Unfortunately I'm unable to install the second section called 'The BG1NPC Project: Banters, Quests, and Interjections'. I get stuck in one infinite loop after few initial warnings on my GOG version of BGEE. Of course I never had any of such problems before and the previous (beta) version still installs fine.
Is there thus any chance for a quick fix?
All the changes are otherwise great!
How does the inifnite loop play out? The v24.1 incorporates @DavidW 's functions for improved ICT3 which takes a while to compile but did so without problems on my BeamDog BG:EE and BGT from GOG BGII.
What does the error messges say?
Thanks @megamike15 I saw the warnings too. I have to investigate myself as I don't know what they mean. Since it is a lot of BG1 items I do think they mean nothing, though. EDIT: just for info this is nothing I changed for v24.1.
It says 'WARNING: no effects added to ABISRED1.ITM' etc...
But it indeed installs fine after a while, with hundreds of warning though. Everything else is working fine.
@Aaeight great to hear it installed.
I'm still investigating the warnings. It's the patching of items with immunity to Entangle SPPR105.SPL to also grant immunity to Kivan's Spear effect. I don't know regexp patching so I'll wait for input to my questions topic.
The mod updates to v24.2!
It fixes some bugs, suppresses the warnings, and:
BG1NPC v24.2 has everything to be direcly compatible with EET! The only thing missing is more testing.
Everyone interested in testing, please install the mod directly to your EET game (before the EET_End.exe of course), and let me know whether you encounter any problems in your game.
@jastey You've become the new custodian for this project? That's awesome work you're doing!
For the Winski issue, I haven't played the game since back when I wrote this post. My mind is foggy, so I wouldn't be able to give additional details about it:
When you run into Winsky Perorate in the Thieves' Maze, he summons a Demon called Aravaata, who immediately starts attacking.
He attacks while having a blue selection circle. Is that on purpose, or should he be hostile?
Also, if you attack him, he just dies, and that's it. The rest of the encounter continues as vanilla.
From what I've read...
...the Demon should kill Winsky, and Winsky should drop an amulet and a scroll.
@Thels thank you for coming back to this! Sorry for not notifying you again: I fixed the encounter in the meantime. V24.2 also fixes the Branwen after Tranzig stutter.
V24.2 is also directly compatible with EET!
Everyone interested, please take the version in your EET game and let me know of any problems!
Also, do you know if there's any chance that the "Send NPC to Inn" component gets recovered? It was taken out because Tweaks now has a "Send NPC to Inn" component, but the BG1NPC one had character to it. The Tweaks version feels boring and lackluster.
@Thels I don't know what happened to AstroBryGuy, unfortunately. I surely hope he is alright!
"Send NPCs to an inn": noted. I won't promise anything but it's a good point. There would also be the possibility to make the Tweak Anthology one a choice between the two, but that's just a hypothetical thought.
@Thels I don't know what happened to AstroBryGuy, unfortunately. I surely hope he is alright!
"Send NPCs to an inn": noted. I won't promise anything but it's a good point. There would also be the possibility to make the Tweak Anthology one a choice between the two, but that's just a hypothetical thought.
That would be good.
Before EE it was possible to choose between a few options.
I liked the version where you could send the NPCs in the training room to an inn.
I liked the version where you could send the NPCs in the training room to an inn.
I don't recall that option. Are you sure that's not from another mod? It doesn't sound like a BG1NPC thing...
The BG1NPC Send to Inn option wasn't the most convenient one. You couldn't decide for NPCs where they spent their free time. Each NPC had a single location they would head to when you sent them off. Most of the good aligned ones would be sent to the FAI or close thereby and most of the evil aligned ones would be sent to Nashkel or close thereby, but there were exceptions leading to other places, including remote places away from civilization for characters like Faldorn and Viconia. Only once you've unlocked Chapter 5 would most (but not all) NPCs provide a second option somewhere inside Baldur's Gate.
So yeah, not too convenient, but it had a lot of character!
