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Who is your LEAST FAVORITE joinable NPC in BG1?

I wanna hear you guys' opinions, but I'm not making a poll, because there are too many choices, and also because I don't know how. I want to know who in BG1 you just can't stand, and why.
It's easy for me to answer, because I love all of the characters except one--Eldoth. Eldoth is just a nasty ol' sleazebucket and he really rubs me the wrong way. I don't like his face, I don't like his voice, I don't like the way he acts. There are only two reasons I ever keep him around: Skie, and to make Xan bitch and moan about it.


  • MillardkillmooreMillardkillmoore Member Posts: 150
    Quayle. He's useless in combat, acquired late, and doesn't have an amusing personality to make for his faults like Tiax.
  • PhilhelmPhilhelm Member Posts: 473
    There's plenty that I never use:

    The ugly Druid woman
    Coran (Johnny-come-lately)
    Kivan (Only if I'm using Kivan's portrait, which is often...his alternate bothers me too much. Otherwise, he's one of my favorites.)
  • styggastygga Member Posts: 467
    edited November 2012
    Viconia is awesome... I used her and minsc as a tank in one of my bg1 games... She rocked! Tanked sarevok like a pro...

    But on topic.. I can't stand Dynaheir... never used her.. I've let Minsc leave when I don't feel like meta gaming and killing the bitch. Rescue you from annoying fast spawning gnolls and you don't even have a mage robe?
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    Shar-Teel probably. There are several NPCs I don't use a lot, but she is just downright annoying to have around.
  • PhilhelmPhilhelm Member Posts: 473
    stygga said:

    Rescue you from annoying fast spawning gnolls and you don't even have a mage robe?

    As well as I can!

  • XaenorXaenor Member Posts: 34
    I don't like Branwen, she always struck me as generic and bland. Only took her with me until the moment I could replace her with Yeslick.
  • TetraploidTetraploid Member Posts: 252
    Faldorn and Eldoth, I guess. Not especially consciously, I just never have the space. If I am not sticking to the the canon party, which I often do, I would probably hit Cloakwood with four people in order to grab Coran and Yeslick.
  • Infern0Infern0 Member Posts: 44

    Can't stand his voice, and Jaheira is mine.

    Khalid often gets sent on his lonesome, into some monster infested hell hole, naked as the day god made him
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    Jaheira is usually my Backstab experimentation dummy. Works quite well - angers none ;)
  • rufus_hobartrufus_hobart Member Posts: 490
    edited November 2012
    I'm gonna go with Montaron here, i've tried to keep him around for the sake of Xzar who is brilliant but each time I find myself cheering when that group of xvarts, gibberlings or bandits puts the little runt out of his misery. His voice set, actions and general allround attitude really annoy me. In the (possibly bastardized) words of Xzar, "Montaron! You are so aggravating! 'Tis disturbing to my demeanour!"
  • salierisalieri Member Posts: 245
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    edited November 2012
    Brude said:

    Runners up: Safana and Shar-teel. Both have excellent stats and are good representations of their classes, but their voice sets are really, really juvenile.

    Safana sounds like a porn star with a head cold, or some neckbeard developer's idea of "sexy". Shar-teel is an ignorant person's idea of feminism gone wrong. Both of them are grating after awhile, and on some level I think they're both condescending and dumb.

    Pff. Pretty sure a lot of people have different tastes in different women, and although Safana is a bit of an exaggeration (I mean no one seriously just announces "I feel so sensual"), there are women out there who are fairly similar, and they get lots of ... well, love probably isn't quite the right word. You catch my drift. Although it has nothing to do with what I just said, I find her highly amusing, and I do like her voice. It's fun. A lot of the BG characters are exaggerations, so I find no real issue with it ... especially compared to Shar-Teel and Skie. That said, I won't argue with you one bit that her voice set is "juvenile." I would have to be a fool to disagree with that.

    Pretty well agree with you on Shar-Teel though. I've definitely come across some feminists who obviously DO believe men are trash, but Shar-Teel really is a horrible exaggeration. That said, please no one lecture me on what a feminist is, I know what it's SUPPOSED to mean I'm just saying I've met those who go BEYOND what it means. Cool? Cool..
    stygga said:

    But on topic.. I can't stand Dynaheir... never used her.. I've let Minsc leave when I don't feel like meta gaming and killing the bitch. Rescue you from annoying fast spawning gnolls and you don't even have a mage robe?

