Most entertaining NPC in BG1?

Who do people think is the most entertaining (not best in terms of stats) NPC in Baldur's Gate 1? I've always found Monteron quite entertaining (and Xzar, "I wanted infravision like the elves... But 'tis more than just taking their eyes..."), and Minsc of course ("Go for the eyes Boo! Go for the eyes!"), but some NPCs I've never had in my party, so don't really know what they're like. I feel no guilt about sending Khalid or Xan to their deaths, though...
Xzar for his urgent & bizarre non-sequiturs ("I've seen dragons with feet like rabbits! Tis true, I swear!")
Kivan & Viconia for the completely cruel things they say to one another, especially when one of them dies.
As for the great lines, it's Xzar for me.
Actually Jaheira, whilst generally annoying, does have some good lines e..g. "If a tree falls in a forest... I'll kill the bastard what done it!"
Mentioned this in another thread, but Skie (albeit grating) is (unintentionally) hilarious when wading through Durlag's Tower, disarming insta-kill traps and opening nigh-impossible locks all the while complaining she broke a nail in the process.
His quotes are just the best man and his voice is great too. Plus he even quotes "The Jabberwocky" at one point! :P
Best ever? "Impressive. I may not kill you after all."
I have restarted many a time because I started missing some character or the other after I had "locked in" a certain party configuration.
EDIT: Btw, my favorite for sheer entertainment value combined with great usefulness tactically is Jan Jansen. "I remember a time, waaay back..." ; "...turnips..."; "Ah, Minsc, what a lovely hamster you have there... wouldn't Boo be more comfortable in my own backpack for a bit?..."
Who art thou to touch me like you know me!
@Figrut , they kinda give the option of instantaneously changing your mates in games such as Dragon Age or NWN2 ...but it did feel a little artificial for me. I prefer the idea that they 'carry on with their lives' if I dump them (even though they usually go wait in the tavern haha)
and Eldoth
underrated characters but very charismatic
Xzar is hilarious - he sounds legitimately crazy, is loaded with random quotes, and the voice acting is awesome.
Safana is funny and very very sexy.
Xan ... who can forget lines like "Why do we not save our efforts and just lie down and die?" and "The sun shines, and I am amazed we live to see another day."
Agree with Brude Viconia and Kivan have ... fun ... banter. I'm sure people have taken their senseless hating and turned it into slash fanfiction right? pfft
I personally find Quayle extremely amusing ... the voice acting is hilarious and his lines are just so 6 Charisma.
Edwin has a few amusing lines, such as his "Elminster this, Elminster that" line.
Agree with Kaxon Imoen is pretty fun. I prefer the bubbly, faithful kid sister Imoen over the plot device Imoen any day.
There's just a lot of great characters, it's true ...
(Right now, it's Jaheira in BG1. I'm loving her, but I also want Kivan, Coran, Montaron, Viconia, Edwin, and Eldoth .... )
Now that would be interesting. Imagine a mod where you play Imoen through the whole campaign. (Could be any NPC but she is another Bhaalspawn so at least the game would still hold together if it was her XD)
Closest I've ever come is rolling a PC with Kivan's stats and portrait in an unmodded BG2 game, on the basis that he never really said much anyway. :P
Agreed. I don't associate myself with imbeciles in real life, therefore I don't in video games.