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EET and other mods for an almost new (and confused) player



  • CaedwyrCaedwyr Member Posts: 176
    You can just put the portrait .bmp files into the ...\Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition Trilogy\portraits folder. Portraits should be 210x330 px resolution 24-bit bitmap (.bmp) files.

    If you don't care about having subtitles for character voicesets, you can also just put the sound files in the folder ...\Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition\lang\en_US\sounds
  • AntonIIAntonII Member Posts: 31
    Lagonero wrote: »
    I see, thanks for the headsup, will likely save me a lot of head scratching soon...

    Do I actually use a mod to install custom potraits? I remember being able to select images from packs and placing them into a potrait folde in the games directory. Since I will likely handpick just a few anyway.

    With EE under Windows/Steam, portraits are in Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition Trilogy\portraits folder. The portrait picker gives you an easier time to select the custom portrait for your Character (instead of selecting it via the tiny drop-down menu), but they work best if your portraits are already in the folder when you install the game (As far as I remember anyway).

    Here is what it looks like:

  • LagoneroLagonero Member Posts: 56
    Ah I see, thanks guys, so far I'm making it so it installs all other mods before GUI modifications, I fell asleep midway Making the txt file for the installation order ?
    But so far so good :D
  • LagoneroLagonero Member Posts: 56

    So it would be safe to finish the core list, then put my portrait pack in the respective game folder , and then install LEUI and EEUI tweaks including the portrait picker? That would be very convenient.

    While I'm at it, do you guys have suggestions regarding portrait packs that you like? I know it comes down to personal taste, buy generally I would look for something that doesn't clash too much with the rest of the vanilla portraits and retain a similar vibe, more or less.
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    edited December 2020
    Lagonero wrote: »

    While I'm at it, do you guys have suggestions regarding portrait packs that you like? I know it comes down to personal taste, buy generally I would look for something that doesn't clash too much with the rest of the vanilla portraits and retain a similar vibe, more or less.

    Try this one. It is very high quality and is BG-esque in style. There is also this one, but its style is different from vanilla, so it may be not to your liking. In any case, both are exceptionally well done.

    You can find many other portrait packs here.

  • LagoneroLagonero Member Posts: 56
    Cahir wrote: »
    Lagonero wrote: »

    While I'm at it, do you guys have suggestions regarding portrait packs that you like? I know it comes down to personal taste, buy generally I would look for something that doesn't clash too much with the rest of the vanilla portraits and retain a similar vibe, more or less.

    Try this one. It is very high quality and is BG-esque in style. There is also this one, but its style is different from vanilla, so it may be not to your liking. In any case, both are exceptionally well done.

    You can find many other portrait packs here.

    Thank you! I've taken a quick look at the second and third link, plenty of options to choose from :)

    Unfortunately I can't open the first link (on mobile at the moment, maybe it works on pc) but I'll try to check it out later!
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    Lagonero wrote: »
    Cahir wrote: »
    Lagonero wrote: »

    While I'm at it, do you guys have suggestions regarding portrait packs that you like? I know it comes down to personal taste, buy generally I would look for something that doesn't clash too much with the rest of the vanilla portraits and retain a similar vibe, more or less.

    Try this one. It is very high quality and is BG-esque in style. There is also this one, but its style is different from vanilla, so it may be not to your liking. In any case, both are exceptionally well done.

    You can find many other portrait packs here.

    Thank you! I've taken a quick look at the second and third link, plenty of options to choose from :)

    Unfortunately I can't open the first link (on mobile at the moment, maybe it works on pc) but I'll try to check it out later!

    It should work on your PC. I have trouble opening mods hosted on SHS on mobile too.
  • LagoneroLagonero Member Posts: 56
    Yeah it works :)
  • LagoneroLagonero Member Posts: 56

    I'm making the txt file, but I encountered something that I don't really know how to fix:


    I'm assuming I can't just past those entries :#

    I've tried downlaoding unfinished buisness from different sites, but the file is always the same :/
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819

    Hmm, not sure what happend. I'm using v28beta, though. Downloaded from here.

