v2.8 is released, including a new and improved Martyr kit, which seemed to fail at its purpose and not be too popular among players. Admittedly, abilities that self-inflict damage and reduce the user's resistances aren't too great for tanking. This new version has a lot more supportive tools, including a reworked Martyrdom that actually is more suited for a tank who holds the line. It also has a cool new visual:
Sirene's tiefling bonuses have also become much more significant all around, matching those of Haer'Dalis.
MARTYR: Martyrs are worshippers of Ilmater, the good god of suffering, endurance and perseverance. Paladins of Ilmater's order are compassionate and train themselves to become protectors of their allies and to alleviate the suffering of others.
– May use Lay on Hands three times per day.
– Gains 5% resistance to crushing, slashing, piercing, and missile damage every 5 levels to a maximum of 20% at level 20.
– May use the Sacrifice ability once per day. Gains an additional use at 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter.
SACRIFICE: The martyr transfers 10 hit points plus 2 per level to the target, up to a maximum of 50 hit points at 20th level. The martyr cannot be killed by the sacrifice—if their hit points would go below 1, they are knocked unconscious instead.
– May use the Martyrdom ability once per day starting at level 5. Gains an additional use at 10th level and every 10 levels thereafter.
MARTYRDOM: The martyr takes on a defensive stance to protect their comrades. For one turn, the martyr exudes an aura which grants all allies within 15-ft. a +3 bonus to Armor Class and 15% resistance to physical damage while they gain twice the amount. Allies who leave the range of the martyr's aura retain the benefits for 2 rounds. The martyr's damage and movement rate are halved while in this stance, but their effective personal space is greatly increased, preventing creatures from passing them in a 5-ft. radius. At the end of the duration, the martyr is greatly fatigued. This ability may not be used in conjuction with Hardiness.
– 9th level: Gains the Inspirational Martyr passive ability.
INSPIRATIONAL MARTYR: The martyr's dauntless heroism and endurance keeps their allies motivated and safe, even in death. When the martyr's maximum hit points falls below 50%, all allies (except the martyr) within sight range gain a +1 bonus to hit, damage and saving throws. If the martyr is slain, all allies are healed for 50% of their maximum hit points and gain +4 to hit, damage and saving throws for two turns.
– 12th level: The martyr becomes immune to fatigue.
– 15th level: May use the Ilmater's Grace ability once per day.
ILMATER'S GRACE: The martyr may call upon a second wind in battle, fully restoring and doubling their maximum hit points for one turn.
– Hit Die: d12
– Incurs a -1 penalty to damage.
– May not cast Protection from Evil.
– May not Turn Undead.
– May not use ranged weapons.
Mini-update fixing bugs with Sacrifice and Inspiration - Sacrifice no longer drains the caster's hp when self-cast and interacts properly at 1 hp, Inspiration no longer produces invalid string when activated.
Neat change, I've always liked Sirene in both BG1 and BG2. Now I need to restart my BG1 playthrough again. My third restart in 2 weeks. MULAHEY, I'M COMING FOR YOU AGAIN!
v2.8 is released, including a new and improved Martyr kit, which seemed to fail at its purpose and not be too popular among players. Admittedly, abilities that self-inflict damage and reduce the user's resistances aren't too great for tanking. This new version has a lot more supportive tools, including a reworked Martyrdom that actually is more suited for a tank who holds the line. It also has a cool new visual:
Sirene's tiefling bonuses have also become much more significant all around, matching those of Haer'Dalis.
MARTYR: Martyrs are worshippers of Ilmater, the good god of suffering, endurance and perseverance. Paladins of Ilmater's order are compassionate and train themselves to become protectors of their allies and to alleviate the suffering of others.
– May use Lay on Hands three times per day.
– Gains 5% resistance to crushing, slashing, piercing, and missile damage every 5 levels to a maximum of 20% at level 20.
– May use the Sacrifice ability once per day. Gains an additional use at 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter.
SACRIFICE: The martyr transfers 10 hit points plus 2 per level to the target, up to a maximum of 50 hit points at 20th level. The martyr cannot be killed by the sacrifice—if their hit points would go below 1, they are knocked unconscious instead.
– May use the Martyrdom ability once per day starting at level 5. Gains an additional use at 10th level and every 10 levels thereafter.
MARTYRDOM: The martyr takes on a defensive stance to protect their comrades. For one turn, the martyr exudes an aura which grants all allies within 15-ft. a +3 bonus to Armor Class and 15% resistance to physical damage while they gain twice the amount. Allies who leave the range of the martyr's aura retain the benefits for 2 rounds. The martyr's damage and movement rate are halved while in this stance, but their effective personal space is greatly increased, preventing creatures from passing them in a 5-ft. radius. At the end of the duration, the martyr is greatly fatigued. This ability may not be used in conjuction with Hardiness.
