Hi @Gusinda i left no other lang, using an english lang also.
Mods for BG2 were working with no invalid and crashes as a female, probably it has something to do with the patch.obb?
Tested with two phones both have the same troubles.
@Gusinda, sorry for the delayed response. I've tried both the recommended archive extractors, but I'm getting a bunch of "Invalid 213423" instead of the text that ought to be there. Both during character creation and in the first dialogue. Any ideas? This is the Chromebook model I'm using.
Update: I just tried creating a female character and was able to see all the modded stuff. Apparently I'm having the same issue as @Kaldur, minus the crashes. Checked for all the things you've mentioned; lang-en.zip not unpacked, no extra files, everything seems to be in its proper place. I'll keep fiddling around with it.
@Kaldur, we could edit the patch.obb, but I recommend that be the last resort. I left a message in the other discussion about what might be happening there. What character were you trying and was it a modfile in this thread? Thanks.
@noodlesoupstrainer, that is no good either. Which modfile are you using? I am guessing that it is the one that I uploaded for you (with Shadow Magic). The invalid just means that it isn't reading the right reference in the dialog.tlk. I am unsure why it impacts on males only though. I tried the both BG1 and BG2 modfiles and had no problems creating a male fighter (standard) and a male Nightsinger (bard). What character were you trying and when was the invalid showing (during creation, at the start of the game or somewhere else in the game)
@Gusinda, sorry I didn't specify, yes I was talking about the one you made for me (thanks again!). Been playing through BG2 with your original modpack from the top of the thread. No issues with that one. Ran into a bug with Solaufein not showing up at one point, but I was able to CLUA him in, and all was well.
Just did a little more testing with the BG1 RE modpack. I get invalid text for all the mod content in character generation (with a male character; tried a bunch of different races, didn't make a difference). Any of the Shadow Magic classes just show as invalid. Ran around candlekeep talking to people for a while, and it seems that all modded dialogue and item descriptions are also showing invalid. First NPC you see outside the inn where you start is all invalid dialogue. Everyone else I talked to worked fine; tutorial monks, assassins and whatnot. Then I brought Phlydia's book back, and got a list of invalid dialogue options. Ended up with a scroll in my bag that says invalid. I also have an invalid quest in my journal. Thanks for the help!
@noodlesoupstrainer & @Kaldur, I have repacked the modfile in a different fashion... Could you give this a go? It is a bit bigger so wont fit into the normal downloads area.
To install this one:
- remove the old modfile contents including the override folder
- Copy the modfile to the root of /Files (where the lang-en_us.zip file was placed)
- play the game (do not unpack the file at all)
Let me know if this works. If it does, I will see what the prob may be. You might see that the file is title with a 3. This is because I was playing around with version 2 until I got the problems you were having were selecting a Shadow? was giving invalids.
Attached is the WeiDU.log as well. I have removed the files that were causing problems.
@Gusinda, just tried the new modfile, no change unfortunately; all the mod text still invalid at character creation, as well as modded dialogue when you start the game. Going to do a clean install and try it again, will report back. Thanks for spending time on this!
Update: Clean install, same issues : /. The struggle continues!
Hi @Kaldur, jest testing the 1st to find out if the problem is gone, then I can build the 2nd game the same way (have to update some of the mods). Have any of the modfiles worked for you or have all failed?
@noodlesoupstrainer, that is just painful... let me try something else before we head to the .obb; I wont be able to get to it until the weekend though. Have to work it out as something may have changed in my building process or one of the mods might be installing incorrectly. Did the original modfile work for you (without RE or the updated mods)?
@Gusinda, just tested the BG1 modfile from the top of the thread, seems to work fine. Created an amorphous disciple without any issues. Had one error when unpacking, looks like maybe a typo:
Thanks @noodlesoupstrainer, it is interesting that only that file displays the error. If you are still running with this mod, could you see if the file exists; if it doesn't what happens if you try and place the file into the folder by extracting it somewhere else and copying it there? This of course doesn't change the main problem, it is only of interest so if you don't have it installed, then don't worry about it.
It is good to see that the first one was working fine. I can restrict the problem solving to the second file.
Another quick Q: What Android version are you using.
I hope to be able to reinstall and repack today BG1EE and BG2EE. Shall also update with the latest Shadow Magic mod.
