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[mod] Dusky NPC for IWD EE

LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,897
edited March 2020 in IWD:EE Mods



Dusky is a new companion for IWD:EE (the mod won't work on any other version of the game). Just as in Baldur's Gate, he will join you once he's found and offered place in the player's group. You may join him quite soon as he's standing near the entrance to the cave near Easthaven.
Dusky is a male half-orcish cleric/thief of chaotic neutral alignment and may be romanced by any male character of Charisma 11 or greater. The mod was written as an addition to Kulyok's IWD NPCs, which also offer joinable NPCs with and without romances. Since the mod did not provide male/male romantic relationship, I've decided to write yet another mod to fill that space in the game.
Dusky should fit good, neutral, and evil themed teams. He will stay until the very end. The mod includes friendship talks, romance talks, a few interjections, and two banters with each Kulyok's characters (all approved by Kulyok).
The progression of talks is slightly different than in BG2: most talks will appear while visiting new places and following the main quest.
Note that the mod includes mature content.

Thanks to people who made this mod happen, especially to @typo_tilly and @Artemius_I - our dear community members, who supported me greatly!

Basic NPC information:

=> male half-orcish cleric/thief
=> chaotic neutral alignment
=> statistics: strength - 17 / dexterity - 18 / constitution - 16 / intelligence - 10 / wisdom - 16 / charisma - 9

Post edited by LavaDelVortel on


  • AWizardDidItAWizardDidIt Member Posts: 214
    We don't see many IWD companion mods. Awesome :)
  • DawgliciousDawglicious Member Posts: 224
    Awesome! IWD can always use cool new NPCs. Is there anywhere I can check out his stats? Also do you have any recommendations as to who would be best to cut from Kulyok's group to fit Dusky?
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,897
    @AWizardDidIt @Dawglicious - Thanks! I edited my post and Included stats in the first post :) As for who to drop from Kulyok's NPC... well, I can't give you an answer for that question. It's hard to say... plus, if I remember correctly, you can decide on their class so... it's all up to you :)
  • EekanImpEekanImp Member Posts: 28
    edited April 2017
    1. A joinable Half-Orc NPC. Those are r a r e. I'm so happy to see another added. <3
    2. A new NPC for IDW - even M O R E rare. ;)

    Thank you so much for this mod. I still don't comment much (as a general rule) but I had to pop in and give you my best wishes. :)

    New mods are always exciting. I'm off to install IWD right away. >:)
    Post edited by EekanImp on
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,897
    edited April 2017
    @EekanImp - Hah! You're welcome! Note that IWD is a game that wasn't planned to have that kind of content so it was a bit hard to implement lots of dialogues... you are fighting hordes of enemies most of the time so, there are less talks than in BG romances, BUT there's something in each chapter :) That includes HoW.

    However, if you are going to check the romance, you may always use PID from time to time :) I included some small flirts etc.

    If you're going to join some of Kulyok's NPC, there are 2 banter talks with each of them.
  • EekanImpEekanImp Member Posts: 28
    edited April 2017
    Quality rather than quantity then? :p

    New content in each chapter makes it worth it. All the more reason to see this playthrough through to the end. Also, I'll admit, I adore PID. Especially if there are questions/mini-talks involved. It makes everything seem less one-sided. :D

    I also know, from experience, that PID is tricky to write. It's always a treat to have for that reason. >:)

    I'm already familiar with Kulyok's NPCs and will be using them again this playthrough. I wonder how Dusky will fit into their dynamic. :)

    Just going to head out of Easthaven (look for the Caravan) now. ;)
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,897
    @EekanImp - You know, there were written together, as a one mod, so they will chat much more between them. If it was to be like one mod with Kulyok's mod, I would need to write much content for each of the NPCs and they are not my characters, ergo I could get something wrong. Kulyok had a look at the banters I included, so they should be fine, though.

    There are just some PIDs as writing those is always a bit... well, it's less fun :P Not sure if I got those fine, they may need some more work, but you'll have to decide on your own. You will get only some at the begining, more when the romance is active, and another portion when the romance is succesful. I think there are like 4-5 unique questions that appear after you learn certain something about him.

    As for the number of talks - it should be rather simillar in terms of NPC-PC talks, but Kulyok's work includes many NPC-NPC banters and as I said, Dusky will only have like 2 banters with each NPC from IWD NPC mod.

    Anyway, it was my first IWD NPC so I just hope I got it more or less right. You will have to decide on your own :)
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,897
    Thanks to @EekanImp the mod got a small update - some bugs just got killed. All hail EekanImp! :) The new version can be found in the first post.
  • EekanImpEekanImp Member Posts: 28
    edited April 2017
    Here's a quick review of the mod - since I finished IWD + HoW last night - and my experience with it. Mostly to help players who are still undecided. :)

    To start with, I know IWD is usually played with a party created entirely by the player. I've done my share of adventuring that way. But, for me, Baldur's Gate's best feature was its NPCs. Their banters and talks. The thought of experiencing the Frozen North with actual NPCs is appealing to me. ;)

    A quick note: I also installed the Kulyok NPCs for IWD, which I was already familiar with, and highly recommend. For this run Nella, Teri, Holvir and Severn joined up. Dusky filled the final spot.

    But what about the classes? A well-balanced party?
    Dusky's classes are set (thief + cleric) but Kulyok's NPCs do offer various options. Choose your character's class accordingly and you're all set. >:)

    Another note: Install the 'Always address Player 1' tweak and it's almost like BGEE. Though, of course, you will miss out on class-specific dialogue in IWD. Decide accordingly. ;)

    But more about Dusky...