    Try using this one. PI detects it without issues on my end.

    Here is the path for it in my PI downloads folder:
  • LagoneroLagonero Member Posts: 56
    Thanks, that version seems to be working :)
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 583
    Lagonero wrote: »
    While I'm at it, do you guys have suggestions regarding portrait packs that you like? I know it comes down to personal taste, buy generally I would look for something that doesn't clash too much with the rest of the vanilla portraits and retain a similar vibe, more or less.

    For an experience close to vanilla, I recommend Enkida's Portrait Pack which brings some mod NPC portraits in line in terms of style.
  • LagoneroLagonero Member Posts: 56
    Isewein wrote: »
    Lagonero wrote: »
    While I'm at it, do you guys have suggestions regarding portrait packs that you like? I know it comes down to personal taste, buy generally I would look for something that doesn't clash too much with the rest of the vanilla portraits and retain a similar vibe, more or less.

    For an experience close to vanilla, I recommend Enkida's Portrait Pack which brings some mod NPC portraits in line in terms of style.

    Thank you! These look to be right up my alley :)

    I still expect to spend at least the same time I'm taking to mod the game, to choose my Charname portrait.
  • LagoneroLagonero Member Posts: 56
    edited December 2020

    I finally made the txt file!
    What I did was, for semplicity to me and to gain a bit of familiarity with the program at first:

    -Install all the BG1 mods (DLC merger and such) to BG1 EE with PI, and everything seemed to go smoothly.

    -Install the music pack and the SoD items to BG2 EE into BG2 EE (manually for simplicity)

    -Made the text for installation order starting with EET all the way up to SCS components (as per the list suggested by @Caedwyr ).

    The issue is this:


    As soon as I click "start installation", PI stops working (have tried leaving it like this for a few minutes before "cliclking away, for good measure, but it wasnt able to recover the 2-3 times i tried to launch the installation process". I should say I don't have a weak computer processor wise, at all (I'm pretty sure it should be able to handle this type of processes).

    Is this normal? Should i wait for hours if needed with the program not responding? I attached the .txt file just in case I slipped and made some errors that the software can't comprehend.

    EDIT: I closed the software a couple of times already while not responding, did I compromise the current BG2 installation? Or is the program smart enough to not apply changes if the installation process doesnt manage to end successfully?

  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    edited December 2020

    In the right top corner you have an icon called "Logs". Can you enter it and paste the content of the log file from the installation that are not running?

    Some mods (like EET or SCS) are installing significantly longer than other mods, but anyway you should see the installation process. Has it stalled on a specific mod?
  • LagoneroLagonero Member Posts: 56

    I wasnt sure what you needed so i simply attached them all x)

    I am afraid that the text was generated in italian tho, I might need to change the laguage settings ;/

    And the installation doesnt stall at any specific mod, the software simply stops working as soon as I click the "Start installation" button.
    It worked fine with a much smaller list of mods (the first batch of mods i installed for BG1).
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    Hmm, have you filled game paths to all your games (BGEE/BG2EE/SoD)? like on the screen below?

    I think PI is not detecting your SoD game. It was not a problem on your previous attempts because you were running installation on pure BGEE and BG2EE. Now, since EET requires SoD, you need also to set up path for SoD executable.
  • LagoneroLagonero Member Posts: 56

    ooooh I see! That does make sense, I filled it before but it somehow reset.

    Now I started the installation, and albeit it was stuck at non responding status for a few minutes, I waited and it asked me again for the path to BGEE +SOD, it's now working :) hopefully all goes well, thanks a lot for the help!
  • LagoneroLagonero Member Posts: 56
    edited December 2020

    Sorry again for the @, I figured I'd post here before going into the PI thread since you have the full "context" already :#

    During the installation, I had to enter some inputs regarding some choices for the mod components which I assume were mandatory to make but i didnt' include them in the txt file, and that's ok.
    Other than that though, the installation had to stop 6 times so far to warn me about errors while installing a mod, each time different of course, here are the screenshots:

    I don't know how bad this type of error is, they all seemed to be "exitcode=3". Have you encountered stuff like this in your installations before?