Hi @noodlesoupstrainer & @Kaldur, attached are a repacks of the Trilogy BG1EE and BG2EE modfiles. If these work, I will add a SOD update as well.
They have been repacked using a slightly different method and aren't all in one file so the installation is as per the OP. It appears that some .2da and .dlg files aren't being read so have included them all within the lang.zip file to see if it.
I have been able to create a male Shadow Adept in each of the modfiles (but then I could before...).
@Gusinda, no change, unfortunately. Still works with a female PC, but not a male. Apparently the link I gave you to my chromebook was bad, so here's another one. Running Android Octopus version 9.0. Thanks again. Might be a lost cause.
@noodlesoupstrainer, that is just a pain. I am guessing that the problems still at the char creation? I might create a VM and see if the prob exists there... This (creating a male char errors) has come up a couple of times now!
In the meanwile, we will try editing the patch.obb to see if that provides the solution. It isn't a difficult task and I will set out the step by step instructions, so if I am missing something where you either can't understand how I got to the next step, or it seems complicated and too technical, let me know. This method is much simpler than the previous and it can be done on the mobile device. All we are going to do is to rename the dialog.tlk so that the vanilla can't be found and therefore it the game must use the modded one. At the very worst, if anything goes wrong, it requires a re-download of the game but we do have a safety measure in the steps.
I will use BG2EE as the example but the same can be done with BG1EE, SOD, BG2EE, IWDEE and PSTEE.
- Make a backup of 'Android/obb/com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition/patch.570.com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition.obb' to anywhere not in its folder (this is just a safety measure so that if it goes wrong, you don't need to redownload it). If you don't have the space then that is fine and this step can be skipped. It just means a download later of the file.
++++ If you have a different number other that 570 in the patch.obb name, I would be interested to know. You can still follow the procedure, but it might be a hint as to the differences between our systems, apart from the obvious. ++++
- Install 'RAR for Android' if you don't have it (free in the Google Play store). I know this one works, not sure about other compression software.
- Open RAR and navigate to 'Android/obb/com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition/'
- Long press on 'patch.570.com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition.obb' and rename to 'patch.570.com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition.obb.zip'
- Short press on 'patch.570.com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition.obb.zip' which should open the file allowing you to look at the contents. If it asks which program to use, then direct it to RAR.
- navigate to '/lang/en_US/', long press on 'dialog.tlk' and rename to 'dialog.klt' (it can be anything as long as it follows the xxxxxx.xxx naming rule. I just reverse the extension so that I know what it was...)
- let RAR save the renaming (it takes a little while but you can see when it is finished by looking at the bottom of the app window, it will revert back to the long file name). This method should not change the size of the .obb at all.
- Back out of 'patch.570.com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition.obb.zip' so that you again see the whole file.
- Rename 'patch.570.com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition.obb.zip' back to 'patch.570.com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition.obb' (this is often forgotten; if the game starts to try and redownload the .obb, this is the first place to look for a fix)
- That ends the adjustment for the .obb
- Navigate to 'Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateiienhancededition/files/', either by RAR or your normal File Manager. Install the modfile vide previous instructions.
- Make sure that 'lang-en_US.zip' is in the root sitting beside 'Baldur.lua' (like yesterday)
You can now exit out of the File Manager / RAR and try and start the game. Hopefully all goes well this time.
If it doesn't start, could you let me know whether it doesn't attempt to start (ie: a quick open, then close straight away without any error messages) or it comes with a message that it couldn't start. If the game tries to redownload the .obb, it means that something went wrong with renaming dialog.tlk in the .obb. If that is the case, restart the device (so that the download will cancel), delete 'patch.570.com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition.obb', replace it with the backup and repeat the steps above.
If all goes well, you can do the same with BG1EE (my patch file contains 2750 as the revision).
If you want to play a vanilla game, you can do so without having to download the game again. Just extract the vanilla dialog.tlk from patch.obb and place it into the following folder (file shown):
No need for it to be placed into a container file (.zip) and centralfix applied. Make sure all remnants of any mod is removed. The game should now start up in vanilla.
I have looked at my patch.obb files and I don't have them modified, so that doesn't explain why it works here and not on your system.
