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Which area(s) in BG:EE need more love? [The Enemy Within]



  • PhooeyPhooey Member Posts: 17
    edited March 2016

    Some other.

    The carnival area.
    I find the whole area very depressing, if that's a "fair"/carnival, no wonder people are miserable.
    Where's the hog roast, beer tent and stalls selling homemade cakes/candyfloss?

    This is a great idea, I changed what I was going to vote for after reading this. So much more could be going on at the carnival. Quests, bards telling stories, mini-games for carnival ( I don't know, maybe lore questions for us to answer/riddles/something?). A grand melee, top it all off with a kobold attack coming from the mines? A Jan Jansen inspired booth with gnomish inventions to buy ( not overpowered/ more flavor items)

    My second choice would be the zombie farm. Maybe a mini-dungeon where you descend into a newly opened crack in the earth to go destroy an ancient alter to some dark god.

    EDIT..ha ha should of read the whole thread before stopping after UnderstandingMouseMagic's post to quote. Y'all have already mentioned the zombie farm. =)

  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    Gnoll stronghold interior. I'd recut some same-looking large dungeon areas from IWD games to make several levels of it. Make it darker, shift around some rooms and it will be a very original looking area.
  • ZansoZanso Member Posts: 139
    It seems Gnoll Stronghold gets a lot of votes :smiley: if I can find the time I am sure gonna include it to the mod :smile:
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    if you want material for recycling, look at the Serpent's Lair in IWD2 and Castle Maluradek Crypt (same design) in IWD

    You can cut and splice these areas to make a three level dungeon with a smaller ground plan. It is fine to do this because the design of rooms is very generic so it won't look like reused content. You can make it darker or yellower maybe to distinguish it a bit.
  • ZansoZanso Member Posts: 139
    I will take a look :smile: Thanks @bob_veng
  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    I am going to join "Team Gnoll Stronghold" but I reckon a few other places could do with some flavour. I love the carnival ideas, North of Nashkel and that unused plateau near Gullykin.
  • ZansoZanso Member Posts: 139
    @IchigoRXC I would love to make something with the plateau near Gullykin, but sadly that would require some very heavy work regarding the Search map (where you can move) and the polygons (trees and such). And you can't add polygons with Weidu. It is like trying to make a bridge on a area where you can walk underneath and over the bridge. With infinity engine, as it is a 2D engine in the end, that sadly can't be done :neutral:
  • RideratRiderat Member Posts: 136
    West Coast is underpopulated. At least it seemed as aimless wondering with some minor quests around the shore in my last play-trough.
  • Eadwyn_G8keeperEadwyn_G8keeper Member Posts: 541
    Another area that I think cries out for develoment is Firewine Bridge. Such a monumental, unexplained and architectural structure deserves a bit more complexity. Perhaps a clue discovered in Mulahey's Cave is the only way to get across without engaging a formidable opponent who is tied in somehow to the manufacture of the Potions used to corrupt the Iron Ore from Nashkel Mines.

    This might also be tied into the Kahrk encounter which could easily be more connected to the main Iron Throne storyline or a further clue to the developing revelation of Baalspawn-at-large in the Post-Time of Troubles world. This would tie in nicely, from a sequential point of view, with the clue hinted at by Hafiz in the Gibberling Mtns.
  • nomadmercnomadmerc Member Posts: 48
    What is the status of this project?
  • ZansoZanso Member Posts: 139
    edited March 2016
    You mean my mod? It is still being done, however at the moment I am a little bit busy with real life stuff so it is still going to take some time to get it done. Here are some area pictures and some general info about the mod (if that was what you were asking about) :smiley: You have to scroll up :smile:
  • PhilhelmPhilhelm Member Posts: 473

    Some other.

    The carnival area.
    I find the whole area very depressing, if that's a "fair"/carnival, no wonder people are miserable.
    Where's the hog roast, beer tent and stalls selling homemade cakes/candyfloss?

    I'd like a quest of some sort to release an animal/person in a cage.
    I know you rescue Branwen, but she then can join. Whereas this would be simply an altruistic act for the warm glow.

    It should be a person who turns into a werewolf and attacks you after being released.

  • drawnacroldrawnacrol Member Posts: 253
    The Xvart village.

    Was there any reason your group slaughtered everything in their path, even the children, the proceeded to loot said village and even beat the bear to death.

    I think they more than made up for the Carnival with Waukeen's Promenade.
  • ZansoZanso Member Posts: 139
    Philhelm said:

    Some other.

    The carnival area.
    I find the whole area very depressing, if that's a "fair"/carnival, no wonder people are miserable.
    Where's the hog roast, beer tent and stalls selling homemade cakes/candyfloss?

    I'd like a quest of some sort to release an animal/person in a cage.
    I know you rescue Branwen, but she then can join. Whereas this would be simply an altruistic act for the warm glow.

    It should be a person who turns into a werewolf and attacks you after being released.

    Werewolves are already so numerous in both games... maybe a wererat :smiley:
  • PhilhelmPhilhelm Member Posts: 473
    Zanso said:

    Werewolves are already so numerous in both games... maybe a wererat :smiley:

    To my recollection, the only werewolves encountered are on *that* island. I think a single, unexpected encounter with a werewolf would be a nice touch.

