@Maurvir That's already possible. Read my memepost. Basically it saves the install sequence into the Logs folder when you click Start-Installation, and you can just copy-paste it entirely.
Just because this comes up more than enough times lately on Discord.
If you use Windows Defender, you have to list NearInfinity twice as an exception, not just as your typical file, but also you have to add a specific ProjectInfinity.exe process exception.
I was going to use this tool, but since all the posts on this thread appear to be gobbledegook, it seems that I'll have to either blunder hrough myself using just a few mods or use the Extended World Tool.
I suppose that the other solution is to use the BWS order and manually install.
Everyone else on this forum seems to understand each other. I don't understand the technical terms which seem to be a whole new language. (And I've been educated to post-graduate level!)
Everyone else on this forum seems to understand each other. I don't understand the technical terms which seem to be a whole new language. (And I've been educated to post-graduate level!)
As noted- try going to the Discord link and asking for help there; it's much easier to help you in realtime on a real time platform.
@Etamin Thanks, the error you are having is really strange, I will try to reproduce and report back.
P.S. You couldn't zip it via "Windows > Send to compressed folder" because it uses 20+ years old zip implementation without unicode. You would assume that Windows would update this 'feature' but the actual problem isn't the coding, it's the legal clusterfuck of the 'malicious' deal that was signed when this feature was added to Windows. 7zip/WinRar/other have no problems with zipping files with Unicode characters.
Much appreciated. It's come too late for my current installation, which I am at last happy with, but could be useful for next time. The problem is that next time may be in a years time, and finding this tutorial then could be well nigh impossible. Could you put a link up on page 1 of this thread?
Also posting this here (as it's buried in my thread on G3) - some of it might have been already mentioned in the last ~30 pages:
First and foremost: a huge thanks to @ALIEN for his continued support and work on the tool.
We talked on Discord a bit and here's the gist of what I remember wanting/ideas that came up:
Install behaviour: You can set PI to ignore warnings when installing via the ini ("ExpDisablePauseOnWarning = true") - this should be an option in the GUI, I think. PI does not stop at "not installed" for me even without this setting in various (but not all) cases.
PI really needs a search function.
When importing from WeiDU it should either (better and/or choices) rearrange your modlist accordingly/select all the subcomponents and check for rules or give you the same behaviour as with just copying plain text commands into the GUI while still checking for ordering rules.
You could also split this: have a mod list ordered however you wish and have a different list for installing mods in your current session.
Maybe adding default tags to mods so that they go to "NPC" etc. (again an option to not behave like this)
PI already has a feature to check for ini configs, but it isn't used by many mods, I've been told. This is especially critical when updating mods.
On updating: include the option to autoupdate and selectively not update certain mods and/or files of a mod (basically mimicking a git fork).
Components with prompts: please get rid of them. That's probably something modder's would have to do. Babysitting an install is no fun.
Let the user uninstall specific WeiDU components (with a warning of how many are before it etc.) or let him just uninstall mods in reverse install order.
Last but not least: engine performance. I know this is very tricky but when installing many mods, features like a search function would be heavily hampered by the tool's current performance.
I know that much of this might not be feasible. These are thoughts on a free tool that is maintained by one person (afaik) while being unsalaried even. So anything from here would be nice (if it actually makes sense too) but everything is far from being a demand or such. Please read them as incentives.
I would like to hear what others think, so we can establish a common, prioritised ground of useful features.
- settings: Enable Pre-Release updates for mods
- improvements to the mod update function
- added confirm dialog for mod update
- changed naming schema of log files when installation errors occurs
I a new BG player, veteran modder planning on installing EET using Project Infinity. I am wondering what the best practice is for installing EET? I realize the tutorial video presented on the first page covers exactly that, but I am not sure it is consistent with the current features I am reading on the original post. First, while the features discuss a two-phase EET installation, like the video, the actual FAQ discusses installation of EET "in one go". It also describes installation very differently than was presented in the video, installing the SOD mods at the same time as the BG II mods
Also, the SOD installation mentioned in the video, does not point to "unmodded 'Siege of Dragonspear' game for…" EET. Thankfully, the BG II:EE for EET does point to EET. Just set all the other game pathes in settings to your steam/Gog installations, but the 2 mentioned in this paragraph. Set those to your copies of BG 1 & 2 outside a program files, respectively. Go to the SOD game selection in PI by "run game", and you can see that unlike EET, it points back to your steam/Gog installation. This to me suggests the video instructions will not work.
