Restartitis: Lamest reason for abandoning a run

Fellow restarters out there, what is your lamest reason for abandoning a game and starting again? I recently spent ages rolling a character, got a 97 point paladin and abandoned the run while she was still in Candlekeep because I decided her stats were too good. So why did I spend ages rolling them in the first place? Who knows?
I also once abandoned a run because Khalid died. The dumb thing about this one was that I was planning to kick him out of the party anyway but I felt guilty for being careless enough to allow him to be filled full of arrows by hobgoblins. So I gave up on the run, rolled a new character (spending ages doing it) and started all over again.
Tell me I'm not the only one who does this . . .
I also once abandoned a run because Khalid died. The dumb thing about this one was that I was planning to kick him out of the party anyway but I felt guilty for being careless enough to allow him to be filled full of arrows by hobgoblins. So I gave up on the run, rolled a new character (spending ages doing it) and started all over again.
Tell me I'm not the only one who does this . . .
Instead of wasting hours rolling, you could also accept any stat rolled and then change them once the character is created. Basically instead of solving the issue, seek workarounds to make it less painful and less disruptive to your current game.
Unfortunately that wouldn't work for me. I'm a no reloader and if I mess with the game I'm playing it would feel like cheating so I would have to start again.
Just trying things here. Good luck! Fighting oneself is an uphill battle
cheating for scores makes me feel that i didn't earn that powerful character and the character just feels fake and gives me no motivation to play them
although, if i roll ability scores and get a 95+ i have an easier time playing that character out because i "earned" that roll, and i feel that i actually worked for it, and that powerful character is the fruits of my labor ( kind of how i do things in real life haha )
and usually if i'm really into a run and beat it within a couple of days i will be more motivated to finish it, but if i start a run, and then don't play it for more than 2 or 3 days, then that run will probably stay in limbo forever and a new run will be made, even if it's the exact same character hahaha
Really, I think I just enjoy starting new runs as its own thing, because it's always exciting and new, filled with possibilities. I've never felt any compulsion at all to finish any games.
The only exception was a BG minimal reload run where I actually stopped having fun at the beginning of ToB after having to accept too many companion permadeaths over the course of the whole playthrough (Dynaheir at the top level of the Iron Throne, Jaheira to a vampire in Waukeen's Promenade and finally Anomen against Irenicus in Hell), which was the point where I decided that I wouldn't accept chunking anymore, especially so late in the game that it required repeated and so very serious adjustment to strategy and equipment that I simply stopped enjoying it as a challenge.
I feel the need to clarify, these are all separate instances.
I don't know what it is about Fuller's +1 dagger but it is an obscure object of desire for me. I have created mages who have taken Friends as one of their starting spells just so I can boost my Charisma enough to get it. I have also created thieves who put all their points in pickpocketing so they can have a chance to steal it (and then regretted it because it meant I couldn't pick the lock upstairs in the Candlekeep Inn to get the Star Sapphire).
All you need is a quiver of bolts and 18 charisma. Start as an Enchanter and you're practically there!
In my experience you have to have 18 Charisma to get it. I started a game yesterday as a 17 Charisma paladin and only got the 10GP. Reputation presumably comes into the calculation but you can't create a thief with a better reputation than a paladin.
So, the requirements for getting that in dialogue: Cha 18 or more. (Cha 17: +4 reaction. Cha 19: +8 reaction)
Also, I wouldn't always run an 18 charisma character because it makes you miss out on joinable npcs rejecting to join you if your reaction value is too low (or maybe it is purely charisma but I recall it is reaction based). Uhmm... Adds realism for me XD
you can raise your REP by going to the priest of oghma to the north east of the map, although it is a bit counter productive especially since BG 1 EE uses the BG 2 REP prices to raise your REP, and since the dagger +1 only gives you 150 gold when you sell it, but if you somehow have the gold and are super desperate for that dagger you can donate to get that REP up
Making that much gold in the prologue ... well, the biggest source is the nobles' chest. 1000 gold for the star sapphire, another 750 if you pass the reaction check for them to add their jewelry before looting it. Which, of course, has the same threshold as Fuller's check. Also, you need either a thief or a barbarian to open that chest.
But there are many, many reasons of course. Generally, like @BelgarathMTH, I enjoy making the characters and starting the game much more than I do playing the later parts of the game. It takes me so long to play the entire game (months!) that I often find myself restarting when I have a new persona idea after watching a movie, while reading a book, etc. I can count on one hand how many times I have gotten to ToB. Minimal reload now makes it rarer still.
just checked, and both fuller and hull only need "GT, upper neutral" reaction adjustments for their better rewards
i remember back in the day hearing the game would randomize a number between 8-12 then add your adjustment afterwards, but then i also remember hearing rumors that the game just used a "10" instead
so it's hard to say what score you need for "friendly" ( which is one above "upper neutral" im guessing )
By default, anyway. It is, of course, moddable by editing that file.
Or because I want to add a new mod.
Or now, because after not playing for years the new update broke my saves so... here I am in Candlekeep again, ready to venture forth!
I've managed to get restartitis pretty much under control; while I start lots of characters for testing purposes, I've only abandoned one real run lately - I just wasn't feeling it.
On a side note, the Red Potion that you can get from Nashkel Carnival guarantees success (but you may not be able to move after taking it because your scroll case will be too heavy for you).
I have only restarted otherwise a few times. The first was when I realized I don't like fighter PCs, I prefer support PCs. Mages, clerics, etc. It's too likely to have a game-ending death when your PC is on the front line.
However, I ended a run in SoA because the party never seemed to gel. That was when I tried a C/T character, and she just never seemed to get on a roll. I'm not entirely sure what went wrong with that run, but for whatever reason, it just petered out somewhere in the Windspear hills.