Let me know if the instructions are easy enough and I will place them into the next version of the modding document (if required)
Thanks for the Chromebook link. I will have a gander.
@Gusinda Hi! First of all I would like to thank you for all the quality work you are doing for the modding community, you might be thinking that you are just doing what you can in your spare time and it is not a big deal but not just anyone will create modfiles in a snap like you do and troubleshoot modding problems within the forum at the same time, so thank you for all of your hard work and generosity!
Second, I was wondering if I can prevail on you to add/remove some mods in the BG2 EE android modfile that you have uploaded in this thread?
No rush though, I am still trying out the modfile you created for BG2 EE, I didn't even know modding in android is a thing until I started playing bg2 again this past month, last time I played was way back in 2015 on Windows which I don't have access to right now nor in the near future. (Not even sure which mods I previously used have been updated for EE )
@Gusinda, happy to report unqualified success! Modified the dialog.tlk as instructed, and just created a male shadow disciple! Ran around candlekeep, all the modded content seems to be working.
I'm using the latest BG1EE modpack from your May 18 post. I'll let you know if I run into any issues! Thank you.
@Gusinda, I have run into one thing. Summoning your shadow familiar crashes to desktop every time. Not gamebreaking, of course, just a handicap to my Nightsinger. I need to do further testing to see if it does the same for the other two possible familiars. Maybe I can just CLUA it in. Will update when I get a chance.
@noodlesoupstrainer, shall check out the familiar and see if it crashes mine as well. Do you have a saved game that I could look at? Also, were you able to test the others or CLUA it in?
@Silmarwen, thank you for your kind words and welcome to the forum. Sorry I didn't get to you any sooner but I haven't been able to get near my PC of late. My family are using the office to work from home.
Happy to generate a new modfile for you. Just let me know what you want as a list of mods (and components) and I will put it together for you (assuming of course that they all play together nicely ).
@Gusinda Thanks for the welcome and no worries mate, like I said there is no rush.
Anyways, about the modfile...
By and large most of what I am looking for is already included in the BG2EE modfile you uploaded in this thread.
Below is the content of the modfile I was talking about.
Override Fixes:
- Whispers of Silence (Non-Detection that works)
- Beserker Rage spell
- Beserker Rage for Minsc
- Horror spell (duration = 1 turn)
- Flail of Ages +4 (Damage Order correct)
- Flail of Ages +5 (Damage Order correct and modified to allow Haste)
Homemade Addon:
- GUI Console access
- Animal Companions v1.5.7
- Wandcase v1.3
- More Style for Mages v1.55
- Shadow Magic v1.9.8a
- Tomb and Blood v0.8.37
- Tweaks Anthology v8.0
- aTweaks v4.51
- One Pixel Production v4.0.1 (Smart Avatar and Armour Switching Only)
To begin with, I am thinking we can use this as a base since most of the mod/component I want is already included in this modfile and I just want to remove and add some mods/component to and from it.
Mods to remove
Shadow Magic v1.9.8a
Tomb and Blood v0.8.37
Mod/components to add
Tweaks Anthology
-Multiple Strongholds (Sabre, Baldurdash, Weimer) no restrictions variant.
-Allow Cromwell to Upgrade Watcher's Keep Items
-Allow Stealth and Thieving Abilities in Heavy Armor per P&P
-Allow Arcane Spellcasting in Armor
-No Drow Avatars on Party In Underdark
Another thing, what happened with Spellhold Studios?? I can't access the website and yet I see mods that are still uploaded in there so I am not sure if its no longer online or I am just missing a browser plugin or so.
Anyway, hope this modfile request of mine isn't too much of a bother and fingers crossed that it will run smoothly and let me know if there are problems/conflicts with the mods that I asked for.
@Gusinda Thanks for the welcome and no worries mate, like I said there is no rush.
Anyways, about the modfile...
By and large most of what I am looking for is already included in the BG2EE modfile you uploaded in this thread.
Below is the content of the modfile I was talking about.