Additionally, the FAQ specifically mentions no DLC merger, I believe. The video has that mod as number one on the list. But the FAQ could be suggesting no DLC merger, before PI, but have PI do so in the "Enhanced Edition Trilogy – BG:SOD mods installation" category. I am a little concerned regarding the correct process here.
Finally, there are posts on these boards suggesting something called "biffing" is necessary. However, it is not mentioned anywhere here. Is this automatically taken care of now?
90% of the BG1 content mods are natively compatible with EET. Only a handful of the BG1 mods lack native compatibility and only these mods are installed to the BG1 portion of the game - the EET Compatibility List @ https://k4thos.github.io/EET-Compatibility-List/EET-Compatibility-List.html even groups them this same way. Mods which have native compatibility are installed after EET and into the BG2 folder in the technical sense.
EET needs to import the BG1 resources as part of it's installation, which is why that SoD folder is required - it is the SoD folder where all mods prior to EET get installed as the aforementioned BG1 section and then which will be imported by EET to the BG2 section. DLCMerger should be the first mod installed to this (unless you got the Beamdog version which does not need it).
Biffing was only necessary for classic games, because the classic engine has issues with handling many files in the override folder. EEs are fine in regards to this.
EET needs to import the BG1 resources as part of it's installation, which is why that SoD folder is required - it is the SoD folder where all mods prior to EET get installed as the aforementioned BG1 section and then which will be imported by EET to the BG2 section. DLCMerger should be the first mod installed to this (unless you got the Beamdog version which does not need it).
Biffing was only necessary for classic games, because the classic engine has issues with handling many files in the override folder. EEs are fine in regards to this.
GraionDilach, thank you for your help. It is good to know that biffing is not needed for EET versions. Just to be clear, you are saying DLCmerger is only necessary for BG1EE, right? If so, it would only be installed at the top of BG1EE for a two-phase EET installation, or at the top of everything for a single phase EET installation, correct? I just want to make sure I understand.
The reason I am so confused is there are inconsistencies in the information presented at the beginning of this discussion topic. There is a YouTube video and feature list describing a two-phase installation of EET. However, that feature description refers to a FAQ on the second post. The only relevant information there describes a quite different kind of EET installation, "in one go".
I would love to know if either of those installation methods are no longer viable, and if both are viable, which is the current best practice. However, there are some oddities in PI which makes me cast doubt on the two-phase EET installation presented in the video. If you look at the settings for PI, there are file paths to the various installations of Infinity Engine games, as seen on the picture below:
When using the EET option from the drop-down list, circled blue above, it clearly refers to the "BG II:EE for EET" installation path in settings for EET's BG2 component. Based on commonsense, it is reasonable to think that the BG1 component would be the installation path in settings labeled "[p]ath to clean, unmodded '[SoD]' game for [EET]". While the video does not directly disagree that is the appropriate installation path for the BG1 component, it does say that component can be modded separately by changing to SoD from the drop-down list options circled in blue above. But I am not sure that is the case any longer.
To show what I am talking about, in settings, make the "BG:EE with SoD" installation path different than the "[p]ath to clean, unmodded '[SoD]' game for [EET]" installation path. Then, look at the picture below:
Make sure that the drop-down list option is changed to SoD, like the first stage of EET installation in the tutorial video. Then, if you click Game Data, circled red in the second picture, you can see it brings up the windows Explorer folder at a location. The text surrounded by the red oval clearly matches the installation path for "BG:EE with SoD", and not "[p]ath to clean, unmodded '[SoD]' game for [EET]". This proves the SoD option from drop-down list circled blue in the first picture is tied to the "BG:EE with SoD" installation path.
Accordingly, one of two possibilities must be correct. First, the BG1 component of EET is not the "[p]ath to clean, unmodded '[SoD]' game for [EET]" installation path, but instead pulled "BG:EE with SoD" installation path. Choosing SoD from the drop-down list allows BG1 to be modded first as a part of an EET installation. "Path to clean, unmodded '[SoD]' game for [EET]" installation path must have some other purpose. Alternatively, the two-stage installation of EET is no longer possible, as it uses "[p]ath to clean, unmodded '[SoD]' game for [EET]" installation path for the BG1 component. Unfortunately, that installation path is not available from the drop-down list. Without a workaround, one of these options must be true.
TL;DR the information regarding EET installation described in the tutorial video is likely to fail without a workaround. The only workaround I can think of is to make sure both "BG:EE with SoD" and "[p]ath to clean, unmodded '[SoD]' game for [EET]" installation paths in settings refer to the same install location. Only then do I think two-stage installation would proceed as described on the tutorial video. Is this true? If so, I would at least recommend mentioning in the tutorial video. However, all of this assumes the video is no longer best practice, and I would like to know what the best practice is currently (and exactly where DLCmerger fits).
