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[HOW TO] Install mods on iOS devices (NO Jailbreak)



  • Eddard_StarkEddard_Stark Member Posts: 52
    edited June 2021
    I managed to get both the override.bg1data and the lang.bg1data to open in Baldur’s Gate on my phone. The only problem is that the game is acting like I don’t have any mods. I have Unfinished Business, a npc mod, a quest pack mod, and a tweak mod.
    Post edited by Eddard_Stark on
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,539
    The only problem is that the game is acting like I don’t have any mods. I have Unfinished Business, a npc mod, a quest pack mod, and a tweak mod.

    It could be related to the compression method.
    @StummvonBordwehr How do you usually compress these files on Windows?
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    edited June 2021
    Hi @Eddard_Stark
    I Think we have seen this before. Try looking at these posts, starting from here
    I think the app has been downloaded the wrong way, and thats why it doesnt work. Try looking at the pictures from me and Luke93 in the posts that follow. It’s what pops into ny head when I read your posts at least

    Ps. I use win.rar and it works (old habit from the good old times with a BWS from the Kerzenburg Forum).
  • Eddard_StarkEddard_Stark Member Posts: 52
    edited June 2021
    Hi @Eddard_Stark
    I Think we have seen this before. Try looking at these posts, starting from here
    I think the app has been downloaded the wrong way, and thats why it doesnt work. Try looking at the pictures from me and Luke93 in the posts that follow. It’s what pops into ny head when I read your posts at least

    Ps. I use win.rar and it works (old habit from the good old times with a BWS from the Kerzenburg Forum).

    I just looked at the posts you mentioned and I can say that my Baldur’s folder does look exactly like yours (with the chitin.key). How did you use Win.rar to zip with no compression?

    @_Luke_ I feel like it would be best if there were images added to the main guide as everything from step 4 onwards is just really confusing.

    One thing I forgot to mention is that when I export the .bg1datas, it says copy to Baldur’s Gate.
    Post edited by Eddard_Stark on
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385

    When I use win.rar I right click on the file, and choose the option to compress the file.

    A window pops up, and og gives me the option to choose how much the file should be cropped - or rather how much of the file you would like to keep.
    I pick the option to keep it 100 % (de facto no cropping or zipping).

    I then remove the “zip” part of the file name and upload it to drop box,

    In dropbox I remove the “zip” part of the name again, and export the file to the right app.
  • XotchilXotchil Member Posts: 1
    I need help. I am trying to install mods for BG2:EE on my ipad. I used imazing to download the IPA onto my Mac laptop. I renamed the extension .zip and unzipped it. I then rightclicked and chose "show content". The files seem to be there but there is no resource or content folders. I downloaded some mods and unzipped them bbut the console always gives the error "FATAL ERROR: Failure("Not a game directory")
    Press ENTER to exit." I have tried putting the files in the various folders, taking the files out of the folder that the unzipper made etc without success. I think this is because maybe I am in the wrong folder? However, because I imported the IPA file I can't think of any other folder to use. Also, I could not get the easy Mac mod installer to work always getting the "list empty" error. Maybe these are related? Any advice on what I could try to get
  • Eddard_StarkEddard_Stark Member Posts: 52

    When I use win.rar I right click on the file, and choose the option to compress the file.

    A window pops up, and og gives me the option to choose how much the file should be cropped - or rather how much of the file you would like to keep.
    I pick the option to keep it 100 % (de facto no cropping or zipping).

    I then remove the “zip” part of the file name and upload it to drop box,

    In dropbox I remove the “zip” part of the name again, and export the file to the right app.

    I still don’t get it. When the window pops up what do you mean when you say og? What option is it that allows you to choose the cropping.

    I am sorry for my many issues. It is just that I am not that good with technology.
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    edited June 2021
    It’s ok @Eddard_Stark

    The og was meant to be a or. I will try to look into it, but real life is rather hectic at the moment.

    Edited: Found this guide
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,539
    edited June 2021
    @Xotchil Mods must be installed where "chitin.key" is (see here)

    @Eddard_Stark Unfortunately, I don't have much time now for adding screenshots to my guide (will do...)
    Anyway, it is likely that your issue is a compression issue, that's why the game is acting like you don’t have any mod...
  • Eddard_StarkEddard_Stark Member Posts: 52
    It’s ok @Eddard_Stark

    The og was meant to be a or. I will try to look into it, but real life is rather hectic at the moment.

    Edited: Found this guide

    Which compression method is the best for zipping with no compression?
  • Eddard_StarkEddard_Stark Member Posts: 52
    I accidentally linked the chitin.key to Firefox. How do I get it back to how it was before?
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,539
    edited June 2021
    I accidentally linked the chitin.key to Firefox. How do I get it back to how it was before?

    What do you mean exactly by "linked the chitin.key to Firefox"...?
    Post edited by _Luke_ on
  • Eddard_StarkEddard_Stark Member Posts: 52
    I unintentionally made it so that the Chitin.key and all related files opens with Firefox.

