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BG2EE: Android Mod Request

So i've seen some people here requesting mods for android and i got deeply interested in it aswell haha. I don't have a PC so i can't do it myself. I've got the latest version of BG2EE and i wanted a very small list of mods installed, like Tweaks Anthology, for example. Any 'gud' soul?


  • Allanon81Allanon81 Member Posts: 356
    edited April 2021
    @Lockjawler You the same guy from discord?

    Give this a shot.

    Download the Allanon 7z file. Inside the spoilers will be a list of included mods (tweaks,etc.) In that discussion should be a link about modifying dialog.klt file
    (Basically renaming the old dialog.klt to something,anything that has the exact number of digits as dialog.klt ( Very Important

    Hope this helps

  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    Hi @Lockjawler and welcome to the forum.

    Thanks @Allanon81 for the pointers to a good modfile and the instructions to edit the dialog file.

    If the modfile that @Allanon81 is pointing to is not to your liking, then I can do up a personalised modfile. I noticed that you were only after a couple of mods. Just list the mods that you want and if the mod has components (like Tweaks Anthology), then list the components as well.

    Depending on the mods you want, it still maybe likely that you will need to modify the patch.obb to remove the games access to the vanilla dialog.tlk. Also, let me know if you are running Android 11 on your device. Due to the new security arrangements, there may be a couple of additional steps you to do to alow you to copy the modfile to the Files folder.

    I am unsure of your technical know how but if this looks a bit overwhelming (editing the patch.obb) then there are a number of Tweaks Anthology components which don't edit the dialog.tlk and can run with no problems.

    For info, the main problems that you see are INVALID text messages (where the game is looking at the vanilla dialog.tlk for the info but it is located in the modified one which is part of the modfile) and with certain mods, the game will crash.

    Hope all that makes sense and if it doesn't then I am happy to explain further. My time online is limited at the moment (with the lockdown) but I will get it done ...

    Happy Gaming
  • LockjawlerLockjawler Member Posts: 4
    Oh thank you @Allanon81and @Gusinda!

    Also yeah, @Allanon81, it's me, Ulhaunt lol.

    I am a newbie when it comes to modding, and Baldur's Gate too! When i got to BG2 i wanted to be a mix of Irenicus and Sarevok (basically, spell casting with heavy armor). But being that powerful for a 20h gameplay only kinda sucked (yes, i am that anxious haha). So i think that Allanon's file shall work perfectly for my game! I hope it is not asking much but, could you summarize the installation method for me? I'm slightly confused with the lang file and all..
  • Allanon81Allanon81 Member Posts: 356
    1. Download RAR app from google play store.
    2. Rename or add .zip to file extension like this:
    BeamdogBG2enhancedblahblah.obb > or
    (Just the extension not the file name)
    3. Use RAR app to “see” inside BG2EE obb file.
    4. Long press on dialog.tlk file.
    5. Options should pop up.
    6. Rename dialog.tlk to something with same amount of letters before and after period, like this:
    dialog.tlk >
    7. Back out and it should save, with no compression. (May take awhile, be patient)
    8. It’s been awhile but I believe you unzip the mod file and place it in android/data/baldudrsgateIIenhancededition/files
    (This is where override,sounds, etc. folders are)
    9. There should be a .lua file and a “” file sitting next to each other.
    10. You’re done, start the game already! ;)
  • LockjawlerLockjawler Member Posts: 4
    By the nineth circlet of Oblivion, it worked! Thank you very much! Now, all i need is a way to teach Rapture of the Father to my Fighter/Mage haha. Thank you!!
  • Allanon81Allanon81 Member Posts: 356
    @Lockjawler Just be aware that I believe the mod skips the intro with Irenicus, reverts rules to be more in-line with PnP (pen and paper; essentially original 2nd edition D&D), no visible helmets (you still get benefits), and other stuff. I had Gusinda make this for me a ways back and I wanted everything to stay close to vanilla D&D.
  • 2k16daniel2k16daniel Member Posts: 14
    edited April 2021
    Hello Everyone
    I've Successfully compiled the weidu and other utility using termux. I Did that so that I can do mod even without pc , but I need help first for clarification (before I share the guide) because we're not using the same Android OS.

    Screenshot below


    I'm on Android 11. My soon to be post guide might not work on Android 11 below that's why I need help:

    /storage/emulated/0 on A11 was not case-sensitive (which is good ) but it suffer in slow speed , it because of new SAF. Using weidu on this path (on android11) was pain in the *** , soo sloow (might not be an issue on Android 10 below if it was not case sensitive) , I just did a couple of workaround (I'm rooted , so I can access its real mountpoint [/data/media/0/]) so this was not the problem to me.

    Now many of u may still using A10 (I recommend Android 10 below OS) I just wanted you to tell me if Android 10's (below) /storage/emulated/0/ was also case insensitive , by using cd command on that path

    Use Termux App.

    Example :
    Go to your internal memory path.
    Let say In Your internal directory tree u have


    if you can access "Documents" by typing "cd documents/" it means your path are not case sensitive , as it recognize "documents == Documents"

    So u tell me guys , i dont have older phone here.



    Everything seems fine , I installed 3 mods now without issue (Tweak Anthology v9 , SoD to bg2EE items , Shadow Magic) and Enjoying it now.
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    Hi @2k16daniel, responded on the other thread.

  • LockjawlerLockjawler Member Posts: 4
    Kind of late.

    @Gusinda could you please revert the PnP rules to normal Baldur's Gate 2: Enhanced Edition rules and make helmets visible? It's all i need for the perfect play.

    Thank you!
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    Hi @Lockjawler, sorry about the delay... which modfile did you end up using, the one at Allonon81's link?

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