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Project Infinity - mod manager for Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Planescape Torment, and EET



  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603

    Why is this tool closed-source? Coming from outside the community and planning to enter, I'd try to convert my Roxanne-EET Mod Setup configuration to PI (I noticed that mentioning Roxanne or EET Mod Setup is a minefield in the community and yes, I know that I need to redownload all mods I use to prevent issues coming from the edits there and I can't just move my downloads folder over, I'm lurking for a month now and I went with EET Mod Setup because Google pointed me pretty blatantly towards it for EET) but the default font choice is an eyesore and it's annoying that there's no button/option to force the tool to parse all mods in the download folder in one action to read their metadata instead of clicking on each folder one-by-one to expose the options.

    I also don't like the limitation of separating the mod options within the GUI because this means that NPCs which use kits from other mods requires manual tweaks constantly during reinstall at one point (eg. Skitia's Emily with the Arcane Archer option).

    I wasn't aiming to start with complaining though, because my initial idea was to just look into these in the source code, come up with a solution and then file a PR (I got a BSc in computer engineering and I know C# well enough) to provide constructive feedback, but... the code isn't on GH to do that. I would really like to work for my feature requests to get used to the community, honestly.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271

    Welcome to the IE modding community B)
    The 'scan all mods button' feature was added into the backlog some time ago, but it grows significantly over the years and I don't know when I will have time to implement it.

    Thank you for your contributor offer, I appreciate it. But PI is using PowerShell, not c#. Additionally, it's created via custom IDE and sadly, some of the 'source code files' are not plain text but serialized XAML, thus prevents contribution via any source code version system. :'(
    I also don't like the limitation of separating the mod options within the GUI because this means that NPCs which use kits from other mods requires manual tweaks constantly during reinstall at one point (eg. Skitia's Emily with the Arcane Archer option).

    I have hard time to understands what this means, can you elaborate?
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    edited April 2021

    I've dabbled into PowerShell before - I'm a Linux admin @ work and we're using a PowerShell script to set up the gateways and proxy connections to reach the environment through the intranet which required numerous customizations already when the env got extended/firewalls got migrated -, so I prolly could have figured things out on the go, but the serialized XAML does undermine your AutoIt-maintainablity criticism (if I got it right from the source of EET Mod Setup that it is forked from that BWS PI intends to succeed afterall).

    Regarding Emily, it has a WeiDU setting to update the NPC with a kit from an external kitpack, but if I read it right so far, then kits should be installed after NPCs, so this means that Emily NPC -> Artisan's kitpack -> Emily's kit option should be the order, but that means one needs to use either of the two proposed methods in your FAQ to split components when the user adds other mods in PI's GUI (and method 1 is more straightforward than 2). I guess the easiest solution for this usecase is to ignore this customization option in PI and run Emily's installer manually after PI finishes to update the NPC class with the kit.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271

    Agree that splitting mod components is annoying. Not much I can do about it now. Maybe when this discussion will have a satisfactory conclusion and the author of "Emily NPC" will care to add extra things into his mods.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,811
    @ALIEN sorry to sound as if I'd not be into the discussion at all (which I have to admit is the case) but why would PI need global LABELs to be able to split mod components in install order? Or, to be precise: why doesn't PI offer this as an (non-tedious) option already. There is plenty of mods that have separate components with crossmod etcpp which are separate components for exactly the purpose of installing them later after the relevant other mods?
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited April 2021
    @GraionDilach Almost all modders and mods don't expect that you insert some specific components between two components of the mod. You could fulfill mod requirements simply by moving the whole Emily NPC mod like this:
    ArtisansKitpack:0:Artisan's Kitpack: Arcane Archer Fighter Kit
    Emily:0:Emily NPC for BG1EE
    Emily:2:Arcane Archer/Mage (Fighter/Mage Kit))

    then, for method 2 your 'sorting order file' would look like this:
    ArtisansKitpack *
    Emily *
    and this would be much safer than method 1 and also allow to 'save' desired install order in a way that won't be broken by designated numbers changes.
    Post edited by ALIEN on
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited April 2021

    PI doesn't need global LABELs to be able to split mod components in install order. As FAQ and GraionDilach mentioned, there are two ways how to do it. He is just annoyed that he can't really 'save' specific, reordered install order. His example can be solved via non-split install order, tho.

    The globally unique labels are needed for:
    • reliably saving players mod selections
    • reliably saving install order when one mod component is between components from other mods
    • reliably saving community 'mod compilations'
    • reliably saving community 'conflict list'

    You can read more here:
    Post edited by ALIEN on
  • JwatJwat Member Posts: 1
    I would love to use this, but I could not get past the first instruction. Path not specified Without a video of how you use the API I will have to use another one that has clear instructions. This is why the best tools are the least used no proper instructions, a video far surpasses any written instructions. Please someone who figured out the interface post a youtube link.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited April 2021
    ## 0.8.15

    - fixed a very rare bug with determining install order rule status
  • Wutan1988Wutan1988 Member Posts: 131
    edited April 2021
    My Antivirus (Kaspersky Internet Security) detects a Trojan in the newest Version of Project Infinity.