Override Fixes:
- Whispers of Silence (Non-Detection that works)
- Beserker Rage spell
- Beserker Rage for Minsc
- Horror spell (duration = 1 turn)
- Flail of Ages +4 (Damage Order correct)
- Flail of Ages +5 (Damage Order correct and modified to allow Haste)
Homemade Addon:
- GUI Console access
- Animal Companions v1.5.7
- Wandcase v1.3
- More Style for Mages v1.55
- Shadow Magic v1.9.8a
- Tomb and Blood v0.8.37
- Tweaks Anthology v8.0
- aTweaks v4.51
- One Pixel Production v4.0.1 (Smart Avatar and Armour Switching Only)
To begin with, I am thinking we can use this as a base since most of the mod/component I want is already included in this modfile and I just want to remove and add some mods/component to and from it.
Mods to remove
Shadow Magic v1.9.8a
Tomb and Blood v0.8.37
Mod/components to add
Tweaks Anthology
-Multiple Strongholds (Sabre, Baldurdash, Weimer) no restrictions variant.
-Allow Cromwell to Upgrade Watcher's Keep Items
-Allow Stealth and Thieving Abilities in Heavy Armor per P&P
-Allow Arcane Spellcasting in Armor
-No Drow Avatars on Party In Underdark
Another thing, what happened with Spellhold Studios?? I can't access the website and yet I see mods that are still uploaded in there so I am not sure if its no longer online or I am just missing a browser plugin or so.
Anyway, hope this modfile request of mine isn't too much of a bother and fingers crossed that it will run smoothly and let me know if there are problems/conflicts with the mods that I asked for.
One of your posts got caught in the spam filter @Silmarwen
I assume your second post was what you wanted to say. I've put a spoiler around your first post so it doesn't take up too much space.
@Silmarwen, here is the modfile that you requested. It contains all the mods you wanted with no apparent conflicts.
Did a quick test by creating a char (fighter) and going through some dialogue with no invalid text registering. If they do, let me know (with a saved game if you could).
Spellhold Studios server is offline at various times but it seems to be up at the moment. Just in case it might be a different address, this is the one I have. No special browser requirements that I am aware of.
@Gusinda Looks good so far with a cursory play, I will do a more indepth testing later by playing with all custom npc in one go and see if anything acts out of whack but so far everything is running smoothly.
Thanks Gus! This seems like to be another quality work from you, until then take care and all the best to you too!
@Gusinda So after doing a bit more thorough testing I encountered some "Invalid xxxxxx" text popping up, most of the time I encounter these text through the modded contents as you can see in the screenshots.
The modded contents are functioning as they should though, I mean the first encounter with Isra happened as I remembered it with the exception of the invalid text and I can use thief skills in heavier armor as well as cast arcane spells in armor no problem, no crashes happened so far. I will keep playing through and see what else I can uncover although it seems like the main issue are those "Invalid xxxxxx" texts.
Hu @Silmarwen. I caught this last night, had a play around and think that I have found the problem. That saved game was very handy, thank you. The problem showed up on my phone giving me something to fault find with.
Anyway, it looks like it ws one of the components (Mage writing scrolls) from aTweaks which just could be a corrupted file on my PC as I have used it previously. I have removed it for now so you can test. Let me know if all plays as it should. If it does, I will see if I can track down which file or remove the component from the other modfiles in this thread.
@Gusinda Hi! So I started a new game to test out the new modfile you uploaded and I am happy to report that everything seems to be working well. I have not encountered the "Invalid xxxxxx" issue again so far and no crashes as well. There is the very minor issue of Tashia's right panel portrait being smaller, as you can see in the screenshot but nothing that can't be fixed with a quick touch up in any image converter.
Anyways, I will keep on testing to see if there are other issues that pops out but so far it seems like we are in the clear, I have also uploaded the save file for the new modfile in case you want to have look at it yourself.
@Silmarwen, it seems that (due to the age of the mod), Tashia is using 'tashias.bmp' as the image, which is very small, to display as the portrait. To fix, delete 'tashiam.bmp' and 'tashias.bmp' from the override folder. 'tashial.bmp' is the correct sized image to use for the right sidebar, so copy 'tashial.bmp' as 'tashiam.bmp' and 'tashias.bmp' and the problem should go away. I will fix it here so if there is another requirement to redo the modfile, it should be right. I will also pass on to the author and see if they can fix the mod itself as well.
