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Imoen Romance V3.0 Release



  • rossbach451rossbach451 Member Posts: 168
    If you got the correct dialog, all should go well from this point now.

    Well, I did get to the scene of sleeping with Imoen, but I think there is a conflict with the Skitia NPC mod. It has a feature where it asks (on some rests) whether you want to speak to a character before resting. It does this right after the love scene with Imoen. There is no dialogue between MC and Imoen afterwards, and I don't get the MRSleptImoen=1 global variable. Can I just CLUA that in?
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,101
    edited January 2021
    If I need to, I will have it not fire during the Imoen events, I'll just have to figure out what globals to check, as I've never played this mod. Though I usually find post-sleep talks fire post-rest, so it might come up if you rest again.
  • rossbach451rossbach451 Member Posts: 168
    Skitia wrote: »
    If I need to, I will have it not fire during the Imoen events, I'll just have to figure out what globals to check, as I've never played this mod. Though I usually find post-sleep talks fire post-rest, so it might come up if you rest again.

    I admit I am just guessing as to the cause, just that it did pop up right at that moment. I did try resting, the moment is apparently lost. I never can get the global for a completed event.
  • amberCoffeeCatamberCoffeeCat Member Posts: 90
    Yeah, you're missing the talk with Imoen after. You probably could clua the variable, I don't think there are meaningful dialog options for you in that interaction. Just some flavor lost forever ;-)

    Also @Skitia, you make mods for BG2 now?
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,101
    Yes. I have two more I'm committed to make (Finishing Wings and then a Nalia romance for ToB), and then maybe a third custom NPC if desire permits.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 583
    Really looking forward to Wings! Aerie is in dire need of a proper friendship for female Charnames.
  • rossbach451rossbach451 Member Posts: 168
    Skitia wrote: »
    Yes. I have two more I'm committed to make (Finishing Wings and then a Nalia romance for ToB), and then maybe a third custom NPC if desire permits.

    Regarding the Nalia romance, will it build off of the current one? I would assume so, but as we have seen I am not the sharpest tool in the shed.
  • rossbach451rossbach451 Member Posts: 168
    According to @Sarevok08 post with hints, you need to get the global to show love talk 11. Anyone know what talk this is, and what triggers it?
  • amberCoffeeCatamberCoffeeCat Member Posts: 90
    It's about scars. But that can only happen after you recover Imoen's sould from Bodhi. Before Bodhi, she'll be a bit silent.
  • azmodan666azmodan666 Member Posts: 5
    Dear all,
    I AM so happy that this mod is Alive after so mamy years. I player in 2015 and IT was super fun. Now i wanna lunch BG2 and replay It.
    From what i read i should download the mod from the website as IT is up to datę.
    1. does big world project have the newest version or
    2. What are the updates? Content or just bug fixing?
    3. What mods would You recommend for ultimate imoen experience? Imoen friendship? Cross banter, banter pack. Anything else?
    4. I Remember that romance mod allowed for char name and imoen romance and imoen and erie (the elf girl) at the same time
    5. Maybe chloe plus romance mod for threesome
    6. Dont get me wrong its not sex related i AM interested in all imoen stuff so romances, quest, banter anything. What would You recommend
    7 what is the best party for Imoen? (From the perspective of dialog) chloe, jaihera, minsc sarevok?
    8. I know that there is a mod that allow imoen to go Slayer not sure if this is part of this one
    9. I player with BWP do i had like 50 mods but nothing came cloes to this one. Is there anything else like this master piece?

    I AM looking for mods and tips for ultimate Imoen Experience what to install and what to pick with this MOD
  • KaiketsuKaiketsu Member Posts: 38
    For some reason my post disappeared. Huh.

    Happy to see IR still going strong in 2021. If you missed out, be sure to check it out. It is a beautiful story <3 The "good" ending gives a strong feeling of closure. Especially when you decide to ascend.

    I've played a bloated instance of the game (IR mod, Ascension, SCS, Banterpack, NPC Project, Unfinished Business) and it wasn't so bad. Some conversations were lost (about Imoen, not WITH Imoen), possibly there are some interactions between Banterpacks/NPC project and IR, screwing up the timings. But I finished the game and now it even works with Ascension!
  • lollerslollers Member Posts: 190
    edited February 2021
    There is an Imoen accepts other romances option. The readme in the download folder didn't mention it at all. Can anyone describe that to me in detail? I assume it means Anomene, jaheira, Viconia and Aerie at the minimum. What about Dorn, Neera, Rasaad and mods? Does this feature add dialogue? Does it take anything away? I remember reading a warning in some tweak mod that multi-ramance cheats create problems or something, especially with characters it wasn't made for... I don't know what that means.
  • Sarevok08Sarevok08 Member Posts: 82
    edited February 2021
    To the best of my knowledge off the top of my head, there is a script that checks for other core romance relationships going to 2(in relationship), which automatically terminates Imoen's romance track. I believe the option just doesnt run that script. Having that component should mean any other relationship is fine (unless the other mod forces the Imoen Romance to end).
  • HowieTHowieT Member Posts: 4

    Dont think I'm stuck par say, I've had the little roll around in the grass, party members have started talking about us, my lovetalk is at 10 but romance active is still 1, reading some posts I think I've got to kill bodhi to carry on but confused as looking at dialogue files there is responses for romance active 2 and bodhi doesnt take imoen away when I enter graveyard, I hope I'm still doing the romance bit right?
  • amberCoffeeCatamberCoffeeCat Member Posts: 90
    HowieT wrote: »
    bodhi doesnt take imoen away when I enter graveyard, I hope I'm still doing the romance bit right?