    The weird part of all of this is that I am strangely still able to install mods using it. Should I leave it as it is or how do I make it the non openable file that it was before.
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,539
    edited June 2021
    Well, you're supposed to do nothing with "chitin.key" to begin with (in particular, you don't need to import it to your iOS device...)

    Did you manage to make some progress with WinRAR? Unless I'm missing something, there should be 6 compression methods: Store, Fastest, Fast, Normal, Good, and Best.
    The one we're interested in is "Store", so please choose that and see what happens. After zipping "override" and "lang" with the "Store" method:
    1. Rename the files to "override.bg1data" and "lang.bg1data".
    2. Open them in Baldur's Gate.
    Hopefully, the game will now act as expected...
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,539
    Forgot to quote @Eddard_Stark
  • Eddard_StarkEddard_Stark Member Posts: 52
    In my hasty excitement at finally getting the modded game working, I forgot to thank you. I really appreciate all the help all of you gave me.
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,539
    In my hasty excitement at finally getting the modded game working, I forgot to thank you. I really appreciate all the help all of you gave me.

    So the problem was indeed the compression method...?
  • Eddard_StarkEddard_Stark Member Posts: 52
    _Luke_ wrote: »

    So the problem was indeed the compression method...?

    Yes, it was. I had no idea that I had to select store. Thank you for all of your help.
  • waferswafers Member Posts: 3
    Hi, thanks for the great thread. Looking forward to playing again on the iPad, especially now that I can add some mods.
    I'm having an issue that I was hoping someone could help with.

    I'm following the steps and managing to get mods installed correctly however I'm getting invalid dialogue in the game. I've seen previous posts suggesting that some are installing in the wrong language - I've been through this a few times now and I'm pretty sure that's not my issue.

    I've tried installing the mods in a couple of different orders but mostly installing:
    1. Modmerge
    2. NPC project
    3. Unfinished Business
    4. Mini quests and encounters
    5. Portraits portraits everywhere
    6. NPC tweaks
    7. Tweaks anthology

    I'm able to upload the mods to the iPad no problem and can see they are working but wonder if I'm making a mistake uploading the lang file.

    I'm copying the entire lang folder from:
    C:\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Mobile Applications\Baldur's Gate 2.5.17\Payload\Baldur's Gate app
    I then delete every folder except en_US and then zip, without compression, the whole lang folder, with en_us subfolder which contains the dialog.tlk
    I upload to google drive and open with BGEE on the ipad, the same way as I did for the mod file.

    I am experiencing dialogue issues from what I presume is the first non-core dialogue, where Imoen approaches at Gorian's death site.

    Am I uploading the lang file incorrectly? Or is there a way to check the dailog.tlk file to see if it has been updated corrrectly?

    Any help appreciated! Cheers
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,539
    edited August 2021

    You should not install Modmerge, that's a Steam / GoG only thing...
    Try repeat the whole procedure without installing Modmerge...
  • waferswafers Member Posts: 3
    Thanks @_Luke_
    I'll give that a try!
  • waferswafers Member Posts: 3
    Thanks again @_Luke_ I tried that and it didn't work at first. Then I tried zipping only the en_US folder and not the Lang folder and it seems to be working this time. Thanks again for the quick reply. Cheers!
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,539
    wafers wrote: »
    Then I tried zipping only the en_US folder and not the Lang folder and it seems to be working this time.

    That's odd, but good for you...
  • AndreyFortunaAndreyFortuna Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2021
    Hello! I have to install russian language in planescape tornment. Is it possible to do? I try to do this, but cant open lang.pstdata on ipad
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,539
    edited September 2021
    Hello! I have to install russian language in planescape tornment. Is it possible to do? I try to do this, but cant open lang.pstdata on ipad

    Yeah, it's currently impossible to import files to PST:EE or IWD:EE...
    You need to wait for the next game patch (which is supposed to fix this issue...)
  • AndreyFortunaAndreyFortuna Member Posts: 3
    Last app store version update was in 2017 :'( Do you think it makes sense to wait patch?
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,539
    Last app store version update was in 2017 :'( Do you think it makes sense to wait patch?

    Yeah, I know, but unfortunately, there's no other way except for waiting... The IWDEE patch should drop within the end of this month (hopefully)... As far as the PSTEE one, who knows...
  • TyrionBeanTyrionBean Member Posts: 15
    Okay, my take (and a little help for people having trouble):

    Yes, it works. I'm on a MacBook Pro with an iPad Pro and I just tested it with BG1. I installed CDTweaks and Improved Archer kit. So, here are the few snags in the instructions which weren't clear to me (it's probably not the instructions but me), so I'm going to clarify for those like me who have had trouble (this took me a few hours to figure out). Trust me, once you do it once, it's easy.

    TIP: Make a file in Apple Notes (or Notepad or some such on PC) with the steps so you don't forget it. It's easy but a few steps are a bit tricky. I'm using iMazing, btw, NOT iTunes as I have an updated Mac.

    1) Download iMazing and install it as you would any other app. You don't need the paid version to do this (at least as far as I know. I have the free one and it worked for me).

    2) Launch iMazing as you would any other app with your iPad connected to your Mac via a cable.