@noodlesoupstrainer and @Kaldur, I have been fault finding the problem with the Trilogy modfiles. Apart from the component in aTweaks, the mod Shadow Magic is causing the concern. I have narrowed it down to the file that is creating the problem which is related to the penalty being used to cast Shadow Magic. I removed the section of code that inputs the penalty then, during character creation, it displays a male Shadow Adept (and Nightsinger etc) with no invalid text. There are then other problems that occur then with casting a spell and the game crashes but it seems it allows for the creation of the PC. This is something that I would need to take up with the mod author as it would be a significant change and permission would be required... This will take a while with the time I have to get to the computer.
While that goes on, I will remove the Shadow Magic mod from the modfile and reupload on the weekend. I didn't want gamers to have to edit the .obb file to rename dialog.tlk as some would hesitate and it wasn't the initial concept.
If you still want Shadow Magic in, and it is working with no problems using the renamed dialog.tlk, I am happy to add it with the aTweak componet fixed, but it would be a specific mod rather than a general one (make sense?).
@Gusinda Hi again! First of all thanks for all the work you did for my modfile, which after playing/testing it for the past couple of days I can safely say that most of it is working perfectly now (Still haven't reached ToB content yet though).
Anyway, I am sorry for not noticing it earlier but I think you forgot to include Sirene NPC mod in the modfile, I have checked the WeiDu log and I do not see it installed.
Regarding the Mage writing scrolls component of aTweaks, there is no need to include it in the modfile anymore. I doubt I would have remembered to use it anyway.
I was also wondering if I can prevail on you to add another mod in the modfile? If you are willing then I would like the following mod to be added.
G'Day @Silmarwen, Well picked up on Sirene... it appears that I installed Wilson Chronicles twice! That is fixed and Skie has been installed. It has taken the mod over the permitted 50MB limit for the forum so it will need to be downloaded from Google Drive. It (or any revisions that might be required) will be available until the games are upgraded to 2.6 which is when I will clean out the modfiles stored there.
Mods for BG2 were working with no invalid and crashes as a female, probably it has something to do with the patch.obb?
Tested with two phones both have the same troubles.
Update: I just tried creating a female character and was able to see all the modded stuff. Apparently I'm having the same issue as @Kaldur, minus the crashes. Checked for all the things you've mentioned; lang-en.zip not unpacked, no extra files, everything seems to be in its proper place. I'll keep fiddling around with it.
@noodlesoupstrainer, that is no good either. Which modfile are you using? I am guessing that it is the one that I uploaded for you (with Shadow Magic). The invalid just means that it isn't reading the right reference in the dialog.tlk. I am unsure why it impacts on males only though. I tried the both BG1 and BG2 modfiles and had no problems creating a male fighter (standard) and a male Nightsinger (bard). What character were you trying and when was the invalid showing (during creation, at the start of the game or somewhere else in the game)
Just did a little more testing with the BG1 RE modpack. I get invalid text for all the mod content in character generation (with a male character; tried a bunch of different races, didn't make a difference). Any of the Shadow Magic classes just show as invalid. Ran around candlekeep talking to people for a while, and it seems that all modded dialogue and item descriptions are also showing invalid. First NPC you see outside the inn where you start is all invalid dialogue. Everyone else I talked to worked fine; tutorial monks, assassins and whatnot. Then I brought Phlydia's book back, and got a list of invalid dialogue options. Ended up with a scroll in my bag that says invalid. I also have an invalid quest in my journal. Thanks for the help!
Download: BG1EE.
To install this one:
- remove the old modfile contents including the override folder
- Copy the modfile to the root of /Files (where the lang-en_us.zip file was placed)
- play the game (do not unpack the file at all)
Let me know if this works. If it does, I will see what the prob may be. You might see that the file is title with a 3. This is because I was playing around with version 2 until I got the problems you were having were selecting a Shadow? was giving invalids.
Attached is the WeiDU.log as well. I have removed the files that were causing problems.
Fingers crossed
Update: Clean install, same issues : /. The struggle continues!
@noodlesoupstrainer, that is just painful... let me try something else before we head to the .obb; I wont be able to get to it until the weekend though. Have to work it out as something may have changed in my building process or one of the mods might be installing incorrectly. Did the original modfile work for you (without RE or the updated mods)?
