Favorite BG1 main/party setup?
I’ve been playing Baldurs Gate since release, and have played through countless times with every type of main character, party, and alignment. I just got the port for PS4 though and am excited to play through again.
Here’s where I need help. I can’t decide what to play as! What's your favorite main character, alignment, and party? More importantly, why? Sheer power, funny NPC interactions, roleplay value, challenge, etc?
Let's hear your best combos!
Here’s where I need help. I can’t decide what to play as! What's your favorite main character, alignment, and party? More importantly, why? Sheer power, funny NPC interactions, roleplay value, challenge, etc?
Let's hear your best combos!
dwarf dwarven defender
dwarf dwarven defender
dwarf dwarven defender
human fighter 13 - cleric dual
human swashbuckler 11 - fighter dual
human kensai 9 - mage dual
that team was outrageous
but now adays i try and make teams with a bit more spice and flavor and less OP power game parties, so i will make something like;
half-orc fighter/thief
human cavalier
elf stalker
half elf cleric/mage
elf thief/mage
elf sorcerer or enchanter
i think on my next playthrough im going to do
human cavalier
human cavalier
human cavalier
gnerm illusionist/cleric
gnerm illusionist/thief
elf enchanter
strictly for the lulz
for bg1 single player games i always have to have xan around, i also like branwen because she can get quite a few cleric spells and stay in a good party, i also like imoen's flexibility with being able to be a thief mage, and then for front liners i usually rotate khalid, minsc, kivan to fill in the rest
for bg2 i like mazzy, she is probably one of the best melee characters thanks to the fact she is good alignment and gets halfling saves, keldorn is also great with some mits of dexterity, and im starting to use valygar more just for the lerz as well, in fact valygar and mazzy actually have some great banters together
and then for the back row i will either use anomen or aerie as the "cleric" of the team, and either have jan or imoen as the "thief" of the team, and for the main mage, i always use nalia, dont know why but it just hapens to always work out that way haha
Personally I like all the magic missiles and ability to play any magic I feel like at any given moment.
Kagain for Tank
Dorn for Melee DPS
Viconia Cleric
Shar Teel dual classed to Thief at F3 (shortbow/throwing daggers/melee, whatever situation dictates)
Edwin for Mage
For pure power/effectiveness you can't really top this group.
If you prefer the "good" path, I like Dwarven Defender for Charname, support cast of:
Minsc for melee DPS or Archery
Dynaheir for Mage (Rasaad earlier)
Kivan for Archery or Melee
Coran for Thievery, Archery (Imoen earlier)
Yeslick Cleric/Melee (Branwen earlier)
Archery is very strong in BG1! Yeslick benefits greatly from the Big-Fisted belt so it is advisable to have Rasaad as a guest for a while. Taking him to the gnoll stronghold is a good way to use up his timers. After chapter 4 is completed you can bring him to Baldurs Gate and complete the sidequest, then re-recruit Yeslick.
Note that we can't have Yeslick (Kagain conflict) or Tiax (Quayle conflict). You could still take them anyway and see who wins, maybe use the open slot to cycle through the new NPCs for their sidequests. There are a few mod NPCs out there like Helarine or Kale or Moidre or Littlun that would fit but you are on console, so scratch that.
Charname can be whatever balances the group, probably DPS would be the gap so Gnome Fighter/Illusionist or Dwarf Barbarian would be my pick. Or halfling barbarian for flavour.
Kivan and Viconia clash but I believe that it is avoidable through dialogue. A tanky Charname would be best here, Paladin or Blackguard would probably be more fun to try than berserker. Kivan can alternate between DPS and archery, he is well suited to a certain pair of scimitars...
Love Hurts:
This group is a bit tricky to use effectively but there will be some good dialogue! Skie is very late game so you can have more useful classes in your group until then with plenty of rotations if you want. Note that Coran is capable as a front liner when you need him to be. Since you are so experienced a player, try an Avenger for your charname and test your skills!
Strong Independent Women:
Shar Teel
Branwen or Viconia
A balanced group here so Charname could be any class, but not a male because this group don't need no man! Only exception would be a male skald. "Empowering" the females with song while otherwise standing around uselessly doing nothing, just being pretty.
A monk might also be acceptable if role played as a eunuch.
Charname: Anything that can wear a helmet and so avoid crits (Currently Half-Orc Fighter/Cleric)
Kagain: So many HPs! Regenerates. Give him the gauntlets of dexterity for an extra -4 AC.
Dorn: Brutal - but need to hope for good HP rolls
Shar-Teel: "Eat Steel, Scum!" Dualled to a thief for traps. Will fight Dorn early on, but with the dual Dorn wins and hopefully doesn't kill her. Sling or thrown daggers.
