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Project Infinity - mod manager for Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Planescape Torment, and EET



  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    Preparing my EET install with PI. I mainly will manipulate installsequence.csv and divide the installation in different parts.

    Can i include in the install sequence file some instructions to "automatise" the install instead of having pauses in order to make some choices.

    For example, with Drake (BGEE mod), i won't install the "Install Universal Crossbows, Crossbow Proficiency"
    //OPTIONAL: Install Universal Crossbows, Crossbow Proficiency for Drake? NO (due to potential issue with EET)
    //[2] No
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    edited March 2022
    About PI settings and installation of EEs games for EET, i am following that procedure (hoping this is correct) :
    - Clean install of BGEE/SOD and BG2EE in a specific folder named EET (those two are dedicated to EET)
    - I launch each game, set options, make a savegame.
    - I then make a copy of the two EE games and paste them in an other folder.
    - At that point i should have a multiple installation to play BGEE/SOD, BG2EE and EET.

    About PI:
    - I create a PI folder and launch PI from it.
    - I go to Windows Security/Add Exclusions/select Process from the list and include ProjectInfinity.exe as process name
    - PI settings for EET as follow :


    - For me the path to clean, unmoded "unmodded "Siege of Dragonspear" game for Enhanced Edition Trilogy" corresponds to the BGEE/SOD game folder located in the EET folder ...
    - I the end up with 3 moddable EE games : a past copy of BGEE/SOD, a past copy of BG2EE, and EET (containing both BGEE/SOD and BG2EE)


    Post edited by Mordekaie on
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    Mordekaie wrote: »
    Preparing my EET install with PI. I mainly will manipulate installsequence.csv and divide the installation in different parts.

    Can i include in the install sequence file some instructions to "automatise" the install instead of having pauses in order to make some choices.

    For example, with Drake (BGEE mod), i won't install the "Install Universal Crossbows, Crossbow Proficiency"
    //OPTIONAL: Install Universal Crossbows, Crossbow Proficiency for Drake? NO (due to potential issue with EET)
    //[2] No

    You can't. These kind of options are not recommended these days exactly because they halt an installation until manual input.

    The assumption on the three result folders are correct.
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    Starting to check ProjectInfinity-WeiDU-Debug files. I found something that looks "weird" for me.

    When i install a mod with PI, each selected component with PI will get its "own" ProjectInfinity-WeiDU-Debug file. If an error occurs while installing this component a second ProjectInfinity-WeiDU-Debug file is also generated (a ProjectInfinity-WeiDU-Error file).

    Quite often the Project-Infintity-WeiDU related to compoment X doesn't end with the confirmation of installation status of that component X (SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED component X) . It is usually to be found in the following Weidu-debug file.

    This behavior looks very strange because it means that if i want to check what happened during the installation of one component, i will end up opening to WeiDU-Debug files.

    Is it an issue ?
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269

    //WARNING: "mod component" has encounter errors durring installation, exited with ExitCode = 3

    Does it mean that PI is going to pause ?
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    Mordekaie wrote: »
    Starting to check ProjectInfinity-WeiDU-Debug files. I found something that looks "weird" for me.

    When i install a mod with PI, each selected component with PI will get its "own" ProjectInfinity-WeiDU-Debug file. If an error occurs while installing this component a second ProjectInfinity-WeiDU-Debug file is also generated (a ProjectInfinity-WeiDU-Error file).

    Quite often the Project-Infintity-WeiDU related to compoment X doesn't end with the confirmation of installation status of that component X (SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED component X) . It is usually to be found in the following Weidu-debug file.

    This behavior looks very strange because it means that if i want to check what happened during the installation of one component, i will end up opening to WeiDU-Debug files.

    Is it an issue ?

    Hi, yes, it's a known issue. Unfortunately, the cause of this behavior is hard to track as I don't see anything wrong with the code logic. I will eventually sort this out when I will finish my current plans.
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    Using PI is great yo install an InstallSequence. But for the preparation of the install order and the selection of components for large installs it is becoming very time consuming: PI is stopping and getting extremely slow.

    Is there anyway to catch "the dynamic after/before rules" in an external file ?
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @Mordekaie No. This aspect will also be improved but I"m in the middle of something and I can't start new things until I finish current.
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    edited March 2022
    I have noticed 2 "weird" behaviors of PI:
    - Warning without nothing notified: i may received warning while installing a component, in the debug window; checking with the debug and error files there is nothing to explain those warning notifications and the creation of an error file (for me). And PI ends by confirming that the component is installed. For example :

    //WARNING: sod2bg2_iu : 31 has encounter errors durring installation, exited with ExitCode =
    //SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Remove annoying item effects, ie: blur, shadowed, physical mirror, spell trap. (Does not affect spells)

    My interrogation : should i ignore those kind of PI warning ?