    Do you guys also get that Message from your Antivirus Programs? Do i have to worry?
    I didn't get that message from the former Version but with 0.8.15 i always get it.

    I download Project Infinity using the Link in this Thread.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited April 2021
  • Wutan1988Wutan1988 Member Posts: 131
    Ah ok Thank you very much :)
    I already thought that it's something like that.

    I have to find out how to disable that Message then cause it always pops up when Kaspersky does a full check of my System.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    It's a problem when both Bitdefender and Kaspersky are detecting it... Better contact them to solve the false positive.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited April 2021
    I've sent many reports about false positives to AV providers. Hopefully, the next release won't be flagged.
  • rick2021rick2021 Member Posts: 3
    edited May 2021
    hey @ALIEN , thank you for this great tool. is there a feature planned to have mods preselected if you have them selected before and you close and start the APP again or based of of a specific list like the one for sorting order? this would be nice since if you want to start over or want to do some changes you have to select every component again which takes more time the more you select. if you are heavy modded this is very time consuming.
    Post edited by rick2021 on
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @rick2021 You can save and reuse the data from 'install sequence'. Saving mod components is planed but it requires the modder's cooperation.
  • TeskalTeskal Member Posts: 10
    After activating several mods Project Invity gets slower and slower. Is there anything I can do to make it faster?

    I do not understand how I can save my progress. After chosing so many options in mods, I do not want to make it again, just because I loose power or something similiar.

    I have also some mods, which seem to have an error. I would prefer not to do everything again.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @Teskal PI will be faster and more responsive when I will change tech-stack. Please read FAQ on how to save your mod choices.
  • TeskalTeskal Member Posts: 10
    @ALIEN I have no idea what in the FAQ should help me to save the data. I read it, but found nothing helpful.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited May 2021
    ## 0.8.17

    - fixed installing mods with top-level tp2 files with spaces characters in their names

    ## 0.8.16

    - added (I)mport and (E)xport buttons for importing/exporting install sequence
    - added right-click menu to install sequence window

    Post edited by ALIEN on
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited May 2021
    PI and FAQ was updated:
    - choose your mods, click Set-InstallSequence button, use (I)mport and (E)xport buttons, next to Set-InstallSequence button
    - choose your mods, click Set-InstallSequence button, select sequence window, use Ctrl-A/C/V to copy/paste the content from the clipboard

    Please update PI to the latest version, use (I)mport and (E)xport buttons (next to Set-InstallSequence button) and provide feedback.
    Post edited by ALIEN on
  • MidnightVoyagerMidnightVoyager Member Posts: 31
    I updated to the latest version and the Import and Export buttons move to the middle of the screen if I maximize the window
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    ## 0.8.18

    - fixed anchor of (I)mport and (E)xport buttons

    @MidnightVoyager Thanks for the report :smile:
  • TygaranTygaran Member Posts: 41
    Hrmm. I've got version 0.8.18 and it's suddeny freezing while trying to import a Weidu.lof file, I see details for the first mod listed in the log, and the program goes into a Not Responign state.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @Tygaran How big you weidu.log is? PI is scanning all mods to get mod components. This might take a while and the GUI will freeze (tech stack limitation).
  • TeskalTeskal Member Posts: 10
    Downloaded the new version.
    Did chose few mods.
    Click on I(mport) and save it as CSV file.
    And I can load the ist back after restarting the application.

    It is not possible in the moment to mark all the mods in the list on the left side, yes?
    If I click on apply sorting order, I can see the program goes through every mod on th left side in the list, but does not mark them as activated. And I get the message that "Currently selected mods do not provide install order rules."

  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited May 2021
    You are mixing things. Sorting order only sorts lines from the 'install sequence' window. It never selects mods. Please read FAQ and Wiki. The "Currently selected mods do not provide install order rules." refers only to the situation when one of the selected mods has implemented 'Dynamic install order" feature.

    Marking all mod components won't be implemented because of how bad this feature turns out to be in the past.
  • TeskalTeskal Member Posts: 10
    I just thought it would apply my sorting order in the left wing. Or better just mark the ones and the I options I have made. The mods themselves are still in the order I left them. After closing the app and restarting it, all my selections are gone.
    True, I can insert my old loading order in the right wing, but I cannot proceed where I left the last time.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @Teskal The (I)mport/(E)xport feature is only for the install sequence. So after importing, you can only launch installation. Making it work as you describe is not an easy task, I don't know when I could implement this.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited May 2021
    ## 0.9.0

    - New Feature: Saving mod component selections
    - cosmetic changes

    Demonstration for the upcoming Ascension 2.0.18:


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