– 9th level: Gains the Inspirational Martyr passive ability.
INSPIRATIONAL MARTYR: The martyr's dauntless heroism and endurance keeps their allies motivated and safe, even in death. When the martyr's maximum hit points falls below 50%, all allies (except the martyr) within sight range gain a +1 bonus to hit, damage and saving throws. If the martyr is slain, all allies are healed for 50% of their maximum hit points and gain +4 to hit, damage and saving throws for two turns.
– 12th level: The martyr becomes immune to fatigue.
– 15th level: May use the Ilmater's Grace ability once per day.
ILMATER'S GRACE: The martyr may call upon a second wind in battle, fully restoring and doubling their maximum hit points for one turn.
– Hit Die: d12
– Incurs a -1 penalty to damage.
– May not cast Protection from Evil.
– May not Turn Undead.
– May not use ranged weapons.
Thank you for update @AionZ! This might making the room for both Sirene and Isra possible in my party. I would need to make Sirene more offensiive type. I wish Paladin's could get more pips in weapon proficiencies. *crawls back to the drawing board*
Whilst I too would like them to have more pips, if you give them more pips, they become fighters with extra abilities. My personal choice would be to give them up to 3 in any given weapon, but the devs presumably thought that through and decided that two was enough.
Whilst I too would like them to have more pips, if you give them more pips, they become fighters with extra abilities. My personal choice would be to give them up to 3 in any given weapon, but the devs presumably thought that through and decided that two was enough.
No no, I'm not complaining, just trying to figure out how to make Isra and Sirene to fit different roles in my party. I could change the kit for one of them to something completely different but that would contradict their characterization and story. Sirene seem more tanku with her updated Martyr kit, so Isra needs to be more of a damage dealer. Which Paladin kit is the most offensive one? Sorry for a little off-topic, I hope you don't mind @AionZ.
Blackguard . If that's not what you had in mind then its a toss up between undead hunter and cavalier. Both get attack bonuses (boni?) vs specific enemy types and certain related immunities/resistances. Undead hunters cannot heal with lay on hands and cavaliers cannot use missile weapons. For BG1 where bows rule and Fiendish/Draconic enemies are scarce it's fairly clear that undead hunter has the offensive edge. The cavalier immunities are certainly useful but they are defensive rather than offensive.
I just started a new playthrough with Sirene I have already triggred 3 of her friendship talks. Her interjections are also pretty good, though this is the first time in ages that I have not killed Marl in Feldepost Inn A quick question; how many banters does she have for the other party members in the first game? I don't think I have seen any of them yet
Aside from Sirene, I do have the NPC Project installed.
Minor bug, but in one of her talks triggered by resting, if you tell her you are in love with one of your companions, then pick the option to say who it is, the rest isn't triggered.
Specifically t6.18 in the code needs RestParty() added.
Hello together
Really love this character and now I stand before a difficult decision and with that a question.
I installed an EET installation of BG1+BG2 with an older version of Sirene:
- Can anyone tell me, if it is possible to update a mod in EET (for someone who is really new to these things) or would I have to make a complete new EET-Installation for getting the newest version of Sirene?
- Or is it actually wise to update a mod in the middle of the game or better restart no matter what?
Half way through Baldurs Gat 1, that's why I'm asking first before restarting completely ^^"
(and thinking about playing another thiefy-character along side her besides a swahbuckler *ponders*)
Updating halfway is never a good idea because usually you cannot use the old saves any more.
As far as I know Sirene for BG1 is not directly EET compatible, so you'd also need to set up a completely new EET install because you'd need to make it from a BG:EE game where you install the new Siene version, first.
Alright. Thank you for the fast answer.
Guess I use this time to also install one of the divine-mods and put a Sune Heartwarden or so at Sirene's side. So kinda good thing I need to reinstall. ^^
So just to be sure I make everything correct:
- Install Sirene in BG1EE
- Start the EET installation and select Sirene in the mod list
In my current EET installation I only installed Sirene through the EET installer and I didn't notice anything wrong.
Though I of course don't know if anything was wrong cause I didn't play the normal BG1EE only Sirene ^^"
Now I just need to find out how to install mods without a Installation tool, cause the one mod I want isn't in the tool
Anyone knows a good guide for doing a manual EET installation from scratch?
@Nezraddin I assume you refer to Roxanne's EE Setup Tool. Fact aside that you can never be sure that this tool installs the most current official mod version - if you chose Sirene as a mod in this tool I guess you don't need to install the mod by hand before that. What I described is the routine how to install a BG1 mod to EET that does not have direct EET compatibility yet. I'd assume the tool does that for you, though.