Cannot create /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files/override/c!potion.itm
• Permission denied
The BG2 one has been working fine, too.
It is good to see that the first one was working fine. I can restrict the problem solving to the second file.
Another quick Q: What Android version are you using.
I hope to be able to reinstall and repack today BG1EE and BG2EE. Shall also update with the latest Shadow Magic mod.
They have been repacked using a slightly different method and aren't all in one file so the installation is as per the OP. It appears that some .2da and .dlg files aren't being read so have included them all within the lang.zip file to see if it.
I have been able to create a male Shadow Adept in each of the modfiles (but then I could before...).
BG1EE Update (includes RE):
Shadow Magic 2.21
BG2EE Update:
Shadow Magic 2.21
Tomb & Blood 0.8.49
Tweaks Anthology 9.0
Fingers cross all goes well this time
Edit: Added BGSOD modfile to the post.
BG1EE-SOD Update:
Shadow Magic 2.21
In the meanwile, we will try editing the patch.obb to see if that provides the solution. It isn't a difficult task and I will set out the step by step instructions, so if I am missing something where you either can't understand how I got to the next step, or it seems complicated and too technical, let me know. This method is much simpler than the previous and it can be done on the mobile device. All we are going to do is to rename the dialog.tlk so that the vanilla can't be found and therefore it the game must use the modded one. At the very worst, if anything goes wrong, it requires a re-download of the game but we do have a safety measure in the steps.
I will use BG2EE as the example but the same can be done with BG1EE, SOD, BG2EE, IWDEE and PSTEE.
- Make a backup of 'Android/obb/com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition/patch.570.com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition.obb' to anywhere not in its folder (this is just a safety measure so that if it goes wrong, you don't need to redownload it). If you don't have the space then that is fine and this step can be skipped. It just means a download later of the file.
++++ If you have a different number other that 570 in the patch.obb name, I would be interested to know. You can still follow the procedure, but it might be a hint as to the differences between our systems, apart from the obvious. ++++
- Install 'RAR for Android' if you don't have it (free in the Google Play store). I know this one works, not sure about other compression software.
- Open RAR and navigate to 'Android/obb/com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition/'
- Long press on 'patch.570.com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition.obb' and rename to 'patch.570.com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition.obb.zip'
- Short press on 'patch.570.com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition.obb.zip' which should open the file allowing you to look at the contents. If it asks which program to use, then direct it to RAR.
- navigate to '/lang/en_US/', long press on 'dialog.tlk' and rename to 'dialog.klt' (it can be anything as long as it follows the xxxxxx.xxx naming rule. I just reverse the extension so that I know what it was...)
- let RAR save the renaming (it takes a little while but you can see when it is finished by looking at the bottom of the app window, it will revert back to the long file name). This method should not change the size of the .obb at all.
- Back out of 'patch.570.com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition.obb.zip' so that you again see the whole file.
- Rename 'patch.570.com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition.obb.zip' back to 'patch.570.com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition.obb' (this is often forgotten; if the game starts to try and redownload the .obb, this is the first place to look for a fix)
- That ends the adjustment for the .obb
- Navigate to 'Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateiienhancededition/files/', either by RAR or your normal File Manager. Install the modfile vide previous instructions.
- Make sure that 'lang-en_US.zip' is in the root sitting beside 'Baldur.lua' (like yesterday)
You can now exit out of the File Manager / RAR and try and start the game. Hopefully all goes well this time.
If it doesn't start, could you let me know whether it doesn't attempt to start (ie: a quick open, then close straight away without any error messages) or it comes with a message that it couldn't start. If the game tries to redownload the .obb, it means that something went wrong with renaming dialog.tlk in the .obb. If that is the case, restart the device (so that the download will cancel), delete 'patch.570.com.beamdog.baldursgateIIenhancededition.obb', replace it with the backup and repeat the steps above.
If all goes well, you can do the same with BG1EE (my patch file contains 2750 as the revision).
If you want to play a vanilla game, you can do so without having to download the game again. Just extract the vanilla dialog.tlk from patch.obb and place it into the following folder (file shown):
No need for it to be placed into a container file (.zip) and centralfix applied. Make sure all remnants of any mod is removed. The game should now start up in vanilla.
