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Wilson Chronicles - expansion of the furry paragon

LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
edited March 2020 in BGII:EE Mods
Have you wished you could have more conversations with your furry companion - Wilson, the bear paragon? Do you think other party members should share their thoughts with him? Wilson Chronicles can make that wish come true!

The mod includes party dialogues and some encounters to make sure those groups who travel with the bear companion won't suffer from a lack of interesting events. The added dialogue maintains the style of the original game: bears have their own language and I respect that. The mod offers:
  • Wilson-CHARNAME dialogues (both timer-based and triggered under other circumstances) in both SoA and ToB
  • Additional small encounters in SoA and ToB, including 2 miniquests in SoA and 1 miniquest in ToB, with journal entries
  • At least 2 banters in SoA and 1 in ToB with each of the BioWare and Beamdog companions
  • Some new interjections here and there in both SoA and ToB
  • A few new items, including one new item that may be forged by Cromwell in SoA and one new item that may be forged by Cespenar in ToB
  • Item usability restrictions modified to allow Wilson to use necklaces, amulets and a few special items
  • New skills Wilson may learn during the game (1 in SoA, 1 in ToB) - including new icons!
  • Possibility to raise Wilson's dexterity during the game (up to +2 in SoA and an additional +1 in ToB) - for a price!
  • Unlocked possibility to summon Wilson through the Fate Spirit in ToB even if you did not meet him in SoA (something for those who would like to start a new ToB-only game)
  • New ToB-exclusive joining and kick-out dialogues (Wilson originally used SoA dialogues in ToB)
  • A small patch to ensure that Wilson's race is properly displayed on the character sheet
The conditions for meeting Wilson, the amazing furry paragon, do not change with this mod. You can gain a quest to find him by speaking with Zaviak (Neera's Quest), although it is not necessary. You will find Wilson for the first time during Rasaad's quest: after crossing the bridge towards the heretics' temple, look to the southeast (outside the temple). Be sure to speak with Wilson before taking other actions. He will leave temporarily, but if you spoke with him first, you will find him waiting for you in the northwestern part of the area. Wilson's friendship talks (added by this mod) will not start immediately; just be patient, and remember to rest from time to time!

I would like to thank some people who helped me greatly. First of all, @agb1 who proofread the mod and made sure that everything works fine. I also got some great help from @argent77 and @Artemius_I

So? What are you waiting for? Start your adventure and fight arm by arm with your big furry brother-in-arm!

Post edited by LavaDelVortel on


  • agb1agb1 Member Posts: 249
    Thanks Lava for letting me tinker with your mod!

    It is also EET-compatible and is included in the selection list for BWS now too.
  • agb1agb1 Member Posts: 249
    edited December 2016
    Thanks @God. Taking these under advisement for v1.1... v2.0?
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    @God - Quote Insightful Agree Like Arghh, where's the "Yuk!" button?
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    edited December 2016
    Well, no. It's possible that I don't get your sense of humor. The mod is light-hearted, but I treat it quite seriously. It took me much time and cost me much energy to offer this amount of content and to make sure it's of high-quality.
    @God - I think I would appreciate using spoiler tag with the wishlist as it does not really add anything to the thread, does not concern the content of the mod, while it takes so much space.
    Post edited by LavaDelVortel on
  • CaszidyCaszidy Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 311
    Sounds amazing! Finally a reason to try Wilson!
    "Item usability restrictions modified to allow Wilson to use necklaces, amulets and a few special items" - thanks for fixing this. That always annoys me, that Wilson cannot use necklaces, amulets etc.

    Anyway, most important thing - will there be a romance? :lol::lol::lol: Sorry, I can´t resist :blush:
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    edited December 2016
    Caszidy said:

    Sounds amazing! Finally a reason to try Wilson!
    "Item usability restrictions modified to allow Wilson to use necklaces, amulets and a few special items" - thanks for fixing this. That always annoys me, that Wilson cannot use necklaces, amulets etc.

    That part was mostly coded by @argent77 and @agb1 - I just asked for help here, found some info, checked files, but the true magic was done with their help.
    Caszidy said:

    Anyway, most important thing - will there be a romance? :lol::lol::lol: Sorry, I can´t resist :blush:

    Uhm, I was kinda expecting that since I also wrote so many romances, but no - no zoophilia here. There is a talk where you may use him as a pillow or something like that (mostly a play on the romance thing, you may even act confused there, thinking Wilson is hitting on CHARNAME, but he's not - I just knew someone would ask about romance sooner or later: check the spoiler for the line), BUT I think Wilson may become someone more like a brother of the main character. Wilson too cares about you, but in the same way he cares about his brother - Wilbert.

    ~Well, I also think of you as a brother. It just confused me a bit, Wilson. That's all. I didn't know you're cold. Fine, but try to steal my blanket and I may start a fight.~
  • GodGod Member Posts: 1,150

    I think I would appreciate using spoiler tag with the wishlist as it does not really add anything to the thread, does not concern the content of the mod, while it takes so much space.

    If that's your wish this season, so be it. Two more left.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    Thanks. Aaaand... two more wishes? May one of them be a copy of Tides of Numenera?

    BTW, something that I did not mention and may be significant - there are 3 mini-quests but they are mostly go-find-kill kind of stuff. That's still a better way of finding some new items or learning something, than a simple talk, and they give you a chance to for example meet another bear!

