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Attn: Those Who Have Not Pre-Ordered

bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
I've seen many users in this forum, as well as BG:EE beta testers, who don't have the pre-order badge.

My question is for those of you who have not pre-ordered is simply, why have you not pre-ordered, and what would have to chance to get you to pre-order?


  • ghostowlghostowl Member Posts: 171
    I don't plan on buying, because BG:EE does not really do anything special for strictly PC users. The new adventure is one arena, and 3 new NPCs does not equal 20 bucks. They say the new content is a lot of hours, but I'm assuming its exaggerated. Everything else, like bug fixes, new portraits and graphic enhancement(a.k.a. widescreen mod) can be downloaded and installed for free.

    Not worth it imo.
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    edited October 2012
    @bigdogchris On a completely unrelated note, your profile pic cracks me up everytime I see it. If Riker has on Geordi's VISOR, I guess Geordi is in some shite? Lol.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    edited October 2012
    There's 2820 badges for first comment and 2657 badges for pre-order. Serious, the pre-order exceeded any expectations, so i don't see much point in complain about people that did not pre-order.

    Only windows (and MAC?) version can be pre-ordered anyway, and there are people here that wish to play the game in other plataforms.

    Others will just wait the game to be launched to buy it, and they're not only in their rights as after the critical issue with the pre-order launch date postpone, i can't blame them after all.

    By the way @ghostowl has some reasons, because this binding contract that Beamdog take from ATARI is really problematic.

  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with not pre-ordering at all.
    A better target for the question would be those who don't plan to order the game ever.
  • ghostowlghostowl Member Posts: 171

    ghostowl said:

    I don't plan on buying, because BG:EE does not really do anything special for strictly PC users. The new adventure is one arena, and 3 new NPCs does not equal 20 bucks. They say the new content is a lot of hours, but I'm assuming its exaggerated. Everything else, like bug fixes, new portraits and graphic enhancement(a.k.a. widescreen mod) can be downloaded and installed for free.

    Not worth it imo.

    3 New NPCs, an incredible array of fixes and upgrades, new music, new dialogue, new cut scenes, new areas, new items, a total revamp of the best RPG of all time and 20 bucks isn't worth it? C'mon now. That's like a pizza.
    I can see what you're saying. Some people, like me, prefer not to spend money on video games and video game enhancements (like extra skins or items on popular games that just pleases the eye)

    20 bucks is like an expansion pack to a game for most people. If I'm strictly buying BG:EE for PC, what would I gain? New content. The amount of new content they put into this does not qualify the amount an expansion pack should have. The new content does not even change the main storyline or affect the game outcome...It's only a sidequest, and one single arena at that. Arena usually means there's more fighting and less dialogue/story.

    TLDR, I don't want to dish out the money I would pay for an expansion pack for new content that's barely any new content. New NPCs? Mods can do that. New music? Nice but don't need it. New story? Yes please. Oh wait, there is no new story to the BG main questline.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Some people will get the game for free, some will ask to a friend to install it for them, others will donwload it in some counterfeiting site... among other means.

    BG and BG II are save for now, as most of the people playing it do it for nostalgia and love for the game. BG3 that will probally come in an new engine should probally have more hard program defenses as BG3 surely will reach a huger group of consumers than BG or BG II being a new game and all (IF BG and BG II make enough success for a BG3, who knows).
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    @ghostowl What in the blazes does what you're saying have ANYTHING to do with this topic? Seriously.
  • rexregrexreg Member Posts: 292
    there is no pre-order for us lowly Mac users...we don't even have a firm release date, yet...
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    edited October 2012
    Just a heads up, saying things like that is a good way to piss people off around here. I'm not saying this to be confrontational or start an argument, just thought I'd warn you.
    See, typically about once a week we get a forum goer who says more or less what you're saying. Some of the more passionate supporters of BGEE take it upon themselves to correct this person by pointing out the multitude of things that BGEE offers. It starts off well enough, but after a while people tempers wear a little thin because they're explaining the same things over and over again.
    Post edited by TJ_Hooker on
  • Infern0Infern0 Member Posts: 44
    cant afford it yet, I know it's not overly expensive but i have a complsory student loan repayment that all my spare cash is going into, I will buy it on launch though
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    For me the benefit is... it's a two day effort to get the series running on my computer. I just want everything fixed nice and neat where I hit the install button and I can play. This last time I had to rebuy BG2+ToB to get it to run on my laptop.
  • GygaxianProseGygaxianProse Member Posts: 201
    I have a PC and iPad, am more interested in latter version for its interface and display quality
  • BrudeBrude Member Posts: 560
    There's no incentive to pre-order. This is a digital game. A whopping $2 discount is meaningless.