    Yeah, she's kind of an arrogant bitch. Not awful, she's actually believable unlike, say, Quayle. But Quayle is so arrogant that it's hilarious, she's believable so for me it's somehow a bit more annoying, you know? On top of that, she's a bloody Invoker. Invokers suck. 'Nuff said.

    On the subject of Quayle:

    Quayle. He's useless in combat,

    Yes, the guy with more spell-casting potential than even Edwin is useless in combat. Sure thing buddy.
    Philhelm said:

    stygga said:

    Rescue you from annoying fast spawning gnolls and you don't even have a mage robe?

    As well as I can!
    Insightful earned for being bloody hilarious, props.
    Shin said:

    Shar-Teel probably. There are several NPCs I don't use a lot, but she is just downright annoying to have around.

    Agreed. Really annoying that she has been the only non-shorty evil fighter. Don't get me wrong I love me some Kagain and Montaron but once in a while you want an evil fighter to pick up a big-ass sword, which neither of those two do. And finally Dorn will be replacing her, forever and always, in a month's time. It will be glorious.
    Xaenor said:

    I don't like Branwen, she always struck me as generic and bland. Only took her with me until the moment I could replace her with Yeslick.

    Ya, she does feel a bit bland to me as well. I'm definitely not offended by her at all, but she doesn't really interest me either. Only things remotely interesting to me was Ajantis flirting with her, and her Monty Python quote. That's about it.

    So finally, to actually state which mine is:
    salieri said:


    This. Annoying as hell. He's a fair bit better in BGII though -- In BG1, he could pass as Chaotic Neutral, easily. In BGII, he at least actually aspires to some form of heroism, and can be reasoned with, instead of just slaughtering things. Seriously

    Honorable mention #1 goes to Tiax. Repetitive lines that stop being funny in mere minutes? Awesome. Some of his lines are quite good (Night would DARE hamper the sight of TIAX?! Comedic gold right there), but they never quite justify all the repetitive, awfully boring lines he has. But I digress, he's fairly amusing. Problem is, his stats are balls. Any time I feel like having a Cleric/Thief, chrimeny I am going to roll one of my own, he is awful. I like his Constitution (good HP and good saving throws), and the Wisdom doesn't bother me too much, but his Dexterity!! It's 16, and he's a bloody thief! The worst Dexterity of any thief in the entire game, and since there are so damn many thieves it just feels like a complete waste. That said, from his limited equipment choices he goes great with Kiel's Buckler, but still... And yes, I understand he can spam Draw Upon Holy Might to fix his awful Dexterity, but uggghhh so unreliable is all.

    Honorable mention #2 goes to Alora. You have to pick her up hellishly late, she only gains bonuses from ONE of her stats (19 Dexterity), she has disgustingly sad HP, she spammed half of her thief points in Pick Pockets. The only thing she is good at is shooting a bow far, far away from the action, and saving throws. That's it. And when there are so many bloody thieves ... why? Just why? I find her entertaining, I wish she were actually playable without going so far out of your way just to catch her up.

    Last frustrating one is Skie. So much potential to make her story interesting, but instead she's just an over-privileged valley girl joke. Congrats, BioWare, you're hilarious ... for about 5 minutes.
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806
    Tiax, very very very (did I say very yet?) annoying.
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    This one:


  • FrozenCellsFrozenCells Member Posts: 385
    I despise Khalid. His voice is annoying, the stuttering doesn't particularly help, and he's a coward. On the other hand, Minsc is stupid. So it's hard to pick a *cough* least favourite between those two.
  • recklessheartrecklessheart Member Posts: 692
    I have never once used Quayle in my party. I have absolutely no idea just how useless he is or isn't.
    It doesn't really matter to me. He has a horrible attitude and I just want to kick him in the face all the time. I'm not sure I want some moron walking around condescending on my entire party while I'm trying to get stuff done, is the thing.
    At least Edwin is funny. AND he's intelligent and powerful enough to have fair reason to believe he's more awesome than me (though, regrettably for him, he is not :P).
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    Shar-Teel, for being a raging bitch
    Branwen, for having the most godawfully annoying voice in the realms and being weak in combat despite being a cleric of the war god.
    Eldoth, for being an ass and a bard
    Garrick, for being a dumbass and a bard

    The rest is alright.
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    Shin said:

    Shar-Teel probably. There are several NPCs I don't use a lot, but she is just downright annoying to have around.