Does this answers the question? I never looked at the video myself so I dunno how that works, but I always nuke both my BG1 and BG2 folders when I reinstall EET (I like rebuilding from fresh even though the BG1 part literally never changes). So yes, I have a bunch of mods installed into SoD (DLCMerger, UB, Sirene, Dark Horizons, etc) and then import all of them with EET and NI does this all automatically.
And I wouldn't suggest to you to mod the Steam folders directly. Duplicate them out to an external folder so that any official update don't nuke the mods which also allows you to use the Steam folders as a backup.
Please read the FAQ section "Hot to install EET in one go" - it demonstrates the purpose of the 'second SoD path' and gives you a hint that "all mods before EET mod will be installed into the selected BG:SoD game directory."
I'm open to suggestions on how to make this part of the application more understandable for newcomers who want to install EET.
Does this answers the question? I never looked at the video myself so I dunno how that works, but I always nuke both my BG1 and BG2 folders when I reinstall EET (I like rebuilding from fresh even though the BG1 part literally never changes). So yes, I have a bunch of mods installed into SoD (DLCMerger, UB, Sirene, Dark Horizons, etc) and then import all of them with EET and NI does this all automatically.
Thanks for the picture! Yes, it does answer my questions regarding DLCmerger. Honestly, the video is entirely inconsistent with the FAQ on EET installation. Can you tell me what you mean by NI? I would it was a typo that should have been PI, but the N and the P are in distinct locations on the keyboard.
And I wouldn't suggest to you to mod the Steam folders directly. Duplicate them out to an external folder so that any official update don't nuke the mods which also allows you to use the Steam folders as a backup.
I thought I did that with the BG 1 and BG 2 installation paths. I thought I would be sufficient for EET installation. I have the others in a steam non-default location, but a different location and drive. Since I am playing EET before anything, I do not think the others mattered much except for mods like IWD-ification, and if I do use those, the files will be pulled from that location, but no files will be placed there. Could you please look at the fourth and seventh installation path in my first picture and tell me if that is what you are talking about?
Please read the FAQ section "Hot to install EET in one go" - it demonstrates the purpose of the 'second SoD path' and gives you a hint that "all mods before EET mod will be installed into the selected BG:SoD game directory."
I'm open to suggestions on how to make this part of the application more understandable for newcomers who want to install EET.
@ALIEN between the video and a FAQ, I got myself very confused. Even the FAQ itself is confusing, as I thought I would need to "select EET from the game list and stick with it" and not BG2:EE. Honestly, the video needs redone with whatever process is the modern, best practice. There are a lot of features and settings in PI where commonsense would dictate something quite different than the FAQ.
Yeah, that was a typo and I meant PI. Coffee didn't kicked in yet when I wrote that post in the morning. Yeah, I overlooked that you moved EET-related folders out from Steam (personally I have a separate PI instance and a separate download location outright for IWDEE though, with the mods working for both games stored in a third folder, symlinked as a shared folder to both PI download folders).
If you use Windows Defender, you have to list NearInfinity twice as an exception, not just as your typical file, but also you have to add a specific ProjectInfinity.exe process exception.
Having one of the two will not make it.
I suppose that the other solution is to use the BWS order and manually install.
//BLAD podczas instalacji [EET core (import zasobow)], powrot do poprzedniego stanu
//Will uninstall 1 files for [EET\EET.tp2] component 0.
//Uninstalled 1 files for [EET\EET.tp2] component 0.
//ERROR: Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "C:/USERS/KOMPUTER/BEAMDOG LIBRARY/00806/OVERRIDE/PROMIE\196\185\194\128\158.SPL")
Installing this mod without PI, directly from Baldur's folder goes without errors.
[C:\Users\Komputer\Desktop\Project Infinity\Tools\WeiDU\249.00\weidu.exe] WeiDU version 24900
Using Language [Polski (Polish)]
Uzywam .\lang\pl_pl\dialog.tlk oraz .\lang\pl_pl\dialogf.tlk
Instalacja [EET core (import zasobow)] [V13.4]
argv[0] = p
argv[1] = C:\Users\Komputer\Beamdog Library\00806
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Creating 1 directory
Copying 1 file ...
Copying and patching 2 files ...
C:\Users\Komputer\Beamdog Library\00806 directory assigned via auto install batch command
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying 1 file ...
arch_var = x86_64\
lua assigned to EET\bin\win32\x86_64\lua.exe
ffmpeg assigned to EET\bin\win32\ffmpeg.exe
weidu assigned to EET\bin\win32\x86_64\weidu.exe
Copying and patching 1 file ...