    - There is an other situation that has been occuring at least twice : PI seems to "forget" to try installing a selected component. The debug files don't show anything in particular (it is like the component hasn't been selected !) I have nothing to "prove" this assumption.

  • replay64replay64 Member Posts: 2
    I downloaded the Exe but when i try to run it nothing happens am i supposed to put it in some other folder?
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @replay64 It's the usual story with Windows Defender blocking PI. Add projectinfinity.exe as a process and file exception and try again.
  • replay64replay64 Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2022
    ALIEN wrote: »
    @replay64 It's the usual story with Windows Defender blocking PI. Add projectinfinity.exe as a process and file exception and try again.
    i did add it on the exclusion but still it doesn't open.
    I'm somewhat experienced when it comes to modding i made some mods for a bunch of games my self so i seriously can't figure out the problem.
    Post edited by replay64 on
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @replay64 Take a look at 'Detection history' and try to allow projectinfinity.exe. Windows 10 or 7/8.1?
  • AerothornAerothorn Member Posts: 6
    edited April 2022
    Hey all - I have read all the instructions many times over, and also read Mordekai's comments and the answers to their questions, and I STILL can't get EET to install the way I want. I'd appreciate any advice you can give me.

    What I would like is the following:

    -> Download BG:EE (with SoD) and BG:EE2 on my hard drive (D:). These are tied to Gog Galaxy and are the unmodded base installs.
    -> Make copies of these on my SSD (C:).
    -> Install EET on the SSD copies (C:), leave the D copies as the unmodded ones Project Infinity requires.

    Yet no matter how I set it up, it always seems to end up installing EET on the hard drive (D), not the SSD (C). What do I need to change to make that happen? Here's the most recent failed setup:

  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    edited April 2022
    @Aerothorn You don't need to list your backups. If you only want to have an EET install, then don't fill the BGEE with SoD and the BG II EE path because those are not used for EET but those are the folders modded for the standalone BG/BG2 mod install usecases. See from the previous page - I have dedicated PI instances for all my games (one for EET, one for IWDEE) with separated PI folder and "separated" download folders even (both have a shared subfolder symlinked together to ensure the mods applicable for both need to be updated once) and I don't maintain standalone mod folders for reasons.
  • AerothornAerothorn Member Posts: 6
    Thank you, that answers my question! Really appreciate the help.
  • bigsmilesbigsmiles Member Posts: 2
    Hello, unfortunately I also am having an issue being able to run the initial executable file after downloading it.

    Windows 10 Home operating system. Anything that would be preventing it should be disabled, so I am confused about it, unable to work out what is stopping it.
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    Just because this comes up more than enough times lately on Discord.

    If you use Windows Defender, you have to list NearInfinity twice as an exception, not just as your typical file, but also you have to add a specific ProjectInfinity.exe process exception.

    Having one of the two will not make it.

  • BarachielBarachiel Member Posts: 82
    I would love to use this tool, but it won't install. I try to run it the .exe from github and nothing happens. No errors. No pop-ups. Nothing. If I tell it to run as Admin, i get the usual pop up confirming if I want to, then still more nothing. Any ideas? Current OS is Win11, sadly.
  • AerothornAerothorn Member Posts: 6
    Barachiel wrote: »
    I would love to use this tool, but it won't install. I try to run it the .exe from github and nothing happens. No errors. No pop-ups. Nothing. If I tell it to run as Admin, i get the usual pop up confirming if I want to, then still more nothing. Any ideas? Current OS is Win11, sadly.

    This is sadly a function of Windows 10 - what you need to do make a process and file exclusion for it so Windows Security doesn't block it. Here's a guide on how to do that:
  • BarachielBarachiel Member Posts: 82
    Aerothorn wrote: »
    Barachiel wrote: »
    I would love to use this tool, but it won't install. I try to run it the .exe from github and nothing happens. No errors. No pop-ups. Nothing. If I tell it to run as Admin, i get the usual pop up confirming if I want to, then still more nothing. Any ideas? Current OS is Win11, sadly.

