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Dark side of the sword coast



  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Great! Thank you!
  • LiggLigg Member Posts: 187
    Hi. Thanks for getting this mod up for BGEE. Will there be a version for those without Seige of Dragonspear? I'm currently failing to install with a BDDialogue error.
  • Red_CarnelianRed_Carnelian Member Posts: 91
    Hi Ligg. There will be better support for this in the next release. I need to finish doing some fixes to the Stone of Askavar before I return to it.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Forums are down. COM_Solaufein posted temporary download links here.
  • marc5477marc5477 Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2018
    Just finished the huge dungeon and wanted to say that I really appreciate the mod. Overall it was great. I would give it a solid 8/10 overall. I liked the tie in with vanilla and I really like the new spells and such. There are a few things that bugged me so here is some constructive criticism:

    1 - The last dungeon is too big. The problem is we have seen all that terrain already so it get a bit boring to see it all again. I think it could be cut in half without losing quality.

    2 - NPC's have starting gear that was not appropriate if you get them early game. I personally removed their gear and gave them things that I actually found instead. Why not just give them vanilla gear? I dont think anyone would mind this and they are already much better than vanilla NPC's thanks to better stat allocation.

    3 - I am not sure that its your mod doing this, but some spells have been boosted too much. Fire Arrow especially has become the bane of all Baldurs Gate. Its insanely over powered in the hands of enemy mages and god help you if you run into that group of 6 orc mages (forget which map it was) and more than 1 decides to cast it at the same time. It hits much too hard for a low level spell and has solo killed my tanks with over 100 hps on insane. If memory serves me they hit for 1d6 pierce and 2d6 fire each. The damage output is such:

    3.5 x 3 (average damage) x 5 (number of arrows) = 52.5

    I play on insane so double that for 105 damage. This spell has soloed my tanks with over 100 hit points and its very rare to see anyone resist it. Its an automatic death for any caster even with fire resistance gear on and its a near guaranteed interrupt. I pretty much have to walk around with fire resist gear everywhere I go because of this spell.

    Also, it also seems to be buggy (or maybe he uses a sequencer). Sometimes it fires the arrows correctly with a small delay between each giving me time to drink a potion. But in the big battle in the dungeon, the drow mage seems to be able to fire all 5 arrows (seems like more actually) without sequential delay for an instant kill. I had to cheese kill him because of this. In some of my attempts, he also cast a sequencer skull trap that insta killed my entire 5 man group once. I think its a sequencer spell with triple skull traps. Its a bit too much.

    Aside from the above stuff, I really enjoyed the mod. Thanks for the hard work.

    EDIT: Oh i forgot. Is there anything special about the amulet that says it has "great power." Is there any way to uncurse that great robe (Dh'arlo'me) or that staff (ethric) or they just there to tease us?
  • DunyDuny Member Posts: 6
    edited April 2018
    Quick question: I've used Big World Setup and managed to Install DSoTSC, the thing is that when I recruit Jet and the opening scene plays I can't seem to find a way to get to the `Forest of Sharp Teeth` (I'm in act V) ... anyone else experienced it with dsotscv101b ? NPCs show up fine so I'm a bit bamboozled :)

    Edit: 15 days later:
    Managed to get BWS and stuff ... I managed to complete the game witht NTotSC however DSotSC crashes instantly when loading `Forest of the Forgotten Souls` so I guess DSotSC has some compatibility issues with other BWS mods that are not listed in the tool... does anyone know which ones ????
    Post edited by Duny on
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    I am planning to manually install many mods for BGEE 2.3+SoD (starting by unpacking all the selected mods in the Baldur's folder and then run BigWorld Fixpatch before installing each mod in a specific order.

    Dark Horizon, DSotSC and NTotSC are probably going to be part of my mod list to bze installed or at least tested.

    My question is : do i need to install a specific worldmap mod for DSotSC (or this is already included in DSotSC as this done with NTotSC) ?

  • amberCoffeeCatamberCoffeeCat Member Posts: 90
    Hiya! What happens to the NPCs that I declined joining straight away?

    I declined Bub Snikt, having in mind coming for him later, but he just ran away. Is he waiting somewhere or gone forever?
  • seopthiseopthi Member Posts: 1
    Hello, I remember playing a Dsotsc mod about 15 years ago which had some op items (e.g Robe of Abyss, Paladin bow which generated +5 arrows) and spells (super mirror image). Is this the same thing? If not, any idea where can I find the original? Thanks
  • WhitefoxWhitefox Member Posts: 24
    edited December 2019
    what does this mean and what can i do to fix it? But it happens rather i install the mod manually or with a manager.