I don't remember which mod allowed you to send the Training Room crew to an inn, but one of several available sent them to the FAI. It was at the time when I played in Tutu. I think the Drizzt Saga had a send NPCs to an inn option too. It might have been that one. Old age creeping in, or rather it has stomped in. In those days there were no romances. They were a bit more powerful than other NPCs to start with, but lost their extra spell slots upon levelling up.
The majority of the people that worked on the core content of the game have long since vanished, and as such, the NPC Project has been contact locked for quite a while, with the current people maintaining it only fixing issues and making the mod compatible with the newest versions of the game.
- Coran Romance: variable "Global("P#Briel_Stay","GLOBAL",1)" should be set correctly if book was brought to Briel although Jaheira interjects into dialogue.
- Typo corrections.
Does NPC Project modify Kivan´s timer which was added by EE? NPC Project was developed long time before EE and I remember that in some dialogues Kivan was urging you to go to the bandit camp but never left the group.
so is that fixed or not?
Is there thus any chance for a quick fix?
All the changes are otherwise great!
How does the inifnite loop play out? The v24.1 incorporates @DavidW 's functions for improved ICT3 which takes a while to compile but did so without problems on my BeamDog BG:EE and BGT from GOG BGII.
What does the error messges say?
i also had not had an issue with this until this version.
i'd copy from the file but it's a really long list and i think it might be every item in bg 1.
It says 'WARNING: no effects added to ABISRED1.ITM' etc...
But it indeed installs fine after a while, with hundreds of warning though. Everything else is working fine.
I'm still investigating the warnings. It's the patching of items with immunity to Entangle SPPR105.SPL to also grant immunity to Kivan's Spear effect. I don't know regexp patching so I'll wait for input to my questions topic.
It fixes some bugs, suppresses the warnings, and:
BG1NPC v24.2 has everything to be direcly compatible with EET! The only thing missing is more testing.
Everyone interested in testing, please install the mod directly to your EET game (before the EET_End.exe of course), and let me know whether you encounter any problems in your game.
Read the Readme
Download at G3
Download at GitHub
For the Winski issue, I haven't played the game since back when I wrote this post. My mind is foggy, so I wouldn't be able to give additional details about it:
Also, if you attack him, he just dies, and that's it. The rest of the encounter continues as vanilla.
From what I've read...
V24.2 is also directly compatible with EET!
Everyone interested, please take the version in your EET game and let me know of any problems!
Also, do you know if there's any chance that the "Send NPC to Inn" component gets recovered? It was taken out because Tweaks now has a "Send NPC to Inn" component, but the BG1NPC one had character to it. The Tweaks version feels boring and lackluster.
"Send NPCs to an inn": noted. I won't promise anything but it's a good point. There would also be the possibility to make the Tweak Anthology one a choice between the two, but that's just a hypothetical thought.
That would be good.
Before EE it was possible to choose between a few options.
I liked the version where you could send the NPCs in the training room to an inn.
I forget which version that was.
I don't recall that option. Are you sure that's not from another mod? It doesn't sound like a BG1NPC thing...
The BG1NPC Send to Inn option wasn't the most convenient one. You couldn't decide for NPCs where they spent their free time. Each NPC had a single location they would head to when you sent them off. Most of the good aligned ones would be sent to the FAI or close thereby and most of the evil aligned ones would be sent to Nashkel or close thereby, but there were exceptions leading to other places, including remote places away from civilization for characters like Faldorn and Viconia. Only once you've unlocked Chapter 5 would most (but not all) NPCs provide a second option somewhere inside Baldur's Gate.
So yeah, not too convenient, but it had a lot of character!
The majority of the people that worked on the core content of the game have long since vanished, and as such, the NPC Project has been contact locked for quite a while, with the current people maintaining it only fixing issues and making the mod compatible with the newest versions of the game.
-Changed spell used by Dynaheir in PID to CLERIC_CURE_LIGHT_WOUNDS because it fits the dialogue better and for compatibility with EET.
- Coran Romance: variable "Global("P#Briel_Stay","GLOBAL",1)" should be set correctly if book was brought to Briel although Jaheira interjects into dialogue.
- Typo corrections.