I have looked at my patch.obb files and I don't have them modified, so that doesn't explain why it works here and not on your system.
Let me know if the instructions are easy enough and I will place them into the next version of the modding document (if required)
Thanks for the Chromebook link. I will have a gander.
Happy Gaming (hopefully)
Second, I was wondering if I can prevail on you to add/remove some mods in the BG2 EE android modfile that you have uploaded in this thread?
No rush though, I am still trying out the modfile you created for BG2 EE, I didn't even know modding in android is a thing until I started playing bg2 again this past month, last time I played was way back in 2015 on Windows which I don't have access to right now nor in the near future. (Not even sure which mods I previously used have been updated for EE
I'm using the latest BG1EE modpack from your May 18 post. I'll let you know if I run into any issues! Thank you.
@noodlesoupstrainer, shall check out the familiar and see if it crashes mine as well. Do you have a saved game that I could look at? Also, were you able to test the others or CLUA it in?
@Silmarwen, thank you for your kind words and welcome to the forum. Sorry I didn't get to you any sooner but I haven't been able to get near my PC of late. My family are using the office to work from home.
Happy to generate a new modfile for you. Just let me know what you want as a list of mods (and components) and I will put it together for you (assuming of course that they all play together nicely
All the best and Happy Gaming
Edit: Added BGSOD Modfile to the post above
Anyways, about the modfile...
By and large most of what I am looking for is already included in the BG2EE modfile you uploaded in this thread.
Below is the content of the modfile I was talking about.
Override Fixes:
- Whispers of Silence (Non-Detection that works)
- Beserker Rage spell
- Beserker Rage for Minsc
- Horror spell (duration = 1 turn)
- Flail of Ages +4 (Damage Order correct)
- Flail of Ages +5 (Damage Order correct and modified to allow Haste)
Homemade Addon:
- GUI Console access
- Animal Companions v1.5.7
- Wandcase v1.3
- More Style for Mages v1.55
- Shadow Magic v1.9.8a
- Tomb and Blood v0.8.37
- Tweaks Anthology v8.0
- aTweaks v4.51
- One Pixel Production v4.0.1 (Smart Avatar and Armour Switching Only)
To begin with, I am thinking we can use this as a base since most of the mod/component I want is already included in this modfile and I just want to remove and add some mods/component to and from it.
Mods to remove
Shadow Magic v1.9.8a
Tomb and Blood v0.8.37
Mod/components to add
Tweaks Anthology
-Multiple Strongholds (Sabre, Baldurdash, Weimer) no restrictions variant.
-Allow Cromwell to Upgrade Watcher's Keep Items
-Allow Stealth and Thieving Abilities in Heavy Armor per P&P
-Allow Arcane Spellcasting in Armor
-No Drow Avatars on Party In Underdark
NPC Flirt Packs
Romantic Encounters
Sirene NPC for BG2
Isra NPC
Fade NPC
Tashia Remix NPC
Yvette NPC
And that is it, btw I am assuming that these mods are all BG2EE compatible based on this thread.
Another thing, what happened with Spellhold Studios?? I can't access the website and yet I see mods that are still uploaded in there so I am not sure if its no longer online or I am just missing a browser plugin or so.
Anyway, hope this modfile request of mine isn't too much of a bother and fingers crossed that it will run smoothly and let me know if there are problems/conflicts with the mods that I asked for.
Thanks for your time and effort
Anyways, about the modfile...
By and large most of what I am looking for is already included in the BG2EE modfile you uploaded in this thread.
Below is the content of the modfile I was talking about.
Override Fixes:
- Whispers of Silence (Non-Detection that works)
- Beserker Rage spell
- Beserker Rage for Minsc
- Horror spell (duration = 1 turn)
- Flail of Ages +4 (Damage Order correct)
- Flail of Ages +5 (Damage Order correct and modified to allow Haste)
Homemade Addon:
- GUI Console access
- Animal Companions v1.5.7
- Wandcase v1.3
- More Style for Mages v1.55
- Shadow Magic v1.9.8a
- Tomb and Blood v0.8.37
- Tweaks Anthology v8.0
- aTweaks v4.51
- One Pixel Production v4.0.1 (Smart Avatar and Armour Switching Only)
To begin with, I am thinking we can use this as a base since most of the mod/component I want is already included in this modfile and I just want to remove and add some mods/component to and from it.