    This is sadly a function of Windows 10 - what you need to do make a process and file exclusion for it so Windows Security doesn't block it. Here's a guide on how to do that:

    Yeah, I tried that. Didn't work, either.
  • Swifty_MageeSwifty_Magee Member Posts: 229
    I too am having the issue of Project Infinity not activating. I've downloaded the exe file, double clicked, and nothing happens.

    I've tried running it as an admin, and I've tried excluding it from Windows Security and that didn't solve the issue. When I try to launch Project Infinity, there are no error messages or anything...nothing happens at all.

    Reading through this page on the forum, it seems a few people are having the issue. Unless we are all missing some obvious step in the setup of Project Infinity, there may be something wrong with the executable.
  • FrenzgynFrenzgyn Member Posts: 80
    I too am having the issue of Project Infinity not activating.
    I had the same problem, but I assure you it's something with Windows Security Center and/or other antivirus programs. Have you tried temporary disabling real-time protection?
  • BarachielBarachiel Member Posts: 82
    edited May 2022
    Frenzgyn wrote: »
    I too am having the issue of Project Infinity not activating.
    I had the same problem, but I assure you it's something with Windows Security Center and/or other antivirus programs. Have you tried temporary disabling real-time protection?

    Yup. Still no joy. It is almost certainly Windows, but it may be some new "feature" that Win11 added that's causing the issue. I've noticed with every Windows iteration, they become more and more MacOS like, obscuring power-user features, and increasing the "nanny"-esque protections that seem to do more to hinder the use of smaller, lesser known applications than actually prevent malware or viral infestation.
  • AerothornAerothorn Member Posts: 6
    That could be it - adding an exclusion worked for me, but I'm on Win 10, not 11.
  • BarachielBarachiel Member Posts: 82
    Aerothorn wrote: »
    That could be it - adding an exclusion worked for me, but I'm on Win 10, not 11.

    I was only able to do the first exclusion in your article. Local Group Policy Editor seems to no longer exist in Win11 or is deactivated. That may be the issue.
  • Swifty_MageeSwifty_Magee Member Posts: 229
    So after temporarily disabling Windows Defender and checking the scan history, it seems like it is indeed determining that Project infinity is a trojan. I have tried to exclude both the Project Infinity exe and the folder that it is in, but it still won't run. It even seems like Windows Defender is allowing the file to be on my system (ProjectInfinity.exe is not being deleted) but Windows just isn't letting it launch.

    I'm running out of ideas on how to get Project Infinity to work correctly, and to be honest, I'm not sure if the program is worth jumping through all these hoops.
  • BarachielBarachiel Member Posts: 82
    edited May 2022
    So after temporarily disabling Windows Defender and checking the scan history, it seems like it is indeed determining that Project infinity is a trojan. I have tried to exclude both the Project Infinity exe and the folder that it is in, but it still won't run. It even seems like Windows Defender is allowing the file to be on my system (ProjectInfinity.exe is not being deleted) but Windows just isn't letting it launch.

    I'm running out of ideas on how to get Project Infinity to work correctly, and to be honest, I'm not sure if the program is worth jumping through all these hoops.

    Yeah, I'm in the same boat. I was hoping not to use EET-Setup-Tool again, but it looks like I don't have any other choice.
  • Swifty_MageeSwifty_Magee Member Posts: 229
    edited May 2022
    UPDATE: So I had to turn off Real-Time Protection to get Project Infinity to finally work.

    The option is under Virus & Threat Protection. Click on Manage Settings and turn off Real-Time Protection. After that, Project Infinity finally launches.

    The problem is you have to turn off Real-Time Protection every time you want to access the program. Honestly that's one of those annoying things that makes me not want to use the program at all. If just adding exclusions was all it took to get Project Infinity to work, I'd probably keep it around as that's a "set it and forget it" solution, but flipping off/on my system security to run this...too much for me, I think.
  • BarachielBarachiel Member Posts: 82
    UPDATE: So I had to turn off Real-Time Protection to get Project Infinity to finally work.

    The option is under Virus & Threat Protection. Click on Manage Settings and turn off Real-Time Protection. After that, Project Infinity finally launches.

    The problem is you have to turn off Real-Time Protection every time you want to access the program. Honestly that's one of those annoying things that makes me not want to use the program at all. If just adding exclusions was all it took to get Project Infinity to work, I'd probably keep it around as that's a "set it and forget it" solution, but flipping off/on my system security to run this...too much for me, I think.

    Hmm, I"ll give it a try as soon as i get off work. Thanks.
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