    I'll try to stay up until the installation is finished (should be at the last components anyway) and see if the game runs starts and runs smoothly at least, but it would suck to start a trilogy run and discover midway that modded content is either missing, broken, or conflicting with other content, vanilla or modded :/

    EDIT: the installation completed at last, and the game stats up correctly, so far I confirm the Trilogy is working (I got a new icon to start the game specifically EET), all the new kits, and the Portraits Everyewhere is in place. One thing I noticed tho, is that for example the Old Movies mod is not working on EET, while it was working on BG1 EE (tested after I installed it yesterday), so there is that :#

    Now I'll sleep, I'll look to test it more extensively tomorrow and if I have to reinstall everything, it's not a big deal since the txt file is ready and so are the mods. Maybe something went wrong when i kept trying to install and the software stopped working/closed?
    Post edited by Lagonero on
  • AntonIIAntonII Member Posts: 31
    edited December 2020
    @Lagonero Stuff like this happened to everybody who tried to make a build. I think the errorcode simply means that it didn't install the component. I didn't try to use the mods you use here, so I can't comment on them specifically, but sometimes, the mistake was that I accidentally downloaded a wrong, obsolete or beta version of a mod.

    Some mods I sadly never got to work, like the unofficial items pack.

    I installed the game ~10 times until I was (somewhat) satisfied with my build, but I'm sure you'll have a swifter journey. :lol:

    Anyway, let's wait for Cahir to report on these specific mods.
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    @Lagonero I'm away from my PC today, so my help will be limited.

    Unfortunately there is not much I can help here except couple of advices.We've all been there and you will probably need to reinstall the whole modlist couple of times, trying different things (changing load order, deleting or adding mods, updating mods etc.).That's why I strongly suggested to use PI which will make your life much easier with this. Coming to my advices:
    1. Check if mod versions you're trying to use are up to date. In some cases mod version on the official page is not the newest one.
    2. Check if you didn't select component of a mod that is dependant on other (Core) component of the same mod (which you forgot to add to the list).
    3. Double check your load order. Cross check with Caedwyr's list or mine if offended mod is not out of place in the load order.
    4. Ask for advice in the mod specific forum (here, G3, SHS, PPG, Weasel mods or whichver site hosts the mod). It's the most probable place you will find solution to your specific installation problem.
    5. Have patience. You will get there, but it may take some time. As I've said, we were all in the same spot.

    Maybe @Caedwyr will come up with solution off hand, he's much more tech-oriented than me and he is above all, a modder ?
  • CaedwyrCaedwyr Member Posts: 176
    Can you zip and post the .debug files for the mods that reported errors during install? That's what we need to dig into to get to work. Things may not work completely smoothly because you are using different versions of some of the mods than the ones I ended up using.
  • LagoneroLagonero Member Posts: 56
    edited December 2020
    Thanks for the support everyone, I really appreciate it!


    I attached the .rar debug files (5 files for the 6 errors I got, since 2 of the errors came from the SCS installation). One thing I noticed, in game, was the descriptions of the different difficulty settings that were definitely different to match an SCS installation, even if the main component of SCS gave the warning. I don't now if this is of any help, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

    It's also ok if some of the kits and changes made by these mods won't be able to be installed togheter smoothly, I feel like the game will aleady be full of content and options, and as you actually stated in your list, I might want to just hand-pick the kits i plan on exploring during character creation anyway, and I'm glad the rest of the mods seemed to work well; I would still enoy a set up heavy on quests and npc content and more light on kits and rules changes (although the Tweaks from Tweak Anthology look sooo good, I'm glad you recommended them).