    And the lest note - I think the amulet-usability thing won't work unless you use your save from before Wilson's .cre file was created (so before entering Rasaad's quest area). Right, @agb1 ?
  • agb1agb1 Member Posts: 249
    edited December 2016
    Actually, the item usability tweaks should work for existing saved games that already met Wilson or have him in the party.

    The restrictions are tweaked not in the cre file itself (a copy of which gets stored in the saved game, ignoring any later changes to the original cre file) but in ohrbear1.spl (permanent "spell" containing Wilson's kit passive effects) and in kitlist.2da. Both of those files are loaded from bif archives in the game's data or loose files in the game's override folder each time the game is started, so our changes should apply.
  • GrimLefourbeGrimLefourbe Member Posts: 637
    That's very cool, thanks to both of you!
  • GodGod Member Posts: 1,150

    Thanks. Aaaand... two more wishes? May one of them be a copy of Tides of Numenera?

    I don't know, maybe :D
    Will keep your wish in mind and hit you up with a review copy if such a thing would come into my power.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    The mod just got a bit updated. More testing revealed some possible problems here and there. Nothing big, but this version should work a bit nicer.

    22 December 2016 - version 1.1:
    -Revised item usability tweak to also allow Wilson to wear class-restricted amulets and necklaces
    -Revised scripting for mini-quest 1 to allow party to flee and return later and to handle the possibility of quest NPCs being killed
    -Fixed a bug that was preventing access to one of the abilities on a quest reward item
    -Added, and corrected, a few journal entries
  • AdlantisAdlantis Member Posts: 9
    I just reached Abazigals Lair with Wilson in my party through SoA and NOW I see this mod? Great, now I'll have to restart.

    On a more serious note: This sounds like a fantastic mod! Great work!
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    Hah, I hope you will enjoy the mod and that you will decide that it was worth the restart :)
  • ReadingRamboReadingRambo Member Posts: 598
    Great mod thank you!!
  • CaszidyCaszidy Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 311
    I just want to be sure, before installing and start playing - is there any parts of this mod, that require up to date version (2.3...) of game? Because I play on Android, where recent up to date version is only 1.3.... Thanks.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    Uhm, it was tested on 2.0+ BUT... I don't recall anything that would make something go wrong on 1.3... @agb1 ?
  • agb1agb1 Member Posts: 249
    I don't know the differences between 1.3 and 2.0, so all I can say is: try it and let us know.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    Oh, ok. There may be a problem. There is a beetle animation - the new animations are working on 2.0, I think.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    @agb1 and anyone else, do you remember if there's an animation of ANY beetle in 1.3? We could add a version of the mod for 1.3 if there was any alternative animation...
    If not... maybe ankheg would do?
  • icehawk51289icehawk51289 Member Posts: 8
    First of all, thanks for the most important mod in my super wonky party that I put together. Could I possibly have a list of Cromwell forge items needed and their locations, as well as where to find his enhancements? I really don't want to miss anything. Hoping to hear from you!

    As a side note, I think it'd be excellent if Wilson was able to use most Ioun Stones.
  • icehawk51289icehawk51289 Member Posts: 8
    As another side note, for those who have trouble with his items not working right away after installing the mod when he is already in your party, just take him out of the party and put him right back in. That reset it for me and I can now use everything :)
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    There are just 2 items: in SoA that would be a shell of Rebellious Prince of Rhinoceros Beetles (you really can't miss it if you're doing his personal quest) and in ToB that would include Beary Powerful Dragon Scales (IIRC, you also can't miss Beary Powerful Dragon if you're befriending Wilson).

    I hope you'll enjoy the whole mod!
  • ronaldoronaldo Member Posts: 263
    Hi @LavaDelVortel First off thank you very much for this mod I am enjoying it very much. I am having a bit of an issue though.
    Everything thing has been going fine with Wilson as far as his "talks" that he initiates with my main character until this morning. The party was entering the temple district and Wilson starts a convo with me but I have no reply to give him. The only option is to end the conversation. When I end he just initiates the convo again and this repeats.

    I tried kicking him out of the party and having him rejoin but that didn't fix it.

    My game is heavily modded using the BWS. Ill attach my weidu log and my last save.

    Hope you can help as I am really enjoying having him in my party.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    Eh, the problem is that @agb1 recoded the mod so it worked better and then he disappeared and I have no idea what's wrong, because the mod is completelly different now, he rewrote like every script and... I am not sure if I can maintain the mod and without him it's half-dead...
    Tell me, have you been to Waukeens Promenade before you went there, @ronaldo ?
  • ronaldoronaldo Member Posts: 263
    @LavaDelVortel Yes I was in Waukeens Promenade right before I went to the Temple district. I did the fight upstairs at the Den of Seven Vales and then I believe I slept there and then went to the Temple area.
  • ronaldoronaldo Member Posts: 263
    Ok for what it's worth I reloaded a save right after the fight in the Den, slept there and then walked through the Promenade and exited to the Temple district and it seems to be working fine. At least so far he hasnt done anything weird.
    I will let you know if it happens again.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,886
    @ronaldo - go with your party and stend next to Mira, the merchant (on the left from the circus) and let me know if it's there again, please :)
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