    3) In iMazing, you want to go to "Manage Apps" on the right hand selection area. Just click on it and it'll open up a window with all of your apps.

    4) Scroll down to Baldur's Gate (or Baldur's Gate II). And here's one of the "tricky" parts I didn't see because I was on a phone call at the time - click the "Download" icon to the right with the cloud and little arrow pointing down. That will download the .ipa from your iPad to your Mac.

    5) Have a cup of tea as this will take a few minutes.

    TIP: I downloaded both BG1 and BG2 at the same time to save time before doing anything else.

    6) Now that BG1 and BG2 (.ipa) are on your Mac, where do you find them? Well, that's easy! Open a new Finder tab (or window), hold your option key down and click on "Go" at the top menu bar. You will see "Library" (it's hidden unless you click on the option key. Note: I use iTerm/Terminal a lot so I just did cd ~/Library/ApplicationSupport/iMazing/Library/Apps (this is also the hierarchy tree to navigate there using the finder window)

    7) You will see two com.overhaulgames... icons. Those are your .ipa files. As per instructed, rename them to .zip instead of .ipa. Then double-click to extract them.

    8) This will create a folder for each one. Navigate inside and you will see a folder called "Payload".

    9) Navigate inside of "Payload" and you will see the application icon.

    10) Control-click on the application icon and choose "Show Package Contents"

    11) You are now inside of the application the same way that you install mods for the regular Mac game.

    12) Copy weidu to that directory, and any other mods that you want to install.

    13) Install the mods with weidu as you would normally. I did it via terminal so my installation was something like: ./weidu cdtweaks/setup-cdtweaks.tp2 And I also installed the Improved Archer kit which basically is the same but just use ./weidu <whatever your setup for the other mods are>

    14) When you're done, you're almost there. Seriously. It's a lot of steps but it actually takes very little time to do all of this. Don't lose hope!

    15) Navigate to INSIDE your override folder. I did this via terminal so I'll write the commands down below, but you can do it via the finder if you like.

    16) Select ALL of your files INSIDE your override folder and compress them to a new zip file called "". I did this via terminal with the command:

    zip -r -0 *

    17) This took about 2 seconds or less. You now have a file called "". RENAME that to: mod1.bg1override (or bg2override if it's for BG2).

    The terminal command for this is:

    mv mod1.bg1override

    18) Now, you also need the "lang" folder. But instead of just zipping the files inside, you just want to navigate inside the "lang" folder and delete all the languages you don't use. So, for example, I deleted everything in there except for English.

    19) Navigate back out of the "lang" folder and zip it with no compression. The entire folder, not just selected files inside. The terminal command I used for this was:

    zip -r -0 lang

    20) Now I have a file which I rename to: lang.bg1data (or bg2data if it's for BG2)

    The terminal command for this is:

    mv lang.bg1data

    21) Now, turn on Airdrop if it isn't already. Select the override file (mod1.bg1override - or bg2override) and right-click > Share > Airdrop

    22) Click on the iPad you want to share with. It'll take about..maybe 2 seconds tops to send (most likely).

    23) Look at your iPad. It will ask what you want to open the file in. Select "Baldur's Gate" (or Baldur's Gate 2), and BG1 (or BG2) will open. YAY! Almost done!

    24) After that, I *closed* the app (after it imported which took all of maybe 2 or 3 seconds for me).

    25) Then, I right-clicked on lang.bg1data and shared *that* via Airdrop to my iPad in the same exact way.

    26) Again, you will be prompted to open it in Baldur's Gate. Do so.

    27) Yay! It worked! Okay, now...this is the important bit.....CLOSE THE APP AFTER IT IMPORTED!

    28) The changes/mods ONLY showed *after* I had closed the app (meaning force-closed it) on the iPad and relaunched it. Once I did, the changes were there. The archer kit is there, the tweaks are there. Everything.

    29) Take a breath.

    30) Pour yourself a drink of your favourite beverage or libation for you are done.

    Please let me know if you have any trouble with these steps and I shall attempt to elucidate to your further satisfaction.

    BTW, I want to thank everyone here, especially the OP, and others for their incredible work. Thank you very much.
  • BlooperzBlooperz Member Posts: 1

    TyrionBean wrote: »
    12) Copy weidu to that directory, and any other mods that you want to install.

    13) Install the mods with weidu as you would normally. I did it via terminal so my installation was something like: ./weidu cdtweaks/setup-cdtweaks.tp2 And I also installed the Improved Archer kit which basically is the same but just use ./weidu <whatever your setup for the other mods are>

    Got to this step and sadly couldn't go any further... Tried multiple times and mods wouldn't download (inc. Dark Side of the Sword Coast, PPE). Whenever I try to download it keeps showing an error message, saying that it needed to be downloaded in the Infinity Engine game directory even though I'm sure I was there.
  • L3onidasL3onidas Member Posts: 3
    edited November 2022
    Hi @_Luke_ can you confirm if widescreen mod or some other visual mod works on iPads?

    I am tired of black bars / empty space on the screen. (Ipad mini 2021)

    Massive thanks
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