    I would also love to see perhaps a single vampire to kill, perhaps somewhere in Baldur's Gate itself.

  • NoloirNoloir Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 380
    This area. Seems like it exists for no reason.


  • ZansoZanso Member Posts: 139
    I have actually been teasing with the idea of making the Black Dragon Gate openable and putting an area(s) north of Baldur's Gate (since there actually is space for them on the worldmap). But have to see what I can do about it :smiley:
  • AerakarAerakar Member Posts: 1,072
    I love how that guard at the Black Dragon Gate is surprised you show up there.
  • ZansoZanso Member Posts: 139
    Aerakar said:

    I love how that guard at the Black Dragon Gate is surprised you show up there.

    It is weird he doesn't remember me. I see him every Saturday night in the Elfsong Tavern... although he is kinda of a heavy drinker :smiley:
  • ZansoZanso Member Posts: 139
    edited April 2016
    I somehow think there are a lot of people who hasn't voiced their opinion over this. More votes please! :smiley:
  • alceryesalceryes Member Posts: 380
    I voted 'Some other,' only because several of these choices are good. Maybe something early that nets you your first +1 item? I kinda dislike the fact that you can just 'buy' many magical weapons early. How about a hunting quest somewhere between Friendly's and Beregost...?

    Meet Flaming Fist (or hunter) who says he's looking for a nasty pack of wolves in the area.
    Pack of wolves is 2 normal wolves and 1 Winter wolf (not a fodder battle)
    In vicinity of pack is 2 dead bodies one of which has a dagger +1, or short sword +1, or leather armor +1 (aka extra gold), etc..
    Flaming Fist (or hunter) will also give you gold for returning proof of your successful hunt (wolf pelt).
  • GenderNihilismGirdleGenderNihilismGirdle Member Posts: 1,353
    You should flesh out Portalbendarwinden North of Nashkel, I feel like he gives too much information for an NPC you've just met and it's not realistic, it breaks my immersion and we really need to improve his writing and not have him stand out as a hermit so much, he tells you he's a hermit right away and I'm tired of the hermit agenda being pushed on us PPers. #PlayerPortal(bendarwinden) #ItsAboutEthicsInHermitRanting
  • switswit Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 495
    Zanso wrote: »
    Actually going up there would need to be made by dimension door or something like that. Other option is of course replacing the whole area image and creating a ramp or something like that.
    Bumping it up just to share how this can be done with weidu. You can place static animation (BAM) on top of area tiles and it will look exactly the same as if you would replace whole TIS file. Example code (from NTotSC):
    	LPF fj_are_structure
    		fj_loc_x       = 3944
    		fj_loc_y       = 1235
    		fj_flags       = 0b00000000000000000001000110000101 //visible, not illuminated, invisible in dark, covered by actors, shown in combat
    		fj_structure_type = animation
    		fj_name           = Cave9305
    		fj_bam_resref     = nt9305ca

  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 583
    I second the rather empty Nashkel Fair.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    edited November 2019
    Gnoll Stronghold for me. That whole awesome looking ruined keep and no way to explore the depths? Sacrilege! What are those Gnolls protecting? It has to be something better than the artifact level tome they entrusted to the Xvarts!
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    Balrog99 wrote: »
    Gnoll Stronghold for me. That whole awesome looking ruined keep and no way to explore the depths? Sacrilege! What are those Gnolls protecting? It has to be something better than the artifact level tome they entrusted to the Xvarts!

    Yes, I was also disappointed that that was it. There was no way to go inside the fortress. Given how easy it should be to add an inside/underground area, I'm amazed no one has done it.

    Of course, I was also disappointed that Ulcaster wasn't a proper dungeon, but rather a fairly simple maze - like most BG1 dungeons unfortunately. Ulcaster had so much potential, and I could easily see it being one of the better non-main quest areas had it been given the ToTSC treatment.

    Both of these areas deserve better.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    There was a Gnoll Stronghold interior done by SimDing0 (I think), but it never became more than plans to make it into a mod.
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    An interior for the Gnoll Stronghold definitely gets my vote. When I first went there, twenty years ago, I couldn't believe there was no way into the fortress and I spent hours looking for the door, convinced I must have missed it. And still, every time I go back I feel like there is something missing.

    It would be great if there was an interior and maybe a link to it via a secret passage from one of the caves.
  • tbone1tbone1 Member Posts: 1,985
    The area north of Nashkel has always seemed ... odd. There are plenty of places for well-hidden caves. I did have an idea for a mod involving hidden caves, but, well, life intervened.
  • PingwinPingwin Member Posts: 262
    Can you get up onto that plateau near Gullykin using Dimension Door? I know there's nothing up there but whenever there's an area in a game that looks impossible to reach you have to wonder if there is anything there...

    An area I always thought was lacking is the far south east area with Samson and a load of gibberlings. Quite anticlimatic considering the trek to get there. Ok I know Dorn's quest will take evil characters there but I have the new NPCs modded out of the game so it's still mostly empty for me.
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