Montaron: "What part of 'I'm a loner' do ye not understand?!" Locks and pockets. Sling. (Send Xzar to solo against an ogre early on, to get rid of him)
Edwin: Token mage. Ring of Wizardry. Good HPs due to Con. No Identify = annoying, but that's the only downside.
If I'm not playing any kind of cleric - replace Kagain or Dorn with Viconia.
This party definitely does need a man because without him you are never going to get Shar Teel. She will praise you if you are a party of all women but she won't offer to join you.
I would be inclined to keep Minsc in Faldorn's spot until Cloakwood, then feed him to the spiders.
You can use Imoen or yourself as thief, and/or rotate them.
All of them are hurt by Sarevok's henchmen.
Yes, this is a good one. The Vendetta/Grudge party.
Another option is to run Imoen and/or Coran until the beginning of the mine in Yeslick's slot. Outside the mine entrance drop Branwen temporarily as you will want some thievery skills in there. Remember to strip her armor and weapons first since Yeslick will need them. After completing Chapter 4 a dexterity tome will immediately become available. Bring that back to Branwen to raise Dex to 17 and dual class her to thief, then continue.
Not recommended for non-PC users due to shitty cleric/thief interface though. You need to assign a hot key or two for sanity's sake.
It was fun to robbery and kill enemies in the sword coast, but not killing or torturing innocents if it can be avoided (but there were fireball in the middle of baldurs gate ).
Another party what i liked was the max banter fun party.
Eldoth,Garrick,Skie,Shar-Teel, Xan
Add Edwin for Alora cross banters
Jaheira and Khalid can fill in for Coran and Yeslick early game, but rush Cloakwood anyway since they are a bit dry. Heals and tanking covered, plus critically important level 2 druid spells!
Yea if there ever was a thing as canon 'evil' party this would be it. Was always my default bunch on an evil playthrough(With Edwin of course!)
- elven fighter/mage/thief (ranged DPS, but can melee with shield n mirror image in a pinch), with strong crowd control: blindness, web, glitter dust. (Stopped running mirror image since I never needed it)
- Branwen: main tank, freedom of movement ring, bassilus hammer, ankheg, runs doom, command, protection from fire, hold person, holy smite
- ranged and auxiliary melee dps: Khalid since he has no quest timers, or Dorn until his quest is done, sub for Minsc or Coran after (I like Dorn but he will leave at 19 rep)
- extra mage and ranged dps: Neera for being really funny, Dynaheir for being deadly w/webs & fireballs (particularly fitting with Minsc, if picked up after 32k exp she comes with fireball , as does Neera btw) Baeloth for being insanely powerful. I set the advanced AI to cast offensive spells and load like ten magic missiles and watch the fireworks. Thankfully it’s smart enough to not cast webs and fireballs without my input, lol
Basically, I like personalities and good mechanical functionality in a 3-4 person party.
More in-depth explanations on my other party setups: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/comment/1114044#Comment_1114044
Minsc Ranger melee DPS
Branwen Cleric Tank/Support
Coran Fighter thief ranged DPS
Imoen Thief/Mage traps detector
Main Character: Abjurer Magical DPS
And I mean completely. My latest run (currently posting SoA, playing ToB) has absolutely nothing in common with my planned next run. I go for themed runs, and "no spellcasting" isn't going to match with "kill it with fire".
You need a man to recruit Shar-Teel. You don't need a permanent man. In my latest run, my female protagonist recruited Shar-Teel as her first companion using the cursed girdle of gender.
Stalker Gorion's ward
Ajantis tanking
Branwen cleric
Alora thief
Garrick bard
Xan mage
There was a bit of swapping around NPC's in the early going. I had previously succeeded at a no-reload run of the vanilla content with a Swashbuckler, but was too scared to take on Durlag's, etc.
Garrick and Xan complement each other perfectly. The excluded school for Xan are generally the best spells to load up on Garrick because they scale by level, and Bard gains levels quickly. Xan's spells and roll bonuses are super key for neutralizing the most dangerous fights in the game -- the bounty hunters, the other mages.
The bard song also worked well as a nice little timer clock for trap checking. And the stalker worked great in tandem there and just in general scouting everything. I actually made the stalker somewhat an unusual build, going for the dual to cleric in BG2. So I was warhammer and quarterstaff backstabs in BG1.
Ajantis did solid work as a tank, and a high CHA for shops. Branwen was also somewhat a tank in the early game. And was excellent for her fast level and spell acquisition.
Charname Cavalier
Imoen (pure thief or swashbuckler)
I use a mod that means Kagain and Edwin don't leave when my reputation gets too high. It is nor exactly a power gaming set up because I have two thieves and I don't allow either of them to backstab, but I like having Alora around so I give her the Bracers of Archery, a +2 shortbow (Protector of the Dryads) and a belt full of enchanted arrows and she earns her keep as an archer.
For me that amounted to:
Honorable mention - Shar-Teel, our favorite misandrist.