    Pre-ordering made more sense 10 years ago when you wanted to insure that your local store would reserve a copy for you on launch day. Or if you wanted special DLC stuff. Or a collector's box.

    Beamsog isn't offering any of that, so why would I give them $20 now?
  • SharnSharn Member Posts: 188
    I did pre-order, I just haven't bothered to bug anyone to get the badge put on my forum account.
  • TarquinTarquin Member Posts: 41
    I plan on playing on both Mac and iPad, and unfortunately can't pre-order for either. I would do it for both platforms--right now!--if I could. Just not quite worth the 3rd purchase for a forum badge, however.

    Actually, I would like to play it on the PC as well, but my gaming PC (really an HTPC) is hooked up to a TV. Some games, e.g., Skyrim, Fallout 3, and DA:O (with a font size mod) work great on the TV at a distance, others...not so well. I'm not sure how BG:EE would do on there, so no go, for right now.
  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    I'm a patient person. I can wait until launch and see if there are any bugs. I'll let the other guinea pigs to test it first then I'll decide whether to buy it. :)
  • ghostowlghostowl Member Posts: 171
    edited October 2012
    @TJ_hooker Yeah I don't mean to piss off any veterans here. I'm just saying that Beamdog could have attracted many more sales from PC players(such as me) if they only chose to add in slightly more main plot content/more storyline
  • styggastygga Member Posts: 467
    @Ghostowl That is impossible due to contract limitations. They can't change the game, just add content to it.
  • TarquinTarquin Member Posts: 41
    ghostowl said:

    @TJ_hooker Yeah I don't mean to piss off any veterans here. I'm just saying that Beamdog could have attracted many more sales from PC players(such as me) if they only chose to add in slightly more main plot content/more storyline

    I'm assuming you don't realize that Beamdog did not "chose" to limit their changes thusly, they are contractually obligated by the IP holders to modify existing content or make plot changes.

    I am also highly sceptical about those few people who stop by the forums complaining about what BG:EE doesn't do, and how if it only had features X, Y, or Z, they would buy it. Look, BG:EE has a huge number of improvements (and no, you can't get them all from just modding--not even close) and new content. If that's not worth $20 to you, I quite frankly don't believe that any new features would convince you to buy BG:EE...
  • salierisalieri Member Posts: 245
    Like many, I can't preorder for iOS :(
  • mjsmjs Member Posts: 742
    Playing on iOS, otherwise i would pre-order
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
  • ryuken87ryuken87 Member Posts: 563
    I agree with @ghostowl.

    1) Aside from the NPCs, I can get everything offered for free and have been getting it for free for quite some time.
    2) Based on the lone screenshot of the user interface, which I think looks amateurish, I don't have much faith in the product at release being smooth.
    3) I'm going to want to install mods before I start playing, so I want those to be ready as well when I buy.
    4) There's just not much point.

    Saying all that, I will definately buy it, it's Baldur's Gate after all!
  • CuanCuan Member Posts: 38
    What other people have said. I wont buy it either as there is so much custom content out there that it far exceeds anything added by beamdog.

    NPC's a plenty are available via download. Very well made ones as well I might add.
    Tons of extra content via mods, also some really well made ones that give far more play time than some arena.
    Bug fixes are available in droves so no need for it.

    Then there are things not in the EE version such as SCS, BG1NPC, BGSpawn and on and on.

    People exaggerate how long it takes to install. Takes no time at all once you done it once or twice and first time is not that bad either unless you are completely computer illiterate. Which I find hard to believe of anyone on forum sites.
  • DelvarianDelvarian Member Posts: 1,232
    I'm buying it on iPad so no preorder for me. I'm not sure what all the people who are not interested in this game are doing hanging around the boards.
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    edited October 2012
    Why are people who have no intention on buying it, "because you get it for free with mods", even here? If everything has already been done before, there's nothing new to learn in this forum.

    I hope you don't mind the sarcasm, I'm trying to prove a point.
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