    EDIT: looking at the latest version of Classic Movies, they added PI support and EET compatibility, but I ended up installing it in the firt game before even starting EET on bg2 EE, so maybe the EET installation ended up overwiting it. In the very unlikely case I don't have to reinstall everything from scratch, do you think it would be possible to install Classic Movies at this stage? (probably even after LEUI to avoid issues with that, as specified by the classic movies ini). If it's not possible to add it now, I don't mind too much.


    Yeah when I decided to make a heavy modded set up for these games, I had the impression it might take a while to get it going at an acceptably stable state, so it's ok if it takes me a couple of tries. I'm also glad i decided to use Project Infinity, it really streamlines the process.


    Yeah I'll double check the order and versions of the mods, I mainly used the links provided by Caedwyr so let's see if googling the incriminated mods will yield newer versions, it was the case for unfinished buisness and that fixed PI not being able to detect it, for example. Thans for the tips, they really help )

    Post edited by Lagonero on
  • CaedwyrCaedwyr Member Posts: 176
    edited December 2020
    So, recommendations.
    1. If BGEE Classic movies has been updated with EET support then I'd probably install it before or after #4High Quality Soundclips for BG2EE Extended Content from my original list.
    2. Regarding Bardic Wonders @AionZ , I believe the errors in your install were harmless.
      [./override/SPSH004.spl] loaded, 20274 bytes

      WARNING: no effects altered on SPSH004.spl
      WARNING: no effects altered on SPSH004.spl
      WARNING: no effects altered on SPSH004.spl
      WARNING: no effects altered on SPSH004.spl
      WARNING: no effects altered on SPSH004.spl
      Copied [SPSH004.spl] to [override/C0DESP7.spl] .....

      INSTALLED WITH WARNINGS Bardic Wonders: Deathsinger Kit

      PI may not like the warnings and may treat this as a failed install. @ALIEN or others may know more about how what appear to be harmless errors are treated by PI.
    3. Shadow Magic: Quests and Encounters didn't have any errors listed in the .debug file. It's likely that the debug file got overwritten at some point. At this point, I'd keep the quests and encounters component and skip the kit/class modifications if you are planning on being more discerning as to which kit mods to include.
    4. The same thing happened with Might & Guile. The Gallant kit was successfully installed which overwrote the .debug file that contained the errors. I'd just leave the kits out for your playthrough.
    5. For Grey the Dog @jastey the issues may be something that could impact your playthrough
      ...[./override/bdcut65.bcs] loaded, 5749 bytes

      WARNING: could not find \(SetAreaScript("",OVERRIDE)\)[%newline%]*\(END\) in bdcut65.bcs
      Extending game scripts ...

      This looks like a parsing error, likely due to a typo in the code. I am not 100% on this.
    6. Strategems also has had the error messages in the .debug file erased because of how PI handles installing multiple components. I'm not sure how to make PI output the .debug file that contains the error message without overwriting things. It is possible that you are running into this problem caused by your antivirus software. My suggestion is if you are doing a reinstall, automate everything up to the Initialize General AI via PI and then do the remainder with a manual install. When the error/warnings happen, copy the .debug file for SCS and post it here so we can see what type of warnings the mod is throwing out. I know there are some "No changes made" type warnings that show up for some mods that are harmless, but I can't recall if SCS was one of those. Like I mentioned before, it'd be nice if there was a way to generate a more detailed debug file or combined error file for a PI install.

    One thing I did or tried to do when posting the mods from my list earlier was link to the location where the latest version would be expected to be found. I tried to avoid linking to specific versions. This does mean however that you aren't going to reproduce my install exactly and there'll be some growing pains to get things sorted out.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    PI keeps logs for all of the installation messages, for each installation. So if the .debbug files were overwritten, logs will have everything.
  • LagoneroLagonero Member Posts: 56

    Your help is, as always, priceless.