@Nezraddin To your edit: How to install basic EET should be explained in the EET-readme. Here is the list for EET compatible mods (this is the real list, only linking to original mods). Any mods listed in section one you need to install to your BG:EE (SoD) game, first. If you have SoD from Steam/GOG, the first mod you need to install is the DLC Merger.
If you want to give the current first-choice automated installer a try: Project Inifnity. Here, here, and here are threads that collected community info about the correct install order.
Cant really figure out how to get any conversation with her. I only have options to ask how she is, she speaks too much and what is wrong with her voice.
I used to have flirt option but it dissapeared at some point and didnt come back. I assume its because I dropped bellow 9 reputation but I gained a lot of rep since then but nothing changed.
Thanks for any help
Wow, I finished SoA with her and gotta say, the different conversations depending on if you defend yourself or not are a nice touch. I went with not defending myself as my character was too stunned and didnt believe the farce would chang even if he had and the conversation that followed with her really broke my heart.
How she should have know that my blood would win over me and she would have to kill me eventually and then herself in grief, never even saying she actually loves me, just that this was too good a dream to be true, it really got me.
She truly is a paladin of a crying god, for better or worse im sure she carried this with her for a long time, feeling guilty and sorry as she would, all while inflicting needless suffering on herself as she often did for her god, but what she did and say was truly cruel.
Any chance this will ever be expanded into BG2? There are so many things I would love to be able to tell her once she would realise we were not guilty. Dont know if I am angry at her, sad she left or pitying her because she is hurting herself.
I discovered it just a bit ago after I asked, really should have searched first, I even saw it before but actually thought it was an earlier version of the same mod instead of one for BG2, my bad, thanks for taking the time
I got a problem with an eet install, I install sirene bg1 in bg1, and it installs fine, then after the import in eet the text of her kit is totally messed up, apparently bad string index here.
Maybe the last version can be installed directly in bg2, avoiding the import error ?
edit after many tries : no it can't be installed directly in bg2, and even after removing some mods in the bg1 side the problem is still here. I give up, the mod seems playable though, it's the only string with error I could find so far...
edit again : I had an armor problem too but it was a weird conflict with some other mod, really big eet installs are hard !!!
and edit a 3rd time, hopefully the last one : I made some big progress on this, so if you get the same symptom, kit text obviously totally wrong, it's a problem in eet, the best is to uninstall eet, remove its directory and extract it again from the archive, it should be enough to clean things up, although I reinstalled everything here, including regenerating chitin.key from an old copy.
Anyway there was another problem with the kit, when passing a level, I had the same weapon proficiencies as a cleric ! Happens only in eet, happen also if you start a new game with a martyr, you get the proficiencies of a cleric in the character creation screen ! I tracked this one to the kitlist.2da file in the override directory, it's editable in a text editor with legends for each column so it's not that hard. The number for proficiencies for the martyr kit (C0ILM) was the same as the one on the line just before, which happened to be a cleric of Tempus ! So if I put the same number here as "cavalier" which was 32 for me, she gets the correct proficiencies, the same as a cavalier, no ranged weapon, but all the other weapons.
The armor problem was a conflict with the beta kit in refinements, the sword angel kit. With this installed Sirene and Minsc couldn't equip any metal armor ! Not sure if this one was related to the eet problem, but probably not.
I'm using Sirene in a megamod playthrough and while the mod is generally working pretty well, there are a few messed up combat text lines. It seems as though Sirene has been getting some of Tenya Thermidor's lines as battle text/battle cries. Tenya was the next mod in my install order and both mods were installed on BG1:EE prior to using EET.
My suspicion is that making Sirene BG1 able to be installed natively onto an EET install would help avoid this situation. I'm not sure if the issue is with Sirene or with Tenya, though my guess is that Tenya is the one causing problems.
This is just a warning for anyone else wanting to play a megamod install with both mods. You may also get away with things and my issues could just be the peculiarities of a megamod install.
I am enjoying the mod so far and am interested in seeing how things shake out.
Sirene's tiefling bonuses have also become much more significant all around, matching those of Haer'Dalis.
Thank you for update @AionZ! This might making the room for both Sirene and Isra possible in my party. I would need to make Sirene more offensiive type. I wish Paladin's could get more pips in weapon proficiencies. *crawls back to the drawing board*
No no, I'm not complaining, just trying to figure out how to make Isra and Sirene to fit different roles in my party. I could change the kit for one of them to something completely different but that would contradict their characterization and story. Sirene seem more tanku with her updated Martyr kit, so Isra needs to be more of a damage dealer. Which Paladin kit is the most offensive one? Sorry for a little off-topic, I hope you don't mind @AionZ.
Aside from Sirene, I do have the NPC Project installed.