    I like Shar-Teel. I like how you duel her to get her in the party. I like her tie-in with the Flaming Fist, plus she just *sounds* Chaotic Evil.

    "I Love Bloodshed!"

    Additionally, anyone that uses quotes from the movie Predator is cool in my book.

  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    I never use Xan because of his casting limitations. I've heard compelling arguments about how great he is at buffing folks, etc. but my mages just need to be more versatile. I don't have room for his panicky, blubbering ass.
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344

    Shin said:

    Shar-Teel probably. There are several NPCs I don't use a lot, but she is just downright annoying to have around.

    I like Shar-Teel. I like how you duel her to get her in the party. I like her tie-in with the Flaming Fist, plus she just *sounds* Chaotic Evil.

    "I Love Bloodshed!"

    Additionally, anyone that uses quotes from the movie Predator is cool in my book.

    I'll agree that she definitely comes off as chaotic evil, unlike e.g. Korgan. Unfortunately the constant desire to 'be evil' gets boring for me about as fast as other people feel about the humour of Minsc or Tiax. That, and she's way too much bigot for me, even after she gets her ass handed to her in the duel. But to each their own of course.

    I guess it would suit me better if characters like her, Eldoth and Safana could be reformed through the PC's influence. Now they're just stuck as stereotypes throughout the game.

  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    Even though I think he's quite fun, I've never used Tiax in my party. Fells strange to have a Cyric worshipper along with us...
  • SecriaSecria Member Posts: 85
    The evil, strong, negative, crazy crowd brings me joy. I'm amused by their suffering.

    Xan, Xzar, Montaron, Viconia, Shar-Teel. etc.

    So you could maybe see why I can't stand the childish happy or.. goofy or dumb characters for too long.

    So I have a hard time with Imoen, Minsc, Alora, Garrick From the characters I can remember.

    Imoen is probably the worst, it really feels like my annoying little sister.

    I just take her stuff and leave her on the road.
  • GM1984GM1984 Member Posts: 14
    Most of the evil characters but that's because I never use them. Going to try them out when it gets released.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853

    This one:


    I am Faldorn. I'm an incredible Divine Spellcaster, but an insanely bland character and blah blah the forest.
  • JaxsbudgieJaxsbudgie Member Posts: 600

    What's all this Shar-Teel, Branwen, Eldoth and Faldorn hate?!

    All their voice sets are amazeballs! Faldorn sounds like a lullaby. Eldoth is the closest thing to a gentlemanly British prick (I feel I can relate to this one, haw-haw). Shar-Teel sounds totally aggressive and vile but how many female NPCs are actually like that and convincing? And Branwen - "By Valkur's strapping buttocks!" how on earth could anyone not like that? I'm just disappointed she never yodelled.

    As for least favourites? Minsc aaaaaaaaaaand ... Alora. Neither share any shred for the amount of dislike I have for Keldorn and Aerie though.
  • salierisalieri Member Posts: 245

    And Branwen - "By Valkur's strapping buttocks!" how on earth could anyone not like that? I'm just disappointed she never yodelled.

    This always bothered me about Branwen: She isn't Welsh! She's some kind of Scandinavian from 'the north' and yet her name is more Welsh than Owain Glyndwr or... or Dai Jones ap Hywel-Wynne-Davis.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    salieri said:

    And Branwen - "By Valkur's strapping buttocks!" how on earth could anyone not like that? I'm just disappointed she never yodelled.

    This always bothered me about Branwen: She isn't Welsh! She's some kind of Scandinavian from 'the north' and yet her name is more Welsh than Owain Glyndwr or... or Dai Jones ap Hywel-Wynne-Davis.
    Ah Wales, that strange untamed wilderness to the south of Tethyr right?
  • salierisalieri Member Posts: 245
    Oh you can be all high and mighty with yer "it's a fictional world" excuses, but it won't wash with me. You wouldn't expect to pick up a character called Pierre and find he has a Basque accent. Nobody cares about Wales :(
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    ...Branwen is from Tenby...
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