    She doesn't - that's normal. RomanceActive 1 as well, IIRC.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 583
    Bodhi already has her soul - of course you have to kill her. But Imoen should specifically be shown as able to avoid Bodhi in the dialogue.
  • Sarevok08Sarevok08 Member Posts: 82
    What others have said is correct to the best of my knowledge. Some notes for you though:
    After the camp fire and before Bodhi, there is almost no progression romance wise.
    Once you take care of Bodhi, you will want to do some side quests until Imoen asks to be alone with you. That dialogue will determine what the final status of your relationship is. 2(romanced) and 4(friends) would be considered the good endings. 3 is basically the bad ending.
    There is some non-vital but extra content around the adventure mart that I'd say is worth doing.
  • _DD__DD_ Member Posts: 64
    Sarevok08 wrote: »
    What others have said is correct to the best of my knowledge. Some notes for you though:
    After the camp fire and before Bodhi, there is almost no progression romance wise.
    Once you take care of Bodhi, you will want to do some side quests until Imoen asks to be alone with you. That dialogue will determine what the final status of your relationship is. 2(romanced) and 4(friends) would be considered the good endings. 3 is basically the bad ending.
    There is some non-vital but extra content around the adventure mart that I'd say is worth doing.

    I'm curious about trying the mod and after reading your post I wonder if there are quests or events that I should avoid and wait to do until I rescue Imoen and I'm romancing her to get extra content or more banters. Also, you can romance Imoen regardless charname gender or race, right?
  • Sarevok08Sarevok08 Member Posts: 82
    Yes, I believe Imoen doesn't mind your race or gender.
    There isn't heaps of content that would be missed by doing missions before rescuing her. I believe the mod was written assuming most missions complete, so most of the content is under dark and elven city. As I mentioned, there is an event near the adventure mart, which I believe is the main part outside of those areas. More content in ToB of course.
  • amberCoffeeCatamberCoffeeCat Member Posts: 90
    Sarevok08 wrote: »
    There isn't heaps of content that would be missed by doing missions before rescuing her.

    Maybe not heaps, but she does have numerous interjections for bigger quests - Fiirkraag and the Planar Prison for example. I'm sure there's more.

  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    she also has something to say about your strong hold.
  • amberCoffeeCatamberCoffeeCat Member Posts: 90
    Yeah, but you can also experience that if you complete stronghold quests and take her there after Underdark.
  • Sarevok08Sarevok08 Member Posts: 82

    Maybe not heaps, but she does have numerous interjections for bigger quests - Fiirkraag and the Planar Prison for example. I'm sure there's more.
    Ah ok. I'm not super familiar with all the content. Thanks for the heads up
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    To clarify, is Imoen Romance compatible with EET? Imoen 4 Ever? Other Imoen mods?

  • amberCoffeeCatamberCoffeeCat Member Posts: 90
    Compatible with EET and Imoen Friendship. Incompatible with Imoen 4 Ever.
  • LMTR14LMTR14 Member Posts: 172
    edited April 2021
    well the mod seems to be broken now with the new patch, at least the player-initiated talks in my savegame

    btw if you only experienced the rewrite, you haven't seen the real thing. the magic was taken out wholesale with that hack rework. guess the lord mirrabo original isn't compatible with ee nowadays? well luckily I screenshotted (!) all the dialogues back in the day. still, I haven't seen the tob portion of the rework yet so I hope sb fixes it up again
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    if you mean a save game after the game was patched thats normal as dialogue in mods get screwed up after a patch.

    and the stuff that was removed was done for a reason. nostalgia or not this is an improvement as the reason this mod had a bad rep back in the day was due to the stuff that was removed.
  • LMTR14LMTR14 Member Posts: 172
    by that logic you also must think a bowdlerised version of Shakespeare is an improvement, lol. the Imoen romance mod literally changed my life (I'm not kidding), and what happened to it is a disgrace even worse than anything George Lucas ever did to SW (for example), as a great thing was downgraded to a mediocre thing. like I give the slighest fuck what some bigots might or might not think about the content of the original. my favourite books are American Psycho and Illuminatus! ffs

    and it's not even about anything that was removed (I really don't even know what you are talking about there exactly, it's like at least a third of the original dialogues aren't there anymore, and it's not like there wasn't even anything explicit in the first place) but about the retcons and disgusting additions like Jaheira's truly revolting bitching at the begin of the romance, and plainly, about the downgrade of writing style. can't believe Kulyok had a hand in it (if I remember correctly, the Xan BG1 romance was great and so insightful.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 583
    You do know that the author himself approved and edited the revision, and wrote the new ToB part as well, right? He just changed nicks over time.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    edited April 2021
    you must be misremembering the mod because all that got removed was the evil stuff you can do to imoen. and that was removed as it was in poor taste. and is the main reason people looked down on this mod.

    and all the tob stuff is new to this version of the mod it never was in the original.

    also don't use the term bigot this isnt twitter.
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