0 BG:EE mods detected. Checking compatibility...
TLK merging...
Copying 1 file ...
Appending to files ...
[EET\bin\win32\x86_64\weidu.exe] WeiDU version 24700
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
tlk_start = 103583; tlk_end = 271403
Extracting BG:EE resources...
Preparing are files...
Creating 1 directory
[EET\bin\win32\x86_64\weidu.exe] WeiDU version 24700
[EET\temp\patch\are/AR0200.ARE] created from [C:\Users\Komputer\Beamdog Library\00806/DATA/AR02XX.BIF]
[EET\temp\patch\spl/#RDREMOV.SPL] created from [C:\Users\Komputer\Beamdog Library\00806/DATA/PATCH26.BIF]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Copying 1 file ...
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
BLAD podczas instalacji [EET core (import zasobow)], powrot do poprzedniego stanu
Will uninstall 1 files for [EET\EET.tp2] component 0.
Uninstalled 1 files for [EET\EET.tp2] component 0.
ERROR: Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "C:/USERS/KOMPUTER/BEAMDOG LIBRARY/00806/OVERRIDE/PROMIE\196\185\194\128\158.SPL")
PROSZE, wyslij plik Setup-EET.debug do K4thos (swit)
Automatically Skipping [EET core (import zasobow)] because of error.
Using Language [Polski (Polish)]
[.\lang\pl_pl\dialog.tlk] created, 271404 string entries
[.\lang\pl_pl\dialogf.tlk] created, 271404 string entries
As noted- try going to the Discord link and asking for help there; it's much easier to help you in realtime on a real time platform.
I had to delete logs with dates, because i couldn't zip it.
P.S. You couldn't zip it via "Windows > Send to compressed folder" because it uses 20+ years old zip implementation without unicode. You would assume that Windows would update this 'feature' but the actual problem isn't the coding, it's the legal clusterfuck of the 'malicious' deal that was signed when this feature was added to Windows. 7zip/WinRar/other have no problems with zipping files with Unicode characters.
First and foremost: a huge thanks to @ALIEN for his continued support and work on the tool.
We talked on Discord a bit and here's the gist of what I remember wanting/ideas that came up:
I know that much of this might not be feasible. These are thoughts on a free tool that is maintained by one person (afaik) while being unsalaried even. So anything from here would be nice (if it actually makes sense too) but everything is far from being a demand or such. Please read them as incentives.
I would like to hear what others think, so we can establish a common, prioritised ground of useful features.
That seems very sensible.
- settings: Enable Pre-Release updates for mods
- improvements to the mod update function
- added confirm dialog for mod update
- changed naming schema of log files when installation errors occurs
Also, the SOD installation mentioned in the video, does not point to "unmodded 'Siege of Dragonspear' game for…" EET. Thankfully, the BG II:EE for EET does point to EET. Just set all the other game pathes in settings to your steam/Gog installations, but the 2 mentioned in this paragraph. Set those to your copies of BG 1 & 2 outside a program files, respectively. Go to the SOD game selection in PI by "run game", and you can see that unlike EET, it points back to your steam/Gog installation. This to me suggests the video instructions will not work.
Additionally, the FAQ specifically mentions no DLC merger, I believe. The video has that mod as number one on the list. But the FAQ could be suggesting no DLC merger, before PI, but have PI do so in the "Enhanced Edition Trilogy – BG:SOD mods installation" category. I am a little concerned regarding the correct process here.
Finally, there are posts on these boards suggesting something called "biffing" is necessary. However, it is not mentioned anywhere here. Is this automatically taken care of now?
EET needs to import the BG1 resources as part of it's installation, which is why that SoD folder is required - it is the SoD folder where all mods prior to EET get installed as the aforementioned BG1 section and then which will be imported by EET to the BG2 section. DLCMerger should be the first mod installed to this (unless you got the Beamdog version which does not need it).
Biffing was only necessary for classic games, because the classic engine has issues with handling many files in the override folder. EEs are fine in regards to this.
GraionDilach, thank you for your help. It is good to know that biffing is not needed for EET versions. Just to be clear, you are saying DLCmerger is only necessary for BG1EE, right? If so, it would only be installed at the top of BG1EE for a two-phase EET installation, or at the top of everything for a single phase EET installation, correct? I just want to make sure I understand.