    Post edited by Whitefox on
  • Red_CarnelianRed_Carnelian Member Posts: 91
    Its a compatibility issue with the BGEEGRAPHICS mod. I'm not sure if that mod is still supported but DS and Dark Horizons install together without any issues. Try installing without the BGEEGRAPHICS mod first to see if the issue persists.
  • bhavbhav Member Posts: 11
    Need a bit of guidance. The nanny who is supposed to (after I've killed the dragon) lead me to the mayor's house (and begin the kidnapping quest) never spawned in Naskel. Is there a way to console her into the game? Did I miss something?
  • Red_CarnelianRed_Carnelian Member Posts: 91
    Did you recover the treasure from the dragons cave? When you return to Naskel a girl awaits you near the windmill. Talk to her. She will lead you to the manor. Are you playing the mod with just BGEE or the EET version?
  • bhavbhav Member Posts: 11
    edited January 2020
    Thanks for the response, Red_Carnelian.

    I did retrieve the treasure and returned it to the cleric. I'll check around the Windmill for the girl.

    I'm playing the mod with EET.

    Edit 01: Found the girl near the windmill, and successfully triggered the quest. The issue is that the girl is positioned outside of the line of sight CHARNAME and party, so you never see her on the way through Nashkel.
    Post edited by bhav on
  • TelcontarTelcontar Member Posts: 12
    I have a question, regarding Kieira Silverstring, if you kick her out of the party, she says something along the "It is time for me to leave." lines. Can she be found and re-recruited afterwards, and where?
  • AngulimalaAngulimala Member Posts: 93
    Telcontar wrote: »
    I have a question, regarding Kieira Silverstring, if you kick her out of the party, she says something along the "It is time for me to leave." lines. Can she be found and re-recruited afterwards, and where?

    In my experience, those NPCs added by this mod just stay put where you kick them out, with the exception of the elf ranger, who is gone for good.
  • Red_CarnelianRed_Carnelian Member Posts: 91
    I think that may be a problem with the EET version. I don't have any issue with her rejoining.
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    edited January 2021
    Should post this in the mod thread as well.
    I have two other items.
    1) Otho (blacksmith in Baragost) gave my the quest for his nephew before I got the mace he makes and now I can't get the mace.
    2) I am in the dungeon where you find Otho's nephew and I killed the Drow and Iron Throne rep (way down in levels). I have gone a few more levels until I entered a Knoll cave like in Tazok's camp. I can't use the exist (nothing happens). It was like 15 levels to get here and now I am stuck. Where should it go so I can use the area warp to get there?
    EDIT: Says the area is ARR019
  • Red_CarnelianRed_Carnelian Member Posts: 91
    edited January 2021
    Area ARR019 is meant to provide a shortcut back to the Bandit camp area AR1900 so you don't have to trawl back up all those lovely levels. Looks like the exit is trying to find an entrance point that doesn't exist. Its not an area I'm familiar with so is most likely a bug from when the mod was originally made. With Otho you've triggered a different quest so he now has a different creature file, script and dialog. Try using the console to create the mace in your inventory instead and do this in the smithy. The item file name is cumace01.itm
    Post edited by Red_Carnelian on
  • WulcyWulcy Member Posts: 32
    edited April 2023
    I'm getting a CTD error when I try loading one of the last two areas past the Bandit Camp. The first area loads fine, but when I click on either the second or third areas, it just freezes and then the CTD.

    I'm using 2.5 (the last 32-bit version) of BG:EE.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Share your WeiDU.LOG.
  • WulcyWulcy Member Posts: 32
    edited April 2023
    Could I also attach a baldur's crash log? Would that help?

    It seems that I no longer have the Weidu.log file. Sorry. If it doesn't get fixed, I'll just reinstall it.
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    I get an infinite load for those last two areas that eventually errors out.
    I'm on
  • WulcyWulcy Member Posts: 32
    edited April 2023
    That's exactly what I get too, but I'm on 2.5. The infinite load eventually leads to a CTD when you go back to the desktop. You're still getting it?

    Do you notice other parts of the quests not working?
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