Specifically t6.18 in the code needs RestParty() added.
Really love this character and now I stand before a difficult decision and with that a question.
I installed an EET installation of BG1+BG2 with an older version of Sirene:
- Can anyone tell me, if it is possible to update a mod in EET (for someone who is really new to these things) or would I have to make a complete new EET-Installation for getting the newest version of Sirene?
- Or is it actually wise to update a mod in the middle of the game or better restart no matter what?
Half way through Baldurs Gat 1, that's why I'm asking first before restarting completely ^^"
(and thinking about playing another thiefy-character along side her besides a swahbuckler *ponders*)
As far as I know Sirene for BG1 is not directly EET compatible, so you'd also need to set up a completely new EET install because you'd need to make it from a BG:EE game where you install the new Siene version, first.
Guess I use this time to also install one of the divine-mods and put a Sune Heartwarden or so at Sirene's side. So kinda good thing I need to reinstall. ^^
So just to be sure I make everything correct:
- Install Sirene in BG1EE
- Start the EET installation and select Sirene in the mod list
In my current EET installation I only installed Sirene through the EET installer and I didn't notice anything wrong.
Though I of course don't know if anything was wrong cause I didn't play the normal BG1EE only Sirene ^^"
Now I just need to find out how to install mods without a Installation tool, cause the one mod I want isn't in the tool
Anyone knows a good guide for doing a manual EET installation from scratch?
Learning slowly how to use the mods outside of installation tools. Will see if have a working game in the end.
If you want to give the current first-choice automated installer a try: Project Inifnity. Here, here, and here are threads that collected community info about the correct install order.
Sorry for the off-topic.
And also sorry for using this thread for these questions, didn't use my head when I did. *hides*
To get back ontopic: The image of the new effect looks really amazing, can't wait to meet the new Sirene in my game.
I used to have flirt option but it dissapeared at some point and didnt come back. I assume its because I dropped bellow 9 reputation but I gained a lot of rep since then but nothing changed.
Thanks for any help
How she should have know that my blood would win over me and she would have to kill me eventually and then herself in grief, never even saying she actually loves me, just that this was too good a dream to be true, it really got me.
She truly is a paladin of a crying god, for better or worse im sure she carried this with her for a long time, feeling guilty and sorry as she would, all while inflicting needless suffering on herself as she often did for her god, but what she did and say was truly cruel.
Any chance this will ever be expanded into BG2? There are so many things I would love to be able to tell her once she would realise we were not guilty. Dont know if I am angry at her, sad she left or pitying her because she is hurting herself.
There is a full BG2 continuation of the mod right here. https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/62163/v1-9-sirene-a-tiefling-paladin-of-ilmater-npc-for-bg2-ee/p1
I really should put a link in the front page so that people do know it exists.
Does anyone have an idea?
Solved! The problem was, that lang_dir in my weidu.conf file wasn't set to the correct language.
Maybe the last version can be installed directly in bg2, avoiding the import error ?
edit after many tries : no it can't be installed directly in bg2, and even after removing some mods in the bg1 side the problem is still here. I give up, the mod seems playable though, it's the only string with error I could find so far...
edit again : I had an armor problem too but it was a weird conflict with some other mod, really big eet installs are hard !!!
and edit a 3rd time, hopefully the last one : I made some big progress on this, so if you get the same symptom, kit text obviously totally wrong, it's a problem in eet, the best is to uninstall eet, remove its directory and extract it again from the archive, it should be enough to clean things up, although I reinstalled everything here, including regenerating chitin.key from an old copy.
Anyway there was another problem with the kit, when passing a level, I had the same weapon proficiencies as a cleric ! Happens only in eet, happen also if you start a new game with a martyr, you get the proficiencies of a cleric in the character creation screen ! I tracked this one to the kitlist.2da file in the override directory, it's editable in a text editor with legends for each column so it's not that hard. The number for proficiencies for the martyr kit (C0ILM) was the same as the one on the line just before, which happened to be a cleric of Tempus ! So if I put the same number here as "cavalier" which was 32 for me, she gets the correct proficiencies, the same as a cavalier, no ranged weapon, but all the other weapons.
The armor problem was a conflict with the beta kit in refinements, the sword angel kit. With this installed Sirene and Minsc couldn't equip any metal armor ! Not sure if this one was related to the eet problem, but probably not.
My suspicion is that making Sirene BG1 able to be installed natively onto an EET install would help avoid this situation. I'm not sure if the issue is with Sirene or with Tenya, though my guess is that Tenya is the one causing problems.
This is just a warning for anyone else wanting to play a megamod install with both mods. You may also get away with things and my issues could just be the peculiarities of a megamod install.
I am enjoying the mod so far and am interested in seeing how things shake out.