The reason I am so confused is there are inconsistencies in the information presented at the beginning of this discussion topic. There is a YouTube video and feature list describing a two-phase installation of EET. However, that feature description refers to a FAQ on the second post. The only relevant information there describes a quite different kind of EET installation, "in one go".
I would love to know if either of those installation methods are no longer viable, and if both are viable, which is the current best practice. However, there are some oddities in PI which makes me cast doubt on the two-phase EET installation presented in the video. If you look at the settings for PI, there are file paths to the various installations of Infinity Engine games, as seen on the picture below:
When using the EET option from the drop-down list, circled blue above, it clearly refers to the "BG II:EE for EET" installation path in settings for EET's BG2 component. Based on commonsense, it is reasonable to think that the BG1 component would be the installation path in settings labeled "[p]ath to clean, unmodded '[SoD]' game for [EET]". While the video does not directly disagree that is the appropriate installation path for the BG1 component, it does say that component can be modded separately by changing to SoD from the drop-down list options circled in blue above. But I am not sure that is the case any longer.
To show what I am talking about, in settings, make the "BG:EE with SoD" installation path different than the "[p]ath to clean, unmodded '[SoD]' game for [EET]" installation path. Then, look at the picture below:
Make sure that the drop-down list option is changed to SoD, like the first stage of EET installation in the tutorial video. Then, if you click Game Data, circled red in the second picture, you can see it brings up the windows Explorer folder at a location. The text surrounded by the red oval clearly matches the installation path for "BG:EE with SoD", and not "[p]ath to clean, unmodded '[SoD]' game for [EET]". This proves the SoD option from drop-down list circled blue in the first picture is tied to the "BG:EE with SoD" installation path.
Accordingly, one of two possibilities must be correct. First, the BG1 component of EET is not the "[p]ath to clean, unmodded '[SoD]' game for [EET]" installation path, but instead pulled "BG:EE with SoD" installation path. Choosing SoD from the drop-down list allows BG1 to be modded first as a part of an EET installation. "Path to clean, unmodded '[SoD]' game for [EET]" installation path must have some other purpose. Alternatively, the two-stage installation of EET is no longer possible, as it uses "[p]ath to clean, unmodded '[SoD]' game for [EET]" installation path for the BG1 component. Unfortunately, that installation path is not available from the drop-down list. Without a workaround, one of these options must be true.
TL;DR the information regarding EET installation described in the tutorial video is likely to fail without a workaround. The only workaround I can think of is to make sure both "BG:EE with SoD" and "[p]ath to clean, unmodded '[SoD]' game for [EET]" installation paths in settings refer to the same install location. Only then do I think two-stage installation would proceed as described on the tutorial video. Is this true? If so, I would at least recommend mentioning in the tutorial video. However, all of this assumes the video is no longer best practice, and I would like to know what the best practice is currently (and exactly where DLCmerger fits).
Does this answers the question? I never looked at the video myself so I dunno how that works, but I always nuke both my BG1 and BG2 folders when I reinstall EET (I like rebuilding from fresh even though the BG1 part literally never changes). So yes, I have a bunch of mods installed into SoD (DLCMerger, UB, Sirene, Dark Horizons, etc) and then import all of them with EET and NI does this all automatically.
And I wouldn't suggest to you to mod the Steam folders directly. Duplicate them out to an external folder so that any official update don't nuke the mods which also allows you to use the Steam folders as a backup.
Please read the FAQ section "Hot to install EET in one go" - it demonstrates the purpose of the 'second SoD path' and gives you a hint that "all mods before EET mod will be installed into the selected BG:SoD game directory."
I'm open to suggestions on how to make this part of the application more understandable for newcomers who want to install EET.
Thanks for the picture! Yes, it does answer my questions regarding DLCmerger. Honestly, the video is entirely inconsistent with the FAQ on EET installation. Can you tell me what you mean by NI? I would it was a typo that should have been PI, but the N and the P are in distinct locations on the keyboard.
I thought I did that with the BG 1 and BG 2 installation paths. I thought I would be sufficient for EET installation. I have the others in a steam non-default location, but a different location and drive. Since I am playing EET before anything, I do not think the others mattered much except for mods like IWD-ification, and if I do use those, the files will be pulled from that location, but no files will be placed there. Could you please look at the fourth and seventh installation path in my first picture and tell me if that is what you are talking about?
@ALIEN between the video and a FAQ, I got myself very confused. Even the FAQ itself is confusing, as I thought I would need to "select EET from the game list and stick with it" and not BG2:EE. Honestly, the video needs redone with whatever process is the modern, best practice. There are a lot of features and settings in PI where commonsense would dictate something quite different than the FAQ.