    1. He has less banters and interjections than the Kulyok NPCs, but he is by no means silent. There's enough content to make the game feel fresh without being overwhelming.

    2. The mod includes friendship talks and a romance (for male characters). Dusky's pretty easy going and got along well with my Neutral Good character. That said, I imagine he'd play nice with most anyone.

    3. Lava's written several NPCs and, by now, is familiar with the formula. :) (Though this is his first IWD NPC). The talks are entertaining and vary from being serious to laugh-out-loud funny.

    4. There's PID for those who, like me, enjoy poking their significant other and friends. Repeatedly. And with no shame. :p Dusky's PID is simple, not overly complex, and adds new options as the game progresses. After the romance locked in, there were quite a few new interactions.

    5. What (few) bugs I encountered have already been ironed-out. Lava's quick on support and will be happy to help during anyone's playthrough. I feel confident saying that. :p

    Finally: It's a Half-Orc NPC! Those are rare (even in BG games). Other than Dorn, who Beamdog added, I can only think of two and both are mods. Gahesh (another Lava mod, though not EE compatible I think) and the newly released Ishlilka for BGEE (BG2EE content pending).

    Anyone who ever complained about the lack of orcish characters should ABSOLUTELY try Dusky out.

    While I normally grow bored towards the end of IWD (too many playthroughs, methinks), I saw it through to the finish. Adding NPCs can make you feel invested and I, personally, wanted to know how my character's budding relationship with his Half-Orc BAE would end... >:) the point where I could slog through Dorn's Deep, ignore the lack of V2.0 update for the game, and happily gather my party and venture forth.
    Post edited by EekanImp on
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,897
    @EekanImp - thank you very much for your feedback. Yes, there's a bit less than in Kulyoks mod, mostly because her NPCs were designed to keep together and chat about things, they know eachother etc and it's quite hard to push someone into their team, but I decided that he will simly talk to them a couple of times and that I'll focus on Dusky and his relationship with the main character :)
    Dusky was interesting to write and I hope people will still enjoy the character.

    Again, thank you very much!
  • AzuriteAzurite Member Posts: 1
    Hi, I've been enjoying Dusky so far, but have run into a game breaking bug. We arrived in Kuldahar, and Dusky will walk towards Holvir and the dialog box opens, but his PID comes up. This will repeat indefinitely no matter what option I pick. I've tried changing DUSKYHOLVIRBANTER, but I get the same effect.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,897
    edited April 2017
    @Azurite - Hmm, weird - use CLUAConsole:GetGlobal("DuskyHolvirBanter","GLOBAL") and tell me what number it is, please.

    Okay, nevermind! Found it! The new, fixed version, is up! If you want to fix it with console, use this console code:
    Post edited by LavaDelVortel on
  • DawgliciousDawglicious Member Posts: 224
    Just wanted to let you know I have been using Dusky and so far I really enjoy him! A great addition to IWD.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,897
    Thanks! Hope you'll still like him once you finish the game! :)
  • trinittrinit Member Posts: 705
    this is an excellent idea! and i love the class choice!

    finally i have some incentive to replay iwd:ee (someday soon when i have free time)

    of course, i couldn't resist and checked dialogue files, i really love the concept and talks, i hope you will have some time to add more interjections and especially more talks with the rest of the crew to make dusky feel more integrated with the kulyok npc.
    the only thing i did miss was a "future" talk just before the fight at the ending of the iwd main campaign. it's possible i missed that one.

    overall, thank you for adding more options to the game! this kind of npc was long overdue :)
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,897
    Thanks! :) I'm always happy when players want to give my mods a chance :) Cheers! :)
  • LughChulainnLughChulainn Member Posts: 14
    Giving this mod a shot.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,897
    Great! Have fun!
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    Does this mod require that the IWD NPC mod be installed?
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,897
    No :) It *can* be installed with IWD NPCs to get additional 2 banters with each of Kulyok's NPC, but the mod may also be installed without it.
  • kyudoshakyudosha Member Posts: 10
    Is there non beta version of this mod? :)
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,897
    No, but it should be stable. As you may see, people already finished the game with the character in the party and no serious problems were reported.
  • kyudoshakyudosha Member Posts: 10
    that part I know :3 was just wondering if there will be soon some update for mod :smile:
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    I would like to announce that Deities of Faerûn has a component that gives a kit for Dusky :)
    The Silentwalker of Mask!
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,897
    Thank you!
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    Thank you!

    No, thank you!

    Without your green light there would be no component :)
  • PsicoVicPsicoVic Member Posts: 868
    Very nice add. Cool to have new options for companions in IWD. I love the IWD series, but missed the companions of the BG2 and Torment. Hope comes more.

    Works fine for me. I am using several IWDNPC companions and Thurald. Sometimes Dusky tries to talk several times to you but worked in the end. Good job!
  • kiwidockiwidoc Member Posts: 1,437
    edited April 2020
    I love this guy to bits (and so does my PC!) A fun but believable romance that has humour, emotion and common sense that blends together to make something more realistic than most romances. I appreciate the way he has expanded the possibilities for the IWD NPC, allowing me to play my favourite game at least twice more without being too repetitive.

    I've finished almost all the main game, and I'm about to head off on HoW and I haven't struck a single bug yet.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,897
    Thank you! :)
  • ilduderinoilduderino Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2020
    Really enjoying having this guy on the team, he is well written and fun to have on board. Using a cleric/thief is a first and I am enjoying the utility.

    Am playing a “good” character and have disagreed with his more permissive views on thievery a few times, I am hoping he won’t get annoyed or leave as a result?

    Just going through The Hand, going well with a party of Dusky, Minerva, Ina, Karihi and Urchin.
    Post edited by ilduderino on
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