. I think though that all the potential problems have now been solved, with the possible exception of Melissan, so the main issue is one of concentration and not playing too riskily.
After dying in the 33rd attempt when going through a prismatic spray trap, I feel at the moment like avoiding risks and will just play in instalments of an hour to try and maintain concentration.
The first hour's play saw:
- shooting down Shoal providing a couple of levels and a healthy 17 HPs.
- in Beregost, Neera was shot and strength 19 allowed a potion of invisibility to be looted from the manor house for emergencies. Firebead provided a scroll case and only 6 of the 10 +1 bullets bought were needed to kill the golems at High Hedge before getting a potion case.
- at the basilisk area, I followed Korax round as he paralysed all the basilisks and Mutamin. He was then shot before I rested. Of Kirian's group only Baerin reacts to Writhing Fog, so he was charmed and drawn away for disposal before the others were fogged.
- a trip north saw an ogre shot for its belt and a bowl returned to Tenya. Level 6 provides a first spirit upgrade and the ankheg near Tenya got a taste of those on the way to Ulgoth's Beard.
- with reputation down to 8, I went down to Nashkel to learn LMD. I also picked up the violet potion, which I annoyingly forgot last time (that's the only way to get the strength tome for this character).
- I took a side trip to Firewine Bridge to get Meilum's bracers. He was just too quick to reach me before I could finish an attempted call lightning, but it didn't take long to shoot him down while running around inside a Fog (that not only does damage, but has a chance of slowing opponents to make shooting them easier).
Shaman 7, 55 HPs, 48 kills
I can still create a Priest of Tempus in my BG EE set-up, just not in my EET set-up.
Here is the party:
So here is my game:
When a Lawful Good Dwarven Paladin of Tempus with an extremely high Charisma came to Candlekeep, he had an exceedingly strong effect on all the dwarves there. We had a paladin who chose to be a Gloryblood, a Priest who decided to be a Priest of Tempus, a Fighter Cleric who became a Battleguard of Tempus, and finally me a thief. What should I do? Thieving is hardly in the remit of a follower of Tempus. Even backstabbing would be frowned upon by him. The Paladin therefore suggested to me that when the opportunity came, I should dual class to a Broken Blade of Tempus. That way my physical weakness would not be too much of a problem and I would be able to serve him in the way best suited to what I was like.
So if I live long enough, that is what I plan to do. Until then I will use my thieving skills to the best of my ability, but I will then leave them behind.
Candlekeep was completed. Despite being made more powerful by giving them +2 studded leather armour and +2 knives, they quickly died because of the command spell.
It means that I am now quite well equipped due to being a thief. However, apart from the armour, the rest of their equipment will become redundant after I dual class to being a cleric. A couple of their weapons will be useful but are certainly not overpowered.
I believe that I have set their equipment about right. Good enough to be a challenge not enough to unbalance the game.
A solo mage would certainly struggle against them.
The party died in an ambush by skeletons.
My thief was far too squishy in this set-up.
I may have another run later with the same party, just a different PC.
Previous updates at:
Today's session saw:
- a trip to Durlag's Tower, where battle horrors were killed by Fog from out of sight. On the roof a PfP scroll allowed basilisks to be killed to bring up level 8 with a nice 10 more HPs.
- arriving in Mulahey's cave after shooting various kobolds, I found I'd mis-clicked and got animal summons rather than nymphs
Shaman 8, 65 HPs, 142 kills
Keldorn died instantly, and soon others followed, since the Lich summoned a couple of Arcanaloth which I while I did know could be summoned, was not exactly expecting to encounter them.
I was careless and did not retreat. Not having any protections up, Yvralline died to a quick succession of Chain Lightnings from the Arcanaloths and an ADHW aimed at Cernd, whom was running around under the effects of Dragon Fear.
I'll make a new install with v32 SCS, no upscaled Mage levels and IwD spells instead of SR/IR. After I'm done with that, I'll post whatever character I come up with to play next.
This all came to a head in Coldhearth's lair when first the Secret Revealed failed to work- got a Save vs. Breath Weapon message- and then after we dealt with the abomination the first time the hard way it reappeared shortly afterwards next to Siercal and killed her... Unfortunately I knew nothing of this as the autopauses had somehow become disabled...
Not sure where I'll go from here. A break for now, and then perhaps I'll get my mojo back with a heavily roleplayed paladin run.
Previous updates at:
At the Cloakwood mine, summons occupied Drasus & co while lightning bolts hammered down from the sky.
After resting to get a second Bhaal horror (not much use, but then neither is slow poison), I flooded the mine and then set out visiting areas to finish off reputation quests. Melicamp died, but there was still far more reputation available than needed to push that up to 20. However, I did other significant encounters anyway in order to rack up some spare XP (which can be used to immediately level up in SoD). That included bombarding the Red Wizards from out of sight in order to get the Ring of Energy.
Just for the hell of it I finished off the session by using an oil of speed for the first time and tanking the ankhegs in their nest - they got a few hits in, but that was easily covered by healing spells.
Next time I'll pick up the nymph cloak first thing in the City, to allow me to get the cheapest shopping prices (not that that's really required for this character ...).
Shaman 9, 72 HPs, 243 kills
I am thinking that with a neutral evil dwarf there is virtually no way that a romance will develop even with mods. Am I correct?