Mods to remove
Shadow Magic v1.9.8a
Tomb and Blood v0.8.37
Mod/components to add
Tweaks Anthology
-Multiple Strongholds (Sabre, Baldurdash, Weimer) no restrictions variant.
-Allow Cromwell to Upgrade Watcher's Keep Items
-Allow Stealth and Thieving Abilities in Heavy Armor per P&P
-Allow Arcane Spellcasting in Armor
-No Drow Avatars on Party In Underdark
NPC Flirt Packs
Romantic Encounters
Wilson Chronicles
Sirene NPC for BG2
Isra NPC
Fade NPC
Tashia Remix NPC
Yvette NPC
And that is it, btw I am assuming that these mods are all BG2EE compatible based on this thread.
Another thing, what happened with Spellhold Studios?? I can't access the website and yet I see mods that are still uploaded in there so I am not sure if its no longer online or I am just missing a browser plugin or so.
Anyway, hope this modfile request of mine isn't too much of a bother and fingers crossed that it will run smoothly and let me know if there are problems/conflicts with the mods that I asked for.
Thanks for your time and effort
I assume your second post was what you wanted to say. I've put a spoiler around your first post so it doesn't take up too much space.
Did a quick test by creating a char (fighter) and going through some dialogue with no invalid text registering. If they do, let me know (with a saved game if you could).
Spellhold Studios server is offline at various times but it seems to be up at the moment. Just in case it might be a different address, this is the one I have. No special browser requirements that I am aware of.
All the best
Thanks Gus! This seems like to be another quality work from you, until then take care and all the best to you too!
The modded contents are functioning as they should though, I mean the first encounter with Isra happened as I remembered it with the exception of the invalid text and I can use thief skills in heavier armor as well as cast arcane spells in armor no problem, no crashes happened so far. I will keep playing through and see what else I can uncover although it seems like the main issue are those "Invalid xxxxxx" texts.
Here is the save file as well if it helps
Anyway, it looks like it ws one of the components (Mage writing scrolls) from aTweaks which just could be a corrupted file on my PC as I have used it previously. I have removed it for now so you can test. Let me know if all plays as it should. If it does, I will see if I can track down which file or remove the component from the other modfiles in this thread.
Thanks for your patience and testing.
Anyways, I will keep on testing to see if there are other issues that pops out but so far it seems like we are in the clear, I have also uploaded the save file for the new modfile in case you want to have look at it yourself.
Good work as usual Gus!
@noodlesoupstrainer and @Kaldur, I have been fault finding the problem with the Trilogy modfiles. Apart from the component in aTweaks, the mod Shadow Magic is causing the concern. I have narrowed it down to the file that is creating the problem which is related to the penalty being used to cast Shadow Magic. I removed the section of code that inputs the penalty then, during character creation, it displays a male Shadow Adept (and Nightsinger etc) with no invalid text. There are then other problems that occur then with casting a spell and the game crashes but it seems it allows for the creation of the PC. This is something that I would need to take up with the mod author as it would be a significant change and permission would be required... This will take a while with the time I have to get to the computer.
While that goes on, I will remove the Shadow Magic mod from the modfile and reupload on the weekend. I didn't want gamers to have to edit the .obb file to rename dialog.tlk as some would hesitate and it wasn't the initial concept.
If you still want Shadow Magic in, and it is working with no problems using the renamed dialog.tlk, I am happy to add it with the aTweak componet fixed, but it would be a specific mod rather than a general one (make sense?).
It is a shame... It is a good mod.
Anyway, I am sorry for not noticing it earlier but I think you forgot to include Sirene NPC mod in the modfile, I have checked the WeiDu log and I do not see it installed.
Regarding the Mage writing scrolls component of aTweaks, there is no need to include it in the modfile anymore. I doubt I would have remembered to use it anyway.
I was also wondering if I can prevail on you to add another mod in the modfile? If you are willing then I would like the following mod to be added.
Skie - The Cost of One Girl's Soul
All components and crossmod content (if applicable)
As always no need to rush and all the best to you Gus!
I have also attached the WeiDU.log for perusal.
Let me know if you have any probs