    I am in the process of reinstalling everything, and yeah I also took a look at the debug files and ctrl+f for "warning" didn't find anything so I was confused, now I see it's how PI works. What I'm doing now is:

    - Fresh installation of the games

    - Manual installing the Sod To Bg2 into bg2 folder

    - installing all mods (Bg1 mods included) at once with PI with the path to bg2 EE selected (as pointed out by @Cahir and the PI thread, with EET in the list, the software will discern the directory to the correct game) , up until SCS.

    - manual installing SCS so that if it returns any warnings, hopefully the debug file will be the correct one (turning off the antivirus as well just in case).

    At this point I might decide to leave out Grey the dog , although it looks very nice :) I will definitely install it when I sort out all other things.

    I'll leave out the kits from shadow magic and might and guile, won't bother me too much I'm pretty sure. I'm also thankful you linked the sources with the likely last updates, even if it means running into some unforeseen errors.

    I'm quite shocked, actually, that I only got these few and likely harmless errors for the most part, on my first try: a testament to how precise your install order is!

    I'll update the situation after I'm done with the installation, I'll leave the UI and portraits modification last, since that seems to be compatible with the list and , for some specific stuff, even ideal.

  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,811
    edited December 2020
    @Caedwyr the warning in Grey is fixed in the already uploaded 5.1.
    It's just a cutscene at the end of SoD: Grey will not walk with the group. It's a minor issue if you can't update to 5.1.
    EDIT: sorry, wrongly tagged Cahir first
  • LagoneroLagonero Member Posts: 56
    @jastey Ah this is nice to hear, I can use it! than you :)
  • LagoneroLagonero Member Posts: 56
    edited December 2020

    Update on the installation:

    This time it looked like it went a bit better, I'll attach the PI logs of the mods that gave warnings or straight up did not install due to errors.

    I will probably also post these on the respective mods thread , but I think these are not vital components to the overall game (too bade about shades of the sword coast, tho :/ ), so I might end up keeping this installation (after I add the portraits and UI mods) . Of course, if there is a way to fix the SotSC and re-install it in my current set up (read on EET readme that by uninstalling the EET_end , and then reapplying after changes, one can alter the installations of mods inside EET), I'd gladly do it.

    Regarding SCS, everything worked except what i think to be changes to ascension stuff (final enemies, as far as I understand), which again shouldnt be game breaking but still useful to know for future set ups I assume.

    I will get around to post it on SCS forum as well, of course.

    All in all, I think I'm pretty happy with how this installation went, and unless you or others feel like it's worth it doing it again to fix these issues, I will probably keep it as is. At the same time, it's not too time consuming thanks to PI, thank you for that @ALIEN :smile:

  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    Lagonero wrote: »

    Update on the installation:

    This time it looked like it went a bit better, I'll attach the PI logs of the mods that gave warnings or straight up did not install due to errors.

    I will probably also post these on the respective mods thread , but I think these are not vital components to the overall game (too bade about shades of the sword coast, tho :/ ), so I might end up keeping this installation (after I add the portraits and UI mods) . Of course, if there is a way to fix the SotSC and re-install it in my current set up (read on EET readme that by uninstalling the EET_end , and then reapplying after changes, one can alter the installations of mods inside EET), I'd gladly do it.

    Regarding SCS, everything worked except what i think to be changes to ascension stuff (final enemies, as far as I understand), which again shouldnt be game breaking but still useful to know for future set ups I assume.

    I will get around to post it on SCS forum as well, of course.

    All in all, I think I'm pretty happy with how this installation went, and unless you or others feel like it's worth it doing it again to fix these issues, I will probably keep it as is. At the same time, it's not too time consuming thanks to PI, thank you for that @ALIEN :smile:

    I think Shades of the Sword Coast is not yet natively EET compatible, so installation on BG2EE will likely fail. You may try to install it on BGEE prior to EET instead - I think that should work. Be aware that this is still very new mod and it's in BETA stage. I'll ping @LavaDelVortel just in case to confirm, if installing that way will work or not.
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